Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 310: Dudu, the student with wild thoughts

" more...just asking~"

Chen Duling wanted to slap herself in the face. She knew who Gu Zhongyu was, but she still discussed such a private issue with him.

Although she knew that Gu Zhongyu was not a good person, his appearance and talent could make people ignore other things.

Otherwise, why would a scumbag be a scumbag?

Although his shortcomings were great, his attraction was also great. Moreover, in this situation, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, and they just happened to talk about such an ambiguous topic...

"You are quite curious. Please help me massage my waist. I am also very tired recently and my whole body is sore."


Chen Duling's little hand began to move down, with a hint of shyness, massaging the skin and flesh on Gu Zhongyu's waist, "Is the strength okay?"

Gu Zhongyu closed his eyes, with a smile on his lips, and seemed to be immersed in Chen Duling's gentle massage. "Well, it feels good, thank you." He answered softly, with a hint of laziness and sleepiness in his voice.

Chen Duling couldn't help but feel a little moved. She felt that the distance between her and Gu Zhongyu was gradually shortening. Although this man was romantic and fickle, he seemed particularly gentle and close at this moment.

She couldn't help but start to imagine what it would be like if their relationship could go a step further?

Just as she was immersed in this reverie, she suddenly found that Gu Zhongyu had calmed down and was motionless.

She gently pushed his shoulder, but found that he seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Boss?" Chen Duling called softly, but got no response.

She smiled helplessly, looking at Gu Zhongyu's quiet sleeping face. His face looked particularly soft under the light. He was not as romantic and frivolous as usual, but revealed a rare cuteness and innocence.

Chen Duling carefully adjusted Gu Zhongyu's posture to make him sleep more comfortably. Then she sat quietly on the sofa and continued to wait for him.

Seeing his brows slightly wrinkled, as if he was experiencing something in his dream, Chen Duling quietly observed him and found that his eyelashes were very long and his skin was very smooth. She couldn't help but reach out and gently touch his face, feeling his body temperature and touch


It would be great if you weren't such a jerk, boss!

"Oh, boss, something's wrong!"

Just as Chen Duling was touching Gu Zhongyu's face, Bai Lu suddenly rushed in in a hurry, and her loud voice woke Gu Zhongyu up from his beautiful dream!

"Bai Mengyan, why are you so startled?"


As she said that, Bai Lu handed the phone to Gu Zhongyu, and the interface on the screen stopped at Weibo. After a closer look, it was still Jia Nailiang's.

After the "Gu Jian Qi Tan" crew hung him up that time, Jia Nailiang quickly withdrew his investment and quit the group, deleted all the Weibo posts that mentioned "Gu Jian Qi Tan", and changed his avatar from Ouyang Shaogong back to himself.

But he was still angry and wanted to vent his emotions, so he chose XXN's favorite way to vent his anger - posting Weibo!

The content of the Weibo post was not long, and it did not name anyone. It was just one sentence, "I am extremely disappointed and I can't stand it anymore!" As if he had suffered a great injustice.

Then the netizens below commented and asked what happened. He responded one by one with his own small account. Although he was still playing dumb, other fans soon hinted that our artist was treated unfairly in the crew!

In this way, the spearhead was pointed at the crew. Yang Mi sent a message to Bai Lu, asking him to ask Gu Zhongyu how to deal with it.

Under normal circumstances, it is actually best not to respond. The cold assistant method is the first choice for most public relations problems. But by chance, Gu Zhongyu has something to talk about.

"Dudu, are the recordings and videos in the phone all there?"

"All saved!"

That's it. Send all these recordings and video files to Yang Mi. Let her choose how to deal with it, whether to keep things quiet or fight back.

Bai Lu followed the instructions and sent the files to Yang Mi. Only then did he notice why his junior assistant was blushing?

And it seemed that the boss was lying on her just now!

OK, classmate Dudu, you finally got it!

Classmate Dudu also noticed Bailu's aunt's smile, and she couldn't explain anything. After all, the relationship between the two was indeed quite ambiguous.


On the other side, Chen Sicheng returned to his and Yaya's nest happily, with a smug smile on his face, as if he had eaten bee feces.

