"Don't the emotional scenes between the male and female protagonists count?" Gu Zhongyu asked rhetorically.

"This is a bit too little, because from the beginning to the end, the male and female protagonists have not been together for a long time. If this can be regarded as an emotional scene, I feel a bit irresponsible."

"Do you like emotional dramas? In other words, do you believe in love?" Gu Zhongyu looked at Wan Qian and really couldn't understand why President Wan, who had always been intellectual and interesting, would say such things.

Wan Qian was also stunned by Ye Hao's question, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Gu Zhongyu said something very corny, "Do you believe in love?" At the same time, his eyes were so sharp. What can Wan Qian say? Just believe it. Then is her relationship with Gu Zhongyu considered love?

When filming "Twelve Hours in Chang'an", Wan Qian initially thought about becoming a crew couple with Gu Zhongyu. After filming, they parted ways, but they haven't seen each other for such a long time, and I don't know if it's because they know the taste after eating the essence or because they grew up over time. She fell in love, and now that she saw Gu Zhongyu again, she found that she still missed him.

This made Wan Qian a little confused. She pulled Gu Zhongyu to talk so much today because she wanted to clarify the relationship between the two of them. What is the matter?

"Do you think our current relationship is love?" Wan Qian finally asked the question she wanted to know most.

Sure enough, everything is foreshadowing. Woman, no matter what I want to know from you, it is difficult to take the initiative to ask. I have to beat around the bush and give you some tricks.

Gu Zhongyu lay down on the sofa, spread his hands and said, "It's passion... but there is also an element of love."

"Isn't that still a relationship between friends?"

"It's different, right? At least I can't see you being with other men. You can say it's a man's unique possessiveness, but love and possessiveness are never separate, and no one can explain clearly. It’s not love!”

It's quite interesting. Gu Zhongyu hasn't discussed love with a woman in such a serious manner for a long time. In the past, he either got to the point in a hurry or used all kinds of sweet words to get through.

This is the key to dealing with different women. Only those like Wan Qian who are smart and sensible and don't blindly believe in feelings can talk about this kind of topic openly and honestly.

And if it is a relatively simple person like Li Yao or Liu Shishi, if you tell people these things seriously, it is easy to get yourself into trouble. In the end, it will definitely end with the woman scolding, getting angry, and crying.

Because he is a scumbag and cannot talk to these innocent girls. He is born in an emotional and moral depression!

"Haha, to put it bluntly, you are just a playboy with some emotions and conscience!" Wan Qian made her own conclusion.

Gu Zhongyu didn't know what kind of madness Wan Qian had today. He asked if she had these things. Could it be that she wanted to break up with him?

Your manager is still here with me, are you afraid that some high-ranking officials will hide you?

"What exactly do you want to express, President Wan Da?"

Wan Qian asked solemnly: "I want to know, if I want to leave you, will you choose to let me go and promise not to pester me in the future?"

"If you are really tired of me and decide to leave, then I can only send you my blessings silently, but seriously, do you want to think about it again? After all, I am also your boss, so give me some face!"

"Even if I fall in love with other men, you won't be jealous?" Wan Qian looked at his magnanimity and asked tentatively in disbelief.

"I'm sure I'm jealous, but I'm not overbearing enough to let all women die alone for me! Although I can give you anything, I can't accompany you until you step into the church. You know this."

He took Wan Qian's hand and held it in his palm: "This is my sincere words, and I respect your choice."

In fact, Gu Zhongyu lied. He would not let go so easily because he was so petty. But then he thought about it, no, if Wan Qian came to say goodbye to him, why did she come here in military uniform tonight? Is it just for her own sake? A breakup?

So he decided to pretend to be an affectionate, generous and open-minded man first, and see what kind of medicine she was selling.

"Although the answer is not perfect, it finally makes me satisfied. Okay, you have passed." Wan Qian stood up, bit her lip, and nodded in approval.

"Pass? Is this a test? What happens if you fail?" As expected, there is something fishy.

"It won't matter. I'm going to take back the gift I gave you tonight."


