Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 291 Guest appearance as a breakup master with Tianxian

But this idea is still very good, but it is a little late.

Anyway, Gu Zhongyu directly suggested that he acquire a company with a sound mechanism, such as Times Junfeng.

Mr. Xiao Wang had never heard of this company at all, but seeing Gu Zhongyu's serious face, he had no choice but to nod to show that he knew.

"You'd better hurry up. I heard that one of their groups is about to debut. You have to know that the first one to eat the crab is always more attractive than the one who comes after!"

The first group launched by Shi Fengjun was the Shit Picking Boys. Needless to say, the subsequent influence of this group.

Mr. Xiao Wang was originally a little dismissive. In his opinion, what kind of idol groups could those domestic companies create, but Gu Zhongyu's expression was normal and did not look like a joke at all.

"How do you know this?"

"Haha, I have my channels, and I will definitely not joke with my own money!"

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

Mr. Xiao Wang took out his mobile phone and asked the person on the other end of the phone to check the Times Junfeng mentioned by Gu Zhongyu.

The call came back within five minutes. Xiao Wang didn't pay much attention to the other information, but when he heard that the heads of the artist department of Times Junfeng were actually managers who had worked at Hanguo SM Company for several years, he immediately decided invest!

It has to be said that although Wang Sicong is not a pure playboy, he is not very smart, and he is too impulsive. After being fooled by Gu Zhongyu, he decided to invest in other companies. No wonder his subsequent investment failures were regarded as breach of trust. Being executed.

Thinking about the time he fought with someone in the street and lost a huge sum of money, I can only say that this man is far different from his father and is not a qualified businessman.

It doesn't matter, anyway, Gu Zhongyu only uses him as a glove and matchmaker. After a few years, everyone's cooperation will be almost over.

"Okay, come on, write these all down. Put them all in order tomorrow, no, tonight. I'm going to have a big fight!" Wang Shicong ordered after calling his followers.

"Yes, Mr. Wang!"

"No need to bother, Bai Bin!" Gu Zhongyu waved his hand, and then called Bai Bin in.

Bai Bin has been working as a secretary for almost a month now. It has to be said that with a high degree of education, she can learn new things very quickly. Now she can face many daily tasks independently. Jiang Shuying's burden is suddenly relieved a lot. .

Seeing Bai Bin in a black silk OL suit, LSP Wang Shicong's eyes couldn't help but light up. Why is this Gu Zhongyu so beautiful even the secretary next to him, but he can only have an uglier follower?

No, I have to arrange for a beautiful secretary to wait on me when I get back!

"I have sorted everything out for you today. You can take it back and show it to Uncle Wang!"

"It seems that Mr. Gu has been prepared for a long time! Are you so sure that I will agree to cooperate with you?" Wang Shicong thinks very highly of himself, but looking at Gu Zhongyu who seems to have everything under control, he feels a little admiration in his heart .

"Young Master Wang, haven't you always wanted to make some achievements for your father to see and for the majority of netizens to see? As long as you have this intention, I don't think you will refuse so many tempting cooperations."

Wang Shicong smiled, picked up the document handed to him by Bai Bin, said hello and walked away. He felt that his spring was really coming this time!

After they left, he looked at the radiant Bai Bin, held her on his lap, and asked, "Are you still used to working in the company?"

"It's okay. There was a lot I didn't understand at first, but Secretary Jiang taught me patiently, and the interpersonal relationships here are simpler than in the entertainment industry. I like it very much."

"For the time being, you two will work together. As you become more proficient in the business in the future, you two will be in charge of different directions, so you must become familiar with all aspects of the company's work."

"Yeah...I will." The blushing Bai Bin felt uneasy in his arms, because while Gu Zhongyu was talking to her about business, he was touching her with his hands, which made her feel itchy.

"Then I have to test you now on another very important task to see if your usual skills have fallen behind..."

Bai Bin gave him a charming look, knowing that this dishonest person was definitely going to do this. Fortunately, she was prepared and had her hair tied up. She often bought bananas recently, so her confidence was no worse than Jiang Shuying's.

Pulling out the stool, Bai Bin skillfully found a position and squatted down...


The next day, the filming scene of "The Breakup Master".

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu avoids meeting his confidante in most situations, but things don't go as he wants. Sometimes fate just wants to play with you like this. If it's playing with body and emotions, forget it, don't play with me. State of mind!

"Power! No, I should call you Boss Yang. Congratulations. The box office of "Tiny Times" is so high. Now I can't match it."

