Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 309 Teacher, I want to learn photography!

Look at Chen Man's wheat-colored skin, the clear suspenders slightly wet with sweat, and the figure outlined by the tight clothes...

Wild and healthy breath, what a fierce horse!

Although Gu Zhongyu is very tired now, he still immediately came to his senses when he saw the posture in front of him. He has so many friends of the opposite sex in the entertainment industry, but there is really no one with the same style and skin color as Chen Man. After all, the entertainment industry is beautiful for white, thin and young, and girls with wheat-colored skin are too rare.

"Why don't we shoot here? It's getting late, and you've taken so many photos."

Gu Zhongyu scratched his head, a little embarrassed. He was worried that if he didn't end it, he might do something that needed to be censored.

"No!" Chen Man was still stubborn, with a posture of "You can't leave."

"Really not letting me go?" Gu Zhongyu asked.

"Not letting me!"

"You said it yourself!"

Seeing that it was difficult to persuade the damn ghost with good words, Gu Zhongyu was no longer polite and stepped forward to stick together with Chen Man.

Just as he was about to do something, Chen Man took the lead, put down the camera, took the initiative to hug his neck and asked: "What do you want to do? There is no one here now!"

Looking at Chen Man, who had turned the tables and stuck to him directly, with his hands still dishonest, Gu Zhongyu was silent.

At this moment, he had to admit that he was an LSP!

The photographer he beat up before touched his face, and he slapped him. As a result, Chen Man actually did more excessive, and at the beginning he despised her in his heart, but now they were hugging each other!

But this occasion is a bit dangerous. Although there is no one in the studio now, Su Mang is unknown at this time, and someone is using the studio, so there must be someone guarding outside.

If someone suddenly comes in during the process, it will be a lot of fun, and it may take some effort to suppress this mess.

But in this situation, the arrow is already on the string, and retreat is definitely not allowed.

He looked around and saw the dressing room that had never been used. Although it was very simple, with only a curtain separating it from the outside, it could barely cover the body. Even if someone suddenly came in, they would only be able to see the feet, and they would definitely leave at the first time.

So he carried Chen Man on his shoulders and prepared to start a new round of photography plan...


About an hour later, Su Mang came with the packed food and knocked on the door. They had been shooting for such a long time, and they must be hungry.

After knocking on the door several times, Chen Man let her in, and Su Mang smelled a scent of perfume as soon as she entered the studio.

"Why is there so much perfume?"

"I'm so tired, he's sweating all over, which affects my mood for shooting, so I have to spread some perfume to cover it up!"

"Is that so! You've worked so hard, Mr. Gu, I brought some food, let's eat together!"

"It's okay, it's work!" Gu Zhongyu seemed to understand and said.

The three of them had a simple meal in the studio. Su Mang noticed that the two of them didn't even look at each other while eating, and they didn't talk to each other. Could it be that after working for half a day, their relationship hasn't been established yet?

After eating, Su Mang consciously went out and let the two finish the rest of the work.

So the meal just finished turned into energy for a new round of fighting!

After a long time, Chen Man lay on the ground panting, and Gu Zhongyu had already started to put on his clothes. Today's shooting work was really meaningful. It seems that occasionally taking on some work can also be a surprise!

"By the way, I want to learn photography. Can you teach me?"

"Why, do you want to steal my job?" Chen Man sat up after hearing this, took out a tissue and wiped the dry marks on his face, "I don't think you are interested in photography, otherwise you wouldn't have said bad things to me at the beginning!"

"How should I put it! I really have no interest in taking pictures of scenery, animals, etc., but I am not only interested in taking pictures of people, especially beautiful people like you, but also very interested!"

Gu Zhongyu has been on the road of photography for a long time, striving to leave more "intimate" photos with young ladies when he is young, so that when he is old, he can still look at these photos and miss his youth.

The photos he took before were immediately saved to the USB flash drive in the safe, and then formatted on the phone and computer.

It's a pity that his photography level is average, not much better than those "Tanhua" on the Internet, so now he wants to refine his skills.

