Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 307 The most beautiful female photographer in China

Wu Moumou naturally nodded his head like crazy. No matter what he thought in his heart, he had to endure it even if Gu Zhongyu scolded him in front of him!

Chen Duling and Bai Lu saw that Wu Moumou, a popular top star, was scolded by Gu Zhongyu like a grandson, and their admiration for him reached a new level.

There was no way. With his current status, there were few situations where he needed to scold people. Xiao Bailu had not seen it many times.

Not long after, Su Mang seemed to have negotiated with Wu Moumou's agent, and everyone seemed very satisfied.

Now Wu Moumou didn't have to stand next to Gu Zhongyu like a pillar, and immediately bowed again: "Then Mr. Gu, I'm so sorry, I'll leave first."

You TM bowed three times, and worshipped me as your father?

Existence is reasonable. No matter whether it is a young and handsome guy or an old and bacon, as long as the professional ability is good, he thinks they are the same. Of course, creatures like electric eels are definitely not among them, and he can't have anything to do with such stuff.

Don’t think that these years have been a happy time, entertaining guests, it won’t be long before the building collapses!

After Wu Moumou left, Su Mang came to Gu Zhongyu with a smile on her face, and even hugged him affectionately.

“Boss Gu, I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

“Not really, I have to take some responsibility for this.”

I always feel that this woman wants to take advantage of him, hugging him so tightly. According to gossip, this big sister usually has a lot of fun. If some small-time artists want to be on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar magazine, they have to pay a little “price!”

If Gu Zhongyu is an ordinary artist now, he may have to play the rich woman’s happy ball, happy fire, etc. with others!

In this circle, not only good-looking female artists are easily coveted, but male artists often compromise a lot, otherwise what are those young and powerful little wolf dogs in the public relations department of many film and television companies used for?

Well-known screenwriter Wang Hailin once revealed the inside story of the film buyers of major TV stations. Because most of the relevant persons in charge are middle-aged women, they only pick young and handsome men, and each one is more sexy than the other, so film and television producers need young and handsome men to "conquer" them!

Looking at the meaningful smile on Su Mang's face and the eyes that swept over Gu Zhongyu from time to time, he got goose bumps.

Half an hour later...

"Look up, look forward a little, and make your face more expressive! Good!"

"Change the angle, tilt your head up a little, pass, lower a little, good!"

"Chin slightly retracted, yes, keep it, very good!"


Cooperating with the photographer, constantly changing clothes, MD shooting the cover is really tiring.

The photographer responsible for taking pictures of Gu Zhongyu is a man who looks to be in his thirties. The whole person looks... quite diverse!

In fact, the first moment he saw this man, Gu Zhongyu regretted it again. What kind of monsters are these!

A sissy accent, colorful hair, unruly makeup, and a raised orchid finger from time to time...

What kind of weird look will this person's aesthetics make Gu Zhongyu look like?

He must look at the finished film later, so as not to make a mistake and ruin the good image he has accumulated over the years!

During the break of shooting, the photographer came to Gu Zhongyu: "Actually, you can try some bolder styles!"

Seeing this guy's confident look, Gu Zhongyu replied inexplicably, "Like you?"

"Yes!" The other party shook something that he didn't know whether it was a waistcoat or a scarf: "This is the latest trend of the previous fashion week, do you want to try it?"

"No!" Gu Zhongyu's face was full of rejection.

"But your hair is a little too short, I have a headgear here, let me change it for you!"

"Stop talking, keep shooting." Gu Zhongyu just wanted to finish it as soon as possible. Damn, why did Basha find such a weird photographer?

"Listen to me, your appearance can definitely handle the most fashionable style, and your skin is so good, there is no need for extra decoration"

While talking, this bastard actually touched him!

Touch his face?

Unable to bear it, Gu Zhongyu decisively stopped him!


He slapped his hand directly, and Gu Zhongyu stared at this guy with a gloomy face, a little bit wanting to eat him.

It was a mistake. He always thought that those hobbies like Tony, a makeup artist who dressed more femininely, would be more unique, but it was normal to have met such people before.

As a result, he actually met such a weirdo this time? And dared to touch him?

