Till the next day, Tang Yixin hid in her residence and dared not see Gu Zhongyu. Fortunately, she had no scenes in these two days, so it was okay to hide.

Today, the small town girl, Zhou Lijuan, appeared. She was played by Zhou Dongyu, a girl of Mou.

In fact, around 2013, Shamatte had almost disappeared in big cities. After all, no one could stand the overwhelming ridicule and criticism. Shamatte youths washed off their hairstyles and makeup and became ordinary people again.

Many people criticized them, saying that they were just a group of uneducated and decadent youths with a distorted mentality.

Gu Zhongyu did not discriminate against Shamatte. This group of people just wanted to attract public attention because of limited material conditions. People of different generations have different means. In the past, it was rock, now it is Shamatte, and in the future it will be shouting rap and ghost fire boys. The times have not changed.

Although Zhou Dongyu had prepared herself mentally, she still couldn't hold back when she saw her "chicken nest" in the mirror!

"Teacher Gu, you have to compensate me! I ruined my image just to act in your movie!"

"Okay, okay, I'll compensate you!"

As long as it's not "accompanying you"!

In fact, Gu Zhongyu thinks Zhou Dongyu has nothing to be wronged. She is not pretty to begin with. After "Heart Flower" was broadcast, everyone had no objection to Zhou Dongyu's styling. She is not good-looking, so how can she ruin her image?

If Gu Zhongyu dared to let Liu Yufei and Gao Yuanyuan do this kind of styling, it would be a waste of people. I guess the fans of these two people would compete to chop him to death!

Zhou Dongyu's acting skills are still good. He played this role very well. It was just that when he sat on Huang Bo's thighs and forcibly took off his clothes, it looked a bit spicy!

This is also the only time Geng Hao almost ate meat in the movie...

In fact, Huang Bo has never participated in a few passionate scenes in his life, and this is even his first time.

"I protest, Mr. Gu, why don't you give this role more scenes? I didn't have enough fun acting with Mr. Huang!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled. The little girl's acting skills are not good. Just now, I saw you look disgusted after leaving the camera. It's obvious that you think Huang Bo is not handsome and you feel wronged to play against him.

Don't look at Zhou Dongyu's plain appearance, but her previous boyfriends are very handsome. From the earliest Dou Xiao, Lin Gengxin, to the later Liu Haoran, they are all handsome guys. She didn't feel wronged at all.

But then think of Zeng Aizi's self-exposure about Zhou Dongyu later...

Tsk tsk tsk, as expected, there is always a reason for others to get ahead, and they can be willing to go all out!

Gu Zhongyu couldn't comment on anything. Anyway, it's fine as long as you are willing. The unspoken rules in the entertainment industry will always exist. As long as it doesn't involve coercion, there is no need to care, not to mention that he himself is not a good person!

Next, it’s the turn of Avatar girl Dongdong to appear, but this time Tang Yixin doesn’t need to put on the troublesome alien makeup, she can just appear as herself.

The plot is that after Geng Hao taught the Shamatte couple a lesson, he was about to return to the car, but found that the car was vibrating…

I don’t understand whose one-night stand this is.

Geng Hao still hasn’t had one, but his nephew Hao Yi is so good, he is already showing off in broad daylight!

He looked lonely and helpless, Geng Hao was outside with the dog, Hao Yi and Dongdong were in the vibrating car, and the auntie was dancing the most dazzling ethnic style in the background, which formed a very funny contrast!

This time the car sex scene was much easier to shoot, Tang Yixin only needed to lie down, and then stretch out her legs and clamp them on Gu Zhongyu’s shoulders.

It was hard for Gu Zhongyu, he had to use all his strength to shake the car!

When filming this scene, Tang Yixin blushed the whole time and didn't dare to make eye contact with Gu Zhongyu. There were only two of them in the car, and the atmosphere was still very strange.

"Tingting, can you... help shake it?"

Gu Zhongyu overestimated himself. It was still a bit strenuous to shake it alone. Ning Hao required that the car must be shaken until it looked like the tires were about to be overwhelmed. Now it was obviously not strong enough!

Two people have to shake it together!

