Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 322: Rub until it reflects light

After getting in the car, Zhang Li shook off the rain on her body, then took off her beige windbreaker, revealing the white tank top underneath, "Wow! The weather changes so quickly, fortunately the climate in Yunnan is not too cold."

"Here, I'll give you your handkerchief back."

Zhang Li took the handkerchief, then walked to the sink in the bathroom to wash it, and asked while rubbing it, "Did you smell what it was just now?"


"Ah what! It's not like I didn't see you smelling the handkerchief just now..."

Zhang Li chuckled. In fact, she was a little bit of a germaphobe, and she didn't know why she gave the handkerchief to a man just now.

Hearing this, Gu Zhongyu felt a little embarrassed. After all, smelling the smell of a private item like a handkerchief in front of others seemed a little vulgar!

"It's okay, just tell me if you can smell it."

"Bergamot, but it should be the top flavor, which evaporates quickly, and the back flavor is not smelled."

"You are an expert!" Zhang Li sat on the sofa after washing her handkerchief, her long white legs folded together, "You can still distinguish the smell of perfume, it seems that you are not very straight, Teacher Gu!"

What kind of words are these?

If I am not straight, am I still gay?


"What sound?"

Just when Zhang Li was teasing Gu Zhongyu, a slight cat cry came from the big bed at the back, and then Dun Dun, who had fallen asleep, jumped off the bed and licked his paws.

"Wow! This cat is so fat and cute!"

Zhang Li, who is also a cat lover, immediately picked up Dun Dun and stroked its fur lovingly. The little guy was not surprised that there were always new opposite sex around Gu Zhongyu, and the two little mangosteens just drooped in front of her bear.

Sometimes being a cat is also good!

"Zhang Li, you have a cat too, right?"

"Yes! I have a silver tabby, and it's pretty fat, but I don't have a motorhome, so it's not convenient to take it everywhere."

"I think it should lose some weight." Gu Zhongyu opened the window and looked. The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky was half cloudy. It should be impossible to shoot today. "What do you want to drink? I have a lot of wine and drinks in the car."

"Red wine bar..."

Zhang Li pursed her lips because she saw a half-opened bottle of red wine on the table. It was opened by Gu Zhongyu and Nazha last night, but neither of them drank much, and most of it was poured on Nazha's body.

"Well, you can choose what you want to drink. I put this wine here to wake it up in advance. There are many kinds in the wine cabinet." Gu Zhongyu explained a little.

But Zhang Li shook her head, "Red wine is fine. In case the rain stops and the sky clears, we may have to continue shooting!"

Gu Zhongyu took out two glasses and poured them. He actually didn't like to drink red wine. He basically drank it with girls.

After taking a sip, she felt that the taste was just so-so.

Zhang Li took the wine and tasted it carefully, then put the cup under Dun Dun's nose, "Little guy, do you want some too?"

Dun Dun really put his nose up to smell it, then showed a very disgusted expression, stretched out his cat claws, and hit him hard!


Caught off guard, the high-heeled cup was overturned, and the red wine spilled directly, splashing Zhang Li's snow-white thighs with red wine everywhere...

"You little brat, you're asking for a beating!" Gu Zhongyu hurriedly went up to help Zhang Li wipe the red wine on her legs, but he was too anxious and forgot to take the tissue, and directly started.

"Mr. Gu, you..."

Zhang Li blushed with shame, feeling Gu Zhongyu's big hands rubbing on her legs. Is this helping or taking advantage?

If it were another man, she would have slapped him now!

Gu Zhongyu also reacted quickly, but he saw that Zhang Li had no intention of stopping him. She had just given him her handkerchief and even smelled it without any concern. It seemed that Zhang Li... didn't seem to dislike him!

So Gu Zhongyu pretended to be confused and continued to use his hands as paper, vowing to wipe all the red wine on her legs... Oh no, it must be wiped clean!

Looking at the red wine flowing on the long white legs, Gu Zhongyu suddenly realized that he didn't dislike drinking red wine, but he had some high requirements for the container of wine!

Dun Dun, the culprit who caused all this, hid in the corner and secretly observed the actions of the two. He was too familiar with this process, and the two would fight soon.

He didn't stop until Zhang Li's legs were wiped to the point where they could reflect light.

At this time, Zhang Li's face was almost the same as the red wine she drank!

"Um... I heard that red wine can easily irritate the skin and cause burning, itching, and your legs are so white and tender, so I was impatient for a moment, don't blame me!" Gu Zhongyu said seriously.

"Oh! Thank you then."

Look, how important eloquence is. I took advantage of her, and she has to thank me!

The weather is really strange. It didn't take long for the rain to stop, and the crew continued to work.

Zhang Li's legs were almost arthritic because of Gu Zhongyu's hands, and she was wearing high heels, so she was shaky when she got out of the RV...

The staff around couldn't help but look at it with contempt. You hooked up too quickly, and you actually did it so intensely in the car in broad daylight, and you couldn't even walk steadily!

Alas, the reputation of Mr. Gu was ruined step by step by these dirty-minded people.

