Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 294 Wear this tonight, don’t change

"College students?"

Wu Jin had never thought of asking students to be extras. He shook his head and said, "No way! Students nowadays are spoiled. If we ask them to film in such a hot day, just for 300 yuan a day, they will complain bitterly."

Wu Jin still didn't know how miserable students are nowadays. When Gu Zhongyu was in college in his previous life, 300 yuan was his living expenses for a week.

As the saying goes, you can't hire migrant workers with 3,000 yuan a month, but you can hire a college student, and even have some money left over.

"You don't understand. When you ask students to be extras, you can't just talk about money." Gu Zhongyu told him the routine of fooling college students.

"First, you have to tell them that they can play real-life CS here, wear military uniforms, shoot real guns, and get food and transportation, free boxed lunches and snacks, and have group meals and play games together~"

"Let them know that those who are willing to stick with it from beginning to end can take group photos with big stars and post them on WeChat Moments to show off~"

"If there are those who are willing to be extras for a long time, and those who are worried about not finding a job during the internship period, we can also issue them internship certificates with official seals~"

"Believe it or not, with so many conditions, you will only worry about too many extras signing up. You will have as many extras as you can deliver boxed lunches a day!"

Wu Jin was stunned. Is it that easy to get college students to be extras?

It is still not popular to invite students to be extras now, and many people don't have this awareness at all.

In the past, there was an anti-Japanese war TV series called "The Great Breakout". It really used student extras to the extreme. It also used Gu Zhongyu's method to promote it. Once the recruitment information was posted online, it was so crowded!

Not only did the brothers in the same dormitory drag each other to come, but some entire classes came, and even the entire department came. Some studied foreign languages, some studied mechatronics... Some people flew from Shenyang, Chongqing, and Guangzhou to Hengdian just to be an extra for a day.

There were tens of thousands of college students participating in the crew, and the pay was not high, only about 100 yuan a day, but they were given an internship certificate after a week of filming.

Of course, there are some small problems with college students' extras, that is, they are too active and dedicated.

Because college students find everything new and interesting, sometimes they clearly agreed to it before filming, but when the atmosphere got aroused, they couldn't help but run and shout "Fuck!". Another time, the director asked the extras to be shot to death, but when they were supposed to fall to the ground, a student shouted "My fate is in my own hands", picked up a gun and rushed, so they could only do one more take.

According to the survey, college students don't like to play the role of the National Army or the Eighth Route Army, but have a special liking for playing the role of the devil. They don't wear the clothes of the Eighth Route Army, but insist on snatching the clothes of the Eighth Route Army. Because the Eighth Route Army has many props, including bullet shells, bayonets, Type 38 rifles, helmets and soft hats, they all rush to play the role of the devil. After they put on the clothes, everyone will say "Baga" or "Miss, Miss" and so on, which makes them feel very involved!

Seeing that Wu Jin was already interested, Gu Zhongyu added fuel to the fire: "And when the movie is released, these college students will become free water troops to promote it for you, and they will also pay for their own money to go to the cinema to find their own shots, and bring their aunts and uncles to watch it together. "


When Wu Jin heard this, his eyes sparkled, and he immediately decided to send his assistant to the school to recruit people.

"What are you two talking about so happily?" At this time, Wan Qian, who was dressed in a military uniform and looked heroic, supported Su Daqiang. Oh no, it was Teacher Ni Dahong who came over.

It was the first time that Gu Zhongyu saw Wan Qian in a military uniform. Although he recommended her to play the heroine of "Special Forces: Fire Phoenix", he had never visited her on set.

It must be said that Wan Qian looks very heroic, especially when she has short hair. In addition, she has good acting skills and good manners. She is very suitable for playing a soldier, and she is no worse than Yu Nan's Long Xiaoyun.

"Teacher Ni, what's wrong with your leg?" Looking at the limping Ni Dahong, Gu Zhongyu stepped forward and asked with concern.

"It's not a big deal. It's common for actors to get injured while filming. Don't worry too much. "Ni Dahong's expression was as blank as ever. Even with a bandage on his leg, he still felt like he was bitten by a mosquito.

"What do you mean by a small matter? Teacher Ni, listen to me and accept my apology!"

It turned out that in a real-life explosion scene two days ago, a large steel plate suddenly passed directly from the inside of Ni Dahong's thigh, and blood immediately flowed. The wound reached a terrifying 10 centimeters.

But unexpectedly, at this time, Teacher Ni Dahong was filming there without moving. No matter how loud the explosion next to him was, he kept lying in the same position and continued to act.

