Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 292: Selflessness or abuse of power for personal gain

After eating, Gu Zhongyu wanted to drag Qian Qian with her to play a high-end game, but the two women ignored him. Gu Zhongyu was so angry that he had to summon Liu Shishi over at night. He couldn't bully Liu Yufei. Having fun bullying "Little Liu Yufei"!

I have to say that Shishi and his classmates are quite lazy. They haven’t been in a group for such a long time and are not in a hurry.

But as an evil capitalist, how could Gu Zhongyu let her lie down like this? She had to find something to do, whether it was a movie or a TV series, she had to get moving to make money!

"Are you going too far? You won't let me stop at all. I have to work for you and have sex with you!"

The panting Liu Shishi lay in Gu Zhongyu's arms and protested. She took the duck feet that Gu Zhongyu brought and started to chew on them. She always likes to eat on the boat and can even have three meals a day on the boat.

"Why are you talking so rudely, Master? You just ate a high-protein meal without brushing your teeth, so you just ate snacks!"

"There's no one else here, and I'm not short of money now, so why do I have to work so hard to film?"

Master Liu has been learning investment and financial management from Gu Zhongyu since he followed him. Basically, all the remuneration she received was used to invest in stocks and real estate. She would buy whatever her husband bought. Over the years, she has received a lot of goods and her pockets are getting bigger and bigger. As she grew older, her interest in filming became less and less.

In this regard, she is lazier than Liu Yufei. Sissi at least still has some artistic pursuits and career ambitions, but Liu Shishi is different. Anyway, she thinks that having enough food and clothing is enough, and the most important thing is to enjoy life.

In his previous life, he became increasingly lazy after getting married. He only worked one day a month and only filmed two movies in five years. At that time, the most common thing Liu Shishi's fans did on Weibo was to call their idols to join the group and film.

She also doesn't participate in variety shows or interviews. If it weren't for the problems in her marriage with her husband, she could really keep filming at this frequency.

Although she is not married to Gu Zhongyu now, she is financially free, and her life is not much different from that of a housewife after marriage. It just depends on when Gu Zhongyu wants to have a child.

"I'm not asking you to join the group right away. You have to have a goal and find something to do!"

Liu Shishi picked up the duck claw and stuffed it into Gu Zhongyu's mouth: "The company hasn't launched any new dramas recently. Anyway, it's enough with you and Fan Xiaopang. As for me, I will only film what I like now."

"You don't have to keep an eye on the company! I don't object to you taking on roles outside. If you don't think you like it, you can set up a studio and invest your own money to be the boss!"

"I don't want it!" Master Liu wiped his mouth and said seriously, "Look at Mi Mi, working around Jiaxing every day, what's the good thing? The more you earn, the more you worry about, and people age faster. !”

"You are still concerned about Yang Mi. Hey, since the last night of the big adventure, I found that the relationship between you two seems to have broken the ice?"

"The two of us are fine. She is her own boss now, and the original company camp problem no longer exists. She has a goal, and I have a life. If you didn't exist, we would get along better!"

Thinking of this, Liu Shishi became angry. Gu Zhongyu, a playboy, now has to provoke actresses when filming a movie, and he doesn't know how many friendships between girlfriends have been destroyed.

"Ahem..." Gu Zhongyu felt guilty and quickly changed the topic, "Well, I have arranged for your good sister Ye Qing to act in a new drama with a lot of drama and important roles. Now Are you satisfied?"

"What kind of show is it?"

"Same as Fairy Sword, the game is adapted from it, and it's called "The Story of Ancient Sword""

After talking to Yang Mi last time on the crew of "Tiny Times", this big girl actually bought the rights to adapt the game. Now she is gearing up, and even asked Gu Zhongyu to borrow some, preparing to make a big one to copy " "The Story of Ancient Swords" became Jiaxing's signature drama.

Of course, in terms of actors, Gu Zhongyu has to check her. The original Li Yifeng and Da Shuangzi are really a pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes. In order to prevent the drama from being harmonious in the future, these two must be replaced.

There is currently no leading actor in Jiaxing, so the male lead Baili Tusu and Gu Zhongyu recommended Chen Xiao, a male artist under Liu Yufei, while the second female lead Xiang Ling suggested Ye Qing.

One is Liu Yufei's employee, and the other is Liu Shishi's best friend. Gu Zhongyu feels that he is being selfless, but Yang Mi feels that this guy is clearly using power for personal gain!

