Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 308: Clearing the Scene for Filming

"No need, just change the photographer."

Chen Man was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she would be rejected so decisively. You know, the celebrities who asked her to take photos have already been arranged until next year. Have they never heard of her name?

"Mr. Gu, let me introduce you..."

Su Man thought that Gu Zhongyu didn't understand the fashion circle. The photographer was fired. Now Chen Man is the only one who is qualified to take the cover photo for him. Why refuse?

This is the first time that someone has rejected her invitation. Chen Man asked unhappily: "Why, Mr. Gu? I can say responsibly that there is no better photographer than me here!"

He said coldly: "Because I think your aesthetics don't match my style and can't meet the requirements of the cover!"

Gu Zhongyu still remembers the bunch of squinty-eyed models from the xx Academy of Fine Arts in his previous life. MD, I don't know what's in the minds of these artists. Even if Gu Zhongyu goes to grab them from the crowd, he may not be able to find so many Chinese who meet the stereotypes of Europeans and Americans!

As a result, you not only found her, but also called her high-end appearance, art that ordinary people don't understand, so I'm going to NND!

He didn't want to be dressed like this, and he wouldn't cater to her, so he came straight to the point, saying that we have different aesthetics, so don't come to take pictures of me!

"Boss Gu, let me take pictures once. If after the shooting, I look at her and say it's not good, I will immediately apologize and leave, and I will never do this job again!"

Chen Man was questioned, but it was her most proud professional ability, which made her laugh. Today I have to let you see what level I am at, and I don't believe I can't conquer you!

Su Mang also followed up with a sentence: "Chen Man is very difficult to make an appointment with, Boss Gu, let her try. If it doesn't work, I will find someone else to take over for you. Just think of it as giving me face, okay?"

Just now, he beat someone in someone else's place, and now Su Mang has used the face fruit ability again. Gu Zhongyu can't refuse again, otherwise others may misunderstand that he is deliberately provoking trouble.

"Okay, okay, try to do it quickly." Gu Zhongyu waved his hand and said.

Chen Man's face showed an unprecedented solemnity at this moment, and he said: "I will go to get the clothes now. I hope Mr. Gu can cooperate well. I can definitely take pictures of you that you don't even realize. Please maintain your current momentum."

"What momentum?"

Chen Man suddenly came closer, eyes wide open, aggressive: "When you rejected me, the look of disdain and arrogance on your face!"

After saying this, he turned around and went to find clothes.

Gu Zhongyu was confused. What request? Do you like to see me look down on you?

Is this sister going to have a serious illness like Stockholm?

This time Su Man didn't rush to leave. She ran back and forth twice. This time she simply watched Chen Man take pictures of Gu Zhongyu, and silently said in her heart: Don't do anything weird again!

Although she had not had much contact with Gu Zhongyu before, Su Mang felt that he had a good personality, did not put on airs and had no bad habits (lust did not count, after all, she was the same), but why did he hit the photographer today, and then looked unhappy when he saw Chen Man, whom he had never met before?

Logically, it shouldn't be like this. Chen Man is a photographer and a beauty. Gu Zhongyu has no reason to hate her!

Seeing Gu Zhongyu sitting upright, Su Mang felt a little itchy. It was not the photographer's fault for touching him just now. He also liked this type. If Gu Zhongyu was just a little actor, she would have tried to seduce this man no matter what!

Chen Man moved quickly. Just when Gu Zhongyu was thinking about how to get rid of her later, she and other staff members appeared with a pile of clothes.

"Let's start shooting, let's clear the scene!"

"Clear the scene?"

"I don't like people around when I take pictures. I can just call someone when I need them." Chen Man explained to Gu Zhongyu.

The staff all knew Chen Man's habit, and they left after finishing the arrangement, so there were only three of them left in the studio.

"Sister Su, you should go out too!"

"What... me?" Su Mang was a little unbelievable.

"Yes!" Chen Man nodded.

"Okay, I'll treat you to dinner after the shooting, and I'll wait for you outside."

Su Mang left the room reluctantly, but it was a pity, she wanted to stay and see what Gu Zhongyu's figure was like, whether his muscles were strong enough!

Bai Lu and Du Du were also asked to leave, Gu Zhongyu gave them a short vacation, and the two of them went shopping hand in hand.

