Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 319 Tang Yixin's Avatar Girl

Because this press conference was held in the ancient city of Dali, and it was open, there was no special area marked out, so all the tourists around could see it. There were several circles of people outside the press conference, and many tourists stopped to watch the excitement.

This was agreed with the local department. Because the movie wanted to promote the local cultural tourism industry, in addition to filming, the start and premiere should also be held in Yunnan. It would be best if all the famous scenic spots in Yunnan were filmed in the movie.

When Gu Zhongyu appeared in the interview seat, they immediately sent the news to Weibo.

"Gu Zhongyu's new film "Heart Flower Road", Huang Bo joins strongly, Ning Hao supports the director, a strong combination."

"Gu Zhongyu plays a comedy, I am looking forward to it!"

"I don't know what it feels like for Gu Zhongyu to play a comedy."

"Just thinking about Gu Zhongyu and Huang Bo standing together makes me want to laugh."

"Stop talking nonsense, when will this movie be released? I will definitely support it."

"On the top floor, Huang Bo alone is worth the ticket price, and now with Gu Zhongyu, it is even more worth it."

Unexpectedly, most people do not object to Gu Zhongyu playing a comedy, and even express their expectations, because the quality of his movies in recent years has been very high, and this play also has Huang Bo, an actor with excellent acting skills and jokes, everyone's expectations for this play are even higher.

There is no doubt that "Heart Flower Road" is popular, and it has become popular before it is broadcast. It is so popular that the names of Gu Zhongyu and Huang Bo once again dominate the front page headlines of major entertainment editions!

As soon as the press conference ended, the first play was ushered in, and the person invited to guest star was Guo Tao.

The movie "Crazy Stone" saved Guo Tao, whose career was at a low point, so he was very grateful to Ning Hao and Gu Zhongyu. After hearing that he was invited to make a guest appearance, he rushed over overnight, even though he was currently recording the first season of "Where Are We Going, Dad?".

Gu Zhongyu struggled for a long time about this popular variety show.

As the first large-scale outdoor reality show for celebrities and children in China, it is also a program that can be recorded in the history of domestic variety shows. "Where Are We Going, Dad?" should have had a promising future, but later, in order to protect the rights and interests of minors, the authorities began to restrict the participation of celebrity children in reality shows, and strictly control the participation of minors in reality shows, so the show soon died down.

Moreover, he did not like to use children to make articles and hype, and finally decided not to participate in the specific production, but just sold the script and creativity to Mango TV to make a little money.

In the movie, Guo Tao plays the lawyer in charge of Geng Hao's divorce case. He is dressed in a suit and tie, and he looks like a deputy elite when he comes up. He takes out the divorce agreement and diamond ring and puts them in front of Huang Bo.

"Mr. Geng..."

Geng Hao, played by Huang Bo, has been using various props to do "handwork" and divide all the items he had with his wife into two halves!

The table was split in half, the wedding photo was torn into two pieces, and even a Cupid statue was cut into two pieces...

Geng Hao lit a cigarette and looked nonchalant: "Go back and tell her that I have divided the property, half for each person, and I won't take up more of hers even if I have one centimeter more!"

Guo Tao looked at Geng Hao who was dividing the property physically and couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Geng, my client said that he doesn't want the property anymore, and you just need to sign it."

Huang Bo, who was working hard, was stunned.

He may have some regrets in his heart, after all, he didn't live a rich life.

But Geng Hao still said stubbornly: "She said she didn't want it? Does she think she wrote the law? She is still so arrogant!"

Huang Bo's acting is still so natural. If Ning Hao is a director who is good at shooting small characters, then Huang Bo is the actor who is best at shooting small characters, especially this kind of frustrated middle-aged man.

Although Huang Bo has a wider range of acting, his most famous roles are still those minor characters in the early stage. I don’t know why he couldn’t think of acting in romantic movies and even urban idol dramas later!

“My client said that if you are willing to sign, she can also take the initiative to give you a compensation.”

“This can obviously improve your living conditions, sir, right?”

While saying sarcastic words, Guo Tao also deliberately looked around the room. Obviously, Geng Hao’s current situation of not being rich made the lawyer feel that he was easy to handle, which was too different from the man his client found.

