"Hello, we are Qi Pa Shuo, produced by Banana Entertainment! Everyone applauds to welcome today's male idol, Gu Zhongyu!"

There was warm applause from the audience, and several contestants also stared at Gu Zhongyu passionately.

Gu Zhongyu quickly stood up and bowed.

"I dare not call myself a male god, I am just an ordinary person with a bit of luck!"

"I am very familiar with this ordinary person... no, I am very familiar with Gu Zhongyu. We met almost ten years ago. At that time, I was still in Yangma, doing a program called a talk show, and he was a guest at that time. At first, I felt that... Can young people like this have anything profound to talk about? After a few conversations, I realized that the people born in the 1980s are really amazing!"

"He is more mature than I thought. At that time, he told me that his life plan was to start a company and establish a film group like Warner and Paramount in Hollywood, and he is now on this path. On Kangzhuang Avenue!”

"So, I'm not surprised at all that he has made such great achievements in movies in the past two years!"

"Thank you, Teacher Ma, for your compliment!"

"Okay, now that we've finished talking about the business, let's talk about something personal?"

"The opening is so quick?"

Gu Zhongyu immediately became vigilant. Ma Dong's hosting style was to exploit every opportunity, especially for people who were familiar with him. One or two pieces of explosive information could be dug out without warning.

"I noticed that you actually returned from Canada very early, but according to insiders, you did not return to your company immediately, but stayed somewhere in Zhejiang for two days..."

Gu Zhongyu looked at Ma Dong who had succeeded with a confused expression.

"Can I please tell you what you did?"

"My friend was filming, so I just stopped by to visit the class..."

Ma Dong joked: "On the way back to Yanjing, I went to Zhejiang to visit a class. Your itinerary planning is very creative. Can I ask whose class you are visiting?"

"It's Yang Mi." Gu Zhongyu didn't hide it, and there was no need to hide it. It was something that could be found out after a quick investigation.

"Wow!" There was a commotion in the audience. No matter what talk show, in the end, digging up the private gossip of celebrities can best satisfy their appetite.

"You know, many people are curious about your relationship with her. Can you briefly explain it?"

"Let me ask..." At this time, Teacher Cai Kangyong spoke at the same time.

Gu Zhongyu and Ma Dong turned to look at Cai Kangyong with a tacit understanding.

"Because the guests in the last issue were the Era sisters, I would like to ask, what do you think of Yang Mi's performance in the movie "Little Times"?"

"Wow! You are going to cause trouble!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled exaggeratedly, and at the same time his mind was spinning rapidly, and he organized his words: "To answer Teacher Ma's question first, Yang Mi and I are both from Yanjing. We have known each other since we were very young. We have seen each other wearing crotchless pants. That kind of thing, we are too familiar with each other, so there is really no way to have any relationship..."

"Hey~" There was another commotion at the scene, and everyone felt that Gu Zhongyu's words were unbelievable.

"No, what's so unbelievable about this? The relationship between men and women is too familiar, and they are very hormonal, because they are like buddies."

Sa Beining couldn't help but ask: "But Teacher Yang Mi is so beautiful, so you haven't been tempted at all?"


Gu is usually very hands-on, so why bother?

"There's no need to explain so much, anyway, we'll just watch it! By the way, Cai Kangyong asked just now, what do you think of Yang Mi's current acting skills?"

Gu Zhongyu frowned: "Mi Mi's acting skills are passable and she has her own artistic pursuits. Otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen her to be the heroine of "Ball Lightning". I just like her for the boy who refuses to admit defeat." I'm angry, but I can't comment too much on the movie "Little Times". Everyone has their own preferences for carrots and cabbage!"

"Okay! We know what you mean!" Ma Dong nodded and expressed satisfaction.

"I noticed that you answered all the questions today! Ma Dong, ask him a few more questions!"

Sa Beining is excited. It is indeed more fun to host this kind of variety show. Compared with the serious Yang Ma, this is in line with his character.

"Of course, Teacher Gu, the on-demand viewing rate of this issue depends on you. Let's enter the quick question and answer session!"

"Don't cause trouble!" Gu Zhongyu didn't remember this step.

"You still thought you were on a TV show? This is "Qi Pa Shuo", I almost forgot, you are still an investor!"

"low profile!"

"It's okay. We can cut out the sentence just now. Okay, let's start with the first question. What's the reason why you never accept endorsements, commercial activities or catwalk shows?"

