On December 3rd, Gu Zhongyu, who had been busy all year, took Zhang Zilin and quietly set off from Yanjing Airport to North America. The first stop was Toronto!

Gu Zhongyu was quite critical of Zhang Da Niu's choice. After all, it's winter now. What the hell are you doing to change places and continue to suffer from the cold?

However, Zhang Zilin is very interested in Toronto. According to her original words, "Didn't your movie win an award in Toronto? I haven't been there either, so let's go there as our first stop!!"

This is a typical example of eating eggs and having to know the hen!

Fortunately, it's not too cold in Toronto, at least it's not bad compared to Yanjing.

The two got off the plane. Zhang Daniu opened her arms to the sky, and her first words were: "Huh! The air here smells so good!"

Fortunately you didn't say the air here is sweet, otherwise I would have been sprayed.

To be fair, the air in Toronto is indeed much better than that in Yanjing. Although looking across the entire planet, it is difficult to find a city with worse air than Yanjing.

Gu Zhongyu had no expression on his face as he carried two super large suitcases, a shoulder bag and a satchel, "Miss, can you help me?"

It's not like moving when traveling. Zhang Zilin's things actually filled two oversized suitcases. Even Gu Zhongyu's bag was filled with her things. I really don't know what these women are thinking. No need If you put in the effort, you can use me as an ox and a horse!

"Are you still a man? Such a thing is enough to make me complain. I am a weak woman with thin arms and legs. What if I get exhausted?"

Gu Zhongyu took a look at her arms and strong thighs. Are these also called thin arms?

He's stronger than many men, right?

You, a tall girl from the north who is over 1.8 meters tall, have an affair with a weak woman!

"Hey, you know that men are unreliable, so I still have to do it!"

Saying this, Zhang Zilin still felt sorry for her man, so she took his two bags and carried them on her back. In fact, she was just expressing a small protest against Gu Zhongyu's flirtatious behavior outside. In less than two minutes, it turned out that She relented!

The two chatted while walking, and soon reached the exit of Pearson International Airport.

I looked up and saw the blue sky I hadn't seen for a long time, as well as the wonderful cold smell in the air.

"You're right, the air here is really good!"

Gu Zhongyu was also a little intoxicated. Although he had been to Toronto once before, he came with work and his mood was different.

This time I had a completely relaxed and happy attitude.

Not long after, a dark black Cadillac commercial vehicle stopped in front of the two people.

The driver rolled down the window. He was a white man in his forties. After confirming that they were the reserved guests, he let them get in the car.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu is already somewhat famous in North America due to the release of "The Invisible Guest", but white people are always blind to Asian looks (and vice versa), so they didn't recognize who Gu Zhongyu was.

Toronto is Canada's largest city and the country's economic and financial center. Its status is roughly equivalent to the Magic City of China. It is located in the Great Lakes economic circle. Compared with the decline of the Great Lakes urban agglomerations of the American Empire, Toronto has become increasingly prosperous.

It can be seen that Canada and the United States are really different in some aspects!

The black Cadillac started slowly and drove towards the city along Airport Avenue.

The buildings on both sides are nothing more than European style, and the most common ones are small buildings with spires from the Victorian era. In Gu Zhongyu's opinion, there is nothing special. Zhang Zilin has already taken the camera and started taking pictures. This is the first time for Gu Zhongyu after they have known each other for two years. Take her out to play!

"We are from China, right? Are you immigrants or working?" On the way, the white uncle felt bored and took the initiative to chat with them. It seems that drivers all over the world like to chat.

"We are traveling for work."

Gu Zhongyu replied to him.

"Oh, that's pretty good. There are really many rich people in your country now. This year, I have received no less than thirty couples who immigrated!"


Gu Zhongyu is not interested in these at all, but it does not prevent Zhang Zilin from liking to listen to them. Her English level is naturally no problem for chatting with foreigners.

The two started chatting.

As we were about to arrive, the driver said: "If you want to immigrate, Toronto is definitely a good choice. There are more than half a million Chinese here. Except for Singapore, no country can have so many Chinese living together in one city!" "


He has no idea of ​​prosperity. He can live a prosperous life wherever he has money, so why bother leaving his hometown and going to a strange place.

But after the driver finished speaking and looked at him reluctantly, Gu Zhongyu suddenly realized and took out ten Canadian dollars as a tip for him.

In Western countries, whether it’s Europe or North America, the most annoying thing is that you need to tip!

Especially when traveling, you always have to tip the hotel waiter when he or she helps you carry your luggage; if you order food, you have to tip an additional 15%.


It's not that Gu Zhongyu lacks the money, it's mainly because he's not used to it and feels like he's been kidnapped by morality.

The hotel they booked is located in the old town of Toronto, with antique and European-style buildings.

When night fell, Zhang Zilin took a shower, put on a nightgown, and walked out with long legs, steaming all over her body.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?"

Gu Zhongyu sat on the sofa and watched the TV. The TV series "Game of Thrones" produced by HBO was playing on it. This year is the third season.