The next thing to be photographed was Geng Hao and Hao Yi. When Geng Hao and Hao Yi were at the airport, Geng Hao made up his mind and took the flowers and decided to go back to Siqing, whom he felt he was in love with just now, to confess his love. Then he found that in a small corner, Siqing and Others are flirting with each other, raising and lowering their hands!

Geng Hao's heart was broken, he finally fell in love with a girl!

After filming this scene, Zhang Li was finished.

It was a pity that the two had only known each other for a few days, and Gu Zhongyu was about to leave before Gu Zhongyu had time to confirm that her legs were okay.

But before leaving, Zhang Li took the initiative to exchange WeChat messages with him, as a thought, hoping that the next time he invites her to drink, he won't drink it on his legs, preferably somewhere else.

The crew was filming in such a beautiful place in Dali, so they naturally took the opportunity to visit. There was no time during the day, but at night, Gu Zhongyu and Huang Boninghao went on a night tour of the ancient city of Dali.

The urban roads in Dali City still maintain the checkerboard grid structure that has been used since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They are known as nine streets and eighteen alleys. During the day, there are as many people as dogs, but at night they are much cleaner. When Gu Zhongyu and the others came, the streets were crowded. Many stores have already closed, and the small alleys next to the main street are even quieter.

People on the Internet have always said that when you go to the ancient city of Dali, you can feel the decadence and hope of life. At the door of a closed shop, they saw a dozen people who didn't know each other sitting together, playing guitar and singing dejected songs. The song is really a bit like that!

"This place is suitable for retirement and leisure, but not suitable for young people to work!" Ning Hao expressed his opinion.

“Isn’t that the same as Chengdu?”

"They are both cultural cities in the southwest, so there really isn't much difference. But...if you particularly like girls, it's best not to go to Chengdu!"

Ning Hao and Huang Bo had questions on their faces, why?

Gu Zhongyu chuckled and did not explain. These days, Chengdu's reputation in certain aspects has not been fully spread, so it is normal for them not to know.

In his previous life, Gu Zhongyu traveled to Chengdu and passed by the bar street behind Wangfujing. He didn't dare to go in at first. The scene was indeed a bit eye-catching, mainly because some of the men were too girly and compared to the girls around him. And feminine,

This was too much, but after seeing it more often, I got used to it, so just keep a distance.

I thought of Bar Street. The bar street in Dali Ancient City is also famous in the country. Do you want to go and experience it?

"Forget it! If we are recognized, we will be in trouble. The gossip reporters will definitely say that we are out to hunt for women."

"Brother Bo, do you have any friends who open a bar here?"

"You're kidding! Do you think I'm a national chain store?"

The three of them shrugged. It seemed that they had missed the Dali Bar. They planned to go back after wandering around. Passing by an antique shop, they went in to buy some souvenirs to take home.

It's said to be an antique store, but I guess the oldest person in the store is the aunt at the front desk. I don't know if she recognized Gu Zhongyu, but I always felt that she looked at him differently, as if Gu Zhongyu saw beautiful women on weekdays. of…

Gotta get out of the way!

Gu Zhongyu quickly picked out a dozen pieces of agate, beeswax jewelry, and a beautiful crystal version of Peppa Pig. When he was about to check out and leave, he found a new customer entering the store.


Yaya, who was covering her head tightly, looked back when she heard someone calling her name, "Mr. Gu? Are you the only one who is here to visit Dali Ancient City so late?"

"Director Ning, Teacher Huang and I came together."

"Teacher Gu, you bought a lot of things! Are they all given away?"

Yaya looked at Gu Zhongyu who had a bunch of big and small bags in his arms. They were definitely not souvenirs bought for him.

"Well...they are all given to relatives and friends."

Suddenly thinking of something, Gu Zhongyu picked out a flower wax pendant from the gifts and put it around Yaya's neck, "This is for you. I drank so much soup from you during this period and it almost made me fat." All!"

"You're welcome, I just stay up a little too much every time..." Yaya pursed her lips and smiled softly to express her gratitude.

Although they are from the same crew, Yaya and Gu Zhongyu have no scenes opposite each other. In most cases, Kang Xiaoyu, whom she plays, is not in the same studio as them. Except for the finale, Huang Bo has one scene with her, and the rest Yes, they are two parallel lines that will never intersect.

So Gu Zhongyu always felt that they hired a non-existent heroine for this movie!

Although there are no rival scenes, everyone still gets together in their spare time. Yaya also likes to make some soup for everyone to drink.

Especially after Yaya discovered that Gu Zhongyu liked to drink wolfberry black chicken soup, she made it specially for Dudu to send to his room. However, Naza, who didn't know the truth, drank it all. Later she found out that fellow Yaya made it. of.

This makes Nazha, who has always been a lazy dog, start to learn how to cook.


It’s a great roll!

A few people went sightseeing together for a while, and felt that it was almost over. When they took the car back to the hotel, Ning Hao and Huang Bo were in the front row, and he and Yaya sat in the back. After the two looked at each other, Yaya blushed. Don't look at her anymore.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. After all, you are an actor who has been acting for so many years. Why does he always blush when he sees Gu Daguan?

One more update

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