Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 318 A crew full of beauties

Gu Zhongyu and his party arrived at the crew's station. As the female leads, Yaya, Tang Yixin and others had been waiting there for a long time. Even Chen Duling and his little boy arrived before him. At this moment, he and his classmate Naza were glaring at each other and mouthing He muttered something, as if he was quarreling.

"What are you doing?" Gu Zhongyu frowned and walked over.

Chen Duling, who was holding Dundun in his arms, looked up and saw Gu Zhongyu. He was relieved: "Boss, you are here. She insists on grabbing Dundun."

At this time, Nazha also saw Gu Zhongyu, and she immediately put on an aggrieved expression: "Teacher, is your assistant stupid? You don't even know me?"

Of course Chen Duling knew Nazha. After inheriting the little black book, she knew all about Gu Zhongyu's "harem", and it could be said that she knew everything about them.

Originally, she was waiting obediently on the set with Dundun in her arms, waiting for the boss. Unexpectedly, when sisters like Naza came, they would snatch the cat away from her without even looking at her or saying hello.

The first time he saw Nazha, Chen Duling didn't like it very much. He thought the woman looked bitchy, and she didn't even know how to be polite so she came to snatch the cat. And the task given to him by Gu Zhongyu was to protect the cat boss, so naturally he was. He would not let her get what she wanted, and she hugged Dundun tightly and refused to let go.

Nazha didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu's assistants were more stubborn than the other and refused to compromise, so the two of them started to quarrel.

Dundun, who was caught in the middle, just thought they were so noisy!

Can't I go with whoever feeds the cat?

Gu Zhongyu had a headache. Nazha was really a fighter. She could have conflicts with people wherever she went. A girl with such a good temper like Chen Duling was also offended by her.

And Dundun saw that Gu Zhongyu, the long-lost shit shoveler, finally appeared, and immediately jumped out of Chen Duling's arms. After being too fat and causing his face to be smashed to the ground, he quickly got up and jumped onto Gu Zhongyu's body. Seek asylum.

Long time no see, this little guy feels fat again!

"Okay, I'll hold Dundun first, you guys, stop arguing!"


After the two women saw that neither of them could get the cat, they each snorted and ignored the other.

Ning Hao and Huang Bo were watching this scene, secretly joking, they were trying to snatch cats here and there, but they were clearly trying to snatch people. Huang Bo joked: "Gu Zhongyu, is this a beauty robbery? Women can quarrel wherever they go. The fighting scene was exciting! ”

Ning Hao also smiled and agreed: "Yes, but this can be regarded as the trouble of happiness."

At this time, the heroine Yaya also saw Gu Zhongyu. She walked up quickly and expressed her gratitude to Gu Zhongyu warmly: "Thank you, Mr. Gu, for taking such good care of our old Chen. At that time, he told me that you would choose When I became the heroine, I didn’t dare to believe it!”

Yaya is very beautiful... Well, I feel like this is nonsense. She has three courts and five eyes. Her outline, proportions, and facial features are excellent in all aspects.

What's the flaw? Maybe the skin is not as white, but it also has a different flavor.

She has natural eyelids and natural smooth nose bones, not the modern upturned nose, so she is more suitable for ancient costumes.

It’s no wonder that the role of Zhao Feiyan made her so unforgettable. Even though she later acted in many more popular dramas with larger investments, that role left the deepest impression on Gu Zhongyu.

But I feel like this girl has little confidence.

Now he looks a little timid, not dignified enough, and his facial features have been shrunk into dust. No wonder he looks so humble after being with Chen Sicheng.

Yaya might not have thought that in just a few glances, Gu Zhongyu would analyze her completely in his mind.

In fact, after the conflict with Chen Sicheng, the two had been separated for a long time. She was not in a very good mood during this period. If it weren't for this rare opportunity, she would even want to take a break.

However, after arriving in Dali, looking at the beautiful landscape scenery, I felt a lot better. I was also grateful to Gu Zhongyu who appointed her as the heroine.

"It's a pity that we don't have much chance to play opposite each other in our roles this time!" Gu Zhongyu said with emotion. Kang Xiaoyu, the heroine of "Blissful Heart", has little interaction with the two male protagonists, and most of the time it is a one-man show.