Guo Tao’s acting skills are beyond doubt. He only appeared for a few minutes and completed the guest role without NG once.

Ning Hao gave him a bunch of flowers to celebrate the completion of the filming: "Mr. Guo, you have worked hard and are still recording the program. I asked you to come from afar!"

"It's okay. The variety show with children will be broadcast next month. It won't affect it if it is postponed."

Huang Bo asked curiously: "What variety show can also bring children to play?"

"It should be a parent-child program. Mr. Gu knows. I'm leaving first!"

After seeing off Guo Tao, it was the turn of Hao Yi played by Gu Zhongyu. This version of Hao Yi played by Gu Zhongyu was set to be Geng Hao's nephew. After all, the age difference between the two people is a bit big from the appearance. It is definitely not appropriate to play the good brothers of the original version.

His identity is still a second-rate producer. He is romantic and unrestrained. His life motto is: Pick all the colorful flowers in front of you, so that there will be no flowers for future generations to pick.

Born in the 1980s, narcissistic, extremely narcissistic, dressed very showy, somewhat similar to the character of Lu Ziqiao in "Love Apartment". The first sentence he says when he wakes up every day is: How can I be so handsome!

Being cute and being naughty are his specialties.

In this script, Gu Zhongyu replaced the original small van with a big jeep. According to Hao Yi in this script, picking up girls is equivalent to going to the battlefield. This is his equipment. If the equipment is not good, you can't go to the battlefield.

Of course, this second-hand jeep still cost all his savings - of course, the main money was paid by Geng Hao, the complaining uncle!

In Gu Zhongyu's design, his version of Hao Yi appeared in a high-profile and extremely cool state at the beginning. He was simply very proud and happy.

And Geng Hao fell to the lowest point in his life, which could not be lower.

This strong contrast will make this combination give people an extremely contradictory feeling, and this contradictory feeling will cause all kinds of jokes.

However, as the journey unfolds, the endless frustration behind Hao Yi's success is peeled off layer by layer, and it is so straightforwardly displayed in front of everyone, which is so cruel and ruthless.

Geng Hao was not much better at this time. He also faced the greatest entanglement and the greatest helplessness.

At this time, the two miserable people finally separated because of various conflicts of ideas, creating the most funny but actually sad scene in this play.

Of course, in the end, both of them got self-redemption and rebirth.

In addition to the essence of the original work, Gu Zhongyu's version of "Heart Flower" also added a lot of things, making the original comedy more absurd.

The next play is that Hao Yi accompanies Geng Hao forever. Geng Hao loses control of his emotions, and Gu Zhongyu pulls him. In order to heal his uncle's injured heart, he decides to take him on a journey of hunting for beauty.


"Teacher Gu, I play a hot girl from Hunan in the movie, right? And I have to speak in dialect?"

Just when Gu Zhongyu and Ning Hao were checking the shots they had taken, Nazha, who had nothing to do, came up. Although there were many people in the crew, she never knew what it meant to avoid suspicion. She put her little head directly on his shoulder and asked with her big eyes blinking.

Ning Hao and Huang Bo agreed that even in the entertainment industry full of beauties, Nazha is one of the best, and is no worse than the heroine Yaya, who is also from Xijiang.

Of course, they are purely admiring, after all, you can guess the relationship between the two of them with your toes.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Kelunjia can't speak Hunan dialect!"

"Hunan dialect is not that difficult, right? You speak it in your dialect first!"

Hearing this request, Nazha was happy. It was the first time she was asked to speak Xijiang dialect outside her hometown!


Gu Zhongyu pulled the corner of his mouth, and looked at each other with the other two. What are you talking about!

"She is introducing herself!" At this time, Yaya, who is also from Xijiang, came over and smiled, "She said, hello, I am the most beautiful and the cutest Nazha!"

Nazha's face turned red when she was translated. She almost forgot that there was a Xijiang person in the crew. Although the two people are not of the same nationality (Nazha is Uyghur and Yaya is Xibe), they are also considered fellow villagers.

