Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 316 A man who plays for fun

After dinner, everyone was still not satisfied, so Ning Hao suggested going to the bar for a drink, which was unanimously agreed by everyone.

Zhou Xingxing didn't go because he was too tired. It's not that he didn't like to play, but he was the only Hong Konger among the many people present. Work was fine, but it was difficult for him to play with others. He just told the leading actors not to make trouble too late and delay tomorrow's work, and then left.

"Huang Bo, why did you find such a remote place?"

"As a public figure, there are probably a lot of paparazzi watching everyone now, so it's better to find a remote place."

This small bar is the property of a friend of Huang Bo. In his early years, he traveled all over the country and had many acquaintances even in Shenzhen.

This bar is not only in a remote location, but also rarely open. It will only open when some acquaintances want to come, or when public figures who are not convenient to show up need a place and give advance notice.

There was only one bartender and store manager in the whole bar. He was a good friend that Huang Bo had known before he became rich. Huang Bo also paid for him to open the bar. It was a saying that when we become rich, we should not forget each other.

This bar was very small and there were not many people at night. There were mainly a few private rooms with good sound insulation. It seemed that Huang Bo had already prepared to receive celebrity friends when he opened this bar.

Huang Bo led a group of people to the dimly lit bar. On the way, they also met a few fans who wanted autographs. Everyone cooperated, but they all refused to take pictures.

After opening a private room, Huang Bo couldn't wait to order a song and started singing as soon as he entered the room. As the drinks and fruit plates were served on the table, the atmosphere gradually became lively.

There were only two girls in the room, Zhang Yuqi and Jing Tian. Da Tiantian had a superior status and Zhang Yuqi had a hot personality. Naturally, no one dared to go up and tease them, but drinking alone was obviously not enough, so soon, some male compatriots began to contact local "lovers" to come and help.

If you don't know anyone locally, ask Huang Bo's brother to help introduce a "friend"!

In less than an hour, several girls came to the private room one after another.

From the looks of it, they should not be as low as hostesses. They are probably high-end peripheral girls, also known as peripheral dirty honeys, commonly known as dirty models, dirty honeys, and also called "business models" by people in the circle. Most of them have a career that can be put on the table - flat models, actors, have appeared in unknown movies and TV series, and even published unknown papers.

Generally, they are a small circle of introducers to each other, with a "clearly marked" price list, including accompanying eating, sleeping, attending heavy taste parties, similar to the Russian roulette.

There are also those who don't take much money, purely for expanding personal connections or wanting to catch rich men.

Judging from their looks, most of these people should belong to the latter, which is obviously a level higher than ordinary peripherals in terms of appearance. There are one or two of them, and Gu Zhongyu is jealous when he sees them.

Today, all the people present were public figures, and there were girls, so they didn't have so much fun. Huang Bo called these people here just to accompany them with drinks and singing. As for what would happen after the end, it was none of his business.

These peripheral people didn't expect that today's drinking party would be so high-end, with all the big stars. Fortunately, they had seen some of the world, and soon began to take their positions and find their own targets, without seeing the excitement of the stars at all.

What is professionalism!

Zhang Yuqi was used to it. Although Jing Tian was unhappy in her heart, she didn't show it. Anyway, they probably didn't dare to do anything excessive.

Or maybe Huang Bo has a good relationship in the entertainment industry. These young ladies called tonight were all paid by him. Although it didn't include the possible subsequent "service fees", it would cost a lot of money.

Soon, there was a young lady sitting next to each of the men, dressed in fancy clothes to accompany them to sing and chat.

Most of the male compatriots were relatively honest, and there was only occasional physical contact, feeding wine, etc., except for Luo Zixiang, a woman had already sat on his thigh!

Gu Zhongyu was treated differently from them. He was accompanied by two people, namely Zhang Yuqi and Jing Tian.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu seemed a little restless, Da Tiantian asked unhappily: "What's wrong? You seem to be eager to make a move. Do you want me to ask someone to accompany you?"

How could Gu Zhongyu possibly go along with them? He immediately said righteously: "Okay, okay!"

"Then I'll leave?"

"Just kidding, with you two around, how can I look at ordinary women!"

In fact, Gu Zhongyu was really eager to make a move. He really had no contact with peripheral girls. There was no other intention, just simply wanting to broaden his horizons.

