Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 334 Fight back with strength

After the Golden Rooster Awards, Gu Zhongyu, who returned to Yanjing, went to the company as soon as possible. After dealing with some trivial matters, he called Jiang Shuying, Bai Bin and Yang Tianzhen, who was responsible for the publicity of artists, and asked them how they were going to respond to Fang Elbow.

"Respond? Do I have to respond to him? Can I ignore him?" Gu Zhongyu felt that there was no need to compete with such a mad dog. If it really didn't work, he would use the advantage of the authority dog ​​to make the other party's account disappear directly. Isn't it better?

Yang Tianzhen smiled bitterly, "Mr. Gu, it won't work. In this era, the saying that rumors stop at the wise is actually bullshit!"

The words were not fully said, but Gu Zhongyu almost understood it.

It seems that this is indeed the truth. The other party has made moves, one by one, and listed them in a text to attack his fake. If he really doesn't respond, others will think that Gu Zhongyu is guilty.

What if this matter ferments further and forms an advantage in public opinion? Well, if the yellow mud falls on the crotch, it will be shit if it's not shit!

The cost of making rumors on the Internet is really quite low. Sometimes, no matter how illogical it is, people will believe it.

Just a few years ago, some people believed the bullshit that Xixi was a transgender. Are you afraid?

"What countermeasures does the public sector have?" Gu Zhongyu asked curiously.

He is not the kind of person who takes on everything by himself. If there are professionals, of course they will do it. Otherwise, why spend so much money on them every year?

"Issue a statement, send a lawyer's letter, buy hot spots, control comments, pull people in the circle to speak out, refute from a professional perspective, and hold a press conference if necessary. We have experts here who have studied Fang Elbow's tricks. What he said is not very tenable! Our company's legal department has not had much work since its establishment. Everyone is waiting for the end. Of course, there are some means. If you agree, we can also operate..."

Jiang Shuying briefly introduced the handling opinions of the public relations department. Some of them are too low-level, and she hasn't said them yet!

Wow! So confident, this group of people is great!

This is the benefit of being a big boss of capital. If a studio or a small artist fighting alone encounters this situation, it is estimated that the only way to go is to curse at the other party.

"Methods? What means?"

Bai Bin smiled sinisterly at this time, "He is not a saint. It is not aimed at this matter, but at him. It is too easy to throw dirty water, and it doesn't even need to be thrown."

After hearing this, Gu Zhongyu gave a thumbs up, and Chen Duling next to him was stunned when he heard it...

This... You are too sinister!

Through this time, classmate Dudu has learned some things in the entertainment industry. If you really don't have a background, it is really too easy to be tricked by others.

No matter how pure you are, what does it matter? A bunch of storytellers have countless dirty water thrown on you. If you do it too many times, the fake will become true.

Besides, in the entertainment industry, how many people really cherish their feathers and have no troubles?

There are too many black spots to find!

Gu Zhongyu smiled happily, "As long as the methods you mentioned above are not illegal, use them all. I will make some fun responses on my Weibo. You can just follow my instructions."

He is not a saint. He has no habit of letting others go when others have taken action first.

"Okay, then we will go there first. The company's first wave of statements has been issued this morning. If there is any follow-up, we will notify you in advance."


If the company is not strong, Gu Zhongyu can still use Zhuo Wei. This guy has never lacked black materials and intelligence. He must have a way to help him clean up the room. Of course, for this person, Gu Zhongyu still adheres to the principle of not using it if possible.

After the three left, Gu Zhongyu thought of something and took Dudu to the company's recording studio. He took out a notebook and wrote and drew for a while, ready to start recording songs.

"Boss, why are we here?"

Chen Duling looked puzzled. Were they just discussing how to fight back with public relations? Why did they suddenly have to sing?

"Anyway, I have to respond. Since Fang Elbow accused me of plagiarism, why not use a more slapping way?"

"A more slapping way? It sounds so cool!" Dudu flattered after reacting.

After the little suckling pig was eaten, this girl has the tendency to develop in the direction of Gu Zhongyu's fan girl, just like Bai Lu in the past!

There are many ways to scold people. This time, Gu Zhongyu decided to use a slightly more gentle way... writing songs!