After the scene ended, Ni Dahong was immediately sent to the hospital. As a result, after the bandage was applied, he rushed over in a hurry and said that he had to finish the rest of the scene.

Originally, because Wu Jin used all the money on production expenses, the actors' pay was not high. At that time, after reading the script, Ni Dahong directly told Wu Jin, "I play this role, but I don't want pay! "

This moved Wu Jin so much that he prostrated himself. Seeing that Ni Dahong had suffered such a serious injury because of helping him, he immediately offered to pay him 1 million yuan in nutrition fees, but Ni Dahong still refused to accept it!

After hearing this, Gu Zhongyu was also full of admiration. Some actors never lack roles to play and are still respected. They rely on their acting skills and character to get to this point.

Ni Dahong, who failed to be selected for the acting major of the Chinese Opera twice due to his poor appearance, has become a "golden supporting actor" after 30 years of acting experience. It is not just about good acting skills and hard work. This spirit of not leaving the front line even if slightly injured is basically extinct among the young generation of actors.

In fact, many people ignore Wu Jin's ability to handle interpersonal relationships. After filming "The West Wind", he became good friends with Duan Yihong and even became the best man when he got married. Ni Dahong and Yu Nan, who were in the same crew, played important roles in "Wolf Warrior". Just one acquaintance can establish such a deep friendship.

Filming "Special Forces 2" and experiencing it in the Jinling Military Region for more than a year, not only did he gain unanimous recognition from the entire army, but also put up a banner of "Learn from Comrade Wu Jin". This relationship will continue in the future and even changed his life trajectory.

The righteous have many helpers. People's success is really not as simple as accidental or relying on good luck.

"I've told you several times not to do it. This steel plate didn't kill me, but now it's going to annoy you!" Ni Dahong was so annoyed that he let go of Wan Qian's hand and was about to leave. Seeing this, Wu Jin quickly stepped forward to support him.

"How is it? Is it hard to film here?" Seeing the two people walking away, Gu Zhongyu also asked Dudu to take a rest for a while, and walked alone with Wan Qian in the filming camp.

Wan Qian smiled brightly: "Except that it is a bit remote and there are more mosquitoes at night, it's okay. Anyway, I don't need to risk my life. I just need to sit in the command center and give orders beautifully."

When filming "Special Forces: Fire Phoenix", she was already accustomed to the hard work of filming military dramas. Although there are many hot and dangerous scenes in Wolf Warriors, they are basically men's business. The role of Long Xiaoyun is not played much. In detail, it is even easier than filming Fire Phoenix.

"Oh, then do you think this movie is good?"

"I'm just a small actor, how can I be picky? I'll play whatever you give me, big boss! Does it matter whether I think it's good or not?"

I could hear the resentment in her words, she was blaming Gu Zhongyu for not going to her to "play games" for so long!

"Then I'll go to your president Wan tonight, and we can go to the dungeon together again?"

Wan Qian glared at him coquettishly: "I didn't bring my computer, and there's no Internet cafe nearby, so I can't play World of Warcraft at all. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, Mr. Gu!"

"It's okay, it's okay to play Texas Hold'em." Gu Zhongyu looked at Wan Qian's military uniform and became more and more excited. He whispered to her, "You still have to wear this green military uniform tonight, if you don't want to wear it, change it!"

"You look so stupid!" Wan Qian laughed and scolded, but didn't refuse. After not seeing each other for so long, she really missed Gu Zhongyu a little.


In the evening, Gu Zhongyu naturally stayed in the crew to eat with everyone. Because the place was remote, the chefs were reluctant to come, and many staff members served as cooks to cook for everyone.

Many actors in the crew have military experience, and some have even worked in the kitchen. Their cooking skills are really good. Although the dishes they cook are not delicacies, they are also delicious.

"Come on, drink!" Wu Jin couldn't wait to open a can of Snowflake and handed it to Gu Zhongyu.

It is definitely impossible to expect such a group of men with overflowing hormones to get together at night without drinking. In fact, the most consumed material in the crew is beer.

"Uh, I don't drink, thank you"

Chen Duling declined the wine handed to her by others. She is very introverted and almost never drinks. Not only that, she is a little obsessed with cleanliness and even uses her own bowls, chopsticks and cups for eating and drinking.

"Little sister is so beautiful, it's right not to drink, can you have some soda?"

Wan Qian picked up a bottle of Fanta and gave it to her, but Chen Duling just shook her head and said no.

