Dongdong couldn't stand it anymore, so he replied "Are you sick?" and then stood up to leave. As a result, his tail got caught in the wire mesh, and Hao Yi laughed at him again!

Dongdong couldn't get away, so he just sat back and started crying.

"Are you crying? You can't even take care of your tail? You're such a worry!"

Then Hao Yi went forward to help her get rid of the restraints, which was actually an opportunity to create physical contact. After the two of them had sex for a while, Hao Yi used the excuse of asking her to look at the props in his car and successfully tricked him away.

Geng Hao, who was not far away, was stunned. Is there such a thing?

So he followed suit and wanted to chat up an Avatar girl again, but he was a poor imitator. He didn't know the essence of picking up girls, so he was scolded and left!

Then it was the highlight of today, the car sex scene between Hao Yi and Dongdong!

"Tingting, you... have you and Zhang Ruoyun reported this scene?"

"What is there to report? He didn't notify me when he was filming intimate scenes with other actresses! Zhongyu, don't be too nervous!"

Tang Yixin and Zhang Ruoyun had already agreed not to interfere with each other's acting career, and she was a model in Meikong before, and there were many scandals, but Zhang Ruoyun never cared about these.

Gu Zhongyu nodded. He knew that the young couple were very dedicated actors, but this passionate scene was a little special after all, and he was still a little worried. What if Zhang Ruoyun got jealous and came to cut him with a knife from behind? It would not be good.

This car sex scene needs two people to do it in person, there is no way to borrow the position, and the camera may even come to shoot them in the face!

It's quite nervous. At this moment, he wants to go to Zhihu and ask a question: What is it like to kiss a good friend's girlfriend?

Gu Zhongyu looked at Tang Yixin. The avatar makeup looked a bit shocking. He felt strange thinking that he would kiss this "alien" later.

Tang Yixin was similar. She said that it didn't matter, but when it came to shooting, her eyes were still shy and nervous.

And the two of them were stared at by a group of people. It was a bit guilty to kiss them.

But it was also a little exciting!

Naza was sulking beside her, while Chen Duling was enjoying the potato chips. This was the first time she had seen a man kissing an alien.

It's not just a kiss, everyone has to say the words!

"Tingting, are you ready?" Gu Zhongyu asked softly, trying to ease her nervousness.

Tang Yixin nodded slightly, but there was still a hint of uneasiness in her eyes. Gu Zhongyu sighed slightly in his heart. He knew that this scene was not easy for her.

The filming began. Gu Zhongyu and Tang Yixin began to get into character. Their lips slowly touched each other, but when the camera was pointed at them, Tang Yixin's expression suddenly became a little stiff. According to the plot, it should be Dongdong who took the initiative to kiss Hao Yi.

"Ka!" Director Ning Hao's voice sounded, "Yixin, relax a little, don't be so nervous."

Tang Yixin took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She looked at Gu Zhongyu with some contradictions in her heart. Gu Zhongyu's eyes made her feel a little strange, but her reason kept reminding her that all this was just for the movie.

However, when their lips touched again, looking at the serious Gu Zhongyu, Tang Yixin suddenly saw her boyfriend Zhang Ruoyun in her mind.


She immediately couldn't help laughing, and the saliva splashed on Gu Zhongyu's face, which forced the filming to be temporarily interrupted.

"Sorry, I really can't help it." Tang Yixin explained awkwardly, "I want to laugh when I see your face!"

Not sister, you laugh Jill?

Ning Hao frowned: "Yixin, you have to adjust your state. You can't keep NG like this."

Gu Zhongyu was also a little helpless. He knew that Tang Yixin had tried very hard to do this, but this situation was really embarrassing. He stared at Tang Yixin intently, trying to see something from her expression.

At this time, Huang Bo, who was standing outside the car with a dog, watched the two kissing and felt like he had eaten a mouthful of dog food. He couldn't help but joked: "Oh my God! Teacher Gu, you two are too sweet!"

Sometimes, he was willing to play Hao Yi. All the roles of taking advantage were Gu Zhongyu's, and he could only watch from the side.

Naza didn't want to watch it anymore, otherwise she was worried that she couldn't help but step forward and kick Tang Yixin away, so she snorted and left directly.

Gu Zhongyu glared at Huang Bo: "Stop it, we are filming."

Huang Bo smiled: "Haha, just a joke." He noticed that director Ning Hao was looking at him, so he walked away tactfully.

