Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 304: The Horror of Outsiders Interfering with Experts

Objectively speaking, these people's level is definitely not as good as those experienced old weirdos in later generations, but in 2013, it is attractive enough!

I can only say that Gu Zhongyu's requirements are too high!

"Do you really think that those people's level is not enough?"

During the break, Ma Dong looked at Gu Zhongyu with a suspicious face.

"I do think that those people's level is not enough, even I can't convince them. If the opinions of the two mentors are not attractive enough, it will be difficult for our variety show to get the attention of the whole network!"

Gu Zhongyu spoke the truth.

"The Rap of China" has become well-known since the second season. Those who have been following it since the first season are either fans of the guest stars or fans of Cai Kangyong.

Starting from the second season, the on-demand volume of each episode of "The Rap of China" can reach more than 10 million, and the reputation is very good!

"Okay, I will ask them to contact the people you mentioned immediately."

Ma Dong nodded.

Then, Sa Beining and Cai Kangyong also joined the chat. All four of them were insiders, especially Gu Zhongyu, who was the boss of a film company and a well-known actor, and Cai Kangyong, who was a graduate of the directing department. They talked a lot about domestic films, from movies to capital.

"Teacher Gu, what do you think about the big Internet companies such as Penguin and Ali entering the film and television industry? Can they bring new changes and positive impacts to our market?"

Not long ago, Ali and Penguin both announced that they would enter the entertainment industry. Ali has already established Ali Pictures, and Penguin will follow suit next year. Internet capital began to enter the entertainment industry in all aspects this year.

"Hot money is flowing into the film market, which is of course good news for industrial development, but it may not be a good thing for creators."

Internet companies have strong capital. Once they reach a bottleneck, they will devote themselves to physical and content manufacturing, such as entertainment media. This is surprisingly consistent between China and the United States.

Not only is the Chinese film industry facing capital invasion, but the United States is also facing the same. Major telecom operators such as ATPT and Comcast are entering the market. It is obvious that when the demographic dividend disappears, large telecom operators will definitely enter the content manufacturing industry.

"What does it mean?"

Gu Zhongyu replied: "Because the freedom of creation is gone, it is the most terrible for outsiders to interfere with insiders. I am worried that these Internet companies may use their own management ideas to control the operations of those film and television entertainment companies. That would be very uncomfortable!"

Take Ali Entertainment as an example. When doing things, they only know how to smash data and pile up traffic. They have no respect for content at all. They are the most delusional among the big capitals to mass produce content.

They want to play with cloud computing and big data in everything. They will die if they acquire any company. Their attitude is very arrogant. The person in charge of Ali Entertainment even said that they would use big data to write scripts, which could make screenwriters directly laid off!

They can't produce any products, but they shout slogans loudly and make long-term plans.

The result is completely oriented by the leader's hobbies. Whatever the leader likes is absolutely correct. They desperately use traffic to brainwash users and tell them that this is correct. They also repeatedly ask users "We are so awesome, why don't you like us?"

After Ali integrated Youku and Tudou, he issued an extremely stupid policy in 2018, which is to set KPIs for UP hosts.

If no more than 6 videos are uploaded in a month, it is considered unqualified for activity. Ali will directly send a stern warning text message to the UP host's mobile phone and cancel the qualification of "declaring originality". This is really awesome!

According to my country's copyright law, a work is an original work as long as it is not a complete or substantial imitation of an existing work, but a product of the author's independent conception.

And what Ali means is that a work can only be regarded as an original work after being approved by Ali?

So many game UP hosts who were originally active on Youku Tudou directly deleted their accounts and ran to Bilibili because of this policy, which directly gave Bilibili's game area a large piece of fat meat. Gu Zhongyu even suspected the person who formulated this policy.

It's a miracle that the entertainment industry can do well. Ten years ago, they could still force feed users with less shit. Now that they have eaten their fill, they still do this. It's funny.

That's the perspective of the big men looking at the world.