The tradition of writing songs to scold people can be said to be a long-standing one. Jay Chou did this in his early years. That was the song "Four Faced with Enemies" that he specially gave to the paparazzi. Because the lyrics were too "beautiful", he had to use some Korean. Some people said that this really fulfilled the saying that it depends on who is beating the dog.

There is also Xu Song's "Don't Bite Me", which does not use a single dirty word, but scolds the entire entertainment industry, and the lyrics are also very funny.

Gu Zhongyu seldom sings now. After all, the Chinese music scene is in decline. He doesn't even want to take a second look. But since someone came to ask for a fight, he doesn't mind giving him two songs!

Songs are not enough. Find a few more people to shoot an MV...

The rhythm on the Internet is getting more and more intense. Of course, it is not against Gu Zhongyu. The PR team of Zongheng Entertainment is not just for show. On the contrary, they are very professional.

Gu Zhongyu's own Weibo has not made any movement so far, but there are already a large group of people in the circle who have been speaking up for him, and there are also other blue V accounts.

Some public intellectuals, some of whom received money, and some of whom took the initiative to take advantage of the popularity and began to attack Fang Elbow.

Some people who were not hit to death by Fang Elbow's anti-counterfeiting in the past, or who failed to hit directly, all jumped out.

Zongheng's public relations team actually rarely receives work, and other artists of their own are rarely blackened on weekdays. This time, they are their own boss, and they have no place to use their strength. They have almost put in a lot of effort and must let the public opinion bombard Fang Elbow.

Among the people who have emerged, the more famous ones, such as Han Han, have a huge grudge against Fang Elbow. He was almost forced to prove his height and wrote on the spot.

The anti-counterfeiting against him that year was still unresolved because Han Shao no longer responded.

This time, with Zongheng taking the lead in contacting, Han Han is very happy to come out and step on his old enemy.

He is also an old hand at quarreling. At least he can beat Gu Zhongyu by a dozen streets in quarreling with words. He is very good at typing!

If Fang Elbow made many people suspicious of Gu Zhongyu with his reputation as a fake fighter at the beginning, now most of the people who have the right to speak and speak up on the Internet are almost all on Gu Zhongyu's side, and there are very few people who support him.

I haven't even tried hard yet, and you are about to fall down?

Gu Zhongyu has already recorded two songs and is still shooting his own MV. Everything else is fine. Anyway, he doesn't pursue how good the filming is. It took a long time to find a special actor who looks like Fang Elbow. It is estimated that he will be able to meet netizens after working overtime overnight.


The melon-eating crowd, including many people in the circle, are paying close attention to Gu Zhongyu's response to this matter, but there is still no movement on his Weibo, as if he is dead.

There are also some people who are not sure whether they are water army or his black fans who are leading the rhythm, saying that he is guilty.

It didn't form any big rhythm. Now netizens have gradually learned to be smart. It's not a complete hammer, and most of them are still in the state of watching melons.

Finally, at nine o'clock in the evening of the next day, a video appeared on Gu Zhongyu's Weibo account, with the text: I recorded a song when I was free, I like everyone to like it...

Many people opened this video and watched it immediately, not just the crowd, including the media, public intellectuals, and people in the circle...

Opening the video, the scene is very simple, it is in an indoor room, and the subtitles show that the song is called "Ugly People Do Trouble", and the lyrics, composition, and singing are all Gu Zhongyu himself.

This song title... is a bit interesting!

A middle-aged man with a square face, rebellious bones, protruding eyebrows, sunken temples, and a wretched temperament is lying on the dining table eating a lot, and there are a group of people sitting around him, all looking at him with disgust.

Everyone noticed at the first time, why does this actor look so much like Fang Elbow?

As Gu Zhongyu's voice sounded, the song finally began

"Cherishing suddenly became a no-brainer~"

"Time flies, I'm afraid that being full of emotions will make me too childish~"


"Ugly people often do strange things, you'd better confess everything~"

"I found out that the account is not honest and I can't rely on it~"

"I don't admit it but I still want to cheat~"

"On the way to achieve self-realization~"

"It's inevitable that I will encounter disgusting times~"

The melody is catchy and the lyrics are very simple. Ugly people often do strange things, which means that ugly people often do some bizarre things to embarrass others or attract others' attention. This is almost pointing at someone and scolding him!