"I didn't stop accepting endorsements. In fact, when I first debuted, in order to save money to start a company, I accepted more endorsements than anyone else. But then the company got on track and I became busy and I didn't care about it. If there was a suitable If someone contacts me for endorsement, I will consider it, but I am a very serious person, and the endorsement must be something I have used and approved, otherwise I will not accept it no matter how much money is offered!"

Gu Zhongyu responded to the concerns of many people. Recently, many businesses have contacted him, including big brands such as Armani and Versace, who hope to find him for endorsement cooperation. Based on the idea of ​​​​strive for excellence, he indeed plans to take on two high-end businesses. Make some pocket money.

"Second question, now that you have developed in Hollywood, will you return to the Chinese market in the future?"

"Of course, I am a native of China, but the background of this movie is more suitable for the United States. I just went to Hollywood. Why would I go to other people's territory for no reason?" Gu Zhongyu's answer was justified, and it was also a response to netizens who said he was American.

"The third question, why do Hong Kong and Taiwan artists rarely appear in your movies? Do you have prejudices against them?"

"No prejudice, it's just because I always think that their Mandarin is not standard, and filming certain themes of movies will make the audience feel a little out of the play. In fact, I like my predecessors such as Chow Yun-fat and Ka Fai very much. As long as there is a suitable role, I will definitely find them!"

Gu Zhongyu only has a little respect for the older generation of Hong Kong and Taiwan artists. He doesn't even want to mention the names of the new generation. It's okay that their acting skills are bad and their character is bad, and they look more wretched than each other!

"The fourth question..."

"Anything else? Isn't our program a debate? Is there enough time?"

"The last one..."

"Okay, ask quickly!" Gu Zhongyu was a little helpless.

"You have had scandals with Yang Mi, Liu Yufei, Gao Yuanyuan, and Fan Binbin. If you choose one of them to be your wife, who would you choose?"

You are just joking, but you dare to ask such a question?

"Only children make choices! Adults know that it is useless to choose. Who do I choose now? Can you arrange a marriage for me, Teacher Ma? Then I like the pretty one. Teacher Ma, who do you think is the prettiest of these four actresses? I will choose her!"

"I didn't ask..."


Gu Zhongyu is very popular now. Every movie he made in the past two years has sold well and won awards in Cannes and Toronto. Of course, the public is most concerned about his scandals with many female stars.

At this juncture, he came to participate in the show. If he doesn't dig hard, wouldn't he be sorry for the audience?

Since leaving Ma Dong, Ma Dong has become more and more shameless, and the scale of the questions he asks is also very large. The most classic one is Jia Ling's "My name is Jia Ling AA Goddess". Jia Ling obviously didn't understand it, and then Ma Dong said it bluntly, it's Goddess Ivy!

With the popularity of "The Rap of China", many people like to compare Wang Han and Ma Dong.

In terms of hosting skills, the two are equally matched. If you insist on saying that Wang Han is talented, Ma Dong wrote "The most sad thing is the cool night, and the haggard man is unbearable to pity." Inviting wine to break the intestines and get drunk with three cups, looking for fragrance and awakening the dream at five o'clock in the morning. The hairpin head is slanted, and you have tears, and the tea flower is not my fate. The small building is lonely, the new rain moon is hard to be like a hook and hard to be round. How many hosts can do such a good job in ancient Chinese?

But if we look at the role of promoting the entire hosting industry, there is no doubt that Ma Dong is slightly better. First of all, when hosting "Challenge Host", he helped CCTV to use a group of excellent hosts such as Li Sisi and Yuchi Linjia. If a host is replaced, a host with a little bit of narrow-mindedness will suppress it, not to mention suppression. Although they really have them, they will not come out so early, just like giving people advice "You are not good like this, what should you do" and "Can you not be like this" In my opinion, although the meaning seems to be similar, they are actually two attitudes.

Furthermore, it is not easy for him to host "Heroes of Chinese Characters", a program that holds high the banner of promoting Chinese culture, with ease. "Qi Pa Shuo" has carved out a path among the large number of imported programs from Han countries!

More importantly, "Qi Pa Shuo" has truly taken up the banner of online variety shows, making online variety shows no less inferior to those broadcast on TV!

This is definitely started by Ma Dong!

To ​​be honest, Mango TV is really amazing. If it weren't for the unexpected popularity of "Qi Pa Shuo", many people would not even know that there is such a person as Ma Dong!