Fellow villagers meet and shoot cold guns in the back. This old woman actually exposed me?

Although Yaya and she are completely different people, and there has been no conflict between the two sides in resource contact, but because they are both actresses from Xijiang, it is inevitable that they will be criticized on the Internet. Over time, it is inevitable that they will have a grudge against each other.

Yaya didn't have this idea. She had never dealt with Nazha, and she thought this fellow villager was cute. She didn't know that Nazha had already secretly hated her in her heart!

Gu Zhongyu shook his head after listening to the translation. Nazha is so narcissistic!

If it wasn't for the Uyghur language, Nazha would only dare to say such narcissistic words to Gu Zhongyu in private.

"There are many Hunanese in the crew, let them teach you later, and Ma Su."

"Teacher Gu, can't you teach me too!"

"Stop it, I don't speak Hunanese, how can I teach you?"

This girl hasn't seen Gu Zhongyu for a while, in fact, she just wants to find an excuse to be alone with him, especially when she sees the beautiful scenery of Yunnan, she even wants to leave something in this world!

"Okay then!"

Nazha didn't get the result she wanted, so she had to walk away in dismay, watching Dudu and Ma Su laughing secretly.

"No, Teacher Gu, I can see it, the girl just wants to ask you for "advice" alone, private teaching!"

Ning Hao usually loves to make dirty jokes, and he is familiar with Gu Zhongyu, so he directly points out the relationship between the two.

"Naza was entrusted to me by her family before she debuted. She has never suffered any grievances, but we can't always let her have everything she wants, otherwise she will become more and more arrogant in the future!"

"Listen, this is our great lover Gu's summary of the art of controlling women, learn something, Huang Bo!"

Huang Bo quickly waved his hand, indicating that don't count me, I'm a good man!


"CUT! Okay, everyone, have lunch, we have to change the scene in the afternoon."

Their scenes in the first scene have all been finished, and the first scene to be filmed is the scene of "Avatar Girl" Dongdong. Tang Yixin started preparing in the morning.

The scenes were prepared to be filmed in sections. Because Zhou Dongyu and Ma Su had other work to do, Tang Yixin's scenes were filmed first. In another location, Yaya's scenes were also being filmed at the same time. This is a story of two time and space, so in order to speed up the progress, it is no problem to film in two crews.

The original actress who played Dongdong was a little actress named Tao Hui. She had a good figure, but after removing her makeup, her appearance was not very satisfactory.

In fact, Tang Yixin's appearance is not good. According to Gu Zhongyu's evaluation criteria, she is about 70 to 80 points, but her smile is beautiful, which adds a lot of points. As long as she smiles, she can add at least ten more points!

To be honest, the character of "Avatar Girl" is quite likable in the movie. It almost represents the fantasy of most boys about their dream lover. She has a hot body, a pure face, is considerate, and protects the people she cares about.

Later, after being abandoned by Hao Yi in the play, she took off her flashy outfit outside the barber shop and turned into a pure girl next door in a second. She was full of refreshing and lovely atmosphere, and most importantly, she could "role play"!

Gu Zhongyu stood aside, watching the makeup artist carefully painting the avatar makeup on Tang Yixin's face, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. The makeup was so successful that he could hardly recognize that the woman in front of him was Tang Yixin.

The shooting began, and Gu Zhongyu's Hao Yi went up to chat with Dongdong, who was originally a target for his uncle, but Geng Hao was not good at dealing with young girls, and ran away in a few words.

Seeing that his uncle couldn't lead him, Hao Yi decided to do it himself. He found Dongdong sitting by the fence and started a PUA speech.

"My uncle just got divorced. He is now in menopause and on his period. But... you are indeed an amateur."

"You think you are a dancer, but you are actually just a loser..."

"Why are you looking at me? Am I wrong? I have seen many girls like you. You are pretending to be a blue tail and acting as a Smurf. Do you feel that you are particularly stupid?"

Every word Hao Yi said here is to belittle the other party and elevate himself. He is well versed in the essence of PUA. This is also a compulsory course for most scumbags. It is especially effective for some ignorant girls who are still relatively ignorant about love.

No... Why do I feel like I am talking about myself?

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