Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 302 Mother Yang, the Seller

"You are so awesome. You have gained both fame and fortune now. Could you please give me some charity? I'm so poor lately that I can't even open the pot!"

"Isn't it appropriate for Boss Yang and me to pretend to be poor?"

"Who are you pretending to be? I'm really poor now!"

Yang Mi spent a lot of money to get the rights to adapt "Gu Jian Qi Tan". She did not attract much external funding for the filming of the TV series. Except for Jia Nailiang's millions, it was basically her own money. " The dividends I just received from "Little Times" were invested before I even started to warm up.

She also believed that Gu Zhongyu would not cheat her, so she dared to play such a big show. It was still very difficult to operate such a big show independently on the scale of Jiaxing. In order to save money, she did not hire any big names. Basically, they were all newcomers from Jiaxing. Even so, the cost of the entire drama is approaching the 50 million mark.

The total production cost of the seventy-six episodes of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is only about 80 million.

Today, Jia Nailiang and his wife were taken away again, and their investment had to be returned to others. Most of the scenes that had been filmed had to be reshot, which was another huge expense, which made Yang Mi feel obviously stretched.

It's not that Yang Mi can't come up with the money, it's just that she also invested a lot and spent a lot on buying a house. She only has a million yuan in working capital. Unless she sells the house or asks someone to borrow it, it's really hard to come up with it.

"Then how much do you want to borrow?"

Yang Mi stretched out his hand and compared a number to him: "I don't want more from you, as long as I have three million!"

Gu Zhongyu thought she would open her mouth like a lion, but he didn't expect that she only borrowed three million. Da Mi Mi was honest this time.

"And it's not just that we are poor. Today we have a lot of fun ridiculing Jia Nailiang, but the movie has to go on. Who should Ouyang Shaogong choose to play the role? You have to think of someone for me."

"This is simple. The filming of "Hua Xu Yin" by the crew next door should have been completed. You can go find Qiao Zhenyu yourself. I don't know how suitable this old handsome guy is to play Ouyang Shaogong and Jia Nailiang!"

Da Mi Mi looked at him with a strange look on his face: "Why do you seem to be ready for everything? I only know the name of the show "Hua Xu Yin", how did you know that Qiao Zhenyu is on the set?"

Yang Mi has had this kind of doubt many times, and she feels that Gu Delai is the same as someone who knows what to do. He always knows which drama will be popular, which actor has potential, and even what drama is being filmed. Weird.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't answer her question. Tell you that I came from time travel?

"The girl following you today is your new assistant, right? She really knows how to enjoy herself. Her appearance makes me jealous. Where is that little girl Bai Lu? Did you get her in trouble?"

"Bai Lu is in Yanjing and will make her debut soon. The little girl next to you is not bad either. The one in purple is called Reba, right?"

"What are you doing? Do you want to take advantage of my employees?"

Da Mi Mi looked at him warily and said: "I helped you get my good sister Guo Biting, plus Guo Caijie, you are still not satisfied with the three of them? Do you insist that I give you all the sisters of the era?" Send it to the ship?"

"Hey, okay, I'll call Xie Yilin later. You can mess with her, but don't mess with my employees!"

Gu Zhongyu looked disgusted: "You can pull it off, I believe in Allah and I never eat pork! Just asking casually, what do you want to do so much?"

"How can I still not understand you? I'm watching porn and drinking cold water - I'm not holding back any serious shit. Let me tell you, the little girl Rebana is not only my employee, she's also my best friend. She's like a sister, just like a family!"

"So?" Gu Zhongyu twitched his eyebrows, already having a premonition of what she was going to say.

"You have to pay more!"

Yang Mi gestured again: "At least lend me two million more, and then I can introduce you to you."

Depend on!

I knew you were waiting for me here. What kind of golden branches and jade leaves are worth two million?

Gu Zhongyu's money didn't come from the strong wind. How could you increase the money just as you asked, so in the end he just borrowed an extra million from Yang Mi, which was considered as an additional investment in "Gu Jian Qi Tan".

I don’t have any other intention, I just want to communicate with Reba and ask Mother Yang, oh no, Boss Yang to arrange it as soon as possible.

"It's not that fast. At least I have to wait until I finish filming "The Story of Ancient Swords"."