"Yaya, guess what good thing I encountered today?" Chen Sicheng asked excitedly, and kept it a secret.

Yaya put down the book in her hand and looked at him curiously: "Someone voted for you to make a new movie?"

"That will be next year. This time it's related to you. Zongheng's new movie "Heart Flower Blooms" wants to choose you as the heroine!" Chen Sicheng said excitedly, as if this news was chosen by him.

Yaya was also happy after hearing this. This opportunity was indeed good news for her. However, after the joy, she immediately remembered that she had another TV series "The Woman of the Swordsman Family" about to start filming, and she was worried that there would be a conflict in time.

"When will the filming of this movie start?" she asked hurriedly.

"At the beginning of next month." Chen Sicheng replied.

Yaya was a little anxious: "What about "The Woman of the Swordsman Family"? I have promised the director that I will join the crew at the beginning of next month."

"Don't worry about that..." Chen Sicheng paused, "I have discussed it with the director for you before going home. If you can postpone joining the crew, then postpone it. If not, just turn it down!"

After hearing this, Yaya felt a little complicated. She didn't expect Chen Sicheng to make a decision without her consent. Although she appreciated his intentions, she also felt that her boyfriend was a little self-willed and didn't respect her opinion.

She didn't say anything, but just nodded lightly, feeling a little unhappy. She felt that Chen Sicheng was too confident and arbitrary, which sometimes made people feel a little depressed. She hoped that he could respect her choices and decisions more, instead of blindly arranging everything for her.

Then, Yaya asked about another detail of the movie: "Who is the leading actor of this movie?"

"Who else could it be?" Chen Sicheng replied, "Our boss of Zongheng, the lucky star of the entertainment industry, Gu Zhongyu!"

After hearing Gu Zhongyu's name, Yaya hesitated even more. She knew that Gu Zhongyu was a playboy in the entertainment industry and often had scandals with actresses. She was worried that working with Gu Zhongyu would cause her unnecessary trouble.

A few years ago, she and Dong Xuan met and became besties because of their collaboration in "Invulnerable Beauty Like Clouds". Not only did they look alike, but their personalities also got along well. Originally, the sisters were about to enter the marriage hall with their boyfriend Gao Yunxiang, but they suddenly broke up not long ago.

According to some insiders, this matter was related to Gu Zhongyu.

So she was a little worried that if she got too close to this man, would it affect her emotional life? After all, she was also about to get married.

"Aren't you worried that I would be seduced by Gu Zhongyu if I worked with him on a movie?" Yaya asked tentatively.

Chen Sicheng laughed after hearing this: "Don't worry! Although Gu Zhongyu is a bit lecherous, he has become so successful. What's the point of not being good at women? Besides, we are brothers. He will definitely focus on work and won't do anything out of line."

"Not to mention, you are my girlfriend, Chen Sicheng. Can you bear to leave me?"

Looking at Chen Sicheng's confident look, Yaya smiled and agreed with him on the surface, but she was even more dissatisfied in her heart. A man's confidence can still appear attractive in his career, but such an attitude in love is very unpleasant.

Do I have to be with you?

When the topic came to this, she suddenly remembered that when Chen Sicheng went to the United States to direct "The Invisible Guest", he was photographed hugging a foreign horse and leaving the residence late at night...

Although she never asked, that incident was like a thorn in her heart, and she could never let it go.

"You trust me so much, but I don't trust you. What happened with that foreign girl when you were filming in the United States?"

Chen Sicheng was caught off guard by this question. He didn't expect Yaya to suddenly bring up this matter. He hesitated for a while, and then defended himself by saying, "That foreign girl is just a crew member. We were just discussing work together that night..."

Yaya looked at Chen Sicheng's eyes and knew he was lying. She originally hoped that her boyfriend would confess, but now it seems that Chen Sicheng did not really realize his mistake. She sighed in her heart and felt that this matter had become a knot between them, which was difficult to untie easily.

The atmosphere in the room became a little awkward. Yaya felt that her heart was blocked by something, and she began to feel a little suffocated.

"I want to go out for two days." Yaya suddenly said, "I think I need some time to calm down and think about the problems between us."