I didn't meet the right person before, because learning photography requires teaching by example, and it's too disgusting to find a male photographer to teach.

"Looking at you like this, I know you have bad intentions!"

Chen Man naturally guessed why he was learning photography. There are many people in the circle who have this hobby, but after Teacher Chen, everyone has become more and more low-key.

By the way, her surname is also Chen. Could it be that people with this surname have some talent for photography?

"Hmph, my fee is not cheap. How much do you plan to pay me?"

"How much do you want?"

Chen Man thought about it and stretched out a finger.

"One million?" So black!

Shaking his head, Chen Man slowly spit out three words: "One! Straight! Hard!"



Chen Man's tuition fee is too high. In order to raise money, Gu Zhongyu almost died on the road to study these days.

Fortunately, the arm can't twist the excavator, and Chen Man is no match for Gu Daguanren. After collecting the tuition, Gu Zhongyu finally started to learn.

How to find the angle, what is aperture, the secret of adjusting color temperature, how to do it in post-production, how to use digital to shoot the texture of film...

Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu learns things quickly, and the teacher is also very good, and even personally acts as a model for him, so in a short time, his photography skills have made rapid progress, at least the photos he took can finally barely be seen.

Of course, short-term learning can't change his nature as a novice. Gu Zhongyu still has a long way to go in photography, and he may need to go to teacher Chen Man from time to time to learn.

The heroine of "Heart Flower" has been decided to be Yaya, but she is not a Zongheng artist. It is better to contact him through Chen Sicheng, otherwise if Yaya doesn't have time to shoot, then all the previous arrangements will be in vain.

"Don't worry, how can she refuse such a good thing? And it's a movie starring Mr. Gu himself. I promise you that there will be no problem with Yaya's time."

In Gu Zhongyu's office, Chen Sicheng was very happy. He felt that Gu Zhongyu was closer than his own father. Not only did he arrange for him to direct a blockbuster starring a Hollywood actress, but now he also promoted his girlfriend. He didn't know how to express his gratitude!

Although she debuted early, Yaya's current status is actually at the second-tier level. There are not many dramas that invite her to play the heroine, far less than the four beauties in the Fairy Sword. Now that Gu Zhongyu invites her to film, there is no reason to refuse.

No matter how busy she is, how many schedules she needs to arrange, Chen Sicheng will let her turn them down and take on Zongheng's new movie.

"That's fine. You can arrange the rest of the things yourself. Anyway, it's fine as long as she arrives before the start of the filming." Gu Zhongyu said.

Gu Zhongyu got up and left, but Chen Sicheng began to arrange the filming of the new movie.

Gu Zhongyu had already given him the script for the movie "Detective Chinatown". He did not plan to participate in this movie. Wang Baoxiang's role was to act crazy and stupid, and Liu Haoran played a genius boy. Both roles were not suitable for him, so he just let Chen Sicheng play it as he pleased.

Chen Sicheng liked the script very much after reading it. It just so happened that he also wanted to try a different style. He was much more interested in this comedy + crime-solving plot style than "The Invisible Guest".

It felt so familiar, just like the script he wrote himself!

Because "Detective Chinatown" was not filmed in China, the pre-production would take a long time, and the earliest it would start filming would be next year. It would take a long time to wait until the crew was fully organized before going to a foreign country to stay in a hotel and arrange the filming matters.

After seeing Chen Sicheng off, Gu Zhongyu stretched his body. When he was thinking about whether to continue to study photography today or talk to Zhang Zilin about work, Chen Duling had already opened the door and came in.

Gu Zhongyu asked her to buy the latest "Harper's Bazaar" magazine, saying that he wanted to see how Chen Man's photos were taken.

"Why are you blushing?"

When handing the magazine to Gu Zhongyu, Chen Duling's face turned abnormally red, which caught his attention.

"Boss, you will know after you take a look..."

He took the magazine from Dudu and began to flip through it.

The cover is still very good, and some other photos are also very handsome. Chen Man's reputation is indeed not exaggerated, and she paid so much tuition.