Humans are not worthy of giving them opinions. They are the gods of the world. They have the power to control the direction of human progress. What they think is good is good.

After copying a three-game success, I was so surprised that my hands were shaking. I quickly separated the game from the big entertainment. Zhuang Zhuoran, who is good at fighting, came out. I quickly transferred him to Feizhu to avoid being led away by the scumbags.

I just don't know how Ali will clean up the mess after spending so much money to mess up the stall.

In this regard, Ali and Penguin are completely opposite in the underlying logic of operation.

Penguin's style of doing things is, I first see what users like, and then I follow up and close the field.

Ali's style of doing things is, I first predict what will be awesome in the future, and then I start to tell users that this is what you need.

In general, the Ali system's approach is actually more correct, while the Penguin approach is likely to become a monopoly oligarchy that does not think about making progress.

But Ali's approach has a prerequisite...

That is, you predict correctly.

Ali was able to fly low and create the Ali Empire, but without a clear direction, how should they play? In fact, they themselves are confused.

It is difficult to find truly high-quality content talents in China. With Ali's weird operation of "leaders set the tone - subordinates set plans based on what the leaders think is the right direction, and then spend money to execute the wrong plans", it is simply a daydream for Ali to be able to play in the entertainment industry!

Anyway, until Gu Zhongyu crossed over, Ali's big entertainment plan was half-dead, but Penguin was thriving.

What is it called making a fortune in silence!

Look at the helmsmen of the two companies, Xiao Ma Shenlong is nowhere to be seen, and his final fate is also completely different.

After resting for about an hour, the staff came to inform that it was time to start!

Ma Dong was still sitting in the host seat, and there was another round of jokes. The topic of the debate came out: Should we divorce if there is no love?

First, the mentor selected the argument. Ma Dong looked at the two people on the left and right. No one had experienced divorce, so he kicked the ball to Gu Zhongyu.

"Well, let's see if there are children. If there are no children as a bond, I will choose to divorce!" Although he knew that he would be severely criticized by Ma Dong if he chose to divorce, Gu Zhongyu still followed his heart.

"Really? Are you so cruel as to choose to divorce?" Ma Dong looked at Gu Zhongyu with a mischievous look.

"How can the mess in marriage be maintained without the support of love? Of course, for some people, in order to maintain the appearance of brilliance, sleeping in the same bed but dreaming differently and playing with each other, it seems to be no big deal. Many celebrity couples in the circle are like this, but for me, this is completely unacceptable!"

Cai Kangyong grasped the key point of his answer: "Many celebrity couples in the circle are like this? Teacher Gu, can you introduce them to us?"

"Get out, you want to hurt me! Guess it yourself."

It is not uncommon for one of the celebrity couples to cheat or wear a green hat, but the entertainment industry is so weird. There are many people whose marriage relationship is in name only, the couples have different dreams and are separated, and both cheat.

For example, a certain big mouth, Zhu Bajie and Xiao Longnu, and the couple that Gu Zhongyu had criticized a while ago...

"Okay, let's start the debate! After all, we are a very serious debate program!"

Ma Dong wanted to lead the topic to the program very abruptly. Several contestants were listening to them with relish, but Ma Dong suddenly said, "Come on, let's start from the pros and cons..."

Gu Zhongyu listened and watched very carefully. Although Liu Nan on the pros and cons side was a debater, it was a pity that he was too obsessed with his personal deeds and should not appear on this stage at all; the people on the cons side were even more outrageous, especially the woman named Liu Sida, who had no level at all.

Anyway, he just smiled throughout the whole process, without any expression, watching the exchanges between several contestants, including the mentors, and them.

Including Ma Weiwei's classic quote: "You have no love, you need company, get a dog!"

He just smiled slightly, without any other expression.

Until that Liu Sida talked about promises, and insisted that marriage was a lifelong commitment.

"I can't hold it back any longer. I'll just say this. Girl, I think, or not I think, this is a consensus of the whole world. Promises are the most useless thing in the world."

"People will change. The foundation of marriage is love. Without love, who can you talk about promises with?"

