After getting the guarantee, Tang Yixin no longer had the previous anxiety. She took Gu Zhongyu's hand and pulled him to the bathroom. In his puzzled eyes, she slowly squatted down and asked, "Do you remember what you did in the nightclub when we first met?"

Gu Zhongyu understood and started to move quickly.

He used to like the way Tang Yixin smiled, and today he finally saw her bright smile in another situation...

The next morning, when Zhang Ruoyun rubbed his eyes and walked down the stairs, he felt that the alcohol had not completely dissipated and his head still hurt a little.

Gu Zhongyu was eating soy milk and fried dough sticks on the table. Seeing Zhang Ruoyun got up, he asked him with concern if his head felt better now?

"It's OK. This Bawangzui is really famous. It's just one bottle, but I didn't expect it to have such a strong aftereffect. By the way, did you stay at my house last night?"

"Yes! You got drunk and held me and wouldn't let me leave. How come you lost your memory?"

"No! I saw that the quilts in the guest room were neatly folded. Where did you sleep last night?"

"I just pushed the sofa together for convenience and slept on it."

In fact, he was afraid that Zhang Ruoyun would find them when she woke up in the middle of the night, so Gu Zhongyu chose the sofa last night because the sound of walking down the stairs would be very obvious, giving them time to clean up.

"I'm sorry for wronging you, old Gu. It's all my fault. Where's Tingting?"

Gu Zhongyu drank the soy milk with a normal expression and said, "I'm going to buy you some medicine to replenish your body. Drinking alcohol hurts your liver. She said that you should take good care of it while you are young. She really cares about you!"

"Hehe, then I'll go take a shower first, and we'll go back to the company together later!"

"Go, Pikachu!"

After Zhang Ruoyun left and the sound of water came from the bathroom, Gu Zhongyu tapped the table and said, "Come out! He's taking a shower, you should also wash your face quickly!"

When Zhang Ruoyun came out of the shower, Tang Yixin was already sitting in her seat eating breakfast like nothing had happened.

Tang Yixin, who was drinking white porridge with pickled mustard, saw Zhang Ruoyun coming out and told her boyfriend, "Remember to take liver protection tablets. I've put them in your backpack."

"Got it!" Zhang Ruoyun smelled the fragrant oil cakes and couldn't wait to sit down and eat. The three of them finished their breakfast in harmony.

Just when Zhang Ruoyun went upstairs to change clothes, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but take Tang Yixin's hand, let her sit on his thighs, and kissed her deeply again!

"You're going to die!" Tang Yixin glared at him angrily, looked at the stairs worriedly, and then took the initiative to put her arms around Gu Zhongyu's neck and offered her lips...

"Remember! You are not allowed to do this to me when Dayunzi is here in the future!"

"Don't worry! Dayunzi has difficulty making choices, and he can't change clothes that fast!"

"Haha! You really understand him, you are worthy of being his "good brother"!" Tang Yixin deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the three words "good brother" to show ridicule, "Is the friendship between you men so hypocritical?"

"No! In my heart, I still regard Dayunzi as a brother and you as my sister-in-law."

"You are such a bastard!"

How can someone say such shameless words without changing his face or heart?

Of course, she is not qualified to blame Gu Zhongyu now. She can only be twice as nice to Zhang Ruoyun in the future to make up for her guilt!

When Zhang Ruoyun changed her clothes and left with Gu Zhongyu, he didn't see that Gu Zhongyu actually turned back and kissed Tang Yixin who was leaning against the door frame...

The incident with Tang Yixin was just an unexpected episode. I just feel sorry for Dayunzi. I will give him more resources as compensation in the future!

However... it is still very exciting, although he is indeed a jerk.


If he knew that "The Invisible Guest" would receive so many Golden Globe nominations, Gu Zhongyu would have traveled with Zhang Zilin later. Now, he has just returned for a few days and will soon go to the United States again.

As the Oscars gradually become the world's largest awards ceremony and the most watched show in the global entertainment industry, a series of events that can affect it will be taken into consideration before the final awards are announced.

Therefore, awards such as the Critics Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, the three major guild awards, and even the British Academy Film Awards in England, which are enough to influence the results of the Oscars, naturally become an important part of the awards season like pearls strung together.

Starting from the Gotham Independent Film Awards at the end of November, the three-month film awards season began.

Then, on December 6, the Washington Film Critics Association Awards were announced;

On December 7, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, the British Independent Film Awards, the Boston Film Critics Association Awards, and the New York Film Critics Association Awards were announced;

On December 8, the American Film Institute Awards were announced...