Unfortunately, every time a girl wanted to come over to chat with him, she would be glared at by Da Tiantian and Zhang Yuqi, and then walk away angrily.

No, Da Tiantian is fine, but you, Zhang Yuqi, are already married, why do you care about me?

Oh, I almost forgot about this. Her husband Wang Quanan was arrested last month for health care.

According to the police in Yanjing, a famous director surnamed Wang contacted Lv through a mobile phone app in the studio, and then paid 800 yuan to do some beneficial exercises for three consecutive days. One of them was group sex with two women at the same time.

Here, Gu Zhongyu had to despise Director Wang. It was not that he despised his health care behavior, but that he didn't know how to treat himself well. In Yanjing, where every inch of land is worth money, what good stuff can you find with 800 yuan?

Even if there really are high-quality and low-priced female bodhisattvas, you, a director, actually have to contact and place orders and pay for them yourself?

This is too low!

Is it possible that after directing so many dramas, I don’t know a few beautiful 18th-tier actresses? Can’t I make an appointment with her and make some unspoken rules?

But think about it from another perspective, could it be that Director Wang is a noble person and would rather spend a small amount of money than ruin those actresses?

No matter what the reason was, Director Wang was in trouble anyway, and the news was known all over the country. Everyone knew that Zhang Yuqi's husband was in a position because of health care. No wonder that at the end of the day, she, who was always known for being bold and outgoing, became so taciturn. , an ordinary woman would have been depressed a long time ago, but it is very rare for her to be able to maintain normal filming.

Because of this, Zhang Yuqi, who hated the whole family, now looked at these peripheral women with bitter and resentful looks. They looked like they were ready to rush out and kill someone at any time. The young ladies shuddered at the look, and they couldn't figure out where they were offended. of this female star.

As the atmosphere of the wine bureau became more and more intense, Huang Bo, who was so excited, even stood on the stage, excitedly directing Luo Zixiang and Shen Teng to dance an unknown dance aside, rapping and waving hand gestures, the girls behind them They were all so amused that they smiled like flowers.

Some lively girls have begun to actively play some ambiguous games, such as passing cherries with toothpicks in their mouths, writing on each other's backs with their fingers and asking them to guess. These games don't look explicit, but they are easy. Draw into each other's relationship.

Luo Zixiang is the most relaxed, and he has already started drinking with a girl mouth to mouth. As a curvy person, he is very comfortable in such situations. These peripherals are not as good as his flirting skills!

Shen Teng mostly plays with others and behaves himself; Huang Bo is similar, although he called these women here, but he just keeps singing there, and for the young ladies who come to chat with him It's all perfunctory.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that they are also pretending, after all, there is no way to go too far in this occasion.

"I'm a little dizzy. You guys are playing here, I'm going back first."

Seeing the men getting more and more playful, Zhang Yuqi didn't want to watch any more, so she got up to grab her bag and leave.

"Me too, let's go together." Jing Tian also wanted to leave a long time ago. Seeing someone taking the lead, he immediately followed.

The two girls left the private room hand in hand. When they came to the corridor, Jing Tian suddenly remembered something and turned around. Gu Zhongyu was still sitting there motionless. As soon as they left, two women took her place. The two of us were coquettishly trying to feed him sugar water...oh no, he was drinking!

I know this guy!

Jing Tian walked up to Gu Zhongyu with a very concerned look and touched his forehead with his hand: "You have a fever, let me take you to buy medicine!"


"I'm fine, I don't have a fever!"

"I said you have a fever, you just have a fever, hurry up and follow me!"

After saying that, without waiting for Gu Zhongyu's consent, Da Tiantian forcibly took his hand and left together.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was about to be forcibly taken away, Lu Zhengyu reminded him: "Mr. Gu, go slowly! Remember to arrive early tomorrow, Director Zhou wants to finish filming your guest appearance first!"

"You haven't had enough to drink yet, why are you leaving!"

"It's finally out. It's suffocating me to death. It's so smoky inside!"

Zhang Yuqi, who had not drunk, was in charge of driving. Gu Zhongyu and Da Tiantian sat in the back seat. As soon as the car started, Da Tiantian couldn't help but complain about the scene just now.