Gu Zhongyu also changed some lyrics, making the song more directional and aggressive!

When the MV was finished, there was a line of small words at the end: Half an hour later, there will be another song full of warmth for everyone.

There is actually a sequel!

Because of Gu Zhongyu's song, the atmosphere on the Internet suddenly became high.

I waited all day just to know how Gu Zhongyu would respond.

Should he ignore Fang Elbow as if nothing had happened, or attack aggressively?

He actually wrote a song. Many people felt that today's gossip was too delicious, so he responded in this way, and the song was pretty good!

You said I plagiarized everything. I wrote the song and shot the MV in one day, and I also wrote you in to scold you!

Tsk tsk, the effect is comparable to that Hollywood female singer who likes to write her ex-boyfriend into her song to scold him!

At this time, on the Beijing Film Academy campus, the girls' dormitory was also watching this online showdown.

Chen Yao was amazed at this: "Great... Teacher Gu's trick is much more effective than arguing with that guy."

"The boss is so powerful. You don't know that he didn't start writing songs until he came to Han Country during the China-Korea Song Festival last year. He wrote "Fox Cry" in one day. This ugly guy is going against the boss, which is like sticking a straw in a cesspool - a suicidal act!"

Although he has already enrolled in Beijing Film Academy, Bai Lu, who is still used to calling Gu Zhongyu boss, flattered him in mid-air.

Meng Ziyi was also very excited and said: "Teacher Gu's song is so nice. When I learn it, I must sing it to everyone during the school anniversary!"

"No need!" Chen Yao and Bai Lu immediately protested when they heard Meng Ziyi was going to sing.

These sisters are born to be music idiots. When they sing songs, they change the lyrics and tune, but they still feel good about themselves. Now they are not afraid of perverts and cockroaches in the dormitory, but they are afraid of Meng Ziyi singing!


On the other side, Fang Zhuzi also finished listening to Gu Zhongyuhuan's "Ugly People Make Mischief", but he was very angry!

Who does TM say is ugly?

Isn't Lao Meng's appearance... just a little bit worse than yours, Gu Zhongyu!

What's so great about it, do you have a buddy who knows how to troll people like me?

If God doesn't give birth to my son, the key will last forever like a long night. Come!

Crackling, banging wildly, I checked the wording a little before sending it out, um, it’s very good, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Just when he was about to click send, he saw that Gu Zhongyu's scarf had been updated again.

It’s the second video!

The timing was just right, so Fang Jiuzi couldn't help but click on the video and watch it first.

It's still a song, and the content of the MV has become simpler. In the video, Gu Zhongyu is sitting in a room full of musical instruments, holding a guitar. He asked Chen Duling to arrange more than a dozen musical instruments in a row, and then Gu Zhongyu started Play the same!

Not a line, not a word said.

Just playing or tapping, each note seemed like a heavy hammer hitting Fang Yuzi, who was also watching.

Gu Zhongyu's performance was not very intense, but coupled with his serious and fixed eyes, it made those watching the video feel explosive!

In the video, after Gu Zhongyu finished playing various musical instruments, he slowly picked up the guitar and started singing.

The name of this song is even more interesting, it's called "Son, I'm Your Dad"

"Son, son~"

"I'm your dad~"

"Come and sit down~"

"Let's have a talk today~"


"I want to learn from your dad and I love humility (remember that)"

"Just do your own thing (sigh~~~)"

"Be kind to others"

"You have to follow me with this kind of character (hehe~)"

After watching the entire video, Fang Zhuzi lay down weakly on the chair.

If he loses, he doesn't have to say anything anymore. How can he argue now?

It is said that literati kill people, but Gu Zhongyu's trick is even more cruel. In two songs, without naming him by name or directly scolding him, he can be hanged on a pillar of shame and whipped to death!

What can he do, write a song himself and scold him?

I don’t have the strength!

With difficulty, he reaches out to touch the keyboard that has always helped him achieve success. Can Lian Po still survive?