And a series of film critics awards, among which the most well-known are undoubtedly the New York Film Critics Association Awards, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, and the Boston Film Critics Association Awards.

"The Invisible Guest" won most of the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor awards. At the same time, a quarter of these critics' awards went to "The Invisible Guest" for Best Picture, another quarter went to "American Hustle", and the rest were basically won by "12 Years a Slave". Leonardo DiCaprio's "The Wolf of Wall Street" was just a supporting role throughout. "Blue Jasmine" was pretty good, at least it won most of the Best Actress awards.

New York film critics even removed "The Wolf of Wall Street" from the best picture candidate list, which basically declared the failure of Leonardo DiCaprio's attempt to win another Oscar.

It is true that this biographical film was shot too roughly, on a large scale, and even exposed three points directly. Moreover, DiCaprio's performance in the film was a bit too hard, and instead was overshadowed by Matthew McConaughey, who only came to make a cameo. Suppressed.

In addition to a bunch of film critics awards, there are also the Golden Globe Awards, Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, British Academy Film Awards and the three major guild awards.

The latter few are known as Oscar trendsetters, especially the three major guild awards.

There are 6,000 Oscar judges, most of whom are guild members, which means that these members have already judged the award once before the Oscars are awarded!

The Directors Guild selects the best director, the Screen Actors Guild selects the best actor, and the Producers Guild selects the best film.

Therefore, the Guild Awards have the highest overlap rate with the Oscars.

Let’s talk about the Actors Guild. Foreigners can also join. The first person to join the American Actors Guild was Hong Kong veteran actor Zeng Jiang.

Since 2012, the Screen Actors Guild has merged with the Federation of American Television and Radio Artists, referred to as sagaftra. There are currently more than 200,000 registered actors, including almost all actors in the United States, and these actors have starred in as many as 160,000 movies and TV series.

You only need to pay an entrance fee of US$3,000, and you can join the Screen Actors Guild if you have starred in a film produced by American Film Company. This is also a necessary condition for foreigners to run for the Oscars.

With the Golden Globes approaching, it’s a critical moment for the Olympics!

In fact, everyone involved in Hollywood knows that the Golden Globes and the Oscars have nothing to do with the judges.

But who made the Golden Globe Awards become bigger and bigger now? Its attention and influence are second only to the Oscars!

It is estimated that the 85 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association at the beginning did not expect that they could be so awesome!

Especially for actors, winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor and Best Actress has a significant bonus to their remuneration. Therefore, Golden Globe PR has become a new topic for major studios.

The origin of the Golden Globe Awards is very interesting. In 1943, eight European and Asian reporters who specialized in reporting in Hollywood formed a hometown association. At a fixed time every year, everyone would get together to communicate and talk about their awesomeness.

After all, these people are engaged in special reports on Hollywood, and movies must be the subject of their chats, and then these people amuse themselves by getting a bunch of inexplicable awards.

This award is the Golden Globe Award.

In fact, the Golden Globe Awards had no influence at all at the beginning, and its professionalism and authority were also questioned because there were too few judges and it was easy to be bribed by public relations!

For example, in 1982, it awarded the Best Newcomer to Pia Zadora, who starred in Butterfly, but everyone knew that it was her multimillionaire husband who hired a group of publicists with huge sums of money to "buy" the award for his beautiful wife. .

After entering the 21st century, the life of the Golden Globe Awards has become increasingly difficult.

In the beginning, the Golden Globe Awards were actually representatives of "mavericks". They stood outside the Oscar academy judges, helped the audience speak, and awarded awards to some mainstream works and actors that were insulated from the Oscars because of their subject matter. The presence of supplements.

But then, for the sake of commercial interests, the Golden Globe Awards began to change its direction and appeared as an Oscar bellwether.

In recent years, the distribution of Golden Globe awards has gradually deviated more and more from the Oscars. It is not as unique as it was at the beginning, but it has deviated again in terms of guessing the psychology of the Oscar academy.

This is very embarrassing! Its authority will be even more shaken!

Many big-name movie stars don't win the Golden Globe Award at all, Sean Penn is a typical figure!

In 2004, the Golden Globe nominated Sean Penn for Best Actor, but the latter was absent!

In contrast, Sean Penn showed enough importance to the Oscars, not only attending in person, but also showing enough respect in his acceptance speech.

