Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 297 Wu Jin takes the blame for Gu

After finishing a day of shooting, Wu Jin went to find Scott who was lifting weights to ask what he meant by what he said during the day.

Scott looked at him helplessly: "Brother, your English is not good, so I will express it in Chinese, which is what you Chinese people call "If you don't have a romantic life, you will be a fool." I am just teasing you, and I don't mean to despise you."

Although Scott's Chinese is very poor, Wu Jin understood it. Is he looking for a woman in the crew?

God can be my witness! I am such a traditional and loyal good man, isn't this slander?

He immediately asked Scott to explain why he said that.

Scott put down the dumbbell in his hand and said with a smile: "Ms. Wan is fine. It is normal for the director and the female lead to get together in the crew, but I didn't expect that you would also do it to the two girls around her? One to three, brother, pray that your wife will never know about this"

"What the hell? You...oh oh oh!"

Wu Jin was confused by this sentence, but then he patted his head in sudden realization.

It was Gu Zhongyu, the beast, who attacked the actress in my crew!

It turned out that when Scott woke up in the morning, he saw Wan Qian coming out of someone else's room in dishevel, but he remembered the room number wrong and thought that Gu Zhongyu's room, who lived next to Wu Jin, was his.

Then Scott saw Gan Lu and Guo Yan walking out with each other's support. That scene almost made his jaw drop. He originally saw Wu Jin as a gentleman, but he didn't expect that he played more than him, a British guy!

That's why there was a mysterious conversation in the morning. He really didn't have any bad intentions. He was just having fun. He even admired Wu Jin more in his heart.

Wu Jin's mood at the moment was very complicated. To be fair, he didn't like Gu Zhongyu's style of being affectionate, but the other party was his sponsor and benefactor after all. What could he do?

"Yes, Scott, please keep it a secret for me!"

Scott patted Wu Jin's shoulder and assured him, "Don't worry, brother, this is a secret between men. If you come to Hollywood in the future, remember to contact me, I will find you a few hotter ones, guaranteed to be better than the ladies in our crew!"

Unable to speak out, Wu Jin, who inexplicably took the blame for Gu Zhongyu, could only force a smile at this moment, hoping that this matter would not be spread out, and decided to hint to Gu to let him restrain himself a little.

At this moment, Gu Zhongyu was enjoying his life in the room, resting his head on Ganlu's thighs, enjoying the fruit feeding from the beauty, and next to him was Guo Yan helping him to massage his waist and back, while Wan Qian was concentrating in front of the computer, using Gu Zhongyu's account to download dungeons and help him level up.

"Is your strength okay, Teacher Gu?" Guo Yan was still a little shy, looking at Gu Zhongyu with a comfortable face, and couldn't believe that she really did such a bold thing last night.

"It's OK, continue."

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu never had any idea about these two actresses. Before visiting the crew of "Wolf Warrior", he didn't even know their names. The only impression he had was from the TV series "Special Forces: Fire Phoenix" he watched in his previous life, Tang Xiaoxiao and Tian Guo, two female soldiers, but his memory was already very vague.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the hotel, under Wan Qian's persuasion, the two girls actually chose to come to his room with Wan Qian, giving Gu Zhongyu the bliss he hadn't had for a long time.

Older sisters are still caring!

In fact, from beginning to end, Gu Zhongyu never promised to give these two girls anything. He could have eaten it all and refused to admit it later. I don't know if they were in a gamble mentality, or listened to Wan Qian and thought that Gu would definitely not get it for free.

These two girls have good looks and figures, but in the entertainment industry where there are so many beauties, it is also very difficult to rely on this little beauty to get ahead. Let's see if there is any opportunity to pull it!

"Ganlu, you studied directing at the Central Academy of Drama, right?" Gu Zhongyu asked casually, looking at Ganlu who looked like Fan Binbin.

In the previous life, Ganlu was Fan Bingbing's stand-in in the movie "Apple" starring Fan Binbin. In this life, because of Gu Zhongyu's influence, the movie "Apple" was cancelled, so Ganlu's popularity was lower than in the previous life. Her face was somewhat recognizable, but if she continued to be an actor, it would be unlikely to make a name for herself.

"Yes, I studied directing at the undergraduate level, and I was the best student in our class!" Seeing Gu Zhongyu take the initiative to bring up this matter, Ganlu was excited.

"Then do you want to be a director?"

