Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 323 Can you let me eat your bottom?

Not knowing what to do, he simply took out his phone and started browsing the hot news, jumping directly to the entertainment section, and a huge headline caught his eye.

"Famous director Chen xx met a mysterious beauty at night and spent six hours together in a private apartment"

So exciting? I looked at the time again, fuck, it was just revealed today!

However, according to the description, it seems to have happened last night. Now the identity of the so-called mysterious beauty has also been revealed. An unknown 18th-tier actress, whose face and figure are far inferior to his girlfriend Yaya, what kind of vision is this?

It seems that this buddy is really hungry.

He can eat anything!

Hey, after all, he is now a prostitute. Gu Zhongyu quickly sent a message to the person in charge of public relations, ready to clean up his ass.

Perhaps she noticed Gu Zhongyu's weird look, and Yaya moved slightly to the side again. Could it be that she was worried that Gu Zhongyu would take advantage of this opportunity?

Too much, there are still two people in front!

"Teacher Gu, what's wrong with you?" Maybe he couldn't stand Gu Zhongyu's strange eyes, or maybe he realized that he was a well-known person, and no matter how hungry he was, he had to consider that there was someone driving in front of him.

"Uh" scratching his head, Gu Zhongyu didn't know what to say. Should he tell her that your boyfriend was photographed while fooling around?

Or he stayed in the apartment with a girl for six hours last night, maybe reading a luminous script?

There are many people in the circle who like to go out and play, and Chen Sicheng is not new, but he can always be photographed and have the real hammer. This is the most puzzling thing. He looks very smart!

"Did you see any news related to Teacher Tong?" Huang Bo noticed Gu Zhongyu's action of looking at his phone from the rearview mirror and asked very cleverly.


"What's the matter?"

"Or you should look at it yourself, it's now the number one hot search!"

In the end, Gu Zhongyu said that he was a gentle person. He really didn't know how to tell her. This sister is a bit pitiful!

The car arrived at the hotel where the crew was staying, and Yaya also finished reading the hot search.

What made Gu Zhongyu a little impressed was that this sister only frowned when she first saw it, and then there was no expression. I don’t know if she was pretending or she was used to it. It should be because he was still there!

"It should be fake. He talked to me for a long time last night." I don’t know who this explanation was for, anyway, the three of them nodded to show that we believed it.

We are all old hands, the victims don’t care, so outsiders shouldn’t comment.

After the explanation, everyone went back to their own homes. He looked at Yaya’s back as she left, feeling a little lonely!

After returning to his suite, Dudu had already fallen asleep, but Dundun, who had rested enough during the day, was jumping up and down. Seeing that Gu Zhongyu, the shit shoveler, had come, he did not stop. Instead, he walked up to him, pulled his pants, and looked like he was going to rebel...

Cats, if you don't bother them during the day, they will bother you at night. I have to talk to Chen Duling later and ask her not to let Dundun sleep during the day, or let him walk until he is exhausted.

"You have gained weight recently. Starting tomorrow, we will stop eating canned food and cat strips, and reduce the daily ration by one third!"


The poor little cat doesn't know how bitter the life he is about to face is!

Feeling a little hungry, he soaked a bucket of noodles, and then picked up his phone while eating and started chatting with various young ladies. Most of the time, this phone was kept by Chen Duling. There were too many women in the address book, so he couldn't reply to them all. He asked Chen Duling to reply according to the outline he gave.

It was also because Dudu's education and IQ were high enough that he quickly understood the basic rhetoric of a scumbag just by reading some of Gu Zhongyu's chat records. Facing these tricky or cunning women, he answered them with ease and was never suspected.

Does this mean that Dudu also has the potential to become a scumbag?

Stealing my job!

Now that he is free at night, Gu Zhongyu will look at the chat records and occasionally reply himself, so as not to find that he doesn't know what he talked about with the other party when he sees the real person, which would be embarrassing!

The ones who contact Gu Zhongyu the most on weekdays are Da Mi Mi, Fan Binbin and other more outgoing and unrestrained people. People like Xixi Shishi are more reserved and he has to take the initiative to flirt with them, otherwise he may not receive any news from the two fairies for ten days or half a month.

Bai Lu is now enrolled and lives in the dormitory of Beijing Film Academy, in the same room with Meng Ziyi and Chen Yao. Before going to bed, she secretly took a pajamas photo with her mobile phone and sent it to him.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the two women who were changing clothes in the back were also photographed, which gave Gu Zhongyu a feast for the eyes!

Yes, this assistant was not loved in vain. Even if he resigned now, he did not forget to give benefits to the boss.

After chatting for a while, he didn't feel sleepy, so he planned to write some more scripts. At this time.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Huh? At this time, it can't be that little goblin Nazha is here again?

