Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 293 I have to find a chance to sleep with her

"The rules of the game are very simple. You can't give any hints about the question. As long as you make the other party say "Are you sick?", you will be considered successful!"

Hua Shao pulled out the answer board and explained the rules.

Jing Tian thought about it and felt that this question was not too difficult. As long as the other party felt angry and unreasonable, it would be enough.

"Who are you going to call?" Hua Shao asked.

"I'll call Chai Biyun." Chai Biyun is her classmate and best friend at Beijing Film Academy, but she is not very famous. Later, Chai Biyun's photo will be added here, otherwise the audience will not know who she is.

Jing Tian had been prepared for a long time. To be honest, Jing Tian didn't have many real friends in the entertainment industry. They were either classmates or best friends she knew in her early years. She had a lot of casual acquaintances, but forget it. It would be difficult to explain if people misunderstood her.

Taking the phone from the assistant, he dialed Chai Biyun's number.

Hua Shao hurriedly signaled the audience to be quiet. Once the sound was too loud and the secret was exposed, the game would not continue.

As a result, the phone rang for half a minute, but no one answered it. This was very embarrassing. It was estimated that Chai Biyun was probably filming and didn't notice the phone at all.

There was an uproar at the scene. It was estimated that they really didn't expect that these two people could have such a dramatic scene.

"This also indirectly proves that our program is definitely not a script that was set at the beginning, but a plot designed in the middle!" Hua Shao hurried out to smooth things over.

"He should be filming!" Jing Tian finally put down the phone and explained.

"Then change someone!" Hua Shao suggested.

"Okay, then I'll call Ying Er!"

Jing Tian dialed Ying Er's phone, which was even more embarrassing this time. It directly prompted that the user you dialed was busy, please call again later.

There was an uproar at the scene!

"Maybe the phone is turned off, I'll change another one!" Da Tiantian was completely stunned. She suddenly didn't know who to call.

I said before that I would call Chai Biyun and Ying Er. The person I chose this time must also be in the entertainment industry, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

This time Jing Tian didn't dare to say the name directly, in case it would be embarrassing if she couldn't get through again.

She didn't say it, but the big screen behind gave a close-up of Gu Zhongyu, and the audience could only wait.

"Beep, beep..." Gu Zhongyu changed the embarrassing brainwash song "Can't afford to hurt", although it was indeed deafening, but it didn't match his temperament, and directly used the default ringtone.

At this moment, Jing Tian's mood was a bit complicated, because the previous flower presentation on the stage of the China-Korea Song Festival exposed the truth that she was a fan of Gu Zhongyu. Now whenever she saw him, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to pick her feet!

She couldn't tell what kind of mentality she had, and why she chose to call Gu Zhongyu.

Gu Zhongyu was lying on the seat of the plane at this moment, with his head resting on the thigh of Chen Duling, who looked shy, enjoying the head massage of classmate Dudu.

This was Chen Duling's initiative. Because he and Shi Ye had an unusual trip last night, they were tossed late, and he didn't sleep well and yawned after getting on the plane.

So Chen Duling saw that the boss looked sleepy, so she offered to give him a head massage, saying that she often massaged her father at home, and she was already experienced.

As a result, Gu Zhongyu was not polite and chose to lie on Chen Duling's thighs directly.

In fact, she originally wanted the boss to sit on the chair...

"Is the strength okay, boss?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to have this skill, not bad." Chen Duling was happy to be praised by the boss, and worked harder, not caring about Gu Zhongyu's little movements.

Just then, Gu Zhongyu's cell phone rang, and Chen Duling showed it to him, and it turned out to be Da Tiantian!

Why did this sister think of contacting me?

Forget it, I'll answer it and say: "Hello, Xiao Tiantian?"

When Jing Tian heard this Xiao Tiantian, her heart almost jumped out, I'm going to die, you call so intimately, afraid that the entertainment reporter will have no material to write, right?

"I'm Jing Tian, ​​what's Xiao Tiantian, when did I get this nickname?"

"Do you want me to call you Mrs. Niu? Why are you looking for me?"

The audience burst into laughter when they heard Xiao Tiantian's joke. Gu Zhongyu caught the sound and immediately felt something was wrong: "Where are you? Why are you laughing?"

Jing Tian hurriedly signaled to the audience to lower their voices. Hua Shao also nodded and the countdown began.