Ning Hao shook his head: "Forget it, let Yixin rest for a while and come back later."

He signaled the staff to bring a bottle of water to Tang Yixin, and then she put on a coat and went to rest.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Tang Yixin's back as she left, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He knew that this scene was a test for Tang Yixin, and he didn't want to put too much pressure on her, so he ran to the RV himself.

Browsing the phone, "Descendants of the Sun" which was filmed with Zeng Li at the beginning of the year has entered the broadcast stage. This time it was scheduled to be broadcast on Mango TV, and the trailer has been released.

"A misunderstanding, a brave soldier and a wise female doctor met by chance..."

"He defends the dignity of the country with firm conviction and protects his beloved with iron-blooded tenderness. She soothes the pain with the benevolence of a doctor and saves lives with professionalism and courage. Together, they have written an immortal legend and become the most beautiful scenery in each other's lives!"

"The smoke of war, the edge of life and death, unforgettable love... every plot makes people's blood boil. In this TV series, we will witness the love story of a hero and a female doctor, and feel their unswerving faith and fearless courage"

Please look forward to the Golden Eagle Exclusive Theater - "Descendants of the Sun", let us witness this immortal love legend together!

Apart from anything else, the TV series of Mango TV, this trailer copy is really amazing, and with the editing of wonderful moments, even a grown man will be interested in the show.

In fact, there are also military dramas with love in the past. For a long time, there will be such plots in domestic military dramas. There will always be a soldier male protagonist who is over 30 years old and has not yet married! Then this handsome guy will always fall in love with a female protagonist from the medical team, the art troupe, the communication station, etc. The plot always revolves around this, and even gives you a love triangle or a love triangle, and occasionally two big soldiers appear as foils...

But the time period is generally quite long, many of them are around the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the male and female protagonists in "Parents' Love" are also similar.

But putting the timeline in modern times, and using the less popular perspective of the peacekeeping force, has never happened before.

Not to mention that it is a sister-brother relationship!

As soon as the trailer came out, Zeng Li, who was beautiful to a new level in a white coat, and Gu Zhongyu, who was dressed in military uniform, attracted a lot of attention. Although the female protagonist Zeng Li was not very famous, the discussion about the TV series quickly became a hot search!

"No, no, no, I laughed my ass off the whole trailer. Another master of picking up girls has been born in the history of romantic dramas. I can't wait to start watching the drama!"

"Zeng Li has been beautiful for more than ten years. She is an iron goddess. I hope she can become popular this time with Gu Zhongyu..."

"The theme is relatively new. There are many beautiful foreign scenery in the trailer. Let's look forward to it!"


It is currently scheduled to be broadcast in November, which is not long. I hope that this time I can succeed in getting the wool from the Koreans, and Zeng Li can also become popular.

While watching the discussion on the Internet, Gu Zhongyu chatted with Zeng Li on the phone. It can't be said that this sister has no ambition, but not too much, and she is not picky about roles and scripts. Basically, she accepts everyone.

But now it's different. Gu Zhongyu reminded her again and again that she should ask him before accepting the script. If she continues to act in those soap operas about family matters after becoming popular after starring in "Descendants of the Sun", it would be a waste of popularity!

"I know. I've asked my agent to keep an eye on you. Then... can you come to the premiere of the TV series?"

"I guess not. I'm filming a movie in Yunnan!"


Zeng Li's tone was a little disappointed. After not seeing each other for such a long time, she actually missed this stinky brother!

"How about I visit you after the press conference?"

It's rare. Zeng Li, who has always been lazy and homebody, actually offered to visit him. However, Gu Zhongyu still had to refuse. There were already so many actresses in the crew. Wouldn't it be like adding fuel to the fire if she came?

"Aren't you afraid of gossip? Okay, I'll take the initiative to find you after the filming of the movie..."

"Zhongyu, are you there?"

At this time, Tang Yixin suddenly rushed in rashly. Gu Zhongyu had to say good night and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? Director Ning urged to start filming?"

"No, I just called Dayunzi and told him about this."

Gu Zhongyu was very upset. We were filming an intimate scene. Why are you calling your boyfriend now? Do you want him to come and watch?

Tang Yixin said shyly: "He said that this is all caused by everyone being too familiar with each other and too awkward, so he asked you to relax. It's better for us to practice privately first to make sure everyone is okay before going on camera..."

Wang Defa?

Da Yunzi, who is so strict with himself?

