Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 286: Breakup Master or Childbirth Master?

"That's it." Yang Mi nodded, and then looked at Naza next to Gu Zhongyu, "Nazha, after a while, she became beautiful again!"

Originally, Yang Mi wanted their Jiaxing artist to play Xiaozhuang, but Deng Chao said it must be Nazha. She had to admit that Nazha's appearance was a disaster, and the new Reba seemed to be the same as her. There is a little difference

She has such beauty when she is only 20 years old, and she is Gu Delai’s favorite. In a few years, she will still be able to do it!

"No! Sister Mi, your figure is much better than mine. How do you maintain your figure?"

Nazha felt that Yang Mi was quite discerning, and she temporarily forgot that she was also one of the women who competed with her as a teacher, and the two happily started exchanging business blows.

"Mr. Gu is here too!" At this time, Sun Li, one of the guest stars, also came over, but what surprised Gu Zhongyu was that she actually came with a full belly.

Next to her was another guest actress, Dai Lele, the wife of one of the directors, Yu Baimei, who was also very pregnant.

"Teachers, is this really pregnant or is it necessary for the plot?"

Dai Lele covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Mr. Gu didn't expect it! Teacher Sun Li and I lived at the same time, and we were both conceived before the machine started. This is a good sign!"

"It's a really good sign. The movie shouldn't be called The Breakup Master. Let's call it The Childbirth Master instead!"

Gu Zhongyu remembered that Yang Mi from the original time and space seemed to be pregnant at the same time and filming at the same time. Even Deng Chao originally wanted to save money and find his own wife to act, but he gave up because he was pregnant.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi was invited to be a pregnant woman. As a result, many scenes that were supposed to be for the heroine could not be filmed. Deng Chao had to add or delete them.

When it came to "Bad Angels", they finally got to work together as a couple, but the movie turned out to be a mess, which ruined their reputation as a husband-and-wife team.

"Hey, Mi Mi, why are your eyebrows so sparse?" Gu Zhongyu discovered at this time that Da Mi Mi, who had always been so glamorous, was so dressed up and even his appearance had changed.

"Hmph! They said that the heroine Ye Xiaochun is a girl and should not be so delicate, so they gave me all the eyeliner, eyelashes and eyebrows, and also darkened them a little bit. If I had known that I would destroy my image like this. , I won’t come to act!”

This is the first time she has tried to appear in a film "without makeup". Just to play a female diaosi, she also had to show off in various ways in the film. It was a big loss.

"Okay, you lesbians are chatting with each other. Teacher Gu, come over here for a moment..."

Deng Chao had something to discuss with Gu Zhongyu, so he called him aside and called Yu Baimei. The three of them sat at the same table and chatted casually for a while.

"Mr. Gu, this is the script of our movie. Take a look and see if there is anything that can be improved."

Deng Chao admired Gu Zhongyu's script writing skills the most, and even thought that his acting skills and appearance were superior to his. Unfortunately, Gu Zhongyu rarely wrote scripts for other companies, unless he was a woman and could bribe him on the ship. That might be a bit of a drama.

But it shouldn’t be a problem to ask someone to give you some advice on the script, right?

Gu Zhongyu took the script and looked through it. It was very different from the impression he had in his previous life, so he asked Deng Chao first: "How different is the script of your movie from that of the play?"

Yu Baimei said: "Basically, the main plot and settings have been retained, and the rest has been completely changed. After all, dramas and movies are different, and there is nothing we can do without major changes."

I’ll just say it!

Gu Zhongyu has watched the drama version of "The Breakup Master". In fact, there are not so many embarrassing scenes in the original drama. Otherwise, the drama of more than two hours would not embarrass the audience to death!

In fact, it’s okay to be awkward. Considering the entertainment itself, the original purpose of a comedy is to make the audience laugh. A comedy that makes the audience laugh has already completed its task. You must make a comedy After the film has completed its basic homework, it still needs to add some meaning to life and even sublimate the tragedy. That is the most stupid thing.

I got beaten when I came out for the Spring Festival Gala!

However, this does not mean that the plot of "The Breakup Master" is faultless. On the contrary, there are still many problems.

"First of all, it would be best to delete some inexplicable plots. For example, here, the plot where the male protagonist Mei Yuangui cuts his finger to tease a shark in Master Tang's office is very inexplicable. Is the male protagonist taking drugs or is he crazy? It’s not funny, and it doesn’t contribute to the story. It’s just embarrassing!”

