Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 315 Da Tiantian and the Mermaid

At Luzui Villa in Nanao, Shenzhen, filming of Zhou Xingxing's new movie "Mermaid" is in full swing.

The sun was shining on the blue sea, and the sea breeze was blowing gently, carrying a slightly salty atmosphere. Actors such as Shen Teng and Jing Tian were sitting on the beach outside the resort, listening to Zhou Xingxing's teachings on acting.

"Remember, the character Liu Xuan is a wealthy businessman, but deep down he longs for true love." Zhou Xingxing said seriously, holding a meteor hammer (a prop in the play), "When facing the mermaid, he There is both fear and unquenchable curiosity.”

While listening, Shen Teng pondered over Zhou Xingxing's words, and his admiration for this comedy master deepened in his heart. Jing Tian, ​​on the other hand, worked harder to absorb nutrients, hoping to make a breakthrough in this movie.

Zhou Xingxing's original impression of Shen Teng, who was recommended by him, was only at the "average and usable" level. However, after getting along and observing for a long time, he found that this young man has a good comedy talent and can The character is played vividly and interestingly, with humor in every move.

Although the performance style still has the flavor of a sketch, he has done a pretty good job of grasping the plot and characters, much better than the comedian Huang Bo he worked with before.

As for the heroine Jing Tian, ​​Zhou Xingxing thinks she is very "ordinary". Although she looks beautiful, her acting skills are a bit dull. Fortunately, the role of Shanshan is not very demanding, otherwise, he would have wanted to curse someone a few times!

Many directors who lose their temper may hold back a little because the other party is a girl, but Zhou Xingxing is different. There is no distinction between men and women on the set. If they are not satisfied with the filming, they will scold them. Many actors were frightened by the atmosphere on the set. cry. There are many reasons for poor acting. Many actors will feel very aggrieved when they are scolded.

"Tiantian, your performance should be natural, don't deliberately imitate." Zhou Xingxing used his unique seriousness and seriousness to teach Tiantian his acting experience, "We want the audience to feel the emotions of the character, instead of just seeing the surface. His actions are nonsensical and not crazy..."

Both Shen Teng and Jing Tian listened very carefully, thinking with their heads down from time to time, trying to incorporate these valuable suggestions into their performances.

At this time, his assistant Lu Zhengyupian ran over and reminded: "Director Zhou, Mr. Gu and the others have brought someone to visit the class."

Zhou Xingxing looked up and saw that Gu Zhongyu, who had returned from Wanwan, had arrived at the set with Ning Hao, Huang Bo and others, and was looking around at the props around him.

"Congratulations to you, Gu Sheng, for winning the Golden Horse Best Actor at such a young age."

"I don't dare take it seriously, it's just good luck!"

After hearing Gu Zhongyu's explanation, Zhou Xingxing smiled bitterly and said nothing. He had been waiting for this luck for most of his life.

It is said that there is a best actor every year and a star every century, but he has been an actor for decades. It was not until 2002 that he won the Best Actor Award and the Best Director Award of the Hong Kong Film for "Shaolin Soccer". He is also the only actor in his career.

As for the Golden Horse Award, he has only won one Best Supporting Actor award. The judges all prefer literary films and have never been interested in comedians like him, so when he found out that Gu Zhongyu won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor, At that time, I felt sad in my heart.

"Teacher Gu is really young and promising." Jing Tian said mockingly, "But luck is also a part of strength."

When Gu Zhongyu heard Jing Tian's words, he remembered that she almost teased him on the show before. Looking at her weird look, he couldn't help but joke: "Da Tiantian, are you jealous that I won the Best Actor?"

"I'm jealous of you? You're kidding!"

"Really? Not to mention winning awards, after so many years in the industry, how many people are sure to have performed your best?"

When Jing Tian heard this, her expression changed slightly. She had always felt a lot of pressure because she was called the "Queen of Bad Movies" by the outside world. Gu Zhongyu's words undoubtedly touched her sore spot.

Seeing that Jing Tian was a little unhappy, Gu Zhongyu quickly joked: "It's just a joke, don't be angry."

Da Tiantian snorted and turned her head, leaving him with only a beautiful back of her head.

The rest of the crew watched the two bickering with smiles on their faces. To them, this interaction was more like a flirtation between a boy and a girl. It seemed that the relationship between Da Tiantian and Gu Zhongyu was really good. It’s not that simple!