Gu Zhongyu was even a little doubtful now. Does this guy really know him? After all, he is in the fashion circle. Even if he doesn't watch movies and TV dramas, he will at least read gossip news, right?

Bai Lu next to him wanted to laugh. He always saw Gu Zhongyu taking advantage of other female stars. He didn't expect that the boss was almost touched by the photographer today!

"Tell your editor-in-chief Su to change the photographer!"

Gu Zhongyu was very upset and regretted not checking the almanac before going out today. First he stepped on the Canadian electric eel, and now he was almost taken advantage of by someone!

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with touching you twice when taking a photo?" Unexpectedly, the photographer looked indignant.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't help it, turned around and looked at him: "Say it again?"

"Touching you twice means I respect you!"


This time, Gu Zhongyu slapped him in the face.

The force was so strong that he was knocked to the ground and his whole face was swollen.

I immediately felt refreshed. I haven’t hit anyone for a long time. I really miss it!

Cats and dogs like this dare to touch his reverse scales. This bastard must have returned from abroad in all likelihood. I have never heard of his name, so he thinks that Gu Zhongyu is some third-tier artist who can be manipulated at will!

Everyone else at the scene fell silent for a moment. They didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to hit someone, but no one dared to speak out.

Bai Lu looked relieved, and Chen Duling was also impressed. He didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu, who had always been calm and reserved, would be so impulsive. It seemed that the boss was not just a good gentleman!

"You actually hit me?"

The photographer was confused. He was a well-known photographer who had studied in France for many years and was sought after by countless people. How dare a little star in front of him dare to slap him?

"I'll beat you when I hit you. Do I have to choose a day?"

Before Gu Zhongyu could react, Bai Lu jumped out first and cursed at the photographer!

"You dress up like a man or a woman. Who knows what kind of creature you are, but you dare to rub yourself against my boss?"

"You're weird and dirty. You haven't showered in a few days. Don't bring any infectious diseases!"

"How can you still be a photographer like this? Are you using the back door to get money? Or... are you using the back door?"


Bai Lu used all her skills in interacting with people online when she was a non-mainstream girl. She cursed a lot without using any of the same words. Gu Zhongyu and Chen Duling were stunned. They didn't expect that she still had this skill. , it seems that a big mouth is not only good for eating and relieving boredom, it is also very exciting for scolding people!

The photographer was also dumbfounded by Bai Lu's scolding, especially when he was told to go through the back door, it seemed that it really hit him where it hurts!


I wanted to talk back, but my vocabulary was too small, and I couldn't speak Mandarin well. I didn't know what to say, and in the end I could only be scolded passively.

He didn't dare to fight with anyone. He was thin and weak, but Gu Zhongyu, who was about 1.8 meters tall, looked at him eagerly, as if he was ready to come up and give him a beating at any time if he made any move!

At this moment, Su Mang finally arrived. I felt like there was so much shit going on today, and he actually got involved?

The tall woman wearing sunglasses following her had a very subtle expression. After seeing Gu Zhongyu, she couldn't help but lower her head and push her sunglasses down, as if she was looking at something carefully.

"Mr. Gu, I already know the matter. I apologize to you on behalf of Bazaar. We will fire this person immediately. Don't worry, he won't cause you any trouble!" Su Mang gritted his teeth and looked at the confused photographer.

This guy probably got into the habit of taking photos of some starlets and taking advantage of them. Generally, artists are not very willing to mess with photographers unless they go too far. As long as the other party doesn't mess around, slight physical contact can be tolerated.

As a result, this guy may have drifted away, pretending to be powerful, and drinking some foreign ink, he felt that he was also a person.

Are people unwilling to mess with him? What artists don’t want to mess with is the Bazaar Group!

"Mr. Su, he."

"Shut up! When did you have the right to speak?! If you say one more thing, you will be banned by the entire industry!"

Su Mang's words immediately caused the photographer to quickly close his mouth that was about to open.

Gu Zhongyu really couldn't reach into the fashion industry, and he didn't have the ability to say anything to make this guy lose his job in the future. He didn't plan to go to the trouble of saying anything to find big shots in the fashion industry to target this guy and vent his anger. His favor is much more valuable than the other person's.

However, if Su Mang, who is known as the "devil in the fashion industry", really wants to do this "little favor" for Gu Zhongyu, I guess she really won't have to hang around in the future.