However, Yang Mi finally agreed. Firstly, the choice of actor was indeed good. Compared with Li Yifeng's dead fish eyes, Chen Xiao is a classical handsome guy who is more in line with the public's aesthetics. It is very suitable to play Baili Tusu; secondly, he also wanted to use this to ease the tension. This was the relationship between the two best friends in the past.

Hearing that Gu Zhongyu had arranged for Ye Qing to play the second female lead in "The Legend of Ancient Swords", Liu Shishi was very happy. He felt that this time his best friend could finally come forward, and she wasn't filming with Gu Zhongyu, so she didn't have to worry about her being poisoned. It was a win-win situation. !

"I guess you are interested this time. If you have any requests, just ask!" Liu Shishi said while winking provocatively.

"Master Shi, you'd better not provoke me, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to control you with your half-disabled body!"

"Hmph! You've been drained out these past few days, and you're at the end of your strength, right?" Master Liu suddenly squirmed in his arms, making a provocative gesture.

This is what you asked for!

Gu Zhongyu immediately turned Liu Shishi over, planning to have an unusual experience...


When Gu Zhongyu woke up early the next morning, Liu Shishi had already left, leaving a message saying he would go back to his parents' house.

I sat on the bed a bit bored and looked at my phone. I wanted to see if there was any news about myself, but it was all about Guo Xiaosi. This guy was putting on a show again and even appeared on Mango TV's China's Strongest Voice.

He was even given the title of Observer!

Let me briefly introduce this failed variety show, China's Strongest Voice, which is clearly intended to curb China's Good Voice. It was broadcast at the same time, and Luo Dayou, Chen Yixun, Zhang Ziyi, Zheng Jun and other big names were specially invited to serve as judges.

It plagiarized the American Xfactor and American Idol!

Unfortunately, it only learned the basics and didn't have the essence at all. Therefore, both the ratings and the online on-demand rate were far behind China's Good Voice. Despite Guo Xiaosi's strong support, it still received a lot of bad reviews.

I don't know if it's time for Guo Xiaosi to get rich. The performance of the first part of "Tiny Times" in this life was actually 100 million more than in the previous life. When it was released in mid-May, it finally got a box office of 600 million!

Guo Xiaosi was so happy that he held a celebration banquet a few days ago.

Since the two parts were shot consecutively and even the post-production was completed, the release date of the second part of "Tiny Times" was announced at the same time, which was August 8, two months later.

Seeing that the performance of a bad movie could reach a new high, Gu Zhongyu shook his head. This was caused by the times. No matter what bad movie it was, as long as it was marketed properly, it could get a high box office.

Even variety shows like "Running Man" and "Where Are We Going, Dad?" can be made into movies and get hundreds of millions of box office. Where can I go to complain!

I flipped down again, but there was still no news about him. After thinking about it, it was normal. Since Gu Zhongyu's "Chinese Partners", he has not released any new works this year.

Both "The Vanishing Guest" and "Descendants of the Sun" are still in the post-production stage and will not be released so quickly.

People are just mean. In the past, the full screen was full of his news, and he was annoyed. Now, without his related news, he feels empty again.

After checking the time, it was almost eleven o'clock. Gu Zhongyu got up and went downstairs, and saw Chen Duling, who was clumsy, fiddling with something in the kitchen.

"What are you doing? Where's Bai Lu?"

"Ah!" Chen Duling was startled by Gu Zhongyu who suddenly appeared behind her, and pointed at the pot. "Sister Bai Lu went to the company to find someone to learn acting. Before she left, she asked me to learn how to cook so that I can cook for the boss in the future."

This Bai Lu bullied the newcomer again. She couldn't cook herself, and she asked Dudu to learn this.

"Let me do it!" Chen Duling was also a novice, so Gu Zhongyu asked her to sit in her seat and turned on the stove himself.

It was noon, so he just made something casual, so Gu Zhongyu made a simple and quick fried noodles with soybean sauce and served it.

"Don't just stand there, eat!"

"Oh!" Chen Duling didn't expect that as an employee, she could taste the dishes made by the boss himself. She was a little touched. He was young and rich, but he could cook. It was no wonder that so many women liked Gu Zhongyu.

The same thing, different people made different effects. When a domineering CEO made fried eggs for a woman, the woman would feel so touched, he loved me so much, he was willing to cook for me.