"What are you talking about, Boss Liu? Don't you also have Feiyu Entertainment now? If you need a female lead or a guest star in a future film, just come to me!"

"It was just a small fight. I only had two or three kittens, but they are nothing compared to your Jiaxing..."

Seeing Yang Mi and Liu Yufei exchanging weird business gossip, Gu Zhongyu felt dizzy. If he had known better, he would not have agreed to make a guest appearance. Fortunately, Naza was not here, otherwise it would have been even more lively.

The relative harmony on the night of Truth or Dare is just accidental, and the rivalry between female stars is eternal.

All the staff of the "Breakup Master" crew were watching the fun with great interest. Even Deng Chao was lying behind the camera, muttering "fight" and "slap quickly..."

"Brother Chao, you look very happy?"

"Of course, both of them are my favorite actresses. It is really a great honor to have them together to film a movie!"

Gu Zhongyu nodded: "Well, my favorite actresses are Sun Li and Hao Lei. Next time I start a movie, I will invite them to guest star. Brother Chao, you must show your favor!"

"I was wrong, Mr. Gu, please let me go!"

Deng Chao and Hao Lei met when they were filming the TV series "Young Emperor" in 2003. At that time, Deng Chao played the role of Emperor Shunzhi, and Hao Lei played his concubine. The two had many intimate scenes in and out of the play, and gradually developed feelings. Deng Chao was very infatuated with Hao Lei. Not only did he hold her hand generously in public, but he also bought her many expensive gifts in private. They also lived together for a long time.

However, because of Hao Lei's large-scale performance in the movie "Summer Palace", Deng Chao felt that he could not accept it and finally chose to break up with her.

In fact, Deng Chao's behavior is understandable. No man can tolerate his girlfriend filming such a drama. Although the woman thinks it is a dedication to art, Gu Zhongyu thinks it is just being fooled!

If you can act in a movie directed by a big director like Ang Lee, it's okay to take off your clothes, but it's really stupid to expose yourself for Lou Ye's "Summer Palace"!

Of course, Deng Chao himself felt sorry for her, so after breaking up with guilt, he never dared to meet Hao Lei, nor did he dare to mention this relationship in an interview.

It was not until N years later in "The Sun Burns the Heart" that Deng Chao won the "Best Actor" award for this drama, and Hao Lei served as the award presenter. This was the first time the two appeared on the same stage in public.

Deng Chao knew Gu Zhongyu well, and this grandson might really do this, so he quickly admitted his mistake.

"You know you're wrong, why don't you separate the two of them? Why are you still standing here?"


Deng Chao separated the two of them as a director and asked Liu Yufei to change her clothes and go on camera, which ended the secret fight between the two.

Miss Liu Yufei has never made a cameo appearance in other people's movies. It's not because of her bad character that no one invites her, but because she is really "lazy". After all, she always disappears after filming, and you can't even find her!

This time, it was also for Gu Zhongyu's sake and for the development of the company. She can be lazy when she is alone, but now that she is the boss, she has to be a little more diligent. After all, the sisters in the company still have to eat.

Deng Chao's Mei Yuangui is a master of breaking up. The cameo roles of the two in the movie are naturally a pair of lovers who are about to be "broken up". He also designed the identity of the characters as actors and spoofed the Condor Heroes.

After becoming famous, the male star played by Gu Zhongyu wants to dump his girlfriend Liu Yufei. Then Mei Yuangui makes himself the martial arts master that Liu Yufei has admired the most since childhood, which attracts her, so she abandons Gu Zhongyu and gets together with Mei Yuangui.

Mei Yuangui dresses himself up so that he only has one arm left, which is obviously cosplaying Yang Guo.

Liu Yufei also feels very fresh when shooting such a farce for the first time, and asks Deng Chao for advice on the experience of shooting comedy. Is she planning to transform into a comedian?

A funny fairy?

It seems that it is not impossible. After all, Liu Yufei's previous "I Like You" and the next play "Go Away Tumor" both have comedy elements, and she performed well. Is this the track suitable for Xixi?

It's time to start shooting, with two cameras, one in the air and one on the ground. After trying a few times, Deng Chao dressed up as Yang Guo tried a few times and soon found the feeling, so the lights were in place and Yu Baimei shouted:


As soon as the voice fell, Deng Chao was directly pulled into the air by the pressure, and with the help of the wire, he was about to do a somersault in an instant!

"Ah, no, no! My waist!"