No, Nazha and Tang Yixin went out to travel together. They are not in the hotel now. They will have their scenes in two days!

It can't be Yaya, right?

Gu Zhongyu went over and opened the door to see, okay, it really is.

"What's wrong?"

Yaya's expression was very natural, which made Gu Zhongyu straighten out his crooked thoughts.

"I made some midnight snacks tonight, but I can't finish them by myself. Are you hungry? Do you want to join me?"

You should have told me earlier. I'm almost done with the noodles!

If I'm hungry, can you still give me some to eat?

Yaya found that she seemed to have asked a very stupid question, because she could already smell the smell of instant noodles.

"I just made it, and I haven't eaten it yet. If I had your cooking skills, I wouldn't have to eat instant noodles."

"Okay, I made risotto, which is not delicious when it's cold. Mr. Gu, please come to my place!"

"Just call me Zhongyu, but is this okay?"

Gu Zhongyu hesitated. If this got out, what would be the difference between his reputation and that Cao thief's?

I support Liu Huangshu!

"It doesn't matter. Chen Sicheng is not here anyway." After blurting out these words, Yaya immediately felt something was wrong. It was too strange.

"I mean"

"I know, I know, no need to explain~"

At this time, Dun Dun, who was jumping up and down, also ran over and rubbed his head against Gu Zhongyu's trouser leg. Needless to say, he must want to have a snack!

After seeing Dun Dun, Yaya was a little surprised. She squatted down and touched his head: "So cute. I have goat milk and chicken breast, which cats can eat. Take him with you!"

"It needs to lose weight now, so it can't eat too much!"

"It's okay to eat less, let's go!" As she said that, without waiting for Gu Zhongyu's reaction, she picked up Dun Dun and walked towards her room.

Since she invited him so kindly, it would be impolite to refuse.

When I came to Yaya's room, I found that she actually made two midnight snacks, one lamb risotto for Gu Zhongyu, and the other low-fat vegetable salad for herself...

What do you mean, is this specially made for him?

But it tastes pretty good, there are raisins in it, and the lamb doesn't have any smell. The craftsmanship is really top-notch!

Chen Sicheng is really lucky. I don't understand why he has such a wife at home and is involved in scandals with some internet celebrities every day. I don't know why his hobbies are so unique.

"How does it taste?"

Yaya made a mixed cat food with freeze-dried and chicken breast for Dun Dun. Seeing that Gu Zhongyu had already started to eat it, she sat back in the chair and asked with some anticipation.

"It's delicious!" Gu Zhongyu gave a thumbs up and praised him generously. Whether it's true or false, good words are the most pleasant to hear.

Gu Zhongyu's words were obviously very pleasant to hear, and Yaya unconsciously put on a smile on her face. Of course, she was still very humble.

"No, I'm just so-so, I just cook for myself."

"Such a good skill, it's rare, I've never seen a female celebrity who can cook."

"I was forced to do it. When I was sixteen, I came to Yanjing from Xijiang. I was not used to the food at first, so I tried to cook by myself. After a while, I developed the habit of cooking." Yaya recalled the past, and then suddenly said, "It's not bad. Many female celebrities I know can cook."

"Then Yaya, introduce me to someone later. I'm still in need of a wife who can cook!"

"No need to introduce, Zhongyu, you should know her, it's Senior Sister Dong Xuan, she almost became someone else's wife, but unfortunately, I don't know why she suddenly broke up with her boyfriend..."

When he heard Dong Xuan's name, Gu Zhongyu stopped eating. What did Yaya mean by suddenly mentioning Dong Xuan at this time?

Since breaking up with Gao Yunxiang, Sister Dong Xuan, who has returned to single status, seems to have let it go. She used to avoid Gu Zhongyu, but now she often takes the initiative to find him, and sometimes even calls Ma Yili to play Landlord together!

"If you can know the misfortune of married life in advance, then breaking up can be regarded as stopping the loss in time, which is better than staying together for a few years and then parting ways!"

This sentence applies to Dong Xuan, and is also said to Yaya. This pair of besties not only look alike, but also have similar emotional experiences. The only difference is that Yaya is getting better and better after the divorce, but I don’t know what will happen in this life.

After listening to it, Yaya was silent for a long time. She now began to re-examine Chen Sicheng, especially after seeing the news tonight, she has begun to waver in her idea of ​​whether to marry him.

After the episode, the two began to eat quietly.

Although Gu Zhongyu had already eaten instant noodles, now the beauty is by his side, and the beauty is delicious, not to mention that she is someone else’s wife, which is even more delicious!

So he ate all the lamb risotto on the plate, then touched his belly and felt a little full.

The third update is completed, 10,000 words are updated today

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