"Of course I do, but it doesn't matter if I have no money. No one wants me to be an executive director. They all look down on me..." As she spoke, Ganlu's tone became low. Because of her charming appearance, no one remembered that she was a directing student.

"Yu Feihong has an urban drama that she will direct and act in. If you want to return to being a director, I can recommend you to be Yu's assistant."

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Gu!" Gan Lu was very happy. Even if she was a small director, it would be better than doing odd jobs everywhere.

"What about me, Mr. Gu?"

Guo Yan pulled Gu Zhongyu's hand and said coquettishly. This little sister was only a little shorter than Gan Lu, but her mind was even greater than Gan Lu's. Coupled with her immature facial features, she looked like a child with a big body.

Gu Zhongyu scratched her little nose: "You should continue to be an actor! Don't worry, I won't forget you."

Alas, I am too kind, and I even feel that I am at a disadvantage. It is just a "small" enjoyment, and I have to plan a career for others. It seems that I am not a scumbag enough!

"I won't play anymore. I am so tired. They use me as a substitute!" Wan Qian threw the keyboard away, and lay back on the boat angrily. She and Gu Zhongyu rested their heads on Ganlu's legs and ate fruits.

Fortunately, Miss Ganlu is more than 1.7 meters tall and has long and healthy legs, otherwise it would be impossible to let two people lie at the same time.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu and Wan Qian were both lying on her legs, Ganlu blushed and stretched her legs straighter to make it easier for them to rest their heads on them comfortably.

After resting for a while, Mr. Gu felt that he was ready again. He turned over and pounced on them to play another four-person mahjong game.

Unexpectedly, the three young ladies kicked him on the forehead at the same time, saying in unison: "Safety measures!"

Although there were many small umbrellas in the hotel room, they had been used up after the party last night. In the end, Gu Zhongyu was manually micro-managing and accurately grasping the time, and he almost hit the target.

Shrugged, it was indeed dangerous for three people to do it at the same time, so he sent a message to Chen Duling, asking her to send some family planning supplies quickly.

After a while, someone knocked on the door. Gu Zhongyu was excited to open the door, but he first saw a dark and rough old face, while Chen Duling stood behind him a little embarrassedly, lowering her head and not daring to look at her boss.

"Brother Jing, what are you doing here?"

Gu Zhongyu may not have the habit of playing multiplayer games. If Wu Jin wants to intervene, the two of them will have to fight with bayonets.

Wu Jin showed the black box in his hand expressionlessly. He had just snatched it from Chen Duling. Although he hadn't opened it, he could tell what was inside.

"Boss! I beg you, please be patient. We still have a few months to shoot this drama. If you kill someone, we won't be able to shoot it."

Wu Jin put his hands together and bowed to Gu Zhongyu like he was worshipping a Buddha: "Is this enough for you? If not, I'll buy more. Condoms or drugs, just tell me, enough!"

Even though Gu Zhongyu was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he couldn't hold it anymore and snatched the black box from his hand: "Brother Jing, what are you saying? I don't understand what you are saying. It's getting late. Go back to bed!"

After that, Gu Zhongyu no longer dared to face Wu Jin's righteous eyes. He felt that he would shout the slogan "All crimes will be brought to justice" and beat him up in the next second.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu hurriedly close the door, Wu Jin shook his head, hoping that Gu Zhongyu would listen and stop making trouble.

After apologizing to Gu Zhongyu's assistant, Wu Jin left, while Dudu stood there at a loss.

It was terrible, the job assigned by the boss was messed up, and Wu Jin found out. Will she be punished in the future?

The filming continued, but on the set, Wu Jin always looked like a resentful woman every time she saw Gu Zhongyu, which made the foreigner Scott very confused. Could it be that Wu Jin was also bisexual and had an affair with that handsome Oriental man?

Scott didn't say a word, and didn't dare to say anything. If anyone told him that Chinese people were conservative in the future, he would definitely spit at him!

Wan Qian and the two sisters looked normal. Women's acting ability in this aspect has always been unparalleled, and Wu Jin always took special care of them, asking about their well-being, and even canceled the idea of ​​wanting the actresses to perform.

The days of guest appearance in the "Wolf Warrior" crew soon came to an end. Although it was only a few days, Gu Zhongyu had already fallen deeply in love with the crew and was reluctant to leave. He even wanted to work for Brother Jing for another ten days or half a month.

Wu Jin was also reluctant, so he took out the 56 semi-automatic and pressed it against his forehead, saying that if he didn't leave, he might as well never leave...