Gu Zhongyu breathed a sigh of relief and finally quieted down. Su Mang looked at him with an unconcealed look, which really made people feel uncomfortable, and at the same time, they were glad that they were not a small role. God knows how many such aunts there are in the circle. Su Mang is considered young in her early forties.

Just think about it, some young handsome men are favored by old aunts, which is really chilling!

Yes, he remembered the Wu XX just now. Before the incident, Su Mang was still supporting him on Weibo. Could it be that these two people have now...

I admire you!

The scene had just re-arranged several scenes according to Chen Man's requirements. Professionals are indeed professionals. Looking at the various arrangements, Gu Zhongyu didn't find any major flaws.

Of course, it is normal to ignore some small details. After all, this is a photo shoot, which can be corrected in post-production. He also has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. When he was on the set before, he liked to find mistakes everywhere.

The retro study room, with its old fireplace, dark brown furniture, yellowed books, exquisite oil paintings, and the fragrant black tea, has a strong British style...

This was the first background that Chen Man chose. Gu Zhongyu put on a very elegant-looking suit. Since there was no makeup artist, Chen Man had to apply makeup on him personally with props. Unlike movie shooting, on a movie set In the film, actors will put on makeup according to the needs of their roles, and sometimes they even need to appear on camera without makeup, and the actor's face will also change slightly when it appears in the camera, so there is a term "photogenic face" in the industry.

For example, Zhang Ziyi has a very typical "photogenic face". She has good bones and a small face, so her proportions on the big screen will be very good.

When some TV stars act in movies, they may make the audience feel that their faces are too big.

Of course, when it comes to magazine covers or portraits, the main thing is whether it looks good or not. It tests the photographer’s ability. If it’s not good enough, there will be post-retouching, but in magazine shooting, in order to achieve better results , most of them will wear some makeup, from the most basic makeup to heavy makeup, this is possible.

In fact, there is no need to have oily hair and a powdery face. Gu Zhongyu's skin is very good. He just needs to apply some matte to make it easier to take pictures.

"You're not going to turn me into a squinty-eyed person, are you?" As soon as Gu Zhongyu saw that she was about to take action, he thought of those "zombie" photos this woman had taken in her previous life.

Chen Man's face was full of questions: "Your eyes are big and lively, why should I make them squinty?"

"I thought you liked it!"

"No...what kind of prejudice do you have against me?" Chen Man asked angrily. If the person in front of her was not Gu Zhongyu, but another celebrity, she would have cursed and left!

“Many photographers like to cater to foreigners’ stereotypes of Chinese appearance, deliberately making people look like they have big basins, thick lips, squinted eyes, and freckles all over their faces to take pictures. I’m afraid you’ll do the same thing to me. of!"

"Crazy! Do you think I squint my eyes?" Chen Man put his face in front of Gu Zhongyu so that he could see clearly, "Who among you would like to squint your eyes? I know some people may think that is a high-end face. But I think that’s abusing people!”

It seems that Chen Man at this period has not yet taken the wrong path in aesthetics!

Maybe I was deceived later. After all, women are transformed into eels, especially those who are involved in art or fashion circles. It doesn't take long to transform from a normal person to a clown or a monster.

"Remember what you said today."

"Nonsense! Look up quickly and I'll trim your hair on your temples."

Chen Man was a very fierce woman, as if she didn't take him seriously at all. Gu Zhongyu had to be more serious. Just now, he was thinking of running out of the door if he didn't agree with her!

After the makeup was done, Chen Man looked left and right, shook his head and said, "No, why are you not angry all of a sudden? I want the momentum you had just now, understand? It's just that the boss is very unhappy and doesn't want to spend more time with you. The kind that says a word..."

Gu Zhongyu thought for a moment, isn't that just putting on a bad face and showing off? This is simple!

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his chin was raised an octave, his neck was slightly tilted, and he looked at the person directly from the corner of his eye. Without any unnecessary movements, Gu Zhongyu acted like everyone in the world owes me five million!

This taste is just right. Chen Man likes this kind of unruly and arrogant man, who makes her want to conquer him!

