Jiang Wen and Gu Zhongyu have known each other for a long time. Although there is a big age gap between them, Gu Zhongyu's temperament is very much to his liking. He even helped to polish the script of "Let the Bullets Fly". He also invested in him and helped him pass the review of the film. The relationship between the two has long been like half-brothers!

Now that he heard that his good brother Gu Zhongyu was going to make a comeback, Jiang Wen was still very happy and poured himself another glass.

"By the way, I read your rough script of "One Step Away." Gu Zhongyu drank a full glass and suddenly remembered one of his main tasks today.

"What do you think?" Jiang Wen was also shocked when he heard this.

"I kept picking my feet! What the hell is this? You and Wang Shuo worked on the script for a long time, and you wrote this thing?" Gu Zhongyu knew very early that Jiang Wen always liked to have fun for no reason. He only thought about making dumplings for vinegar, and didn't even consider whether the dumplings could be swallowed!

"Hey! What's wrong with my script? Tell me."

"It's the same old problem from when I was filming The Sun Also Rises. You're doing it again! Movies are aimed at the general public. Are you testing the audience on history or politics with this narrative rhythm and the connotation of the lines? The story level of absurdist works may seem a bit crazy and exaggerated, but the emotions of the characters and the truths of the world they express are often the simplest and most mellow. You make a movie that doesn't let the audience understand the plot, but instead lets them watch you solve riddles for two hours. If you want to be scolded, just say so! I can help you!"

Jiang Wen is really a director that makes people love and hate him. In his movies, he is the director and screenwriter, and at the same time he plays the protagonist or plays other important roles in the movie. It's hard to find another one in the whole of China.

He closely combines film art with historical culture, is neither vulgar nor empty talk, and sticks to his own creative style. No director of the same period can do it like him. Gu Zhongyu liked his movies very much in his previous life and thought he was really awesome. He can be called a genius artist among Chinese directors.

The problem is that when this artist starts to indulge in self-intoxication and subjective appreciation when making a movie, most moviegoers will feel uncomfortable.

A typical example is "The Sun Also Rises". This movie is really good. It uses a very magical three-part plot to tell the history and people's hearts of that period, but it is also really difficult to understand. Professionals like Gu Zhongyu have to watch and guess who they are talking about, let alone ordinary audiences.

"Not really? I think the rhythm of the script this time is still pretty good. It's not much different from "Let the Bullets Fly", right?" Confident classmate Jiang Wen still doesn't think there is anything wrong with his script.

"Well, your taste has always been high and low. If your feelings are so reliable, then why was "Guan Yunchang" that you and Zhen Zidan made a few months ago so badly criticized?"

Gu Zhongyu sarcastically said that during the production stage of the movie, he had advised Jiang Wen that filming the Three Kingdoms in this way would be criticized, but he didn't listen and felt good about himself. Sure enough, it turned over after the release.

The plot is basically like this: Cao falls in love with Guan, but can't figure out whether Guan is gay or straight? So he arranges Qilan to seduce him, but finds that Guan is not moved by women! So he concludes that Guan is a straight man and must have an affair with Bei! So Cao tries to sow discord between Guan and Bei, saying that Bei is a waste and so on~~ Guan finally insists on finding Bei, Cao can't bear to kill him, so he lets him go... Who would have thought that Guan would be hunted down all the way, and Cao gets furious when he finds out! At this moment, Emperor Xian shows up, and the truth is revealed! The love, hate and vengeance of four men

Although Zhen Zidan is one of the most famous action stars among Chinese, his appearance and temperament don't look very righteous, and his acting is a bit awkward, not to mention the ridiculous plot in the movie where he falls in love with his sister-in-law. Are you playing Guan Yu or Cao Cao?

"Ahem! That was an accident, and I didn't write the script. Zhen Zidan was indeed not suitable for the role of Guan Yu, and he found out about it later."

"You are not suitable for Cao Cao either. You played a treacherous hero like a township entrepreneur!"

"Hahaha! It really looks like him!" His wife Zhou Yun mocked him, and even Ge Daye was laughing beside him.

Jiang Wen was speechless. Although the movie "Guan Yu" flopped, he still felt good about the Cao Cao he played. How come these people have no taste at all?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Jiang Wen smiled and found a point to fight back.

"Yeah! My Cao Cao is not good! It's comparable to some people. I am Cao Cao, but he is the real Cao Cao! I didn't learn Cao Cao's great talent and strategy, but he is very similar to the good wife. I can't compare with him!"

Ge Da Ye also joked: "At such a young age, he has the talent of a hero. His future is really limitless!"

It is necessary to expose people's shortcomings. It must be said that Jiang Wen has hit a critical hit. Hearing this, the smile on Gu Zhongyu's face disappeared immediately. He looked like he would fight if you continue talking.

Zhou Yun also spit when she heard this, but her face was flushed.

"Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about the script. Anyway, there is no hope for the script of "One Step Away". While it has not been officially launched yet, either make a big change or write a new one."

Gu Zhongyu said frankly that the original time and space movie only took more than 300 million yuan at the box office, which can be said to be a disastrous failure. The script is really not good. There is no need to save it. It is better to change it again.

"You said it's easy, is it so easy to get a good movie script? How about you help me?" Jiang Wen picked up a chopstick and put the dish into his mouth, looking at Gu Zhongyu with a smile,

The reason why he went to see Gu Zhongyu for dinner today was actually to see if he had any good stuff on hand that he could use for free!

Although this little brother is lustful, his talent really cannot be overshadowed. The movie books that have been well-received in recent years are either produced by his company or have been polished by his hands. Regarding this, Jiang Wen is quite convinced by him.

"Hey! I know that today's meal is not for free. Were you planning on me from the beginning?"

"You are not a brother, so you are famous. Brother, I can only stand tall and look up to you!"

In order to get a good movie script, Jiang Wen has never been stingy with free flattery.

"Stop it! I'm glad you haven't eaten too much food, otherwise I would have vomited! I do have the movie book. You can take a look at it first. How does it compare with your "One Step Away"!"

As he spoke, he picked up his handbag, brought the movie script he had written for a long time, and put it on the table.

"I know you must still have some in stock, so today's meal was not in vain."

Jiang Wen was very happy that his prostitution was successful. He didn't even plan to pay for the script this time. Anyway, this brat was not short of money, not to mention that he still owed him money.

Jiang Wen opened the script and read it carefully.

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