Deng Chao had not filmed action scenes since "The Four", and he was a little unfamiliar with the use of wires. This somersault was directly left in the air, and he started to beg for mercy before the action started!

"Brother Chao, are you too old? If you can't do it, use a stuntman!"

Looking at Deng Chao with a twisted facial expression, Gu Zhongyu, Yang Mi and others couldn't help but sneer at the side, asking you to arrange this kind of plot for yourself, if your waist is not good, don't force it.

Deng Chao got rid of the pressure with the help of the staff and rubbed his waist: "What can happen? This time is just a small test. Let's see how I perform next time!"

It must be said that Deng Chao's professionalism is still good. Although he is not an action actor, he always likes to go on stage in person when filming martial arts scenes. When he played Pei Donglai in "Detective Dee: The Mystery of the Phantom Flame", Xu designed a bungee-style appearance, which not only required Deng Chao to jump around like a monkey, but also required Deng Chao to show agility.

For this reason, Deng Chao tried again and again. After several attempts, he almost lost half his life and lay in bed for a long time. After recovery, he still insisted on going on his own.

This tenacity is still very good. As time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer such dedicated actors.

"Old Yu, let's start!"

After less than five minutes of rest, Deng Chao stood up and prepared to start filming again. This time the filming was relatively smooth. After a beautiful turn in the air, the one-armed hero Mei Yuangui stood steadily on the stone pier.

The next step is to watch the performances of Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei. Since this is a "flashback" at the beginning of the film to introduce Mei Yuangui's past achievements, the two have no lines and perform silently throughout the whole process, relying only on body movements and facial expression.

When Liu Yufei saw "Yang Guo" falling from the sky, the girl's heart suddenly exploded. She was still having sex with her boyfriend, but now she couldn't care less and immediately ran towards Mei Yuangui!

Gu Zhongyu grabbed Liu Yufei's hand tightly, pretending to be reluctant and in pain, but he still couldn't stop his girlfriend from leaving.

Then Mei Yuangui looked aloof and pretended to be indifferent and was about to fly away again, but Liu Yufei grabbed her tightly by the corner of his clothes. In desperation, he had no choice but to take her away with him.

Gu Zhongyu was left lying on the ground, holding out his hands in the direction of the two men flying away, shouting "No"

As a result, Mei Yuangui, who was halfway through the flight, suddenly turned around and met Gu Zhongyu's eyes. The latter smiled sinisterly and said that it was a good job and he finally got rid of her...

This parting scene is really ridiculous!

But "The Breakup Master" follows the path of absurd comedy. The young couple Wu Jing and Xie Nan will also make guest appearances, and their breakup scene is also ridiculous.

Think about it, Deng Chao Sun Li, Wu Jin Xie Nan, Zhao Hongbo Shen Xue, the couples who were broken up in "The Breakup Master" are all real couples in reality!

Then wouldn't it be a good idea for me and Liu Yufei to make guest appearances...

Damn it, I was tricked by Deng Chao again. Those gossip media will definitely write nonsense again. I will have to find Sun Li to settle the score again!

At around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the crew called it a day. Since everyone was living in Yanjing, there was no rush to go back, so Deng Chao hosted the group and invited them to a restaurant.

This time he learned the lesson and made Liu Yufei and Yang Mi sit separately, away from Gu Zhongyu.

"Teacher Gu, have you thought about your next movie? You seem to have nothing to do lately." During the meal, Deng Chao took the initiative to ask about this topic that concerned him most.

Gu Zhongyu is now the most popular person in the entertainment industry. Every movie he makes after his comeback is a hit, and it is both a hit and a success. He wants to cooperate with him again.

"I plan to make a comedy movie. This subject is quite popular now."

Deng Chao was fascinated as soon as he heard the word comedy. Isn't this the direction he is striving for now?

"Have the actors and directors chosen everything? I don't choose. As long as you have Mr. Gu to check it, I can do whatever I want!"

Yang Mi teased: "Brother Chao is quite skilled at pretending to be a woman now. Come on, you can see if there is any shortage of heroines."

"If you need a heroine, you can come to me! I think I am getting better and better at acting in comedies now." Although Liu Yufei is not short of filming, if she is cooperating with Gu Zhongyu, she can postpone "Tumor King" at any time Or push it away.

"Don't think about it. I already have an idea for the actor, and it's none of your business."


Liu Yufei and Yang Mi snorted at the same time. Not to mention, this tacit understanding is quite good. Let's see if we can let these two divine eagle sisters work together again in the future!

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