"There will always be a chance." Yaya said, holding her hair with her hands, and her every move was full of charm.

Seemingly noticing Gu Zhongyu's gaze, Yaya looked a little embarrassed and secretly slapped Gu Zhongyu in the face with the corner of her eye, even comparing him to her narcissistic boyfriend.

In fact, Chen Sicheng can be said to be a young talent, but as a human being, he is afraid of comparison. If compared, Yaya would feel that Lao Chen is inferior to Gu Zhongyu in every way...

Ma Su became very attentive after seeing Gu Zhongyu. She came forward and said sweetly: "Teacher Gu, you are here. Long time no see. Come and give me a hug!"

Ma Su and Gu Zhongyu have known each other relatively early, and she has an outgoing personality and wants a bear hug as soon as she comes!

"Don't!" Gu Zhongyu pushed forward with his right hand and said with a serious face: "We should keep some distance between us, otherwise I'm afraid Coach Kong will be jealous."

Hearing this, Ma Su's smile froze. In fact, she and Kong Linghui were on the verge of divorce, but outsiders didn't know it yet, but soon she said calmly: "Li Chen and I both acted so well in the play. We have been together many times and I have never seen him jealous!”

Everyone was stunned, and then they all laughed, because Li Chen and Ma Su had collaborated on three TV series this year, and they were either husband and wife or lovers in the series. Now, after hearing what she said, they all laughed.

Gu Zhongyu was not very interested in Ma Su. This woman had too rich a love history, and she loved to show off. There were even rumors that she was a "middleman" for some crazy men and women!

Although he always followed the principle of killing bad women without letting them go, he would let go of those who were too good at making trouble, as they were easy to cause trouble, so it was better to keep a distance.

"I haven't congratulated Teacher Gu yet. He won two trophies at the Golden Horse Awards. He won Best Actor and Best Screenwriter recently. He is the first person in the mainland!"

Tang Yixin smiled happily and bowed to congratulate Gu Zhongyu. Other crew members also offered rainbow farts. At this time, a crisp voice rang out: "Teacher Gu deserves the award this time. The Golden Horse Awards opened my eyes!"

As soon as the voice fell, a delicate hand stretched out and said, "Hello, Teacher Gu, I am honored to work with you this time."

The first thing that caught my eye was a pair of long legs. Looking at it again, it was Zhang Li who played Siqing in "Heart Flower".

This sister looks very similar to the Wanwan actress Pace Wu. She has a bright appearance and a good figure. She also has a sense of "not easy to approach". The first impression of meeting makes people feel very cold.

Like his sister Zeng Li, who worked with him before, her looks, acting skills and figure are impeccable, and she has played the leading female role in some scenes, but she just can't become popular. She is born with a cold body!

If there is a chance, I have to warm her up!

So far, except for the characters with few roles such as Lei Datou and Shen Teng, the main creative team of "Heart Flower Road" has all arrived, and most of them are beautiful women...

Of course, except for Zhou Dongyu!

Not all of these people in front of me will stay in the crew. After the launch conference is over, many people will leave. After all, they all have their own work. They will fly back to shoot when it is their turn.

So far, in addition to knowing that it is directed by Ning Hao and Huang Bo, the starring lineup and investment amount of "Heart Flower" are unknown. Its mystery has also attracted the attention of the public. Just look at the crowds of onlookers and the reporters carrying long guns and short guns at the launch conference to know how much attention this drama has received.

Huang Bo is at his peak in recent years. Last year's hit "Lost in Thailand" has established his position as a box office leader, so even if it's just for him, the influence is big enough.

Before the show started, the reporters below started to communicate with each other. A reporter from Sohu asked a paparazzi next to him: "Hey... I heard that someone photographed Gu Zhongyu and Ning Hao together a few days ago. Do you think... Is there something about Gu Zhongyu in this show again?"

"How should I know!" The paparazzi said helplessly, "He just won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor, so he should be more cautious in choosing movies."

"This movie has Huang Bo joining it, so it must be a comedy, but look at Gu Zhongyu's appearance, is he suitable for a comedy?"

"It's hard to say, isn't Deng Chao also filming a comedy now? The box office of comedy movies has been good in the past two years, and everyone has rushed here!"

There are handsome guys who are good at comedy movies, but they are not handsome guys in the traditional sense like Gu Zhongyu. No matter how they think about it, they don't think they are particularly suitable.