No, I haven't lost yet, I can still fight back!

Really...the three major misconceptions in life.

With his eyes gleaming, Fang Yuzi forced himself to search his intestines and stomach. There must be a way. Some people can be killed, but they cannot be defeated.

However, no amount of chicken soup for the soul may be able to restore his disadvantage.

Returning to my scarf, the comments below were already full of curses.

"Ugly people often do mischief. Now that Dad has forgiven you, why don't you kneel down and thank Dad Gu!"

"Sabi Fang's elbow, did he hit the iron plate this time?"

"He's just a guy who's just trying to gain popularity. He's cracking down on fake people and targeting the real ones. If you're not convinced, why don't you write a song?"

"Do you still dare to say that you have never missed a vacation? Keep going, I'm watching your performance!"


There are also many comments with direct personal attacks. Because the platform’s review mechanism has been harmonized, netizens can be really irritable sometimes.

Is Gu Zhongyu a genius? Once his two songs are released, he can basically confirm this title in the eyes of the public.

I won’t bother you too much, I will just create a work in one day and throw it in your face to let you know why the flowers are so popular.

People are tolerant of geniuses, and capable people can be appreciated, not to mention that this person also has good looks.

Fang's elbows were knocked down, and it sounded the alarm to other people who originally had ill intentions towards Gu Zhongyu. The heat is over there. You want to make big news, do you have the strength?

Responding with work is basically the most useful way to fight back.

For example, Jay Chou two years ago was accused of plagiarism after one of his songs was released.

Jay Chou specifically responded through the company: "Plagiarism is not in my dictionary because my creativity is unlimited."

"Every time I write so many songs that I can't even fit them into my album. Netizens who accuse me of plagiarism, let me tell you again, I can come up with awesome melodies even on my knees. I still need to listen to other people's songs to catch my tongue. Is it true? Sorry, I broke the heart of these netizens who want to mess with me again."

Later, he showed off his knee playing piano at a concert and created it on the spot. If anyone dared to say that Jay Chou plagiarized, he would be immediately criticized by netizens.

Only those who are talented can be so willful and have the right to have a bad temper~

Of course, why do some young talents basically not respond when people criticize them for their lack of acting or singing skills?

Because I don't have the confidence to respond at all, a flaw is a flaw, and responding forcefully will only make myself more miserable.

The only way is to brag about your hard work, insist on filming even if you have a fever of 50 degrees.

I have no choice but to brag about this. The risk of bragging about anything else is too great.

Those who trumpet themselves as top academics or designers will be left in disgrace later on if they have no real ability.

Netizens are not fans and will not coddle them. They are all happy pickpockets. It's scary to see that some of Gu Zhongyu's radical fans have closed the comments.

Of course, this incident won’t end just because this guy deleted his scarf in his comments.

It is better to pursue the enemy with the remaining courage. Gu Zhongyu likes to hit the fallen dog the most. He is not forgiving when he is right. Digging up black materials and throwing dirty water is his principle of life. The offensive of the PR department has just begun.

Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys is either not done, or it must be strong enough to scare the other monkeys directly!

Of course, Gu Zhongyu did not participate in the subsequent events. There is no reason for him to do the dirty work himself. It has nothing to do with him. It was all done by enthusiastic "netizens" for Fang Elbow.

But what Gu Zhongyu did not expect was that his performance also blew up many people in the music circle.

For example, singers such as Wang Banbi, Jay Chou, and JJ Lin gave him thumbs up. Gu Zhongyu has not sung much in recent years, but he sang two songs at a time. Several people also commented on his new songs seriously...

"Ugly People Do Trouble" and "Son, I'm Your Dad" are not very exquisite, but they can't resist the viral spread of enthusiastic netizens and soon became popular online and offline!

Especially the song "Son, I'm Your Father", the lyrics are actually quite positive, but because it is associated with Fang Elbow, it quickly became a must-choose song for everyone when they encounter Shabi teammates in a match, and it is catchy.

But these have nothing to do with Gu Zhongyu, who promised to take Zhang Zilin on an overseas trip before, and now it's his turn to fulfill his promise!

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