Yang Mi knew that Gu Zhongyu was a beast. If the two of them were allowed to "communicate" now, it might affect the filming schedule. Moreover, men would not cherish things that were too easy to obtain, so they had to whet his appetite first.

"Do I seem to be such an impatient man? Really!" Gu Zhongyu rolled his eyes at her, "I thought he was a good prospect, and I thought we might have a chance to work together!"

"You just put it on the bed together, right? I understand!"

Yang Mi sometimes felt that this man was really too romantic, and that he was also fooled by lard, and now he actually pimped him out?

They are all contaminated by him!

"By the way, "The Invisible Guest" won the Toronto Film Festival award this time. Do you have a chance to enter the Oscars?"

Yang Mi suddenly thought of this question. If he could win the Little Golden Man, then Zongheng would be awesome!

"Absolutely impossible!"


"The Toronto Film Festival has given me the Midnight Madness Award this time. It tells us that we will definitely have to run for the Oscars in the future. It would be good to be nominated."

"What a pity, what are your plans next?"

"I'm going to record a variety show the day after tomorrow, and then prepare to shoot a new movie."

Yang Mi was excited when she heard about the new movie and asked if she could take her along. Gu Zhongyu said don't even think about it. She just cheated me out of my money, don't be too greedy.

Yang Mi's pursuit of fame and fortune and her ambition to succeed are among the top three women Gu Zhongyu knows. He doesn't want her to be too eager for quick success, so as not to repeat the mistakes of her previous life.

"Don't say these useless things. I just lent you a few million. Now I'm kind enough to lend you a few hundred million. How about that?" Gu Zhongyu ate and drank enough and fell on the sofa, looking forward to Da Mi Mi's performance tonight.

Yang Mi smiled mysteriously, took out a red pet collar from the daily necessities he had just bought, and put it on his neck.



After walking the puppy with Da Mi Mi's crew all night, Gu Zhongyu set off to return to Beijing.

There is still a lot of discussion online about "The Invisible Guest" winning the Toronto Award. Netizens are very happy, especially Gu Zhongyu's fans. Although it is not the highest award, it can be regarded as breaking the record of no Chinese winners in the Midnight Madness Unit.

The Internet is very hot, but some old predecessors in the circle are collectively silent. In fact, when "Ball Lightning" won the Cannes Jury Award, there were already such signs.

These people did not mention the movie award at all.

Especially some film critics and filmmakers who said that Gu Zhongyu only pleased the audience, accusing him of making movies that were too entertaining and had no depth.

They are still silent this time, but this does not mean that Gu Zhongyu's fans will let them go. Many people translated the foreign media news of "The Invisible Guest" winning the award into Chinese and sent it to those film critics.

One of them was more excited, called Guan Hu.

"The Invisible Guest tells the story of the United States, not our Chinese film. I don't understand why some people in our country would speak for someone who shoots a foreign story, and the actor is a villain in the movie. This is obviously humiliating himself to please foreigners, and it is an act of losing face for our people!"

This sentence is very heartbreaking. In addition, Guan Hu's reputation was not yet bad, and many netizens who did not know the truth chose to follow suit.

They don't understand why Gu Zhongyu wants to make a foreign suspense movie.

In addition, the most common people on the Internet are the 50-cent party. Many people actually said that Gu Zhongyu has actually become an American citizen, and this movie is a letter of surrender!

"Oh my god, when did I become an American?"

Sitting in the business car, Gu Zhongyu looked at a series of reports about himself on the Internet with a bit of laughter and tears, especially the one who spoke was Guan Hu, who was obviously a spiritual American. When "King Kong River" premiered, he actually wore a hat of the US Navy!

The thief cried thief!

"It's because your movies have been winning awards in the past two years, which makes many people feel ashamed!"

Bai Bin looked at Gu Zhongyu with a little admiration. Although this award is not very eye-catching in the world and is not as famous as the Palme d'Or, the Golden Lion, and the Golden Bear, it also makes many colleagues feel ashamed. After all, most of them can't even get nominated.

"But it's a bit too much to say that you have become an American citizen. Should we issue a statement to clarify?"

Chen Duling was also very angry after reading those remarks. The master was humiliated and the minister died. Even she, who is not very talkative, took the initiative to make suggestions.

Speaking of nationality, Gu Zhongyu thought of Liu Yufei. This girl has never changed her nationality. It's not that she loves the United States so much, but mainly because the American passport is more convenient for her to travel around the world.