People are afraid of comparison, so when Ma Dong participated in "Day Day Up", Wang Han's performance was obviously very hard. Ma Dong could still defend himself with a few words at the beginning, and made people laugh, but later he was too lazy to say anything.


"Qi Pa Shuo" records two debate topics per show, which are broadcast in two episodes.

The two episodes recorded by Gu Zhongyu were debated on the topics of "Is this a society that values ​​appearance" and "No love, should we divorce?"

For the first debate, it felt like both sides were a bit too aggressive. The three debaters led by Cai Kangyong were weak, especially the debater named Zhang Yang, who had no logic and could only talk nonsense. Liu Sida was a professional debater, but unfortunately, his arguments were too weak. As for Jin Yuxuan, he was still suitable to be a teacher or professor;

Even if Jiang Sida and Xiao Xiao on the opposite side had not fully developed their fighting power, they were enough to kill the three of them in seconds. As for the woman sitting in the middle, forget it, it's equal to nothing!

Not to mention Gu Zhongyu, even Ma Dong on the side shook his head.

Finally, both sides had said almost the same thing, and the mentor was about to end the debate. Gu Zhongyu suddenly waved his hand: "Let me say a few words!"

Several contestants, mentors and the audience were looking at him.

"I came up with the idea for the show "Strange Talk" and then discussed it with Mr. Ma. Our goal is to create the most influential talk show on the Internet platform. You heard me right, I said variety show!"

"As an investor, I don't want to see a niche debate. I want to see both debate and variety show. I just listened to the six of you. I think except for a few of you, the arguments of the others are completely untenable. Even I can't convince them, let alone the audience! I don't think such contestants are suitable for this show!"

"Especially these three here. First, they have no sense of..."

"You are so easy to talk. You have status now, of course you can..." Before Gu Zhongyu finished speaking, Zhang Yang suddenly said something.

"Can you listen to me? When you were talking, did I show my dissatisfaction? Did I speak? How come you don't have any basic etiquette?"

Gu Zhongyu was very angry. These people were just arguing for the sake of arguing and trying to be different.

He slammed the table directly: "If a person has no cultivation, then everything he says is just one-sided. I won't listen to a word!"

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit cold. After all, no one thought that the boss Gu Zhongyu would quarrel with the contestants.

"No, Teacher Gu, it's too difficult. There are still too few people paying attention to online variety shows now. There were not many people who signed up at the beginning. These few people are already one in a million! "

Ma Dong came out to smooth things over.

"You can ask the very capable contestants to recommend. I'll recommend a few first. Chen Ming, the captain of the Wuhan University debate team, should be known to Sister Weiwei, and Qiu Chen, who is also Sister Weiwei's teammate. The strength of these two can be compared with Sister Weiwei; Bai Bangni, the screenwriter of the new version of Dream of Red Mansions; and Teacher Huang Zhizhong and Teacher Hu Jianbiao. I almost forgot that these two are now working behind the scenes. Then I'll change one, Chen Yongkai, this Yan should be very familiar now; there are many other masters, and the ones I mentioned are definitely capable of the style of Qi Pa Shuo! "

Gu Zhongyu directly picked out several contestants who were deeply remembered.

"...Why do I feel like you seem to be very familiar with Ma Weiwei? Do you know her? "It was a little awkward at the scene, and Ma Dong immediately changed the subject.

Several contestants also looked at Gu Zhongyu curiously. Indeed, from his speech, he seemed to know them very well.

Especially the person involved, Ma Weiwei, she also looked at Gu Zhongyu with a confused face. Why would a big star like him know a little transparent person like her so well?

Gu Zhongyu also realized that he had said too much and was also confused by that Zhang Yang.

"I can't say I know her, but I know her. Let's put it this way. I once admired her. She is the most fierce debater I know. I admire her very much. After all, in this era, there are not many girls who are smart, beautiful, and don't like to spend money indiscriminately!"

"Okay, now let our mentor make the closing argument. By the way, will those people you mentioned be on "Qi Pa Shuo"? "

"That depends on your sincerity!" Gu Zhongyu made a gesture of counting money.

Okay, the mentor made the closing argument, and naturally eliminated Zhang Yang.

"I knew you were not happy with me. One day I will succeed! "

Zhang Yang left a harsh message and was about to leave.

"My classmate, I think the most basic element of a person's success is that someone recognizes you. If you don't learn to control your emotions and always think that you should not despise the poor young, the poor middle-aged, or the poor old, your life may be like this!"

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