In his previous life, Huang Xiaoming swept almost all mainland Chinese film awards with his performance in "Partners in China", but he only failed at the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Wanwan Golden Horse Awards.

The main point is that although the story of "Partners in China" is a biography, the style is a bit too "formal" and does not fit the tone of the Hong Kong and Taiwan judges. However, it is not even a nomination, which is really unjustifiable.

On the contrary, the supporting actor Tong Dawei was nominated for two Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

It is said that because of this incident, the relationship with Da Wei, Huang Xiaoming and their group immediately broke down, and from then on they were no longer able to obtain good film resources.

Our own people are really unsatisfactory in this regard. After all these years, the Golden Horse is still the highest award for Chinese-language films. If it weren’t for the remarks of the stupid female director in 2018 that caused the Golden Horse Award to be knocked off the altar, I don’t know if this situation would be worse. How long does it last.

In fact, it was only after entering the 21st century that the Golden Horse began to shift from regional to all Chinese film circles. Since there were no other better competitors and it was operated commercially, it has become somewhat famous in recent years. Its selection mechanism It has the same "judgment system" as most international film festivals, that is, several industry-recognized judges are invited to judge the awards for each session.

Looking back at China, it stands to reason that the Golden Rooster Award (also called the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award) should be the largest award in the country. However, due to the backward operation model and concept, it can no longer sustain this situation.

The venue is not fixed, the selection mechanism lacks credibility, the awarding time lags behind, and the review system is backward...

Obviously the box office of mainland movies is dozens of times that of Wanwan, but there is always a lack of authoritative and fair film awards. Otherwise, who would be willing to support Wanwan's stinky feet if there are options?

There is a precedent for cheating people at the Golden Horse Awards. Gong Li was once nominated for the 51st Golden Horse Awards for Best Actress for her movie Return. Everyone agreed that this award must be hers.

But in the end, he lost to the little-known local actor Chen Qi and Wanwan by one vote.

However, it was later discovered that 9 of the 17 Golden Horse Awards judges were crooked, and they all voted for this person.

If she hadn't been told in advance that he was the winner of the Best Actress, she might not have gone to participate. Who knew that someone would have tricked her into taking part, which was tantamount to stepping on her head.

Therefore, Gong Li later stated without hesitation that the Golden Horse Awards had teased her, and she even directly stated that she would never participate in the Golden Horse Awards again in the future.

The reason why he appeared as a judge again four years later was because of repeated invitations from his friend Li Bian. Unexpectedly, he met that stupid female director again and completely ruined the Golden Horse Award.

Li Yi was sitting in the audience, and everyone was dumbfounded. They never expected that after all the hard work, they would be plotted by these clowns. The expression on his face was even more exciting than the best feature film!

After Gu Zhongyu thought about it for a long time, he still thought that if he went there, he could at least win a Best Screenplay Award. If these people still let him accompany them even for this award, they would have to give them eye drops. It can also allow them to change from "national award" to "provincial award" a few years in advance!

When Gu Zhongyu and his group arrived at Wanwan Airport, the weather was slightly cool and raining heavily, so not many fans came to pick them up. However, the organizer sent someone to greet them.

In addition to director Chen Kexin, two other nominees from the "Chinese Partner" crew were here, Tong Dawei and Da Meiyuan. They had not seen the beauty for a long time. Da Meiyuan looked at Gu Zhongyu with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Then she saw Dudu's classmate next to Gu Zhongyu, and her sadness was added with contempt...

There was nothing fun when it rained, so when she arrived at the hotel where she was staying, Gu Zhongyu chose to go directly into the room and take a good nap. It was almost the same size, but she used Gu Zhongyu as a pillow to sleep with.

Hey, originally he really wanted to have a good sleep, but Da Meiyuan didn't know where he learned it from, and actually bought a pair of black silk high heels and an OL suit!

After that, I couldn't sleep anymore, so I had to ask Dudu to send them some midnight snacks to supplement their nutrition.

On the other hand, Tong Dawei was quite energetic. This time, he felt more free without his wife and children. He actually slipped out of the hotel. It was said that he was out of curiosity and went to experience the local nightclub. I hope he would never be photographed by a local reporter. .

When I woke up, the sky was a bit gray. When I opened the window, although the rain stopped, the sky was still gray.

"Wake up Yuanyuan!" He pushed the sleeping beauty beside him.