Be prepared for a rainy day. I have to talk to her later and change her nationality as soon as possible, otherwise you will have no way to defend yourself against similar attacks in the future.

"No, I'm about to record "The Rap of China". I'll respond on the show later." Gu Zhongyu glanced at Dudu and liked her change of attitude. She used to keep silent when she encountered something.

The recording of "The Rap of China" is today. Gu Zhongyu changed his clothes and rushed to the Starlight Film and Television City in the DX area.

The fixed guests of the show have been negotiated long ago. They are basically the same as in the previous life, Ma Dong, Cai Kangyong and Sa Beining. The first broadcast platform is Penguin Video.

Ma Dong is a director, screenwriter, actor, producer and host. He is well-known in the industry. He was originally going to join iQiyi as the chief content officer. Now he has been poached. I don't know who iQiyi will find for so many variety shows in the future.

Originally, there was a short and tight guy in the first season of "The Rap of China". Gu Zhongyu didn't like this guy, and he would explode sooner or later, so he invited Sa Beining, who had just resigned as the host of "Today's Statement".

Sa Beining is one of the CCTV hosts with a very good sense of variety. Moreover, because he comes from an independent streaming media, he understands the changes in attitudes above. His education and emotional intelligence are also high enough, so he can neutralize the atmosphere and avoid touching certain topics that cannot be touched.

Now many people in the variety show department of Banana Entertainment are not from the mainland, not only Cai Kangyong, but also the brains behind the two teams, Huang Zhizhong and Hu Jianbiao, who are Malaysian Chinese. There is no way around it. The debate element has almost completely disappeared in the mainland in the past two years. Only Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea have experience in this area, so many people were invited to come and learn from them first.

Gu Zhongyu participated in the second episode this time. In the first episode, Guo Caijie and Xie Yilin were invited to come. Ma Dong thought that the two people were too low-class, so he strongly requested Gu Zhongyu, the boss, to save the scene and record the second episode.

Originally, Gu Zhongyu appeared in preparation for the finals, but since it is his own show, he must be obliged to do so.

After getting out of the car and walking to the recording hall, Gu Zhongyu paused and looked around. While he was stunned, Ma Dong had already seen him.

"Teacher Gu, this way!"

In the lounge backstage, Cai Kangyong and Sa Beining were sitting and chatting together. They heard the door open, and then saw Gu Zhongyu following Ma Dong in. The two hurriedly said hello.

"Brother Kang Yong, Teacher Sa, we meet again!"

"Let me introduce to you, this Teacher Gu is our producer and big boss behind the scenes. It was he who came up with the original idea for this show!"

Ma Dong directly carried Gu Zhongyu out.

"Are we two also recommended by Teacher Gu?" Sabining asked curiously. He used to host relatively serious programs, but he didn't expect that someone would ask him to host an online variety show.

Before Gu Zhongyu could answer, Ma Dong rushed to say: "Yes, he strongly recommended the two of them at that time. He also said that Teacher Sa is knowledgeable about the past and the present, and Brother Kang Yong is both a master of business. This show can be done without me, but it cannot be without you!"

After saying that, he looked at Gu Zhongyu: "How about it? If Teacher Gu is ready, then we can start recording!"

"let's start!"

After all, the venue has not yet become famous, and only 100 people can sit in the full house. The space left for the players is not too big, but it can still be regarded as a display platform.

Many people with stories have released themselves on this stage and become the idols of many people.

For example, Ma Weiwei, Fan Tiantian, and Xiao Xiao.

There are also Malaysian Chinese star debaters Yan Rujing and so on.

The reason why Gu Zhongyu in his previous life was attracted to this show was also because of the queen of golden sentences, Ma Weiwei.

"What love is, it's romance. What romance is, it's not just love that goes on and on without knowing where it started, it's love that goes on and on without knowing when."

"The life of a dung beetle is to look up at the stars and roll dung."

"Love, if it is exposed, it is a scam; if it is not exposed, it is faith!"

"When you see the little deer bumping inside a beautiful woman, those beasts have already bumped into the little deer many times."

Especially the sentence "I want to see reproduction, reproduction, and the animal world!"

And "If your methods are not strong enough, your body must be soft!"

As for the others, although Gu Zhongyu also admired them, he definitely didn't like them that much.

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