But when Gu Zhongyu saw one of the photos, he wanted to call Chen Man out and "beat" her.

How did this crazy woman take such photos? ? ?

Ahem, the lower body is a little obvious, bulging, is this to help him promote his strong capital?

Chen Man must have done it on purpose! Such a big lump, he must have noticed it when retouching.

This series of photos will definitely cause a lot of reactions on the Internet. After all, he has never tried this "selling meat" style before, so Gu Zhongyu opened his mobile phone, searched for keywords, and read everyone's comments.

"I can't tell... our Gu Delai is quite sexy (drooling)!"

"It's immoral and unbearable to look at! I just want to ask this photographer, do you have any photos you haven't posted yet? I can buy them!"

"Oh my! Can this girl see them for free?"


Gu Zhongyu also noticed a familiar ID, which was Meng Ziyi's account. As his closest fan, she only left two words: No wonder!

What are you no wonder about?

In addition to netizens' comments, even many of Gu Zhongyu's friends sent messages to tease him.

Liu Yufei: Are you in heat like Dun Dun?

Wan Qian: I didn't expect you to be such a Gu Zhongyu, love it!

Liu Shishi: Who are you seducing by taking these photos?

Nazha: Teacher Gu, you are so manly!

Da Mi Mi: Little roast, take these photos while I'm away, wait for me to come back, I'll XXX you to death!

The comments of these women were all fierce and aggressive, either teasing his body or threatening to be careful if they met him on the boat in the future. I didn’t expect that a few photos would have so many reactions. Chen Man was really a little bit embarrassed and opened his eyes!

“Ahem! How could this photographer take pictures of me like this? Really!”

It is no wonder that the inexperienced Chen Duling blushed. He was by Gu Zhongyu's side every day, but he had only heard about it and never seen it. Now seeing these photos, it is inevitable that he would have some associations.

"Actually, the photos are quite good, but... some of them are not suitable for children!"

"It's okay, Dudu, you are an adult, this is what you should see at your age."

"Um...ah! No, no...Boss, you are teasing me again!" Chen Duling nodded stupidly at first, but soon reacted.

Gu Zhongyu was also amused to see the little girl blushing. Chen Duling was smart and alert, but she spoke too little and had a dull personality. She was far less lively and active than her predecessor Bai Lu. It was rare to see her shy expression.

"Come on, Dudu, I massaged my head last time on the plane. I think your technique is pretty good. Can you massage me again?"


She sat on the sofa consciously. Gu Zhongyu walked over and lay down, resting his head on her thighs. Unfortunately, Dudu is too thin now, and there is not much meat on her legs. It is actually quite uncomfortable to rest her head on her thighs.

However, when you can see Dudu's pure and lovely face as soon as you look up, all this is not important.

He never let Bai Lu massage him like this, because this silly girl likes to laugh too much. As long as you look up at her, she will smile uncontrollably. But her mouth is a little big, so it is naturally very comfortable to use it to relieve boredom.

But because of the angle, when Gu Zhongyu looked at her laughing from below, her mouth was open as if she wanted to eat people, and he always felt that she would bite it in the next second...

Chen Duling gently kneaded Gu Zhongyu's temples. Her technique has become more and more skilled. Gu Zhongyu closed his eyes comfortably.

"Dudu, you've been an assistant for so long, how do you feel?" Gu Zhongyu asked softly, with a hint of laziness in his voice.

Chen Duling hesitated for a moment, then replied: "It's okay, actually the work is not hard, but... now when I have to pretend to be your voice to write letters and send messages, I always feel weird and a little uncomfortable."

Yes, after this period of observation, Bai Lu has now given her the glorious task of recording the little black book and writing letters and sending gifts to the boss's "girlfriends".

She never expected that there would be this in the assistant's work content, which felt even more outrageous than facing the boss's unspoken rules...

"Just get used to it, ask me or Bai Lu if you don't understand anything."

"Boss!" Chen Duling thought for a while, still curiously asked, "Attracting bees and butterflies all day long, living such a dissolute life, that kind of thing... is it really so attractive?"

"Do you really want to know?"

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