Wan Qian smiled mysteriously, walked to the door, and clicked a few times on her phone. After more than a minute, there was a knock on the door. She opened the door again and let in two people, also dressed in military uniforms!

It's actually Ganlu and Guo Yan!

The two girls were shy as soon as they came in, not daring to look at Gu Zhongyu at all. Wan Qian walked up behind them and put her arms around their shoulders: "Now...the opportunity has come. It depends on whether you are a phoenix or a pheasant!"

Then she walked to the stunned Gu Zhongyu's boat, bit her ear and said, "How about it, do you like this gift?"

Before Gu Zhongyu could answer, she sat back on the sofa, looked at them and said, "Stop inking, hurry up, are you still waiting for me to call action?"

So Ganlu took off Gu Zhongyu's coat, and Guo Yan took Gu Zhongyu's hand and put it where it should be, saying that you don't need to move, we will do it ourselves...

Early the next morning, the filming of "Wolf Warrior" began. As the director, Wu Jin arrived earlier than anyone else. After briefly looking at the shooting plan, he began to direct tanks, helicopters and other big toys to prepare, and at the same time began to coordinate the group. The actors arranged their movements, calibrated the cameras and lighting, and tried to make as few NGs as possible, trying to get through.

You don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are. The previous "Spike" was just a small production worth several million, but now it involves a large-scale production worth hundreds of millions. The crew is burning money every minute, even if Gu Zhongyu is willing to give He knows everything, so he should try his best to save some money. If the compensation is too miserable, he can't make others angry enough to go to the hospital!

At this time, a foreigner in sportswear ran by and saw Wu Jin tinkering with the machine. He stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying hello in English.

"Hi~ Wu, you are really working hard. You slept so late last night and got up so early today. I just got up for morning exercise and you have already started working."

Wu Jin's English level is not very good, but he can still have normal conversations. When he saw the person coming, he said with a naive smile: "Scott, you are not bad either. I don't have any scenes for you today, so just go and rest."

The person he was talking to was called Scott Adkins. He was the foreigner who played the mercenary leader Lao Mao in "Wolf Warriors". He was a British actor, screenwriter, and producer. He was proficient in taekwondo and judo, and had a close relationship with Cheng Long. , Jet Li and others, and appeared in many action movies such as "The Bourne Supremacy", "The Dark Knight 2" and "The Expendables 2".

"It's too boring to stay in the hotel, but it's more fun to be on the set. Maybe I'm witnessing the birth of an Eastern version of "First Blood". Come and learn from it. Maybe I can also be a director in the future!"

"You will get what you want. Hey, what did you mean when you said I slept so late?" Wu Jin fell asleep when he went back last night. Why did he still feel that he slept late?

Hearing Wu Jin's words, Scott chuckled and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people: "Stop pretending, my friend, only you Orientals will keep such things secret, you have to Say, you have great physical strength, my friend..."

Wu Jin was confused. What was this all about? Why did you, a foreigner, start a riddle with me?

Seeing that Wu Jin was still pretending to be dumbfounded, Scott patted his shoulder: "You are about to get married. There is nothing wrong with indulgence before marriage, but it is best not to let others see it. It affects your authority.”

After saying that, Scott winked at Wu Jin knowingly, and then went for his morning jog.

Wu Jin didn't understand what he meant. He thought it was because his English was not good enough and he didn't understand what he meant. He planned to ask him for advice later, but turned around and started staring at the camera again.

As time passed, Wu Jin saw that all the other actors had arrived and started putting on makeup, but Gu Zhongyu was the only one who hadn't arrived yet.

No, Gu Zhongyu is very dedicated and punctual. He couldn't even get a child drunk with the amount of wine he drank last night. Why can't he get up now?

Wu Jin, who was worried, was about to take out his mobile phone to urge Gu Zhongyu, when he saw that the man had already driven up by himself.

But Gu Zhongyu was listless as soon as he got out of the car, with two dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept all night.

"Why are you late, Teacher Gu? Are you okay?"

"I was a bit late last night when I called someone to talk about business matters. I almost didn't get up. I'm sorry!"