To prove that she was not lying, Tang Yixin played the voice message on WeChat to him:

"I thought it was no big deal! It must be because we know each other, and he was embarrassed to say it. You should go to Gu Zhongyu to practice privately first, and say that it was me who said it, so as not to cause Mr. Gu to make mistakes..."

Gu Zhongyu: ...

"What's your opinion?"

"I think what he said makes sense, otherwise... let's try it first, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help laughing again if we go on stage later!"

Okay, you two don't care, and Gu Zhongyu doesn't care, so just do it!

Let Dudu guard the door to prevent someone from suddenly breaking in and disturbing him. Gu Zhongyu rinsed his mouth and was about to move his mouth, but Tang Yixin asked him to sit on the chair and not move.

"I took the initiative to do the plot, so don't move, just sit still."

Tang Yixin said, approaching Gu Zhongyu. This time, she sat beside him with a serious face, turned his head towards her, put her arms around Gu Zhongyang's neck, closed her eyes and started kissing.

At the beginning, their lips touched awkwardly, but they didn't laugh again. As time went by, they gradually relaxed and kissed more and more naturally. If this scene fell into the eyes of others, it seemed like a couple in love.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes...

Ten minutes passed, and Gu Zhongyu felt that the practice was almost done, but Tang Yixin didn't mean to stop.

Good boy, long hole!

It wasn't until Chen Duling knocked on the door to remind them that they were about to start filming that Tang Yixin let go of Gu Zhongyu. The two kissed until their faces turned red and their necks were thick. When they separated, there was still a silver thread hanging on his mouth.

Tang Yixin wiped her mouth: "It should be okay now, right?"


Even if it doesn't work, you have to do it. If you keep kissing like this, something will happen!

Back in the car again, the two of them behaved like thieves from the beginning, not daring to look at each other. Tang Yixin was even more annoyed. Did she go too far just now? Did Gu Zhongyu think she had some other agenda? ah!

The atmosphere between them was a little subtle. Gu Zhongyu was silent for a moment, gently held Tang Yixin's hand and gave her a little comfort: "We are just acting, don't think too much."

Yes, it’s just acting!

At this time, Ning Hao outside the car began to urge: "Are you ready? Get ready to start filming!"

Gu Zhongyu and Tang Yixin looked at each other and encouraged each other. They knew that the most important thing now was to film the scene well, so they adjusted their state and prepared to start filming.

In this kiss scene, there was no awkwardness or laughter like before, and everyone was able to say their lines while taking a breather.

"I'll take off my makeup first..."

"Don't...don't, no, what I the Avatar!"


Dongdong was shocked by Hao Yi's strange XP, but he still followed his movements and lay down in the back seat of the car...

Ning Hao nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, the situation is right this time!"

Huang Bo stood aside and witnessed the whole process. After they finished filming, he couldn't help but sigh again: "This dog food is so sweet. Look, this dog is crying with greed!"

As he spoke, he raised the dog leash on his hand. This was the male protagonist Geng Hao's pet dog Juice. Like him, he was a single dog. At this time, he was looking at the second son who had just gotten out of the car with eyes as wide as copper bells. Bit.

When Gu Zhongyu and Tang Yixin heard Huang Bo's words and looked at the dog, they couldn't help laughing.

Even though the filming was over tonight, Gu Zhongyu and Tang Yixin each returned to their dressing rooms. Neither of them looked at each other, as if they were avoiding something.

"I... go wash my face first." After taking off her makeup, Tang Yixin bumped into him again, so she made an excuse and left the scene.

"Hey! What a sin!"

Speaking of which, when the cast was originally decided, why did he insist on adding Tang Yixin?

It just so happened that Dongdong was playing the role, so everyone was embarrassed.

"Teacher Gu!"

Just when Gu Zhongyu returned to the RV and was meditating, Nazha got in at some point and suddenly hugged him from behind.

"Why didn't you go back to the hotel?"

"They have to wait for you to finish work! Why did you leave first?"

Looking at the coquettish and clingy Naza, Gu Zhongyu asked on a whim: "Naza, how about you... cosplay the Avatar tonight?"

Naza: Ah~

At this time, Tang Yixin. The close contact with Gu Zhongyu just now kept echoing in his mind, and he even remembered the first time he met him, the time when he bumped into Gu Zhongyu and Dong Xuan in a nightclub, and the ambiguity between him and Li Yuan...

She suddenly regretted listening to her boyfriend!

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