If a dog went to cook a dish for a goddess, even if you could make carrots into ginseng, she would just say it was okay, and she would think you would order this...

"Slurp, slurp..."

Chen Duling asked about the recent work arrangements while eating noodles with soybean paste.

"Come with me to Jinling later. Wu Jin's "Wolf Warrior" has already started filming. I'll go see how it's going, and then accompany me to Canada."

The first part of "Wolf Warrior" was filmed in Liuhe Pingshan Forest Park in Jinling City. Because Wu Jin had experienced life in the military district before filming, the local military district was very supportive of Wu Jin's filming, and even put up a banner "Learn from Comrade Wu Jin!"

In addition, Xie Nan's family has elders working in the local military district, so it is more convenient to borrow local equipment and personnel support for filming here.

Going to Canada is to participate in the Toronto International Film Festival. "The Invisible Guest" has been confirmed to be shortlisted.

"Don't we wait for Sister Bai Lu to come back?"

"No, it's just you and me this time. Send a message to Bai Lu and take good care of Dun Dun."

This is the first time that Chen Duling went on a business trip alone with Gu Zhongyu. She was quite excited. Thinking of Bai Lu's instructions, she went to the room and brought a small black box.

This was also Bai Lu's order. When the boss goes out, he must bring a walkman to use, although she doesn't know what's in it yet.

Just when Gu Zhongyu took Chen Duling on the plane, a studio far away in Shanghai was recording a variety show.

Nowadays, separation of production and broadcasting is popular. TV stations no longer provide machines and equipment, and producers are responsible for these.

In fact, with the development of online variety shows, many variety shows can be sold to online platforms after they are produced, even if no TV station is interested, it is just a matter of how much profit they make!

The guest of this issue is Da Tiantian.

Although she has acted in countless bad movies, Da Tiantian's resources are still unrivaled. Not long ago, she was officially announced by Zhou Xingxing as the heroine of a new movie, which has attracted more attention.

The variety show recorded today is called "Big Names Arrive", which is an independent variety show created by Penguin Video with all its strength.

The host is Hua Shao, the man who can quickly read out 350 words of planning words in 47 seconds, and now the number one of Blue TV.

Although Da Tiantian rarely appears on variety shows, she is gentle and easy to get along with, and her character is quite controversial, so the program crew has always invited her. Since she likes to watch the program "The Voice of China" recently, she readily agreed to Hua Shao's invitation this time.

After the program started. Everything else was fine, just some basic variety show daily questions and answers, nothing special. By the way, there is also a phone call session, which is to call celebrity friends to interact.

Basically, it is some leftovers from the base camp.

Although the program crew did not tell her the content of the game clearly, it is almost certain that the person who received the call should say a paragraph arranged by the host within the specified time.

It's a very simple game. Jing Tian thought about it, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Ying Er, Chai Biyun and other friends in the circle, asking them not to forget to answer the phone later.

Ready to go on stage, Jing Tian still felt unsafe, what if these two are filming?

Thinking that Gu Zhongyu should be idle recently, she simply sent him another message.

Everything was ready, the host took the stage first, recited a paragraph, and then talked about today's guest.

All kinds of bragging, no matter how great it was, it made Da Tiantian blush a little, and finally called out Jing Tian's name in the expectation of everyone.

This cute and funny hosting style was originally created by Japanese comedians, and the MC of the Korean variety show carried it forward. Then Taiwan Wanwan artists in our country followed suit, and the mainland was the icing on the cake of Mango TV. There is no host on Mango TV who can't be cute and funny!

The audience is used to this hosting style. If you return to the previous seriousness and seriousness, no one will like it.

Many CCTV supporters gradually fell because of the style!

After the opening remarks, Da Tiantian was invited to the stage. After a conversation, Hua Shao's support skills were relatively poor. The interview lasted for more than ten minutes, but Jing Tian still couldn't relax completely.

Hua Shao mostly asked questions about movies, because Jing Tian's resources since her debut are so good that they can make female stars in the circle hold their heads in pain. Whether it is a superstar from Hong Kong and Taiwan or a big star from the mainland, she can get them all!

After that, she was asked to perform a situational drama about walking into a men's bathhouse. It was a very simple plot, and Da Tiantian performed it well, after all, they had already reviewed the script before.

The last part was the phone call.

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