Gu Zhongyu was very worried and asked the guest character if there were any action scenes. If so, it might not be convenient for him because he was complaining about his health today.

"No, it's just a few words, just recite them and that's it."

The action scenes in "Wolf Warrior" are a bit dangerous. How could Wu Jin dare to let Gu Daguan take risks? Everything was arranged to be easy.


It wasn't until after noon that all preparations were finally in place, and shooting started immediately.

Due to Gu Zhongyu's reminder, Wu Jin asked people to go to the nearest colleges to recruit extras. As expected, there were a lot of followers. Many college students even said that they didn't even need to pay to take care of the food in order to grab a spot for extras.

Some other students from well-off families went too far and wanted to donate money, saying that they could sponsor it with their own money, just to show their faces.

After hearing the assistant's report, Wu Jin was speechless for a long time. He never thought that Chinese people could get involved in such matters!

Therefore, the task of recruiting group members has been overfulfilled. No, there are hundreds of college student group members who have changed into military uniforms.

College students who had never seen a movie before looked at everything new, curious about everything, and wanted to touch it. The clear stupidity in their eyes made Wu Jin have to choose to put some camouflage on their faces to avoid staring. You will laugh when you look at them!

Looking at the thousands of troops in front of him, Wu Jin's eyes were shining. For an aspiring action director, military movies are their eternal love!

Military films, war films, and science fiction films only have guns, tanks, and airplanes as their ultimate essence!

This is a romance for men!

But in this era, bad money drives out good money. It is not easy to make the military movie you want, let alone if it involves gun battles and violence, which can easily be killed.

Fortunately, he found his own track, which is the main theme of military action movies!

After handing the guide tube to the executive director, Wu Jin changed his clothes and was about to transform into the soldier king Leng Feng.

At this time, Leng Feng stood in the open field, with no one in front of him.

A camouflaged tank was approaching at high speed. Although there were people in front of it, it was still moving forward. Finally, it started to slow down suddenly when it was almost in front of Leng Feng. Then the tank's barrel was aimed at him, only a palm away from his face.

This action was still somewhat technically difficult. The tank driver was a little nervous and afraid of hurting people, so he NGed twice before passing.

At the scene, everyone held their breath!

An officer got off the car. It was the special operations captain played by Zhang Yongda. He looked at Leng Feng with disdain and asked: "If this is a battlefield, you are already surrounded. What are your last words before you die?"

It is a very common plot in military films. The old soldier gives the new recruit a warning. The domestic one is still civilized. The way the United States or Han country treats new recruits is simply terrible.

"Report, for me, there is no such time!"

His words made several old soldiers who were watching the show not far away frown. They couldn't help thinking that this new recruit was quite courageous and dared to contradict the superiors as soon as he arrived.

"Reason?" Not only the veterans, but even the soldiers behind Leng Feng were curious.

Leng Feng turned around, straightened his body, and spoke with a firm face.

"Barrier-free open isolation belt, armored vehicles, tanks..."

"If this kind of defense can still allow dozens of enemy special forces to successfully dig trenches and hide,"

"And I just happened to land in the center of the ambush trap, there is only one reason"

"You betrayed the country with all your subordinates."

"When dealing with traitors, we usually greet his ancestors!"

After Leng Feng finished speaking, the deputy squadron leader in front of him turned black in an instant, and not far away, the veterans looked at each other and burst into laughter at the same time!

"Hahaha, good, it's a thorn!"

"You deserve to join our Wolf Warriors!"

The officer questioned by Leng Feng remained calm, step by step, approaching Leng Feng, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer...

"At this distance, either we have to fight or kiss, where is the head pressing squad?"

At this time, a soldier holding a straw joked with the two of them, but his voice was too loud, which directly attracted their attention.

So Leng Feng and the captain turned their heads at the same time, looking at him with a look of "are you kidding me?", and the scene fell into awkwardness for a moment...

The person who played the joking soldier was Gu Zhongyu, who had few lines, mostly to set the mood or to be funny, and did not participate in Leng Feng's final battle, so as not to steal the show.

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