"It's more than just a mess. Look at those women's slutty looks. Who knows if they have any internal diseases? It's best to infect them!"

"That's too vicious, Yu Qi!"

"Hmph, men know how to speak for men. That Ning Hao and Huang Bo are both married, and Luo Zixiang also has a girlfriend. None of you are good. You should really use your mobile phone to record the whole scene just now, and then send it to their partner. look!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said nothing. Zhang Yuqi thought it was because of her husband's affairs. Now she treats these men who cheat on her like enemies.

Zhang Yuqi looked at Gu Zhongyu and said nothing, but became more and more excited. She kept chattering, saying that men are bastards, that they become bad when they are rich, and that she was trembling with anger...

At first, Gu Zhongyu and Jing Tian coaxed her, but as her scolding became more and more unpleasant and she continued to expand the scope of her attack, Gu Zhongyu also lost patience!

He finally understood why Wang Quanan would go out to steal food. Even though his wife at home was very charming, it would be hard for you to endure such a shrewd character for a day, but not for a year!

"It's just a joke. Except for Luo Zixiang, I don't think anyone else has this intention. Don't think that all men are like your husband, so hungry and unscrupulous!"

This sentence immediately broke Zhang Yuqi's guard!

What she can't bear the most is that others say this. Her husband Wang Quanan is actually willing to spend hundreds of dollars to find a pheasant who is not as good as her in body and appearance, but he is unwilling to touch her. What does Zhang Yuqi think of her?

Could it be that my charm is not as good as that of a street girl?

She slapped the steering wheel angrily: "Gu Zhongyu, what do you mean!"

"It's not interesting. It's just a joke. Please don't curse me too. I'm not your husband!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight each other, Jing Tian had no choice but to act as a peacemaker, saying that you two have no grievances, so why are you so angry with each other?

So Zhang Yuqi calmed down, and Gu Zhongyu stopped talking to her. The three of them drove to the hotel in silence.

"Tiantian, please go back first. Could you please Teacher Zhang Yuqi to give me a ride?"

"Aren't you staying in a hotel?"

"I have a house in Shenzhen, which happens to be not far from here. Who would stay in a hotel when I have a house?"

Zhang Yuqi glanced at him: "You just criticized me, and now you want me to take you home?"

"You, the boss, have a lot of knowledge, so you don't really know the same thing as me, do you? No way, no way!"

"What a scoundrel!" Zhang Yuqi sat back in the driver's seat, her eyes signaling him to get in the car quickly.

Jing Tian saw that Zhang Yuqi was going to send Gu Zhongyu home alone. Although it was a bit annoying, considering that the two were still quarreling just now and Yu Qi was still married, there shouldn't be any sparks between them, right?

Sometimes she felt stupid. She knew that Gu Zhongyu was a scumbag, but she still couldn't help but think about it. She just stood at the door and watched the two of them leave.

Gu Zhongyu didn't expect that this woman had a fierce personality. She actually drove like a man, always deliberately overtaking other people's cars and braking suddenly at traffic lights. Do you plan to use this to get back at him?

How childish!

Well, please sister, please drive slower. I drank and was almost vomited by you!


"You bought this house quite early, right?"

Zhang Yuqi got out of the car and looked at the villa in front of her. It was actually in Repulse Bay. She had wanted to buy a house in this area before investing, but she had no first-hand houses and the price of second-hand houses was too high, so she had to give up.

"It's really early. I haven't even been here a few times. In a few years, the price will be about the same, so I will sell it!"

Gu Zhongyu thought that Zhang Yuqi would leave after seeing him off, but unexpectedly she followed him into the house and started to visit.

He sent a message to Chen Duling, asking her to take Dundun with her and come back to meet him in Dali.

Bai Lu's assistant job has ended, and she is now enrolled in Nortel, and she still lives in the same dormitory with Meng Ziyi and Chen Yao. However, she is restless and sends him messages whenever she has time, saying things that only two people can understand. If so, I am afraid that I will be forgotten by my boss.

Gu Zhongyu typed for a long time, then turned his head and found that Zhang Yuqi was gone.

I didn’t even know to say hello when I left.

As a result, when he reached the second floor, he suddenly heard the sound of a shower...

Damn it!

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