However, at this moment, a young man who had just entered the industry interrupted: "Why can't Gu Zhongyu act in a comedy? Wasn't his performance in the movie "Like You" with Liu Yufei last year very good?"

"Yes, it's possible!"

The reporters became more and more excited, as if Gu Zhongyu was indeed a member of the "Heart Flower Road" crew.

"Look! He's here!"

When Gu Zhongyu appeared in the interview seat, the entire group of reporters went wild. Before Huang Bo and others had completely sat down, everyone's microphone was stretched out, and they couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Mr. Gu, do you really want to work with Mr. Huang Bo?"

"Are you the lead actor in "Heart Flower Road"?"

"Can you talk about why you took on this role?"

Facing this group of impatient guys, Gu Zhongyu smiled and said, "According to my rules, each person should have one question, but I'm in a good mood today, so I'll answer all of them at once."

"First of all, this "Heart Flower Road" was originally written by me, but after it was handed over to Director Ning, Director Ning searched all over the country and found that no one else could play this role except me, so he cried and asked me to play it, You know, I am a soft-hearted person, so I agreed to Director Ning, and I came. "


It was just a joke, and the reporters knew that this movie was set up by Gu Zhongyu, because in addition to the leading actor, he was also the screenwriter, producer, producer, and supervisor...

After hearing Gu Zhongyu's answer, Ning Hao was at a loss for words at first, and then he seemed to think of something, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, I'm holding on to Mr. Gu's strong thigh this time."

"No problem, no problem." Gu Zhongyu also nodded and said: "As long as you are not here to make trouble, everything is fine."

In any case, the reporters now knew that Gu Zhongyu must be a member of "Heart Blossoms". Now that they were in good terms, he directly took over all the front page headlines.

"Why can't I do anything without Gu Zhongyu? It's strange. When did the Chinese entertainment industry become so small and peaceful?"

It’s no wonder that reporters feel this way. Since Gu Zhongyu’s comeback, all the blockbuster movies or TV series in the past few years have either been directly starred by him or have been influenced by him. Without exception, all of them have been produced by Zongheng Film and Television. background.

It’s not that the Chinese entertainment industry is too small or too quiet, nor is it that other people in the industry don’t want to make headlines. However, everything related to Gu Zhongyu is very attractive and topical.

Whether it's "Ball Lightning" or "Partners in China", or the yet-to-be-released "The Invisible Guest", Gu Zhongyu not only broke the box office record of Chinese-language movies, but also won awards and received soft treatment, and even treated mainland filmmakers harshly. The Golden Horse Award was also given to a double-yolked egg for the first time.

In addition to a few men, many actresses who were working also attracted the attention of reporters.

It’s normal for commercial movies to have beauties, but there are probably too many in front of us. Yaya, Nazha, Zhang Li, Tang Yixin, Ma Su, Zhou Dongyu…

Zhou Dongyu... This one shouldn't be considered a beauty, but for the sake of her reputation as a Mou girl, let's reluctantly add her to the list!

"May I ask all beauties, who among you is the heroine?"

Yaya raised her hands: "It's me. I'm honored to work with Teacher Gu and Teacher Huang as the heroine of this movie."

"It's Yaya! This time you play a couple with Teacher Gu. Aren't you afraid that Director Chen will be jealous?"

"No, no, no, I don't play a couple with Gu Zhongyu. In fact, I play Teacher Huang Bo's wife in the movie."

When talking about this, Huang Bo also puffed up his chest as if to cooperate, with a look of pride on his face.


Now the reporter is confused. After all, judging from their looks, Gu Zhongyu and Yaya are obviously a better match. Now isn't this Beauty and the Beast?

"Teacher Gu, don't you have any emotional scenes in the movie this time?"

Gu Zhongyu pretended to be mysterious: "Of course there is, but it's not convenient to disclose the details. I'll leave it to you to watch after it's released!"

In fact, Tang Yixin really wanted to stand up and shout me, me, me. Not only did she have emotional scenes, she even had passionate scenes!

As a little transparent in the entertainment industry, the Avatar girl Tang Yixin plays this time is considered to have received extra care. Unfortunately, the crew asked to keep it secret and not reveal too much.

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