There are not many American TV series he likes to watch, and "Game of Thrones" is one of them. Although the third season received negative reviews when it aired in North America, some viewers were dissatisfied with the show's superficial introduction, the completely lack of tension in the plot, and the few... Every place that could be photographed is careless.

But it is still a very good big-budget TV series with a fantasy theme. Unfortunately, the screenwriters changed after the fifth season, and in the end, like other American TV series, it became a bad show.

"Okay, wait a moment." Gu Zhongyu started to take off his clothes as he spoke.

"What am I waiting for?"

Zhang Zilin deliberately pretended that I couldn't understand what you were saying.

"I mean, sleep together later!"

There is almost a twelve-hour time difference between Toronto and Yanjing, which is exactly the opposite of black and white. Besides, the two of them had slept all the way on the plane, and they were even more sleepless at this moment.

Even so, the fatigue in his body could still be felt, and Gu Zhongyu had no idea of ​​doing anything.

He has no idea, but that doesn't mean that the girl will let him go easily. Isn't he afraid that he still wants to leave after paying enough for the public ration?

That night, Zhang Zilin transformed into Lu Bu among men, and he became the red rabbit among horses, which made Gu Zhongyu very tired!

Men are pitiful. After doing hard work during the day, they are still squeezed at night. They live like a parlu!

The next day, Gu Zhongyu, who was fully resurrected, began to take Zhang Zilin around.

St. Lawrence Market is located in the center of Old Town Toronto. It is actually a vegetable market!

It's just that it's large in scale and has a long history. Many ancient warehouses have been converted into unique residences, shops, bars and restaurants.

The Nanlou Market is filled with genuine food, art, and music played by street performers, which makes the market full of vitality.

Of course when you come to Toronto, you have to experience the local characteristics, so the two old haters went to the St. Lawrence Market according to the recommendations of many experienced people.

Wandered around and had lunch.

The two of them didn't look very good.

On the one hand, the vegetable market, no, the St. Lawrence Market is a bit exaggerated, or Gu Zhongyu and Zhang Zilin cannot appreciate the artistic sense of Westerners!

On the other hand, the food there was really hard to swallow. One of the famous Canadian delicacies was a dark dish. They thought it was fried chicken meatballs at first, but when they brought it to them, they realized it was TM." Fried beef testicles!”

Please let the person who invented this dish die!

"Let's go to Chinatown, I heard the Chinese food here is delicious!"

Gu Zhongyu didn't eat much, and I guess Zhang Zilin was the same. Although she was a woman, her appetite was not much smaller than Gu Zhongyu's because she was tall.

"I don't care, but you...what will you do if you are recognized?"

Yes, there are many international students in Chinatown, and the risk of being recognized is still quite high. Even if Gu Zhongyu pretends to be a hedgehog, it may not be safe.

When he was having a headache and wondering where to eat, Gu Zhongyu glanced and saw the old KFC man on the roadside looking at them with a kind face.

He smiled and said to Zhang Zilin: "We meet in another world, enjoy the delicious food, how about v me 50?"

"Huh?" Zhang Zilin looked confused.

I almost forgot, this event doesn’t exist yet, and no one knows about the “Crazy Thursday Literary” meme.

"Let's go eat KFC!"

Zhang Zilin looked at him angrily, "I came all the way to Canada to play, and you actually want me to eat at KFC?"

"Then...how about...McDonald's?" Gu Zhongyu replied weakly.

"If you don't go, I'll be tired of eating in China!"

Zhang Zilin looked away as if she was very angry. Just when Gu Zhongyu was thinking hard about what else to eat, she followed up by saying, "I want to eat Subway!"

Okay, I’ll listen to you, big sister!

Just as Gu Zhongyu and Zhang Zilin were eating sandwiches at the Subway restaurant, his cell phone suddenly rang. When he opened it, he saw that it was a QQ group that he had not heard from for a long time. What were those stupid female group members posting?

In this "Secret Garden" group, Gu Zhongyu has set up special reminders for messages, but he doesn't know whether it's because of WeChat that no one plays on QQ anymore, or because they just don't like each other. In short, this group is in a dead group most of the time. state.

Occasionally, some group members would send messages to scold Gu Zhongyu, and then a few others would follow suit and applaud him.

Usually when Gu Zhongyu sees it, he will also use the trumpet to curse a few words, such as "Sister scolds you well", "The scumbag should be hired as fertilizer" and so on.

It feels really good to follow a bunch of young ladies and scold me!

Unexpectedly, someone suddenly sent a message today. A group friend with the nickname [Rampage Chicken Leg] said: Where has Gu Zhongyu been during this time? I haven’t seen anyone in two days, neither at work nor at home. Did you go out with some bitch in the group?

There is something!

Neither the company nor the home have seen it. The information is so accurate, which means that it is likely that he is a female artist in Zongheng, and he knows where his new home is, which means that he should have been there at least once. The target range is already very small.

Gu Zhongyu was so excited that he sent a message using his own account [Bear on Your Liver]: I know where he went!

