After setting the time for the photo shoot, Gu Zhongyu returned to the company because there was a girl waiting for him to review!

As soon as he arrived at the company, he saw Bai Lu, Meng Ziyi, and Chen Yao chatting together. The three girls were of similar age and were in the same performance department of Beijing Film Academy, so it was easy for them to get along.

Meng Ziyi was a cheerful girl, carefree, always able to lead the atmosphere. She wore a loose T-shirt and a pair of jeans, looking very casual.

Chen Yao was a little shy sitting next to her. She wore a white dress and a bun, looking very pure.

Bai Lu sat between them, wearing casual pants and a baseball cap, chattering non-stop.

"Really? You conquered all three examiners with your singing?" Bai Lu always liked people who could sing, but she didn't expect Meng Ziyi to have such a skill.

Meng Ziyi was quite proud: "That's right, when we enter school in the future, we will live in the same dormitory, and I will sing for you every day!"


The content of their chat was varied, including the latest gossip news, the yearning for the life of Beijing Film Academy students, and speculation about other artists in the company.

"You get along well!" The three beautiful girls together were quite pleasing to the eye, and Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but look at them a few more times before stepping forward to interrupt.

"Teacher Gu!" Meng Ziyi was sharp-eyed and recognized the person at a glance. She greeted him warmly.

Bai Lu also stood up and shouted respectfully: "Boss, Dudu went back to take the exam, so I have been receiving Chen Yao."

Chen Yao was a little stunned. She looked at the man in front of her and still couldn't believe it. This was her idol Gu Zhongyu, the boss of Zongheng Film and Television Entertainment Company, a well-known screenwriter and producer in China, and a big star with a huge national popularity.

During the interview at Beijing Film Academy, there were so many people and she didn't dare to show her emotions. Now when she saw Gu Zhongyu again, she couldn't help but get nervous, and her heart was beating non-stop.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and nodded, and chatted with them for a few words. His eyes stayed on Chen Yao for a few seconds, and then he said, "Chen Yao, come in with me."

Chen Yao stood up nervously and followed Gu Zhongyu into the office. This was her first time to have such a close contact with her idol, and she was inevitably a little excited.

She sat at the desk and motioned Chen Yao to sit on the chair opposite. He carefully looked at the girl's baby face.

During the art exam, he couldn't help but sigh that Chen Yao's face was really too small, it was a small face among small faces, but the lines were hard and the contours were clear, not a small and cramped facial features.

But the most surprising thing is that such a face is matched with a height of 172.

With a small face, a slender frame and a long body, she naturally gives people a sense of fragility and easily arouses others' desire to protect her. If the movie "Lolita" could be remade now, Gu Zhongyu felt that she would be the first choice.

Staring at Chen Yao until she felt a little embarrassed, he asked, "Are you willing to join Zongheng Entertainment?"

This straightforward question caught Chen Yao off guard, but she said almost without hesitation, "I do!"

This is the opportunity she has always dreamed of. It is a great honor for her to join Gu Zhongyu's company and spend time with her idol.

"You answered so quickly, have you asked your parents' opinions?"

Chen Yao's face darkened: "They... don't agree with me coming to Yanjing. I don't want to give up this opportunity, and I don't want to regret it in the future, so I brought all my pocket money and came to Yanjing to take the exam. I... I haven't figured out how to tell them yet."

Chen Yao now lives with two classmates in Yanjing, and even has to think carefully about things worth 20 yuan, because she currently has no income, only expenses.

From eating out at first to eating instant noodles now, the same things are compared repeatedly, just to save money.

Gu Zhongyu nodded, it was similar to what he knew. Every year, there are many students like Chen Yao in Beijing Film Academy, who secretly take the exam without telling their parents, but only a few pass. The most famous one is his senior sister Yu Feihong.

Senior sister Yu secretly took the Beijing Film Academy exam, and when she came back, she was infected with hepatitis A, which is an infectious disease and needs to be isolated for treatment. At this time, there were only a few days before the exam, but she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Seeing their daughter sad, her parents were also distressed, and they no longer stopped their daughter from going to Beijing Film Academy, and personally asked the doctor to issue a certificate of release.

Afterwards, Senior sister Yu's brother-in-law rode a motorcycle to take her to the examination room, and she completed the exam with illness, and then she went to Beijing Film Academy.