"Wait a minute, I'll take notes." Deng Chao also took out a notebook and started writing notes carefully.

"There are no jokes in the script that belong to the lines in the play, and there are no things that will make you laugh when you say them. It is a pure comedy method of the movie. From a global perspective, this adaptation method is very classical and does not have any The novelty…”

"There is also no limit to the number of times the male protagonist disguises himself as a woman and makes a fool of himself. Such embarrassment can indeed make people laugh, but it is like deliberately tickling you to make you laugh. It should be reduced appropriately..."

Apart from these shortcomings, strictly speaking, the play "The Breakup Master" is suspected of plagiarism, and it can be said to be exactly the same as the previous French movie "The Terminator".

It’s also a profession that helps people break up. Dramatic beginning. The rich professional experience of the male protagonist is displayed in the form of skewers. "I won't do it after the last load." Teammates help in almost identical cars. The male protagonist stands up for the female protagonist, and then they get to know each other; later it is revealed that the bad guys are all played by teammates...

It's just that French people don't watch Chinese-language movies. Otherwise, if you see "The Breakup Master", I'll have to send you a few lawyers' letters or a court summons.

Unconsciously, Gu Zhongyu only talked for half an hour. He didn't know why he always talked endlessly when talking about these things with people after going to Nortel. It was an occupational disease.

I remember that Deng Chao was very serious, and Yu Baimei would ask questions from time to time, and everyone exchanged opinions. Halfway through the chat, Sun Li and Yang Mi even joined in to listen to what they were talking about.


Deng Chao looked at the densely written notebook and didn't have high hopes at first, but he didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu was not secretive or polite at all, and put forward so many opinions in one breath.

If this were to be completely changed, the plot of the movie would have to change by at least 30%. I don’t know if Yu Baimei, as the screenwriter, would accept it, but he thinks the change is pretty good.

"Teacher Gu, I really want to thank you. Because of what you did, we all had to reshoot!"

Gu Zhongyu shrugged: "I'm just making a few suggestions. It's not up to you to decide whether to change them or not. I'm just giving my personal opinion."

"I think I can give it a try. Your movie is too noisy. It would be nice to tone it down a little bit." Sun Li also felt that "The Breakup Master" was too farce, and even her husband Deng Chao's acting style was a bit too hard.

"But it has been more than ten days since it was turned on. If it suddenly changes direction..."

Yu Baimei didn't say anything else, he just wanted to say that if such a big change is made, the integrity may be even worse. What if the quality of the finished film is poor and the box office fails?

"In this way, you can extend the filming time of the movie, then edit two versions, find a few non-professional appreciators to take a look, and finally decide which version to use for review and release."

Deng Chao slapped the table and shouted, "This is a good idea!"

Editing two versions of a movie is nothing new. What's more, you can eat two things with one fish. You can make two waves of money by releasing the two versions one after another.

What I’m talking about here is not the director’s cut version, but a version with a completely different plot and even ending.

In the early 1990s, martial arts movies began to take the entire Hong Kong film industry by storm. At that time, the genius Chen Xunqi remade Gu Long's classic "Border Town Prodigal Son" into a movie. This movie has two names.

One is called "The Prodigal Son of the Border Town" and the other is called "The Benevolent One".

It's not that there are different names because of regional issues, but there are two versions of the movie.

The film was written, directed and acted by Chen Xunqi. Although the original appearance of the novel is preserved to the greatest extent, there are many characters in the film and the story line is complex, which will inevitably lead to confusion.

However, what is unexpected is that "Bordertown Hustler" underwent unimaginable cuts before its release, which seriously damaged the vitality of the finished film.

In the end, 39 minutes of the original 140-minute film length were abruptly deleted, which directly resulted in many storylines not being connected.

As a director, Chen Xunqi was unwilling to accept that the masterpiece he had worked so hard for was buried like this.

So he summoned the original team to reshoot the footage, and re-edited it together with the original material. Finally, in 1995, he released another movie "The Invincible".

"The Invincible" only has about 30 minutes of footage, which is exactly the same as "Border Town Prodigal Son", and the rest is all new content.

However, the public did not know these inside stories, which led to many people going online to review the movie, only to find that a lot of things did not match what they remembered. However, the actors and the general plot were obviously similar, which made everyone confused. I was confused and thought it was some sort of sequel to a side story.