Within a minute, that [Rampaging Chicken Leg] asked him where Gu Zhongyu went and who he was with...

[It’s all about your liver]: “He went to Italy for a trip, with Liu Yufei!”

[Since we have no chance, why meet again]: "That's nonsense, Liu Yufei is planning to shoot a new movie and has no time to go to Italy!"

Oh, this is the trumpet of Sissi's classmate. I almost forgot that this lie has been brought to the head of the person involved.

[Qingqing Apple Fragrance]: "Gu Zhongyu has always had a blind date, who is not in our group. Have you forgotten?"

[Female men don’t have fevers]: “That’s right! That’s Zhang Zilin, right? She’s still working for Gu Scumbag! She’s the designated one!”

[Cat sleeping with a fish]: "They should not dare to travel domestically. They probably won't go to Japan and South Korea. Southeast Asia is also unlikely. It should be either Europe or North America!"

[Fairy walking the dog]: "Yes, yes! I checked, that Zhang Zilin happens to be not in the company, she must be hanging out with him!"

MD! What kind of brains do these women have, are they all Sherlock Holmes?

The location has been mapped out for him so quickly, and people have guessed it. Shouldn't the next step be to directly guess that he is in Canada, and then block him?

I can’t afford to offend, I can’t afford to offend, and I can’t speak anymore!

The only people who know about his and Zhang Zilin's itinerary are his family members, namely Jiang Shuying, Bai Bin and the others. I have to say hello again. If anyone tries to make innuendo, just pretend to be deaf and dumb!

The prisoner originally thought he could sneak out and play with these women behind his back, but he didn't expect to be noticed...

Noticing that something was wrong with Gu Zhongyu's expression, Zhang Zilin, who was chewing a chicken leg, raised her head and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something urgent in the company?"

"It's a small problem, it doesn't matter."

Put all these messy things behind for the time being and have fun when you go out to play. He didn't want Zhang Zilin's mood to be affected.

For the next week, Gu Zhongyu and Zhang Zilin wandered around the Great Lakes before heading to the United States.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu didn't want to go. The United States was just a modern country with few places of interest. He wanted to go to Europe instead, but Zhang Zilin insisted on going.

He also roughly guessed what this girl was thinking. She didn't want to take up too much of Gu Zhongyu's time. The American Emperor was the closest, and after they visited the Perfect Emperor, they would almost be back home.

So Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to book two tickets to New York.

Gu Zhongyu has been to the United States so many times. He has been to many cities, but his impression of New York has never been very good. It is just a steel forest with no human touch.

Zhang Zilin really liked the look of New York, so she took Gu Zhongyu to take photos of various places, from the Statue of Liberty to the Empire State Building and Times Square.

"If you like, we can stay a little longer. There will be a concert in Times Square during New Year's Eve."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zilin said with a smile: "Forget it, I am more accustomed to life in Yanjing, and the company still has a lot of things waiting for me to do. I have to work hard to make money for you, show my value, and ensure that I am not Abandon it!”

"Zi Lin..."

Suddenly, he felt that even in New York in December, he was not as cold-hearted as he was at this moment. Zhang Zilin's words made him depressed!

As a conscientious scumbag, these are the last words you can tolerate!

"What? I'm just kidding! You can't take it seriously, can you? No, no, no?"

"Woman, you are playing with fire!"

Gu Zhongyu pulled Zhang Zilin into his arms and gave her a French wet kiss full of guilt and affection on this snowy night!

Zhang Zilin blinked her big eyes and looked at the man in front of her, hugged him with her backhand, and responded enthusiastically...

They didn't know how long they kissed until Gu Zhongyu's cell phone rang.

This is from that annoying turtle egg!

Zhang Zilin took the initiative to push him away and said, "Answer it! The call at this time should be for work."

Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to pick up the phone, and it turned out to be that old turtle egg called Frank. The caller was a little excited and chatted very quickly. Gu Zhongyu didn't take it seriously at first, but he was soon moved by his emotions and became excited.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Gu Zhongyu hang up the phone with a smile on his face, Zhang Zilin asked curiously.

""The Invisible Guest" has been postponed. The final box office was 120 million US dollars, which is 20 million more than we expected. Moreover, the nominations for the Golden Globe Awards have just been announced, and "The Invisible Guest" also won five awards. Nomination list!”

Gu Zhongyu's tone was very relaxed, and it was a complete surprise. He never expected that this movie would receive so many nominations. Now he, Chen Sicheng and the entire Zongheng Film and Television have opened up a new door in North America!

"As expected of my man!" Zhang Zilin praised with a smile, "Then we have to celebrate!"

"Come on, let's have a good dinner tonight!"

The two of them smiled and walked towards a restaurant not far away.

At this time, the domestic media has exploded!

That's the Golden Globe Award!

The United States is accustomed to announcing the nomination list at night, so when the news reached the country, it was probably around five o'clock in the morning.

Of course, Sina Entertainment followed and reported the whole process, so many netizens woke up the next day and found out, holy shit! Is Gu Zhongyu going to heaven?

Please give me monthly recommendations, dear readers.

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