"As time goes by, people will change. For example, when I fell in love with you, you might be a pure girl, but after you entered the city, you became materialistic and no longer the person I knew. Should I leave you?"

Liu Sida probably didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to suddenly jump out, and felt a little confused.

For a while, several debaters fell into silence.

"But what we are discussing is whether to do it, not whether it is allowed or not. Of course, we allow divorce, but whether to divorce should still be carefully considered. After all, once you get married, it's not just the two of you!"

"But what we are discussing is whether to do it, not whether it is allowed or not. Of course, we allow divorce, but whether to divorce should still be carefully considered. After all, once you get married, it's not just the two of you!" Cai Kangyong stepped in decisively to help.

"But I still think that the foundation of marriage is love rather than other things. Since there is no love, of course we have to leave!"

Gu Zhongyu reiterated his point of view. In fact, if possible, he would like to stay single for life. It is also good to play with flowers like this, and there is no need to worry about whether to divorce or not.

Several mentors are going to eliminate Jiang Sida in this episode. Da Meiling did not have too many shots in the first and second seasons of "The Debaters". It must have a lot to do with his own shallow experience. But at that time, the entire program team pushed Xiao Xiao, Fan Tiantian and those debaters. Da Meiling did not receive the promotion it deserved. It was not until the third season that Da Meiling began to rise that everyone recognized him again.

Gu Zhongyu was quite regretful about this: "It's cruel. I think his performance is quite good, at least much better than a certain contestant over there. Alas! To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Brother Kang Yong's efforts to turn the tide, they would have lost long ago!"

"If you were eliminated, who would you choose to eliminate?" Ma Dong asked with interest.

"I've already written it!"

"I'm asking about the six people present!"

"Our rule is to choose one person from the losing team to be eliminated, not the six people present!" Gu Zhongyu didn't say a word.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu didn't fall for it, Ma Dong had to change the subject: "Okay, give your reasons for choosing to eliminate him."

Sabining said with a serious face: "On this topic, the opposite party can win. I think it has a lot to do with the major mistakes of our players."

Although Cai Kangyong's face became serious, his tone still sounded eloquent: "After Liu Sida finished telling the story just now, our number of votes increased so much, which shows that most of the audience at the scene are emotional. One person was too logical and it would be difficult to convince the audience by relying on logic, so I decided to eliminate him.”

"Teacher Gu, it's your turn."

"Actually, judging from the performance of the three Zhengfang just now, there is nothing wrong with the selection of the two mentors. But from the perspective of the show's visibility, eliminating him is definitely not a good choice. As for the person I wrote about, his ability It’s obviously weaker than the ones on the scene, I analyzed it from the perspective of ability!”

How come you have such an opinion? "

Ma Dong asked curiously.

"I have watched many people's debate competitions. Of course there are some who are capable, but they are far behind Ma Weiwei and Huang Zhizhong. If we want to choose, we must choose the most powerful King of Weirdness!"

Gu Zhongyu replied directly without thinking.

"Okay, let's show the three teachers the question board!"

Only Gu Zhongyu chose Wang Mei, and the other two teachers chose Da Meiling.

Ma Dong was a little confused as to why Gu Zhongyu thought so highly of Jiang Sida, so he handed over the hosting power to him.

"Da Meiling, work hard. If it doesn't work this season, we will have the next season. If it doesn't work next season, we will make a comeback in the third season!"

"Thank you, Teacher Gu..." This guy was so moved that he almost cried, and even Fan Tiantian next to him also had his eyes lit up.

"Okay, congratulations to both of you! That's it for this issue of "Qi Pa Shuo", see you in the next issue!"

After the recording, Gu Zhongyu, the three hosts and several contestants had a casual meal together. Ma Weiwei and Jiang Sida were really grateful to Gu Zhongyu, especially Ma Weiwei. These sisters may have misunderstood something, but they were still right. Is he making secret glances?

Gu Zhongyu was so frightened that he left immediately after eating!

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