Excuse me, goodbye!

After returning to Beijing, Wang Sicong also received good news. His father finally agreed to the cooperation plan, including Douyin live broadcast and a series of variety shows, and was willing to invest in the title. Banana Entertainment was officially launched.

Today's real estate is still in full swing. These people really have money in their pockets. Lao Wang is also looking for other investment channels all over the world, so he gave Wang Sicong the right to use 1 billion yuan of funds at one time, and said that if it is not enough, he will add more.

The live broadcast section will have to wait until Douyin is officially launched next year before it can be launched, but the variety show section can be started first.

As an outdoor variety show, "Running Man" has the most investment. It is expected to be recorded at the beginning of next year. Currently, the permanent guests are Deng Chao, Wang Baoxiang, Zheng Kai, Chen He, Bai Lu, Yu Bo, and one is to be determined.

Except for Yu Bo, who replaced Li Chen, the rest are all former running men. Deng Chao is quite important for the first season of Running Man. After all, he is the most famous. Gu Zhongyu tried his best to trick him into signing for a few more seasons, including Chen He. These two are the core of the first season.

Yu Bo didn't want to participate in the variety show at first, but Gu Zhongyu promised to make his career popular again, and finally tricked him to come. What the big black bull Li Chen is, they are all exaggerated characters, how can they be as powerful as Yu Bo's real kung fu!

And Wang Baoxiang also knows some kung fu, plus Yu Bo, this first season of Running Man is simply full of martial arts!

There is one person to be determined. Wang Sicong wants his good friend Lin Gengxin to come, but Gu Zhongyu thinks that this buddy doesn't have a good sense of variety shows and it is impossible for him to stay for many seasons. He doesn't want to use him. It's still early to record, so he decided to wait and see!

Outdoor variety shows must be done, and indoor variety shows cannot be missed. Compared with the highly invested Running Man, Gu Zhongyu decided to start a low-cost debate variety show to make Banana Entertainment famous.

Finally, the column "Strange Talk" was selected.

In the previous life, this program was hosted by Ma Dong, and Cai Kangyong, Jin Xing, Luo Zhenyu, Zhang Quanling, and Ai Dajin were invited as mentors. The purpose was to find the "best talker" with unique views and outstanding eloquence in the Chinese and Chinese-speaking world.

In the previous life, "Strange Talk" was held for seven consecutive seasons, and the number of broadcasts and topics remained high for a long time. It was considered a hit variety show. Although the eighth season could not be held due to some unspeakable reasons, its commercial value is still very high.

This kind of variety show is also the easiest to do. The appearance fees of several mentors are not high, and they can be started directly by renting a venue that is not too big or too small.

So Gu Zhongyu decided to make this variety show first, and try to make as many seasons as possible while the current control environment is not more tense.

Ma Dong, the core host of "The Debaters", has been seeking to host a debate show of his own after retiring from CCTV. Originally, iQiyi should have extended an olive branch to him, but now it has been intercepted by Gu Zhongyu.

It took only one month from the preparation to the recording of the first episode. The first episode's guests were the Times Sisters, who are in the limelight this year.

In addition, other valuable variety shows cannot be missed, such as "Longing for Life", "Meng Tan Tan Tan Case", "Actors Please Take Your Place", etc. No matter when the recording starts, the copyright name should be registered first.

Wang Sicong was also stunned by Gu Zhongyu's creativity one after another, but after a closer look, it seemed quite interesting. He immediately went to "The Debaters" and was happy to act as Gu Zhongyu's tool man. He really wanted to prove himself in front of the public.


As time came to August, Gu Zhongyu called Chen Sicheng to go to Canada to prepare for the opening of the 38th Toronto International Film Festival.

Whether "The Invisible Guest" can be a hit depends on this film festival!

In the whole European and American world, director Chen Sicheng is not well-known. The leading actor and producer Gu Zhongyu is only a net celebrity because of the song "The Fox Calls", so the two female leading actors, Shariz and Alexandra, have to be called.

I haven't seen the two beauties for a few months. When they met again, they almost went straight to the hotel as soon as they landed. Chen Sicheng envied them. Although the one at home is also a big beauty, he always feels that he is not as wild as these big horses.

In recent years, the name of the Toronto International Film Festival has gradually become louder and its influence has become greater and greater. Every year, more than hundreds of movies are screened and traded here, and many Hollywood big film producers are also invited to Taobao.

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