This stark contrast also makes the Golden Globe Awards look shameless.

Sean Penn is not a special case, George Clooney and Woody Allen have both been absent from the Golden Globe Awards!

This makes the Golden Globes situation even more embarrassing.

In fact, in North America, the film awards include the Oscars, the TV awards include the Emmy Awards, and the Golden Globe Awards are like a pot of hodgepodge, but they are not as delicate and delicious as others.

The Golden Globe Awards are like a piece of chicken ribs, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

Of course, although the professional authority of the Golden Globe Awards is constantly questioned, due to the success of commercial operations, the Golden Globe Awards are still a very important award globally. Being able to attend the Golden Globe Awards can still attract the attention of the world.

Compared with the Critics Association Awards, Film Critics Awards, including the Guild Awards, which are highly praised in terms of professionalism, the Golden Globe Awards still have sufficient advantages in terms of business, popularity, and attention.

Therefore, the Golden Globe Awards is still the most watched awards ceremony besides the Oscars.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which organizes and awards the Golden Globe Awards, has less than 100 members, and only 85 actually have the right to vote!

Not to mention compared with the Oscar's lineup of 6,000 judges, even the jury members of the American Directors Guild are far higher than this number.

Another point is that the members of the Foreign Correspondents Association today are neither foreigners nor real journalists. They are just commentators or brokers active in Hollywood.

Real professionals never think much of the Ballon d'Or.

Just look at the comments in the media and you will know that everyone will place special emphasis on the Oscar winner and best actress, but will not make a big deal about the Golden Globe winner and best actress; Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio have been fighting for the Oscar. They have long been It was recognized by the Golden Globe Award.

The former won the 2003 Golden Globe Award for Best Director for "Gangs of New York", and the latter won the 2005 Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for "The Aviator".

But what about Oscar?

The distance is very long, but Martin Scorsese finally won the Best Director for The Departed in 2007, and DiCaprio is still struggling!

Why didn't they stop after winning the Golden Globe Award, but instead pursued the Oscar more crazily?

Because Oscar is the highest evaluation in the industry.

The Golden Globe Award presentation time was adjusted in 2002 and advanced by half a month, so it has become the current situation: after the Golden Globe Award is awarded, the Oscars will announce the nomination list, which makes the Golden Globe Award in a certain sense , has become a major promotional platform for the Oscars, which is often favored by Hollywood production companies.

Therefore, even though the Golden Globe Awards lacks professional authority, there are still a large number of film companies flocking to it.

Moreover, the Golden Globe Awards is currently the award ceremony with the highest ratings besides the Oscars, Emmy Awards, and Grammy Awards. This result is enough to prove its success in the commercial field.

Nearly 20 million viewers every year!

For the general audience, the Golden Globe Awards is definitely a gluttonous feast for celebrities!

On January 5, 2014, just after New Year's Day, the 71st American Golden Globe Awards were grandly announced at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. Gu Zhongyu and all the members of "The Invisible Guest" attended the event!

At this Golden Globe Awards, Gu Zhongyu is prepared to be a spectator. He knows that "The Invisible Guest" will not win the best picture, and Chen Sicheng will not win the best director.

According to the public relations strategy he and Frank agreed on, he gave up the Golden Globe Award and switched to the three major guild awards!

Let’s not talk about the quality of the movie, let’s just talk about political correctness, because “12 Years a Slave” is so correct!

The Oscar judges must be kidnapped to make them realize that "12 Years a Slave" is nothing but politically correct!

How can we maximize this impact?

Simple, follow the example of Harvey Weinstein back then,

Yes, it is the producer who is notorious for harassing more than a hundred female stars. Although his moral standards are low, his business ability is still good.

When Harvey was running The King's Speech, his biggest rival was of course David Fincher's The Social Network, who won the Golden Globe Awards for Best Director and Best Picture - Drama.

In particular, The Social Network was praised by film critics, calling it another David Fincher film that shocked the entire Hollywood.

However, it was useless. Harvey knew very well that the Oscar judges were unwilling to be other people's puppets. He knew that many Oscar judges hated film critics, so he publicly stated that "Oscar judges have their own aesthetic judgments, and of course they will not be criticized by film critics." influenced by taste.”

Then, he spared his energy to win the three major guild awards and achieve the final comeback of The King's Speech.

Frank and Gu Zhongyu agree

Of course, giving up here does not mean doing nothing. The public relations procedures that actors should go through still need to be done. Gu Zhongyu himself doesn't care, but Shalizi's performance this time is worthy of winning another Oscar. As long as With a little guidance, the Actor Award should be a sure win!

