Although Jiang Wen likes this script very much, the preparation time for a movie is not short. It is already September, and it is definitely impossible to start shooting this year.

The early stage of film and television production requires a lot of preparation work, including planning, scenes, funds, casting and equipment support. It will take several months to complete these. The earliest it will start shooting is next year.

"My company has another movie that will start shooting soon. If there is no problem with the old man, I will use this movie as my first work after returning to the entertainment industry. However, the shooting time will not be long, but there is another TV series waiting for me. I estimate that your movie may start at the end of next year."

"New movie? What are you talking about?" Jiang Wen and Ge Daye were very curious about what movie Gu Zhongyu chose as his comeback work.

"A science fiction movie, you will know when it is released." Gu Zhongyu kept it a secret and did not directly say the name of the movie. This movie is adapted from Liu Cixin's novel and is also the first work of Zongheng Film and Television's Science Fiction First Year Plan.

"Still playing dumb! Once you start filming, I'll rush to the set to see what you're up to." Jiang Wen himself is not very interested in science fiction, and he doesn't think that any science fiction masterpieces can be produced in China at this stage, but because it is Gu Zhongyu's work, he still wants to find out, maybe there will be some surprises.

The business is almost over, and the next is a meaningless chat. Jiang Wen likes to drink. Although Zhou Yun has been strict with him over the years of marriage, today there are friends present, and he is happy to have a new script, so he didn't control him too much, so he let him drink to his heart's content.

Jiang Wen's alcohol tolerance is terrible, and he is famous in the entire entertainment industry. He can drink more than three kilograms of liquor with a concentration of more than 50 degrees at a time!

Gu Zhongyu didn't like drinking much in his previous life, but he couldn't resist being reborn in a high-ranking official family in this life. His father and other elders in the family were ruthless people who could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. He was influenced by alcohol since he was a child, and he also developed a good alcohol tolerance. In addition, he was young and healthy, so he was not afraid of competing with Jiang Wen in drinking.

Uncle Ge was also a drunkard who loved alcohol. Although he couldn't drink as much as the two, he was still very generous when drinking. The three men started singing and drinking.

"…I've almost finished drinking. I have to leave first."

Uncle Ge was the first to be eliminated. He was very good at drinking. No matter how much he drank, he would not get drunk. When he drank enough, he would leave in time to avoid being embarrassed by drinking too much.

"How are you going back after drinking so much?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Don't worry, I won't drive. Someone will pick me up. You all should be careful. Look at Old Jiang. He's drunk like that." Uncle Ge pointed at Jiang Wen, who was already drunk at the table. There were not many people in the circle who could make him drunk like this, so Jiang Wen especially liked to drink with him and Gu Zhongyu.

"Hey! Uncle Ge is leaving. OK! Today's wine is almost finished. Brother Wen, sister-in-law, I'm going to leave too." Gu Zhongyu was okay. I don't know if it was the benefit of the time traveler. His physical fitness in this life was far superior to that of ordinary people. He just drank almost three kilograms of white wine, but he didn't feel drunk.

"You are not suitable to drive in this state. I'll ask someone to take us away later!" Zhou Yun didn't wait for his consent and directly pulled Gu Zhongyu, who was about to get up, back to the chair.

"Why are you running! Keep drinking!" Jiang Wen, who was drunk and had a red face, waved his hand holding the wine glass at Gu Zhongyu, and then his eyelids began to droop. In less than two minutes, he lay on the table and started snoring!

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's rare to see this big monkey drunk. I have to teach him a lesson tomorrow." Zhou Yun was particularly disgusted by the appearance of drunken men. They were dirty and smelly, and they looked like weak shrimps. It was so annoying!

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said nothing. It seemed that his good brother would be beaten up when he woke up tomorrow!

He sent a message and was ready to wait for someone to pick him up.

At this time, Zhou Yun suddenly said: "By the way, the massage you gave me last time was quite effective. Please give me another massage today!"

"Isn't this bad? Brother Wen is still here!" Is this considered a present?

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yun ran over, grabbed Gu Zhongyu's hand and walked to the lounge next to him.

"Hey! Sister-in-law, don't touch me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

After a while, Jiang Wen, who had been drunk, suddenly woke up, tiptoed to the door of the lounge, listened to the movement inside, looked at the ceiling, and didn't know what he was thinking.

After waiting in the hotel for more than half an hour, the people who came to pick up Gu Zhongyu and Jiang Wen arrived. They helped Zhou Yun lift the drunk Jiang Wen into the car. After watching the two leave, Gu Zhongyu returned to his car.

It was a black Maybach. Sitting in the driver's seat was a beautiful girl in her early 20s, wearing a beige dress and a neat and refreshing high ponytail hairstyle. Her long legs were particularly eye-catching. Unfortunately, because she drove here tonight, she didn't step on a pair of high heels that Gu Zhongyu loved.

"Boss! Can you check the time later? It's almost twelve o'clock! I'm your secretary, not your driver. I have my own personal life, okay?" Jiang Shuying slapped the steering wheel angrily.

"You still have your own personal life? What? Did you find that wild man behind my back?" Gu Zhongyu joked.

Since crossing over, Gu Zhongyu has been paying special attention to those female stars who have not yet debuted. Because of his appearance, many celebrities in this time and space have very different life trajectories from their previous lives. Jiang Shuying is one of them.

Originally, Jiang Shuying was about to participate in the movie "To Our Youth That Will Eventually Pass Away" during this period of time. However, under Gu Zhongyu's early intervention, Jiang Shuying only filmed "Flying Flowers Like Butterflies" and a short drama in this time and space, and then went to the UK. After obtaining a master's degree in media economics at the University of East Anglia in the UK, she returned to China.

Now she is the senior secretary and assistant of Zongheng Entertainment Company, and it has been almost a year.

"Ha! Boss, don't misunderstand, we are superiors and subordinates, not lovers. I want to find someone to fall in love with, that is my freedom, you have no right to interfere!" Jiang Shuying's mouth is still so hard, and Gu Zhongyu has already experienced this.

"I remember you signed an artist contract with the company. There seems to be a clause in the contract that restricts dating, right?"

"Then you can sue me for breach of contract and ban me? I'll just sue you, the shameless boss, for harassing female subordinates! Let those stupid fans see your true colors!"

Jiang Shuying said angrily. Gu Zhongyu was really hateful. He got the advantage but still acted cute. He came to pick him up so late, but he didn't even say a word of thanks, and he was tit-for-tat with him.

"How dare I! Now you, the beautiful Jiang, have so many handles in your hands. If you write a small essay to expose me one day, I will have to quit the circle and change my job to become a gigolo."

"I'm glad to know. Hiss... Keep your hands in a proper way. I'm driving!"

"I'm driving too!"

Bickering with Xiao Jiang has become one of Gu Zhongyu's daily pleasures.

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