Huang Bo and Zhou Xingxing got to know each other because they had collaborated on "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". At this time, the two chatted about movies. Huang Bo expressed that he wanted to make a cameo in Zhou Xingxing's new film, but Zhou Xingxing shook his head and said: "This time There is no role for you."

Originally, there was a role of a second-generation rich man carrying an aircraft that suited Huang Bo, but Zheng Jifeng, one of his fans and investors, had already been chosen to play the role.

"What a pity!"

In fact, Huang Bo didn't really want to make a cameo, but he knew that by saying this, he would like Zhou Xingxing, and maybe he would be reminded of him again in any new movies in the future.

As a director, Ning Hao was still looking at the shooting scene carefully like a curious baby. He picked up an octopus prop and asked curiously: "Master Xing, what is this movie about?"

Zhou Xingxing had a good impression of Ning Hao, who was also a comedy director, so he patiently explained to them: "This is a love story about mermaids and humans, exploring the theme of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature..."

While Gu Zhongyu and Jing Tian were still bickering, Shen Teng also joined in, followed by an actor wearing an octopus leather sheath. However, it was not Li Jiahang recommended by Gu Zhongyu, but the original actor Luo Zixiang.

Gu Zhongyu originally wanted to be Lasneker, but he was told that it conflicted with the filming date of "Love Apartment", so Gu Zhongyu had to let Zhou Xingxing make his own decision. Unexpectedly, he chose the time management master.

Luo Zixiang, who was familiar with him, greeted him warmly: "Hello, Mr. Gu, I heard that you also wrote this movie. It's awesome!"

"It's just average. It depends on Mr. Xing's fame, otherwise my script won't count at all."

Gu Zhongyu is not praising Zhou Xingxing's bad feet. The quality of the movie "Mermaid" is actually quite average. At least compared with Zhou Xingxing's previous movies, there is nothing outstanding. The box office of 3 billion is largely due to Zhou Xingxing. Comedy King Bonus.

"The crew is really busy today!"

Just as everyone was chatting animatedly, a sudden gust of fragrance came over. Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was Zhang Yuqi who played Li Ruolan.

Zhang Yuqi was wearing a sexy red dress today. Her figure had perfect curves and concave and convex shapes, which made the eyes of the men present brighten up and make them happy in their hearts.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but look at it a few more times. When Jing Tian saw this, he felt a little unhappy.

“What did this woman grow up eating?”

Jing Tian looked down at herself. Although they had known each other for a while, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous and unwilling. She didn't understand why Zhang Yuqi had such a perfect figure, but she was dwarfed by her.

Zhang Yuqi was not familiar with Gu Zhongyu before, but today's meeting was like a reunion of old friends. She walked up to Gu Zhongyu and said hello affectionately, and Gu Zhongyu naturally responded with a smile.

This scene made Jing Tian feel even more uncomfortable.

In fact, Jing Tian's worries were unnecessary. Although Gu Zhongyu was very coveted for Zhang Yuqi's body, he also knew that sex was a knife in his head, and it was best not to provoke a woman with a beautiful appearance but a strong style.

When this eldest sister quarreled with her husband, she cut her husband with a knife and got into trouble. This made a big fuss at the time. Many people didn't believe it at first. After all, it was too unbelievable for a female star to commit murder with a knife. .

Such a tigerish character pissed her off, what couldn't she do?

Zhang Yuqi once said that "it's not good to look at men", but with such unpleasant things happening over and over again, shouldn't we also reflect on ourselves?

Once, it may be that the other party has a problem, and again and again, it may be that both parties have a problem.

No one expected that after Zhang Yuqi and her husband Yuan Bayuan broke up, they would be photographed together again. Zhang Yuqi made a high-profile statement: A single woman can accept the pursuit of all men in the world, including her ex-husband.

This operation really shocked a lot of people, but there is nothing wrong with Zhang Yuqi's statement. Loving or not loving is a continuous process, and it is normal for them to get back together if they are disconnected.

However, not long after they fell in love, they fell out again. Yuan Bayuan accused Zhang Yuqi of being "unfaithful during marriage", "having body odor", "not being clean", etc. Zhang Yuqi denied it, and also said that Yuan Bayuan was pretending to be rich. Deceiving people.