Da Meiyuan frowned, reluctantly opened her eyes, glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside, and turned around at only seven o'clock in the morning: "Why don't you sleep a little longer, I will almost become a soft-footed shrimp, if If I accidentally sprain my foot while walking on the red carpet, it will all depend on you!"

Women are so unreasonable!

It's obvious that you wanted to die on your own and had to take the initiative to tease me, right?

But Gu Zhongyu, who had taken the biggest advantage, naturally couldn't reply, so he leaned down and lay next to her, saying that they would sleep together and we wouldn't go to the Golden Horse Awards!

This sentence was like a shot in the arm, instantly waking up Gao Yuanyuan. She opened her eyes suddenly, eyes flashing with excitement, completely forgetting her image at the moment - the quilt slid to her waist, revealing her slender thighs and sexy underwear.

"That won't work, I want to start putting on makeup and styling as soon as possible!" Gao Yuanyuan sat up excitedly, but ignored that the quilt on her body slipped off, revealing a large area of ​​spring beauty.

"Tell me... is there any possibility that I will win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress this time?" Gao Yuanyuan asked excitedly.

Go to sleep, there is everything in your dreams!

This time one of the finalists is Zhang Ziyi, can you be this eldest sister’s opponent?

Of course, Gu Zhongyu must explain it tactfully. The King of Sunglasses "The Grandmaster" is coming too hard, and Zhang Ziyi's performance in it can be regarded as the pinnacle of her acting career.

Do you know what type of roles Zhang Ziyi has played the most for so many years?

The answer is the lost woman!

The blind prostitute in "House of Flying Daggers"...

Bai Ling, the promiscuous woman in "2046"...

"Memoirs of a Geisha". Strictly speaking, geishas cannot be considered prostitutes, but they both serve men in pleasure venues and have common characteristics...

The Lou Feng in "Tai Ping Wheel" who had to be paid twice for doing it twice...

"The Death of Romance" A socialite in the old magical city...

These directors don't know whether it's because the heroes have similar views, or out of bad taste, or Zhang Ziyi has any special preferences for this type of role. Anyway, her most popular roles after "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are prostitutes!

But this time it's different. The role of Gong Er is so good. Zhang Ziyi has achieved a breakthrough. Her performance is very restrained, touching, and gradually getting better. She can see the truth in the ordinary, and there is no impetuous interpretation skills.

Although people feel that her performance is not impactful and explosive enough, her performance is very real, as is the case with people in life.

She can slow down, something few actresses can do. It can be seen that she has thought carefully about it. In "The Grandmaster", she can be said to be in trance.

Many people even turned against Zhang Ziyi because of this movie. Zhang Ziyi's performance in "The Grandmaster" has actually surpassed that of the male lead Tony Leung, and her own subsequent performances have never surpassed the role of Gong Er.

Not to mention Gao Yuanyuan, this time it is Gong Huang who is here. There is a high possibility that he will fall into the dust. If the Golden Horse Awards does not give the Best Actress to Zhang Ziyi this time, it will not be blind. It should be that the dog will eat her heart!

So Gu Zhongyu could only remind Da Meiyuan to be prepared to leave empty-handed. It was an unexpected surprise that she was shortlisted.

In the script "Chinese Partner" itself, Gao Yuanyuan has little room to develop. This is also because although her acting time is not short, she has not made any obvious progress. The type of role is single. She has to pay a lot of attention to be nominated this time.

Gao Yuanyuan is not a talented actor. She is a bit like Hu Ge. She is very dedicated, popular with the audience, and willing to sacrifice for filming. However, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot reach the level of an excellent actor.

I don’t know if it’s because idols have too much baggage or if it’s destiny. In short, I just can’t break through myself.

"Don't worry too much about winning or losing this time. Being shortlisted is a breakthrough. The future is long!"

Although Gao Yuanyuan had expected it, she still felt a little disappointed when she heard Gu Zhongyu's words, and deliberately glared at him angrily: "Can't you just pretend and say something nice?"

"You're not a little girl anymore. You can't tell me a lie without you seeing through it at a glance!"

"I'm not a little girl, so I'm an old girl?" Da Meiyuan became even more angry and lifted Gu Zhongyu's quilt, "Okay! You already think I'm old, you scumbag!"

Gu Zhongyu couldn't wait to give himself a few words, and quickly made up for it: "Of course not, I am praising Yuanyuan for your maturity and intellectuality! In short, no matter what the Golden Horse Award is, you are the best actress in my heart. I give you four, that's all." This year, I have to let you take home a trophy from a famous film festival!”