Chen Sicheng was anxious. Seeing Yaya turned around to pack her luggage, he chased after her and asked, "Are you going to take the movie or not? I have already agreed to it for you in front of Gu Zhongyu!"

Yaya was a little speechless. She thought Chen Sicheng came up to say some words of apology to keep her, but she didn't expect it to be for this.

She simply packed some of her luggage, left a sentence "You have already agreed to it for me, what else can I do?", and then left the apartment without looking back.

Hearing this, Chen Sicheng was relieved. After all, he had promised Gu Zhongyu that if Yaya quit the show, where would his face be?

As for moving out for two days, Chen Sicheng didn't care. This kind of thing has happened before. As long as Yaya calmed down after a while, he would pretend to admit his mistake, then wouldn't she have to come back to him?

“This bastard, he even recorded it!”

The official Weibo account of “Gu Jian Qi Tan” actually recorded the video of that day and posted it online. Netizens now know that it was you, Jia Nailiang, who kept adding scenes to himself that led to the breakup. Many game fans didn’t believe that he could play the role of Ouyang Shaogong at all, and repeatedly asked the crew to carefully consider the candidate for the role of Ouyang Shaogong. Now it’s finally God’s will.

Then the crew also announced in due time that the role of Ouyang Shaogong would be played by Qiao Zhenyu, one of the “Four Beauties of Tianya”. Netizens all gave a thumbs up to this. After all, no matter in terms of image or acting skills, Qiao Zhenyu is obviously better than Jia Nailiang.

This time, Jia Nailiang lost both his wife and his army. Netizens also dug up his old story of backstabbing Yin Xitian and adding scenes without authorization. For a while, he was condemned by everyone. Under no circumstances, he had to delete the Weibo he posted before and closed the comment area.

At home, Jianailiang was so angry that he threw his cell phone to the ground. He never expected that his one thought difference would lead to such an outcome. He has been criticized a lot during this period.

Li Xiaolu looked at her husband helplessly. She knew that going against Gu Zhongyu would not have any good results.

"Don't post on Weibo for a while. Stay at home and wait until the storm is over!"

"Does this Gu Zhongyu have a grudge against me? We are classmates after all, but he doesn't give me any face!"

"He just looks down on us!"

In fact, not only Gu Zhongyu, Li Xiaolu also looked down on this cowardly husband. If he hadn't been obedient and didn't interfere with her private life, she wouldn't have agreed to Jia Nailiang's proposal.

"You'd better think about what to do in the future. This recording exposed your love of adding drama. I'm afraid no good scripts will come to you in the future."

"What are you afraid of! This entertainment industry is not his Gu Zhongyu's. If this road doesn't work, I will find another way. I don't believe that I can't make money!"

Li Xiaolu sighed and didn't bother to care about him anymore. Although their property was clearly divided and Jia Nailiang couldn't get it, they were husband and wife after all. Jia Nailiang's bad reputation would also affect her star career.

It seems that it is better to make plans early. Next time, find Gu Zhongyu to ease the relationship!


The preparation of the comedy film is very fast. Ning Hao is also a famous quick shooter. In less than two weeks, he pulled the crew together and all the members went straight to Dali at any time.

But Gu Zhongyu couldn't go with him. Before participating in "Heart Flower Blooming", he had to go to Wanwan to attend the Golden Horse Awards ceremony.

The second half of the year is the peak season for all kinds of award ceremonies, both at home and abroad. In addition to the Golden Horse Awards, the Golden Rooster Awards and Huabiao Awards in China are also held in these two months.

The Golden Horse Awards had invited Gu Zhongyu before, but he didn't go because he knew in advance that he couldn't win, and if he went, he would just be a runner-up.

At domestic award ceremonies, whether in mainland China or Hong Kong and Taiwan, even if they don't notify you in advance, they will generally give you a hint as to whether you can win. If they don't say anything and just notify you to go, then nine out of ten times they just want you to make up the crowd.

But this time is different. The Golden Horse Awards said that the Best Adapted Screenplay Award will definitely be given to him. As for the Best Actor, it seems that there is some hope. Could it be that the Golden Horse Awards will be so generous this time and give him a double yolk?

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