Su Mang took over the scene, and Gu Zhongyu didn't need to worry about the remaining bits and pieces.

"Boss, the way you slapped him just now was so cool. I've never seen you hit anyone before!" Bai Lu looked at Gu Zhongyu with admiration.

"There are so many things you haven't seen before. I even had sex with a big director before and almost beat him up!"

"So cool? Is it... the one who filmed "Farewell My Concubine"?"

Gu Zhongyu nodded.

Chen Duling looked worried. She thought more deeply and asked Gu Zhongyu, what if this guy chooses to expose him online?

If this kind of thing is exposed, it doesn't matter who has the right. Netizens are not Bao Gong. Gu Zhongyu is a public figure after all, and he is the person he beat. The photographer only needs to confuse right and wrong. I am afraid that public opinion will not be very friendly to Gu Zhongyu.

"Don't worry, even if he doesn't want to be a photographer anymore, it doesn't matter if he exposes me."

This clown is definitely not going to make any waves. As for exposing Gu Zhongyu on the Internet?

Putting aside his family connections, he has been an invisible shareholder of Weibo for such a long time and has never used his authority yet!

Not to mention other platforms, such a trivial matter can be suppressed by just saying hello. As long as Gu Zhongyu doesn't want to, even if this matter is exposed under his real name, it will be of no use.

But after something like this happened, I guess we might not be able to shoot today. This guy should be Bazaar's head photographer. Not just anyone can replace him immediately. We can't let Gu Zhongyu wait here for them to recruit someone else.

So he called his two female assistants and prepared to say hello to Su Mang and then go back home. If it didn't work out, he would squeeze in some time to take another photo later.

But as soon as he stood up, a tall figure walked up to him.

"Mr. Gu, how about I continue to take pictures for you?"

"Hmm?" Gu Zhongyu was a little puzzled. Where did this person come from?

"Why should I let you take pictures?"

Hearing what Gu Zhongyu said, the other party took off his sunglasses very confidently and shook his hair.

"Just because that guy only took a few thousand yuan for a photo, I start at 60,000 yuan for a photo!"

So expensive?

Is your camera made of gold? Or is the film made of silver?

Gu Zhongyu took a quick look at her. She had a wheat-colored complexion, a graceful figure, an authentic Yanjing accent, and a height of about 1.7 meters... Looking at her appearance and temperament, she was no worse than an ordinary female star, and she seemed a little familiar.

"What's your name?" Gu Zhongyu asked curiously.

The other party smiled casually: "My name is Chen Man!"


It turned out to be this one. No wonder, this sister is called the most successful fashion photographer and visual artist in contemporary China, and her works can be permanently collected by foreign museums.

In the fashion circle and the circle of celebrities, she is a well-known figure. No matter whether it is a hot star or a popular young actor, they have all been models in front of her lens.

Of course, she is also one of the top five most expensive photographers in the domestic photography industry. There is no celebrity that Chen Man cannot photograph, only celebrities who cannot make an appointment with Chen Man. She is a celebrity in the eyes of celebrities.

How did Fan Xiaopang get the title of "Fan Ye"?

It was after Chen Man took a few photos of her pretending to be a man.

But this sister also turned over in her previous life.

The reason was that in the "Dior and Art" exhibition held in Shanghai, a photograph by Chen Man caused heated discussion.

The protagonist of the photo she showed was an Asian woman with greasy bangs, ghostly eye makeup, swollen squinting eyes, and a Qing Dynasty bun.

This work attracted a lot of criticism from netizens, and was pointed out to be suspected of pleasing the stereotypes of Europeans and Americans about Chinese people.

When online opinions about Chen Man's work emerged, Dior immediately attached great importance to it and deleted the relevant content of the work on Dior's official online and offline websites.

Chen Man later apologized publicly online, but many netizens did not buy it, thinking that she was forced to make a show because her job was affected.

After this incident, although Chen Man was not banned, she has kept a low profile since then and has not made such a mistake again.

Gu Zhongyu still has some impression of this incident. According to his classification, this woman belongs to the ranks of bad women, and she even licks her face to please the aesthetic taste of foreign adults!

The question is, should this bad woman be let go?

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