The two sides talk in a dark way, put their lives on the bright side, and attack each other.

As a female star, Zhang Yuqi has no image at all.

Therefore, Gu Zhongyu felt that it was better to stay away from these sisters.

"Master Xing is treating us tonight, let's all come to dinner." Deputy Director Lu Zhengyu announced loudly.

As night fell, Zhou Xingxing led everyone to a nearby restaurant. Everyone sat together, ordered a table of sumptuous dishes, and began to enjoy this rare happy time together.

At the dinner table, everyone was chatting animatedly. Zhou Xingxing talked about his views on the movie and future plans. Ning Hao and Huang Bo also shared some of their creative experiences and interesting stories. Shen Teng interjected and joked from time to time, making everyone laugh and seemed very happy. Something will happen.

After all, for now, he is the smallest person at the table, so he has to do the admiration job.

Zhang Yuqi and Jing Tian also joined the conversation. Although the two of them were somewhat hostile to each other, they had to remain friendly on the surface under such circumstances. They talked about fashion, beauty and entertainment industry gossip, testing each other's background.

Gu Zhongyu saw all this and thought the interaction between the two women was really interesting. They acted as love rivals in the play, but they seemed to be secretly competing with each other outside the play. Is this the jealousy of beauties?

The original catfish spirit Lin Yun definitely didn't have this experience, and Zhang Yuqi definitely wouldn't be jealous of her "beauty!"

"Hey Shen Teng, when your movie is almost finished, come and visit us. There is a role I want you to play."

Halfway through the meal, Gu Zhongyu thought of business, and Shen Teng naturally agreed. He would not refuse any request from this bole.

"You just agreed and didn't ask how much the salary would be?" Huang Bo joked. Gu Zhongyu also didn't say that the role was a guest role, so he might have thought it was a main role.

Shen Teng pretended to be astonished: "Do you still need to ask? I have even played the leading role of Mr. Xing, and now the wealthy Teacher Gu wants to hire me again. The salary can't be less than what I am getting now, right? You If you don’t give me 18 million, you have to give me Daole!”

"Good guy, why is your salary so high? You're beating the rich!"

"Yu Qi, can your salary be less than mine? You have already acted in two movies of Mr. Xing. Look at how many female stars in our entertainment industry can get such treatment as you!"

If you don't say that he can get out, Shen Teng's two sentences praised everyone present, and they were not explicit at all, and people thought he was humorous.

Opposite Huang Bo's eyes lit up, this brother is a master!

Zhang Yuqi put down the wine glass and defended: "I don't have any! This time I star in Xingye's movie, and I don't want a penny in salary."

After she received the call from Zhou Xingxing, the two of them did not discuss the salary. Whether it was because of Zhou Xingxing's support or their years of cooperation, Zhang Yuqi never mentioned the salary, and she did not plan to mention it even after the movie was released. .

Zhou Xingxing smiled when he heard this. Although it is true that he is stingy, but others do not mention it because of affection, you have to express it. He has already decided that he will choose Zhang Yuqi based on the final box office performance of "Mermaid" Wrap a big red envelope.

"Beauty Zhang is upright and unmoved by worldly things. I am the one who fell behind, so I will punish myself with a drink!"

After saying that, Shen Teng drank all the wine in the cup. Although he was willing to help his friends, he couldn't do it for zero pay like Zhang Yuqi. This was a self-degradation. If word spread, How can I film other people's scenes in the future? You can't just come and prostitute me for nothing just as a friend, right?

Money is his first motivation in the entertainment industry.

Later, I helped Jia Ling appear in "Hello Li Huanying". Although the role was not that big and the fee was a friendly price, it still cost 30 million yuan in salary. The same is true for the resident "Ace vs. Ace". It was purely because of the rewards given by the program team. In terms of remuneration, other resident guests together did not receive more than half of what he received.

In fact, there is nothing to criticize. This kind of person is a transparent person who gave up the so-called artistic pursuit early and focused on making money.

As for the fact that the audience is always pissed off because of "poor" bad movies, that's out of his mind and he can just pretend he didn't see it.

When "Super Family" was released, Shen Teng participated in almost all the film's promotional activities. A large number of celebrities were invited to the premiere, and everyone praised the film like a flower. As a result, the quality was a mess, and it was named the 2023 Movie of the Year. Worst movie ever.

But does this delay others from making money?

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