"During the class division in the second year of high school, my father wanted me to be a policeman. During the class division exam in the third year of high school, my mother wanted me to study medicine. Until an admissions teacher from an art school told me that I must become an actor! I must go!"

"So this is why you want to be an actor? A word of enlightenment?" Although Chen Yao looks weak, she is surprisingly stubborn. She dared to come to Yanjing alone to take the exam just for a dream.

"Not entirely"

Chen Yao shook her head, and then seemed to have made a great decision, saying: "In fact, it was you, Teacher Gu, who made me determined to choose to be an actor!"


"Yeah!" Chen Yao was a little shy when he said this, "When I first saw you in "The Story of a Noble Family", I liked you. The reason why I chose to apply to Beijing Film Academy was because you graduated from Beijing Film Academy..."

I never expected that after so many years after filming "The Story of a Noble Family", this drama can still shine and bring such unexpected benefits to Gu Zhongyu. Thinking about it, it's really unfair to the factory flower, who robbed him of so many classic works.

"I didn't expect to meet another fan of mine. If your parents still don't agree with you coming to Beijing Film Academy, what are you going to do?"

"Then I will go back and convince them in person, so that my parents will understand that the path I chose is right, but... I still have a small problem now."

"What problem?"

Chen Yao found it even more difficult to speak, but she still had to bite the bullet and say: "Teacher Gu, can you... lend me some money? I have spent all the 5,000 yuan I brought from home, and I don't even have money for dinner tonight..."

Originally, she was going to leave Yanjing after the exams were over. In order to wait for Gu Zhongyu to return to the company, Chen Yao had to stay for a few more days, and finally spent the last money she had to buy a train ticket.


Gu Zhongyu suppressed his laughter and asked, "How have you been living in Yanjing for so long? The prices in Yanjing are so high."

"At first I ate at street stalls, but later I couldn't afford them anymore, so I just ate instant noodles. So far, I have been eating instant noodles for almost two weeks..."

She was quite patient to eat for so long. I wondered why this girl looked so bad. It turned out that she was eating instant noodles. Immediately, Gu Zhongyu stood up and took Chen Yao's hand.

"Let's go, I'll take you to dinner. Call Meng Ziyi and Bai Lu, we'll go together."


At the Mei Mansion family banquet, in an antique private room, Gu Zhongyu, Chen Yao, Meng Ziyi and Bai Lu sat around a carved wooden table, which was filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Meng Ziyi was born in a wealthy second generation. She had been living a life of luxury since she was a child and was used to eating delicacies from land and sea. At this moment, she elegantly picked up a piece of soft-hearted abalone, gently put it in her mouth, and chewed it slowly.

Bai Lu has been with Gu Zhongyu for more than a year and has seen a lot. Although she eats well, she still can't change her habit of opening her mouth wide when eating. It feels like she wants to eat people, and her mouth is full of oil. Gu Zhongyu couldn't bear it and wiped her with a tissue.

Chen Yao, who hasn't had a decent meal for two weeks, looked at the food on the table with excitement in her eyes. She picked up a piece of braised lamb and chewed it with big mouthfuls, as if she wanted to swallow all the delicious food.

This scene surprised Meng Ziyi and Bai Lu. Meng Ziyi couldn't help laughing and said, "Chen Yao, you didn't escape here, did you?"

Chen Yao stopped chewing and smiled embarrassedly, "If you eat instant noodles for two weeks like me, you will know."

"Two weeks of instant noodles? What's the matter?" Meng Ziyi asked curiously. They didn't chat for a long time in the morning, and they didn't know Chen Yao's experience.

Chen Yao sighed and told his story again.

"I used to love eating instant noodles at home, but my parents wouldn't let me eat them because they thought they were unhealthy. When I was young, I was very happy to eat instant noodles, but after spending this time in Yanjing... I don't want to eat instant noodles again in my next life."

"You are so amazing! You dare to come to Yanjing alone and endure so much hardship." Meng Ziyi, who has been spoiled since childhood, can't do this at all. She admires such a female man from the bottom of her heart.

Bai Lu also looked at Chen Yao with admiration: "Indeed, I had my mother with me at the time!"

When Chen Yao heard Bai Lu talking about her mother, her hand stopped picking up the food. She hadn't seen her parents for a month, and she didn't know how they were doing now. Were they still angry with her?

