Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 4 The first original script

During the Beiyang period, it was north of BJ. Li Tianran, a young martial arts practitioner, witnessed his senior brother Zhu Qianlong colluding with Neon agent Neonichiro to kill his master's family. Li Tianran luckily escaped from the gun and was rescued by American doctor Hendler (played by Andy). After Li Tianran recovered from his injury, he went to the United States for medical treatment for many years and also received special agent training.

In early 1937, Li Tianran was suddenly ordered to return to China.

On the eve of the "July 7th Incident", Peiping, the city of international espionage, is a mixture of foreign countries and mountains, full of temptation and murderous intent at every moment. Li Tianran, who is bent on revenge, does not know that he is involved in a conspiracy, which also disrupts the chess game. At that moment, it was like Bruce Lee breaking into the spy city of Casablanca. Lan Qingfeng, a former warrior, was mysterious and unpredictable. He had a close relationship with Zhu Qianlong and Neichiro, and even became a brother-in-law with Hendler. However, whether he was a friend or an enemy, his identity was unclear.

As the Sino-Japanese crisis continues to escalate, the game between all parties has intensified. Li Tianran, who had been beguiled by lies many times and missed opportunities, finally made up his mind to start an act of revenge with the help of tailor Guan Qiaohong, and exposed the whole family extermination incident and the details of the characters to the world.

After Jiang Wen finished reading the script, he took a deep breath and calmed down...

"Why do I feel like I've seen this script of yours somewhere?"

"You have a good memory. This is adapted from "Xia Yin" written by Zhang Beihai."

Yes, this movie is "The Evil Will Not Suppress the Righteous" made by Jiang Wen in his previous life. The plot is actually not original, but adapted from "Xia Yin". The novel was published in 2001 and tells the story of 1936. Peiping, the story of the young knight Li Tianran.

Gu Zhongyu used your script to help you make a movie this time. He will still have to thank us after it's over!

Jiang Wen has the same problem as many great directors, that is, he likes to change scripts on the spot. This depends on skill and luck. If he does it well, he will be a masterpiece like "Let the Bullets Fly". If he does not do it well, he will be another "The Sun Also Rises" 》.

Many directors of art films, including Wang Jiawei and Hou Kexian, have this habit, but they are art films. From "The Sun Also Rises" to "The Righteous One", Jiang Wen used the cast of commercial films to shoot literary films. For commercial films, it is taboo to change the drama on the spot.

"The Righteous One" has more problems. In addition to the script, casting, editing and even the acting are all problems.

For Jiang Wen's plays, the screenwriters are still revising the scripts when they arrive on set. However, the overall framework of the movie is a purely commercial film, and the editing method is also the same. At the beginning, the plot of the movie is very fast, and then it starts to drag on, and it is even unclear. cloud.

There was also a problem with the casting. The male lead played by Peng and Yan was very crotchless. Although he had been filming in mainland China for so many years, he still had a crooked accent and made people feel out of place every time he spoke.

Li Tianran, played by Li Tianran, has a lot of character problems. He has no subjective initiative and cannot drive the plot. He is just a pawn, and his inner fear and character layer cannot be seen.

The skills of dodging bullets and killing Japanese with chopsticks in the movie are similar to those in the anti-Japanese drama. Although the original work is a martial arts novel, the effect presented in the movie is very poor, and the action direction is too awkward.

The movie is half an hour old. The plot is basically a sieve. Exciting and out-of-control rhythm is a common problem of Jiang Wen. This time "The Evil Cannot Suppress the Right" highlights this problem even more.

The story is originally very simple, but the chaotic rhythm makes it difficult to digest. This is why many people feel uncomfortable after reading it. Don't underestimate genre films, always think about going against genres and being clever and being yourself. Strong genres and mixed private goods can easily tear each other apart.

Especially when it comes to life and death, Jiang Wen made this movie just to make a meal of dumplings out of jealousy and to burn a smoking house as a gift.

As a result, the dumplings didn't reach his mouth this time, and the opium got into his nose.

What was the director's personal bad taste turned out to be a double-edged sword, sometimes brilliant, sometimes embarrassing and boring. The rooftop and hospital scenes were good to watch, but the climax in the second half was inexplicably slow, lacking the hearty pleasure of Jiang Wen's previous works.

Compared with Jiang Wen's original script, the script provided by Gu Zhongyu this time is relatively more respectful to Mr. Zhang Beihai's original work. In fact, the details of the description of Old Beiping in the novel are very accurate, and the taste is mellow, and the fictional martial arts story is also real and believable. letter.

Many times, we still have to respect the original work and don't want the director and screenwriter to make random changes as soon as they hit the head. The effect of the film is already very good.

At the same time, the confusing and absurd plot designs were deleted, and the rhythm was arranged to be more compact.

"I like it quite a lot, but it's just that I passed the trial..."

Jiang Wen felt that there were some obvious political insinuations in this script. Although it was to his liking, he was worried about the censorship issues of previous films, so he was still a little worried.

"So in order to pass the review, we can't make the film too serious. We have to arrange gags, talkative comedy, and sexy scenes. This is also your specialty. How can this movie be seen as unseemly! How can it pass the review like this? The risk will be much smaller. If it doesn’t work, I won’t be there! I’ll ask the old man when the time comes, and I’ll definitely get it reviewed for you.”

This script was specially designed for Jiang Wen, and only he could produce that absurd realism.

"Since Xiao Gu said this, Lao Jiang, you can give it a try."

Uncle Ge also thinks that if this script can be produced, it might be a good movie. In fact, he is not very optimistic about the script "One Step Away".

"Wife, what's your opinion? Should we shoot or not?" Jiang Wen would always ask his wife Zhou Yun's opinion first on any important matter.

Although Jiang Wen looks fierce, he is more obedient than his grandson when facing his wife. Zhou Yun is fierce and tough, and only she dares to confront Jiang Wen directly on the set without giving him any face. If Jiang Wen thinks the food he cooks is not tasty, he will immediately turn hostile and throw it into the trash can. If Jiang Wen dares to show that he doesn't like the clothes he buys, Zhou Yun will immediately give them to the community security guard. There are many such things, which can show Zhou Yun's position as the emperor of the family!

Moreover, many of Jiang Wen's movies were invested by Zhou Yun, and she is also responsible for the daily financial expenses. If his wife doesn't like a movie script, he will basically not think about shooting it.

Zhou Yun took the script, looked at it carefully, and then gently closed it, smiling and saying, "Shoot it! Why not? Anyway, our great talent Gu will guarantee you, so why not shoot it?"

Jiang Wen was very happy to hear his wife's approval of the script and his encouragement! He slapped his thigh!

"Then shoot it!"

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