This is just like sex. If the man is the one doing the work from beginning to end and the woman is lying flat like a dead fish, then the man must be exhausted and may not enjoy it much; but as long as the woman knows a little bit, can bend down, stand up straight, and know how to cooperate, then both parties can complete the great perfection of love!

When Tang Yixin heard this request, she knew his difficulty, blushed and hummed softly, and then began to twist hard as if to cooperate.

Looking at Tang Yixin's shy look, Gu Zhongyu was more and more moved. Why didn't he find Tang Yixin so cute before?

It's a pity that there are cameras all around outside, otherwise he might not be able to hold back and do something more extreme!

Dayunzi, I might be sorry for you!

"Heart Flower" is a road comedy that skirts the line. These romantic scenes are basically all taken care of by Gu Zhongyu. It's a pity that the domestic censorship is too strict, otherwise Ning Hao and Gu Zhongyu both want to shoot more exciting, preferably with the same scale as "The Hangover".

After the filming, Tang Yixin didn't dare to stay in the crew. Her part was basically finished, but she didn't even take the red envelope for the wrap-up, and went to find Nazha who was playing in Dali.

Although Nazha didn't like Tang Yixin, they were friends after filming two dramas together, so it was barely acceptable to take her along for a trip.

Seeing Tang Yixin fleeing at the speed of light, Gu Zhongyu scratched his head in distress. He really didn't know how they would get along with each other when they met in the future.

After seeing off Zhou Dongyu, the crew began to move to the road where the filming was taking place.

On the highway, this can be said to be a small explosion. In addition to a large number of funny scenes, it was also an emotional explosion for Geng Hao and Hao Yi. However, the appearance of Siqing temporarily stopped this explosion.

So the filming of this scene is very important.

However, the more important the time, the easier it is for problems to occur. This is not true! There's something wrong with them now.

"I don't know why, but when I look at this picture, there's always something missing."

The previous scene of the quarrel between Gu Zhongyu and Huang Bo was shot perfectly, but the scene of the subsequent encounter with Zhang Li always felt a little off no matter how it was shot, but if you think about it carefully, you can't figure out why.

"Oh...Teacher Gu, do you see any problem?"

Logically speaking, Gu Zhongyu would always express his opinion when encountering such a situation before, but it was different today. When faced with Huang Bo's inquiry, Gu Zhongyu didn't say anything at all.

"Oh, Teacher Gu..." Huang Bo turned around and saw Gu Zhongyu staring at Zhang Li's slender thighs without blinking.

When Huang Bo saw this, everyone's attention was diverted, and they naturally discovered Gu Zhongyu's abnormal behavior.

This time, everyone looked at Gu Zhongyu in a different way. Everyone loves beauty, but Gu Zhongyu's naked gaze is a bit vulgar no matter how you think about it.

At this moment, Gu Zhongyu's image in everyone's minds dropped to a new level!

The most embarrassed person was Zhang Li. Looking at everyone's surprised looks, especially Gu Zhongyu's, she didn't know what to do.

Even if you are interested in someone, just hide it a little bit!

Just when the whole place fell into an eerie silence, Gu Zhongyu suddenly jumped up: "I know."

"Ah? What do you know?"

"I know what's wrong with this scene, and it's Zhang Li's legs!"


Everyone's minds, which were not very clear at first, instantly turned into a mess of feelings. Gu Zhongyu just stared at other people's legs for a long time, and you saw this?

Gu Zhongyu ignored everyone at all, but said to the stylist: "You guys go find high-waisted shorts that suit Zhang Li, and then find a white belt and a beige windbreaker."

After saying that, Gu Zhongyu turned around and said to Huang Bo: "Brother Bo, I have been thinking about the difference just now, but after I accidentally saw Zhang Li's legs, I finally understood.

The reconciliation point between the two people just now was Zhang Li. Why did they stop? Not only because she is beautiful, but the most important thing is her beautiful legs. However, in the design just now, the effect of these beautiful legs was not reflected at all.

If Gu Zhongyu hadn't remembered the scenes from the original film, he would have almost forgotten about this!

"Director Ning, please don't shoot the camera directly on your face later. Instead, slowly scan from the bottom of the legs to the top."

Before Ning Hao could react, Gu Zhongyu said to Zhang Li again: "Zhang Li, when you get off the car later, take your left leg out first, then pause for a while and let the camera give you a two-and-a-half-second close-up of your legs."