Gu Zhongyu saw her concerns and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'll call your parents later and persuade them that Yaoyao is so outstanding, she will definitely become a big star in the future."

Hearing Gu Zhongyu call her Yaoyao, Chen Yao was shy and secretly happy. It was clear that the two of them had only known each other for a day, but she felt that she was already Teacher Gu's person!

"What about me, Teacher Gu, I am also a student of Beijing Film Academy now, when can I start filming?" Seeing that Gu Zhongyu's attention was all on Chen Yao, Meng Ziyi asked unconvincedly.

"You haven't even started school yet, and you're already thinking about filming? It's best not to start acting right away when you're a freshman. Learn acting first, and then take on acting jobs after you've mastered the basics."

Speaking of this, Meng Ziyi was unhappy: "But Bai Lu told us that she can start filming next year and will also be on variety shows. Isn't she the same as us, and she only entered Beijing Film Academy this year?"

"Bai Mengyan is different from you. She has been my assistant for more than a year. She is already very familiar with filming, the set, and the social etiquette of the entertainment industry, so I let her go out to film."

It's rare to hear the boss praise herself, and Bai Lu immediately puffed up her chest with pride.

Meng Ziyi put her hands on her waist and said delicately: "Huh! Then I can also be an assistant to Teacher Gu."

But forget it!

If you come to be my assistant, we're not sure who will serve whom!

This Meng Ziyi not only looks like Nazha, they are both bitchy and aggressive, and even their personalities are very similar.

Low EQ, arrogant, can't stand hardship, lovesick, likes to compete for a moment...

We should let these two sisters meet one day. Maybe they will hit it off and even become sworn brothers.

However, Meng Ziyi's family conditions are much better than Nazha's, which makes her speak without thinking. Anyway, her family is rich, so what can't be solved?

If she still acts in this way in this life, she will inevitably be scolded for a while, so Gu Zhongyu will not spoil her too much, and she will still be suppressed.

Chen Yao heard that Bai Lu was going to film outside, and asked enviously: "Sister Bai Lu, what drama are you going to film?"

Speaking of this, Bai Lu immediately boasted proudly: "You have not read the novel "Why Sheng Xiaomo", you should have heard of it, right?"

"I am a fan of the book. Why, don't tell me that you are going to play Zhao Mosheng!" Meng Ziyi couldn't sit still when she heard the title of the book. BYD, it can't be that Bai Lu can play the leading female role in her debut work, right?

"Of course! Ahem~ The one standing in front of you now is Bai Mengyan, the actress who plays the leading female role in the TV series "Why Sheng Xiaomo", which is adapted from the novel of the same name and is about to start filming!"


Chen Yao couldn't believe it. Could it be that being an assistant to Teacher Gu would get such treatment? Is it too late to change careers now? Does Teacher Gu still need a third assistant?

"Don't listen to her!"

Gu Zhongyu interrupted her pretentious behavior in time and added: "It's true that she is going to play Zhao Mosheng, but that's just the teenage period of the heroine, and her role is not as much as the third female role!"

"Woo woo~ Boss, you are not kind. It's rare for me to have a chance to be in the limelight. Anyway, no matter what, I am playing the leading female role!"

Gu Zhongyu thought a lot about the assistant's debut work. Bai Lu doesn't look like a big beauty. She definitely can't play the role of a stunning beauty. The starting point can't be too high. It's better to start with a small role like the third or fourth female role. It's best to play a small role that doesn't have many roles but is easy to attract others' attention.

The young Zhao Mosheng in "Why Sheng Xiaomo" is good, and the acting requirements are not high. The current Bai Lu has a baby face, and she is not worse than Wu Qian in the original role.

After eating and drinking, everyone went home. Meng Ziyi returned to the rented house. Her mother was worried that her daughter would be wronged outside, so she rented a three-bedroom and one-living room next to the Beijing Film Academy and equipped her with a car. This treatment made Chen Yao envious and cry.

Bai Lu must have followed Gu Zhongyu home, and Chen Yao was in a dilemma at this time. She lived with her classmates and the address was very remote. It was not convenient to go back so late.

Since they had already provided food, it would be unreasonable not to provide accommodation for a while. Gu Zhongyu waved his hand and said, "Let's go to my house!"

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