After finalizing the new shooting idea for the movie, Deng Chao felt that he had solved a big problem, but his goal was more than that. He started to say to Gu Zhongyu in a coquettish manner: "Look, our movie also has Mr. Gu." After all your hard work, wouldn’t it be justified if you didn’t make a cameo?”

"Um...that's not necessary, is it?"

Even if we follow all the suggestions given by Ma Zhongyu, the basis of the script of "The Breakup Master" lies here. No matter how hard we try, it will at best change from a first-rate bad movie to a slightly less bad movie. He doesn't really want to make a cameo.

Sun Li reminded: "Teacher Gu, have you forgotten? The publicity and promotion of our movie is handed over to Zongheng. If you help Deng Chao, you are helping your own company's movie!"

"That's right, that's right! And Sissi has agreed to make a guest appearance. Isn't it just right for you two to guest star together as a couple?"

"Who?" Gu Zhongyu almost suspected that he heard wrongly.

Yang Mi wanted to laugh when she mentioned this: "Miss Qianqian, the crew who came with Liu Yan a few days ago joined in the fun. Brother Chao wanted to take advantage of everyone, so he had to drag people to make a guest appearance, and he also said that you She will come too, so she agreed."

Deng Chao is such a scoundrel. He lied to Liu Yufei and said that Gu Zhongyu would come as a guest star. If Gu Zhongyu didn't come in the end, how could you keep up the lie?

"I didn't expect Comrade Qianqian, who is as lazy as a pig, to be diligent." Gu Zhongyu was quite surprised. When Liu Yufei was resting, let alone guest appearances, she rarely visited the studio, or she was traveling, not filming anyway.

"What are you going to let us do as a cameo?"

"Hey! Aren't you and Sissi a popular couple? I'll let you guest star as a couple in the movie. Then the man wants to break up, so I hire the male lead Mei Yuangui to break them up."

In the movie, in order to show the achievements of the master of breaking up, Deng Chao invited several couples to guest star, which were all real, including him and his wife Sun Li, Wu Jin and Xie Nan, Yu Baimei and Dai Lele, and now with the more popular Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei, the audience must go to the cinema to watch it just for curiosity, right?

"You are really calculating, Brother Chao!"

For the sake of box office, Deng Chao did everything he could, and even tricked Xixi to come, so let's help him this time, after all, a big box office is also good for Zongheng.

Deng Chao was ecstatic, in fact, if possible, she even wanted Liu Yufei to play the female lead.

Because a long time ago, Liu Yufei said in public that she was a female loser and a female psycho, plus her outstanding performance in last year's "Like You", so when he was selecting the female man Ye Xiaochun, he wanted to invite Liu Yufei.

It was Yu Baimei who persuaded him, saying that although Liu Yufei called herself a female loser, she was not so embarrassed. It would be more practical to find Yang Mi, which was in line with her character setting. This made him give up the idea.

"Okay, I'll take it!"

Deng Chao and Yu Baimei were overjoyed. They finally managed to trick Gu Zhongyu into coming. Now the box office is more guaranteed. As their first movie, they naturally hope that more friends will come to guest star, so that they can basically not lose money just by relying on the lineup.

"Thank you, Teacher Gu, for helping our Deng Chao. If I wasn't pregnant now, I would definitely toast you a glass." Sun Li also stood up to express her gratitude to Gu Zhongyu.

"No need, we are just following each other, Xiaobai." Gu Zhongyu called out the name of Sun Li's character in "Blood Romance", which was also a code between the two.

Looking at Sun Li, who was four months pregnant and full of maternal tenderness, Gu Zhongyu suddenly had a bold idea!

Sun Li looked at Gu Zhongyu in surprise, but soon she calmed down and walked away as if nothing had happened, saying she was going to the bathroom.

"I'm going to make a phone call outside and come back to continue the conversation."

Gu Zhongyu also found an excuse to walk away, then looked at the message on his phone, found a caravan where Sun Li usually rested, and chose to approach after making sure that no one was around.

Opening the door, Sun Li touched her belly and said helplessly: "I really can't do anything about you, let's make a quick decision, but you must be careful, or I'll kill you if something goes wrong!"


Poor Deng Chao, while discussing movies with others, he didn't know that his future child was being criticized at this time.

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