"I'm taking a break in the crew. I don't have anything to do now. I want to ask you, didn't I buy a custom script from you at the party before? I just want to ask when can I deliver it?"

"What? Didn't I give it to you? But I introduced you to Stephen Chow. I'm the screenwriter of "The Mermaid". Isn't this a promise fulfilled?"

The audience was stunned. It turned out that it was Gu Zhongyu's credit that Da Tiantian could play the heroine of Stephen Chow's movie. This phone call was well made and really let everyone eat melons.

"That doesn't count. Your script was written in advance and given to Zhou Xingxing. What I want is a customized one, written according to my own situation!"

After Jing Tian said this, she could hardly hold back her smile. She was in a playful mood and had to tease Gu Zhongyu!

"Okay, you turned down Stephen Chow's movie, and I'll write one for you now!"

Gu Zhongyu, who didn't know the situation, was also angry and laughed. What script could compare to being a star girl directly? Jing Tian was so shameless?

The audience at the scene couldn't help it anymore and shouted collectively.

"Are you recording a program?" Gu Zhongyu heard the laughter at the scene again.

"Come on, what do you want to say to me most now?" Jing Tian changed the topic to the task.

"I want to say, are you just trying to bully me?"

"No! Your tone and words should be stronger!" Jing Tian was still excited.

"Okay, time's up! Hello, Teacher Gu, this is Penguin Video. I'm the host Hua Shao!" At this time, Hua Shao took over the conversation.

"Oh, hello Mr. Hua, I know you watch this show all the time."

Chen Duling, who was pressing his head, couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this. He was obviously a person who didn't even watch TV. As expected, lying was so natural for public figures.

"Haha, generally people with good taste will pay attention to our program. By the way, Teacher Gu, let me tell you, just now Jingtian wanted you to say that you are sick! You didn't say this, so she failed. Yes, there may be a small punishment later!”

"Actually, I wanted to say that at first, but then I thought we couldn't irritate the patient, so I changed my tone. Does she want to be punished? I'm so sorry, Mrs. Niu!"

Gu Zhongyu's tone was full of schadenfreude, without any hint of guilt.

"Okay, Teacher Gu, we'll talk later. Just wait and see how I punish Jing Tian this time!"

Jing Tian wanted to talk a little more, but Mr. Hua hung up the phone with great discernment, and then gave Jing Tian a punishment: he had to eat a whole lemon without changing his facial expression.

Jing Tian, ​​who felt like crying after eating lemon sour, thought to himself that it was Gu Zhongyu who made me so miserable. I must punish him next time we meet!

On the other side, Gu Zhongyu was a little scared after hanging up the phone. He was about to start teasing the girl with such a vicious mind, but he held it back because he thought it might be a trap.

Generally speaking, in variety shows where there is a live phone call, communication will be communicated in advance. Otherwise, if the other party doesn't know, who knows what will be said. But Jing Tian didn't tell him in advance?

Looking through his phone, oh, it turned out that he had sent a message. He was so intoxicated on Dudu's lap that he forgot to read it.

Sooner or later, I have to find a chance to put this sweetie to bed. A woman can only be honest when she lies in bed!

There was still some time before reaching the destination, so Gu Zhongyu lay back on Chen Duling's lap and asked her to help press down on his neck.

In late June, the temperature in Jinling was no longer low, and today it was over 30 degrees. Gu Zhongyu felt a heat wave as soon as he got off the plane.

Shooting action scenes in this kind of weather is also quite dangerous.

They drove to the Liuhe Pingshan Forest Park, the filming location, and saw countless weapons and equipment as soon as they entered the set!

Rows of vehicles and aircraft were parked next to the road, including Zhi-8, Z-9, WZ-10 military helicopters, dozens of active Type 59 and Type 96 tanks, and some armored off-road vehicles.

Famous firearms such as the Type 56 submachine gun, the Type 85 sniper rifle, the Type 95 assault rifle, and the US military-standard M1325 sniper rifle are filled with a warehouse, and are guarded by specialized soldiers.

This scene had the flavor of a war movie. Gu Zhongyu couldn't remember how many weapons and equipment were used in "Wolf Warrior" in his previous life, but what appeared in front of him was obviously much larger than the scenes in the movie.

Compared with "Wolf Warrior", the small scenes in "Descendants of the Sun" are really just playing house.

"Hi~Comrade Gu Zhongyu, welcome to come and guide us!"