"Does everyone understand?"


Even if you don't understand now, you have to understand. Just now, they were all planning Gu Zhongyu's obscene behavior in their minds, but now they have shown with actual actions that they are working seriously.

People who work seriously are regarded as a sign of obscenity. This is... quite embarrassing.

Zhang Li also reacted at this moment and entered the fitting room with a blushing face. After the clothes were changed out, everyone's eyes lit up.

Indeed, this outfit showed off her incomparably beautiful legs.

"Gu Zhongyu, okay! You really do have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty!"

Facing Ning Hao's compliment, Gu Zhongyu laughed: "That's right, don't look at who I am, let's start shooting."


Half an hour later, Ning Haoshou looked at the retaken shots in front of the camera and couldn't help but laugh: "It's so good. This is the feeling I want."

In the picture, from far to near, Zhang Li's beautiful legs are captured bit by bit, which is even more attractive than the original shot. Gay men all applauded after seeing it!

Movies are really complex things, and a simple decoration can change the overall effect of an entire plot.

In fact, this is nothing. There are too many movies in the history of movies that have made or ruined a movie because of a picture, the use of light, and the use of music. God rewards hard work, and you will gain as much as you pay.

Gu Zhongyu rubbed his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable.

In the movie, Hao Yi was treated as a pervert and his eyes were sprayed with anti-wolf spray. Although the prop he just used just sprayed out water, it was not very comfortable if it got into his eyes.

Zhang Li noticed Gu Zhongyu rubbing his eyes, and actually took out a delicate handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to him!

It's rare these days that people still have the habit of wearing handkerchiefs.


Gu Zhongyu picked it up and wiped his eyes. There was still a scent on it. He didn't know if it came with the handkerchief or...

After wiping it off, I couldn't help but put it under my nose and smell it carefully. It smelled like bergamot.

Just when everyone was about to continue shooting, it suddenly started drizzling.

There was no sign at all. You know, ten minutes ago, the sun was still hanging in the sky. The weather in Yunnan is really like a girl with relatives coming over. It changes without any sign.

There was no choice but to get on the bus to avoid the rain.

Zhang Li was going to follow the crowd to the bus, but Gu Zhongyu waved to her, "Zhang Li, come here!"

Gu Zhongyu's RV was more comfortable than the crowded crew bus, so Zhang Li naturally got on his car.

RVs are not rare in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities have them, but the common celebrity RVs are only a few hundred thousand, and the more expensive ones are several million.

The RVs of Da Tiantian and Fan Xiaopang are basically at the level of 500,000, which means they are used for rest during filming.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu has regretted it now. It seems that these two RVs are not very useful. Unless he goes out for a self-driving tour in the future and goes to some places without hotels, they can play a role.

How much can the various facilities inside be used during normal filming?

Well... maybe for him, the bed is the most useful.

Three or four million is considered a top celebrity RV in China.

But for Zhang Li, who is still a little unknown in the entertainment industry, RVs are luxury goods and are not something she can use now.

So after getting in the car, she looked around curiously, as if she was guessing how much it would cost.

Gu Zhongyu didn't have the hobby of showing off in front of girls. After all, after the magazine exposed his wealth last time, everyone now knows that he is rich, and quite rich.

Showing off wealth is too blunt and artificial, and it is not a good tool for showing off.

High-end people pretend to be cultural or connotation-oriented. It sounds ordinary, but after careful consideration, it feels awesome. This is the most correct way to show off.

After closing the car door, Gu Zhongyu made a gesture to Dudu, who was sitting in front, through the glass, and then pressed a button. A partition rose directly, completely separating it from the driver's cab.

At Gu Zhongyu's request, the sound insulation effect of this car is so good that even if he sets off firecrackers in the back, the people driving in front and outside probably can't hear anything.

And there are several cameras in the cab and outside, with no blind spots at all, so it's very convenient to record some small videos.

Thanks to Da Ke ds for 100 points

Thanks to Zhou Geng for 200 points

Thanks to Bajie Heifengyi for 200 points

Thanks to book friend 20170405163115365 for 500 points

Thanks to all the book friends for their support. Thank you everyone, I will start the explosive update time next!

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