Gao Yuanyuan immediately smiled when she heard this: "Okay, then you can create a written document!"


It seems that I have fallen into the trap of Da Meiyuan!

After breakfast, they had to go to the venue of the Golden Horse Awards. This ceremony was arranged at the winding Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.

This is a palace-style building, surrounded by Zhongshan Park outside the museum, and decorated with Jiuqu Bridge, ponds, rockeries, willow trees and other scenery. It looks quite beautiful.

Even Gu Zhongyu and others were in a good mood.

When we arrived at the hotel arranged by the organizer, the door was already surrounded by journalists who looked like they had been injected with blood.

This time the Golden Horse Awards can be considered a competition. "Chill", "The Grandmaster", "Destiny" and "China Partner" have all been nominated for numerous awards.

As soon as he saw these reporters, Gu Zhongyu's good mood suddenly dropped. After all, the media was notoriously shameless. He had already learned this lesson when he participated in "Kangxi Is Coming" last time.

"Mr. Gu, who do you think can win the Golden Horse Best Actor this time?"

"We are all outstanding and good actors. I will be very happy whoever wins the award!"

"This time the three great movie stars, Zhang Jiahui, Tony Leung Ka-fai and Tony Leung Chaowei, are here. Do you think you have the ability to defeat them?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, these three are senior actors that I like very much. I can only pursue to get closer to them infinitely."

"Then do you have expectations for yourself?"

"Of course, if I didn't expect it, I wouldn't show up here. By the way, Gao Yuanyuan and Tong Dawei are right behind me. Why don't you go interview them!"

I couldn't hold it any longer, so I had no choice but to betray these two.

The reporters immediately gathered around him. Gu Zhongyu was so slippery and well-spoken. He was easier to bully than others!

"Mr. Tong, this is your first time nominated for Best Supporting Actor. How do you feel about it? Are you confident?"

"No, I think it's already amazing to be nominated!"

Tong Dawei was a little dumbfounded as he looked at the reporters who were gradually gathering around him. He quickly explained modestly that he really didn't expect to be shortlisted. It was clear that the Deng Dynasty was the most popular before.

"Then do you think your acting skills are similar to those of Li Xuejian and Huang Bo? After all, you were all nominated for Best Supporting Actor."

What a fuss!

Both of them are big names, especially Li Xuejian, whose acting skills are superb. He is the chairman of the Film Association, and all actors have to bow their heads when they meet him.

Before Tong Dawei could answer, the reporter asked again: "If you win the Best Supporting Actor this time, how will you celebrate? It is said that you were photographed going to a nightclub last night. Did you have it in mind, so you opened champagne at halftime?"

Tong Dawei was confused. How can you think of this?

I regret it so much. I should have known not to go. These reporters are really omnipresent!

Gao Yuanyuan was standing aside and giggling, but was soon approached by several reporters: "Ms. Gao, this is your first time to be nominated for the Golden Horse Awards, right?"


"You were nominated for the Best Actress this year, how do you feel?"

"I feel great."

"Then do you think you can make history?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and asked back: "What do you think?"

This is what Gu Zhongyu taught her last night. When you encounter a difficult question, just ask it back, or don't express your own opinion. This trick works every time.

The reporter wanted to dig out more information, but Gao Yuanyuan had already sneaked away...

At six o'clock in the afternoon, it was not dark yet, and the red carpet was already laid on the avenue in front of the door.

After all, it was the Golden Horse Awards ceremony, the most prestigious film festival in the entire Chinese community.

There must be a red carpet ceremony when there is an awards ceremony. It is said that the local second- and third-tier actresses have finally waited for the opportunity to show up. They wore colorful dresses and tried their best to shape their looks.

So, don't just say that our domestic entertainment actresses like to go to Cannes to rub the carpet. Chinese people all over the world are similar.

There was no special arrangement of order. Gu Zhongyu and his friends had a little food and stepped onto the red carpet at about 7pm.

They were all veterans and had a lot of experience walking on the red carpet. They waved normally and the fans on both sides cheered.

Finally, they entered the venue.

They sat down according to the positions of the crew and didn’t say hello to anyone. There was no need to be polite to those who knew them. If Gu Zhongyu didn’t call out their names at first glance, they were probably local Taiwanese stars, and there was no need to say hello.

But what was a little unexpected was that the couple of Kaizi were sitting next to Gu Zhongyu...

Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!

Thanks to Mr. Shiguang for the 3,000 reward

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