Wu Jin held a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle in his hand and showed it off to Gu Zhongyu proudly, as if to say: Look, these are my big toys, are you envious?

We haven't seen him for a while, and Wu Jin seems to be a little tanned again, but he looks quite happy, like a big kid.

"Okay! With so many weapons prepared, are you satisfied?"

"Just like that, during the half year of experiencing life in the army, what tanks have I not been on? What guns have I not touched? It's just commonplace."

"Look at how arrogant you are. I didn't know, I thought you were the teacher! Hey, lend me your 56 and a half for fun."

Gu Zhongyu has long been interested in the 56 semi-automatic gun Wu Jin is holding. Although this gun is an old model, it is classic and good-looking. This is the gun held by the honor guard during the military parade.

One of the advantages is its light weight, high shooting accuracy and reliable action, which makes it the best among infantry firearms. It is also equipped with a folding bayonet, allowing for hand-to-hand combat if necessary. This gun participated in three military conflicts in the west of 1962, the north of 1969, and the south of 1979. It beat Asan violently, which can be regarded as the final glory of semi-automatic rifles on the battlefield.

“I actually recognize this model, so classy!”

Gu Zhongyu pulled the gun and saw that there were no bullets inside. He raised his head and rolled his eyes at Wu Jin: "Have you forgotten what my family does? I touched the gun much earlier than you. Where are the bullets?"

"Here they are." Wu Jin took out a few bullets without warheads from his pocket and gave them to him.


"Nonsense! Do you still want to use live ammunition?"

The blank ammunition they used for filming had to be specially approved. Although they also had live ammunition, they could only be used under the supervision of military personnel, and all fired bullet casings had to be recycled.

This is very boring.

"Bang! Bang!"

Gu Zhongyu took the bullets and pressed a few bullets into the barrel of the gun, then fired two shots at the big tree in the distance. Although they were blank bullets, they could hurt people at close range, so he could only enjoy the fun of shooting at the trees.

Carrying the gun on his back, Gu Zhongyu felt that he was also a soldier. He must make a war film in the future and then play the protagonist himself.

"How is it? Did you encounter any difficulties in filming?"

"Of course, there is a shortage of extras now!"

Wu Jin was very distressed. Although the military region gave him support in weapons and equipment, it was impossible to pull the troops over to film for him. The biggest difficulty at present is that there are not enough people for large scenes.

Born at the wrong time. If he had filmed 20 years earlier, this would not be a problem at all.

In the 1980s and 1990s, it was very common for troops to participate in filming. The famous "The Decisive Battle" trilogy directly used the whole division and regiment to participate in the performance.

For example, in the scene of Huang Wei's Corps marching in "The Decisive Battle of Huaihai Campaign", in order to shoot the arrogance of the ace army, the ace 12th Army, which was in Guzhen for winter training, was specially invited to "guest star" in Huang Wei's Corps. The division commander came to guest star as an officer next to Huang Wei, which made it a classic in film history.

When the Magic City Film Studio was filming "From Slaves to Generals" in Dayu, Jiangxi, the officers and soldiers of the 376th Regiment acted as extras in the film. Even when an order came down from above, the soldiers who were still filming turned around and rushed to the front line of the southern Xinjiang battlefield!

Ancient war films such as "Dunhuang", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Song Jingshi" also used a large number of troops to participate in the performance, which resulted in so many spectacular scenes of thousands of troops.

However, as relevant policies are tightened, although it is not completely banned for troops to guest-star in group performances, it is becoming increasingly difficult to apply. If it is not a tribute film or a film about major historical events, it is basically impossible to invite troops to participate.

In the final analysis, "Wolf Warrior" is just a fictional commercial military action film, so it is naturally not qualified. It is an exception to be able to borrow so many weapons and equipment.

"It's hot now. The weather forecast says this year is the hottest summer in Jinling's history. We have to wear thick military uniforms, and the temperature can soar to 40 degrees with the exhaust from tanks. On the first day of filming, 5 extras were shocked!"

The salary of extras in the entertainment industry is not high. Wu Jin started with 200 yuan a day, and then increased it to 300 yuan. It was also difficult to find extras, but the extras all said: "No, we're going to die!"

After listening to Wu Jin's complaints, Gu Zhongyu thought about it and quickly gave a solution.

If you can't hire extras, you can hire college students!

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