"Very good, lower your chin a little lower. Give me a profile. No, the momentum is a bit too much. Be more restrained! Okay, this time I want you to go all out! Roll up your sleeves a little and use your arms a little." A little more force."

Chen Man was like a little girl playing with a doll, crazily directing every movement of Gu Zhongyu, finding the most perfect picture through fine-tuning.

Gu Zhongyu also stopped being careless at this moment. This woman Chen Man is indeed a bit contagious. People who can reach the top of the industry really have a few brushes.

"OK! This group is done!"

Hearing Chen Man's words, Gu Zhongyu returned to normal and moved next to her curiously to see how the photo was taken.

But before he could look at it, the other party put the camera away and asked him to change clothes again. There were still many photos to be taken.

"No, how many photos do you need? You just took so's just a cover, do you need so many photos?"

"If you can't fit on the cover, put it inside the magazine. Don't look at the many photos I just took. I will only pick the best ones. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Take off your clothes!"


Gu Zhongyu looked around and then at Chen Man: "It's not good to take it off right here, right?"

"I have photographed many female models, and they can change clothes calmly even when there are more than a dozen men watching. I am not afraid of needle holes. What are you afraid of?"

Gu Zhongyu heard that when Victoria's Secret models change clothes backstage, in order to pursue efficiency, the dressing room is just a decoration, and they never avoid people, even if there are people of the opposite sex present, but he, Gu Zhongyu, is just an ordinary person, he doesn't have that Face!

Of course, if the situation were different, Gu Zhongyu would still be happy to take it off, and he could even help the other person take it off together, and then they could rub each other to keep warm...

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coquettishly, Chen Man couldn't bear it anymore. The grown man was so ink, so he just did it himself!

"No, no, no, I'll do it myself!" Gu Zhongyu, an old gangster, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Then you should take off your clothes! Hurry, time is tight!" Chen Man urged.

Okay, she said so, Gu Zhongyu is not a hypocritical person, then take off!

In a few seconds, Gu Zhongyu quickly took off all his clothes except for a bitter tea seed.

Chen Man couldn't see it before, but now that he took off all his clothes, he saw Gu Zhongyu's smooth figure exposed, and the muscles on his arms bulged, which was very shocking. I didn't expect that a busy man like him would have time to exercise.

Chen Man seemed to be fiddling with the camera again, but he actually took a few glances secretly. Girls love to be coquettish, and they have no resistance to handsome men with good figures.

Of course Gu Zhongyu noticed. Since this girl was so fierce, he let go and walked directly to her side: "Does it look good?"

"It's OK!" Chen Man tilted his head and said, "The abdominal muscles are okay. Do you usually train them by eating protein powder?"

"I never eat that stuff. I started practicing military boxing when I was a child. I only work out occasionally. I eat and drink normally, and my abdominal muscles gradually appear."

"That's good. Don't eat that stuff. Too much will affect the function!"

"What function?"

Chen Man rolled his eyes: "What function are you talking about? Why are you pretending? Look at your dog waist. You usually don't cause trouble to girls, right?"

You found out all this?

"You can't let me be naked, can you?"

Back to work, Chen Man's previous irritable cleaning queen's posture suddenly returned. She threw a pair of black boxer shorts and a vest to Gu Zhongyu, but the size was a little small, and it hurt!

As time passed, it was completely dark outside the studio.

Gu Zhongyu was a little hungry. Is it normal to take a cover photo for several hours?

Su Mang came over to ask a few times, but was kicked out by the slightly irritable Chen Man. Seeing that the two of them were still early, she simply went out to eat and asked Chen Man to contact her after the shooting.

The staff had basically all gone off work, but the studio was still filled with Chen Man's instructions and the sound of shutters.

Gu Zhongyu was hungry and tired. It was the first time he realized that being photographed was so physically demanding. Modeling seemed to be very hard work. No wonder the models were so skinny. It turned out that they were hungry!

Chen Man was actually quite tired. Holding a SLR camera all the time was a big burden for her. After all, she was not the muscular guy who carried a camera for a long time in the crew. She had thin arms and legs, so she could really hold on.

I don't know if it was because it was too hot, or because she was immersed in the shooting, Chen Man sweated a lot, and her clothes became sticky. In the end, she simply took off her outer clothes...


She was actually only wearing a tank top inside!

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