After all, he is not Li Jian, so he cannot be so ruthless!

Director Li Da is known as the "bending light".

No, it should be the Light of the Chinese.

Li Bian has a very high status in Hollywood and is definitely a top-tier director.

Looking at his fame history, in 1995, he won 7 Oscar nominations for "Sense and Sensibility" and entered the ranks of Hollywood A-level directors.

The subsequent "Ice Storm" and "Ride with the Devil" still received constant praise, but they did not help Li Bian's status, because he was just an ordinary director who shot English movies, so Li Bian released "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in 1999

While successfully winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Director and the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was also a hit in North America!

We know that Hollywood is a business-oriented circle. Even if you are Frank Darabont and you have made a masterpiece like "The Shawshank Redemption", if the box office is not good, there will still be no big productions looking for you!

With "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Li Bian successfully promoted to a quasi-first-line director in Hollywood.

Let’s talk about the inside story of the public relations of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. First of all, it was planned by Harvey Weinstein’s behind-the-scenes public relations. Secondly, it wisely gave up the public relations of the actors and focused all its energy on the director and the film. !

Therefore, Zhou Runfa did not thank Li Bian. He felt that he had become an outcast.

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Li Bian challenged big production and filmed Hulk, which cost 130 million!

Not only did it fail at the box office, but its reputation was also in shambles. Chi Guoguo was a failure!

Hollywood is very realistic. If you can't help me make money, then get out!

Then, Li An took a break for two full years.

It wasn't until 2005 that he filmed "Brokeback Mountain". He was very shrewd. He knew that themes such as homosexuality were more favored by film festivals, including the Oscars!

Then, he succeeded. Brokeback Mountain helped him win a series of honors and won the Oscar for Best Director!

It stands to reason that for a subject like Brokeback Mountain, the actors made such great sacrifices. Forget about the leading actor, but the Best Supporting Actor should be given, right?

But no, neither Heath Ledger, the leading actor, nor Jake Gyllenhaal, the supporting actor, nor even Michelle Williams, the Best Supporting Actress, won the award!

The reason is simple. As Heath Ledger himself said, he did not give himself any help during the filming, and he was left aside when competing for the award. He was not even mentioned in the final acceptance speech!

In fact, it is true. During the entire competition stage, Brokeback Mountain focused all its attention on the two aspects of Best Director and Best Picture.

Ironically, the character Truman Capote played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, the Best Actor at the 2006 Oscars, was also a homosexual!

Even his acceptance speech said: "Capote showed the whole country that not all homosexuals are cowboys, and some are sissy New York intellectuals."

However, Li An had already won the Best Director Oscar, and he didn't bother to care about such things. He didn't respond at all. It takes two hands to clap. What else can Heath Ledger do?

Soon, the battle died down.

Including the 2012 movie Life of Pi, Li An once again gave up the actor aspect when he was rushing for awards, and Surasama didn't get a single actor nomination!

Of course, Li An must have a level, otherwise no matter how much public relations he did, he would not have won the Oscar twice, let alone become the first director in the Chinese community!

An obvious example is that "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" was also directed by Li An, and then what?

With an investment of nearly 50 million US dollars and a publicity and promotion fee of 40 million US dollars, the total cost is almost 90 million US dollars, the North American box office is more than 1 million, and the global box office is less than 20 million US dollars. It was rated as the worst-losing movie in 2016 by the Hollywood professional magazine Variety!

Is it possible for such a movie to win at the Oscars?


The results of the Golden Globe Awards were as expected. In addition to winning the Best Actress Award, The Invisible Guest lost the Best Picture and Best Director awards.

Alfonso Cuarón won the Best Director Award for Gravity, while the Best Picture in the Drama category was won by 12 Years a Slave.

Although they knew they had no chance of winning the award, Gu Zhongyu and Chen Sicheng still couldn't suppress their heartbeats when Johnny Depp announced the Best Picture. Of course, after he announced the Best Picture "12 Years a Slave", the two quickly calmed down and applauded with most of the people at the scene.

Regardless of whether it was sincere or false, the proper courtesy should still be there!

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu's Golden Globe trip this time was still very hopeful in China, and several waves of reporters followed the report.

It was very different from when Zhang Ziyi was nominated for the Best Actress at the Golden Globe Awards, when China did not send any reporters at all!

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