Wan Qian, who had asked for trouble, had to drink with the two actresses who played her advisors. She didn't know why Gu Zhongyu would find such an untactful assistant this time, who was obviously far inferior to Bai Lu.

Gu Zhongyu saw this scene and shook his head. Chen Duling was born in a relatively wealthy family. Her grandfather was an intellectual. Her father was a professor at Xiamen University. Her parents paid great attention to her education, but they obviously didn't work hard on interpersonal communication.

In the previous life, when recording "Longing for Life", she ate in the Mushroom House. Because the tableware in the program was public, everyone was using the public water cup of the Mushroom House, but Chen Duling took her own small blue cup and was unwilling to use the public water cup of the Mushroom House.

Her behavior not only made the audience in front of the TV feel that she was hypocritical, but also made He Jiong and Huang Lei embarrassed. Even if they didn't say it on the surface, they couldn't help thinking that Chen Duling was disliked the things in their Mushroom House.

So the two people who are always steady can't hide their faces, but Chen Duling doesn't think it's a big deal. She didn't even explain to everyone. She didn't seem to realize her out-of-place behavior.

In addition, everyone gathered together and bought wine to welcome the two new actors.

But when everyone was drinking, Chen Duling only drank the water in her own cup and was unwilling to touch the wine they bought.

You know, this is what He Jiong and Huang Lei prepared to welcome her and Shen Yue. Even if she didn't drink, she should explain it to everyone. This silent behavior will inevitably make everyone embarrassed.

And Shen Yue, who was with him, behaved very naturally and regarded herself as a member of the Mushroom House.

Because of these performances, after the episode of "Longing for Life" was broadcast, Chen Duling was also slightly bullied online, saying that she was hypocritical and deliberately cold.

Some fans also explained that this was a deliberate effect by the program team to deliberately blacken our Dudu.

Gu Zhongyu thought it was unlikely, because although variety shows have scripts, it is impossible to control every aspect and every word and action of the guests in each episode, so this is just a normal performance.

This kind of personality is very disadvantageous in the entertainment industry. It is not a big problem to not drink, but being taciturn or too hypocritical is really ruining one's future. It is no wonder that although Chen Duling is beautiful, she has never been very good in the entertainment industry. She plays supporting roles for various female stars and rarely takes the lead.

Gu Zhongyu thinks that this young lady's ability to treat people should be changed, at least she should pretend.

So he walked behind Chen Duling, picked up a bottle of juice and gave it to Chen Duling, biting her ear and said: "Face is given to each other. If you want to have a development in the entertainment industry in the future, then listen to me, don't sit here like a wooden man, take the juice and toast to everyone."

The voice entered her ears with the hot air, and Chen Duling's face turned red by the boss's words. She nodded, poured herself a glass, and then took the glass and took the initiative to toast Wan Qian who was sitting opposite.

I wanted to say a few more polite words, but I couldn't figure out the scale in my heart. Chen Duling, who didn't know what to say, simply said: "Sister, I toast to you!"

"Okay!" Wan Qian smiled and clinked glasses with her. Of course, she saw Gu Zhongyu's little action. It seems that this guy's purpose of recruiting an assistant is indeed not simple. I just don't know if Bai Lu has been taken down.

Gu Zhongyu's table was full of big men. In addition to Wu Jin, there were Zhang Yongda, Wang Sen, Ma Qiang and other professional military actors. Some of them were old brothers who knew Wu Jin during the filming of "I Am a Special Forces Soldier: Blade Out of the Sheath".

There was also a man named Zhuang Xiaolong, who played a special forces member named Banzhuan in the original "Wolf Warrior". Although he was not tall, he was a genuine former special forces soldier.

Before, Wu Jin was in military training in Jinling Military Region, and Zhuang Xiaolong was the duty squad leader. Because the two had a good relationship, Wu Jin tried his best to invite Zhuang Xiaolong to participate in "Wolf Warrior" as soon as he was discharged from the army.

And several foreign actors who played mercenaries. Although they did not speak Chinese, it did not affect everyone drinking together.

But among so many people, there was only a middle-aged man in his fifties. Gu Zhongyu did not recognize him, and he did not look like a crew member, but Wu Jin was very kind and put his arm around his shoulder and called him "big brother". I don't know where he came from.

"Brother Jing, who is this?"

"Oh, damn, I forgot to introduce him!" Wu Jin slapped his forehead, then put his hand on the brother's shoulder and introduced him with his left palm facing up, "Mr. Gu, this is Xie Nan's father, also known as my Lord Taishan!"


Good fellow, you call me brother, father-in-law, are we really going to talk about our own affairs?

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