Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 339: Too Pu believes in my brother

Several major portals have opened special topics and are ready to report in real time.

The video broadcasting rights were also bought by Tengxun. Many fans of Gu Zhongyu sat in front of their computers, ready to watch their idol conquer the Americans!

Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

It doesn’t matter if there is no Best Director. After all, the competition is too fierce, Chen Sicheng is too young, and many experts know from the bottom of their hearts that this time he was nominated for the Golden Globe Best Director, and it is estimated that there is still a blessing in terms of race.

There is no Best Picture either, which is very depressing!

Fortunately, Shariz won the title of Best Actress, which is enough to comfort everyone. Not returning empty-handed is already a victory.

Ten years later, Shariz won the Golden Globe Best Actress again. She was so excited that she kissed Gu Zhongyu in front of many reporters after she left the stage!

Fortunately, this sister reacted quickly. After coming to her senses, she immediately kissed Alexandra again, which finally eased the embarrassment, otherwise those newspapers would definitely write nonsense again.

Everyone had been prepared for the failure of the Golden Globe Awards. Only Chen Sicheng, the director, was sighing and groaning. He felt worse than his girlfriend Yaya ignoring him for so long!

When the dinner was over... Yes, the Golden Globe Awards was held in the form of a dinner. The space was very small, filled with dozens of round tables, and even the aisles were very narrow. The award recipients had to walk sideways between the round tables to go on stage to receive the awards.

The stage in front was even more plain, not as grand as the annual meetings of some companies in our country. He couldn't understand why the Americans were stingy in such occasions?

There were even food on the round tables, which were really edible!

After leaving the Hilton Hotel, domestic reporters surrounded him and asked Gu Zhongyu relevant questions, probably asking him what he thought about the failure of the first Golden Globe Awards.

Gu Zhongyu was very frank and directly said that this was all within his expectations. As for the Oscar nomination list in half a month, he also cautiously said that he probably didn't have much of a chance.

When the news reached China, most people felt it was a pity. Of course, some people laughed at them, saying that they were overestimating their abilities and that they would definitely not win an Oscar!

But this time, they were slapped in the face very quickly.

On January 11, 2014, the nominations for the 86th Academy Awards were announced. "The Invisible Guest" received a total of five nominations, including the Best Actress Award, the Makeup Award, Best Editing, and more importantly, the Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay nominations!

This was quite unexpected for Gu Zhongyu. With five nominations, it seems that there is still room for improvement!

After the Oscar nominations were announced, the major studios knew what was going on. They knew this year's opponents and the main targets of public relations!

For example, it was Leonardo Dicaprio.

Leo has always been a candidate for the best actor in the hearts of the audience, but he has always been a runner-up!

The biggest highlight of this year's Oscars is whether Leo can realize his dream of winning an Oscar after 20 years!

This guy has been a runner-up since he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 1993. In fact, when the awards season started this year, Leo's hope was not very high because his performance in "The Wolf of Wall Street" was too open, and the movie was too exaggerated. Many people did not like the movie and even said that it misinterpreted the American dream.

Especially conservatives believe that such a movie should not be selected as the best film at all!

But Leo did not give up. He worked very hard to appear on various programs to talk about and promote "The Wolf of Wall Street" and personally explained the relevant controversy.

These actions made his voice for winning the award rise sharply. When the Oscars were approaching, many media, including Entertainment Weekly, regarded him as the first person to challenge the throne of the best actor.

Even he himself thought so and continued to step up his public relations.

The so-called public relations, to put it bluntly, is to spend money to buy awards. According to our country, this is called bribery and bribery, but in the United States, they call it reasonable public relations!

The common strategies of public relations are nothing more than two aspects: elevating oneself and belittling opponents.

First, intensive promotion. Starting from the award season, in order to increase exposure, the studios want to squeeze every minute of the film creation team. Directors and leading actors are busy during the award season, rushing to participate in various media activities arranged by the studios.

At the beginning of the award season, Hollywood studios will launch a batch of "for your reference" posters, and strengthen the audience's impression by carefully selecting corresponding media praise for the nominations that their works may receive.

To put it bluntly, this is the "seeking attention" version of the print media.

In order to elevate themselves, some studios do not hesitate to take some excessive actions, which often cause controversy.

For example, this year's "Inside Llewyn Davis" took a full page in the New York Times, advocating that it is "the best movie of the year";

And "12 Years a Slave" has a "for your reference" poster printed with "It's time", which is also considered to kidnap the judges' sense of morality to some extent.

At the same time, "The Invisible Guest" is intriguing. Leave more movies to movies, and let politics go away from movies!

A few years later, they would definitely not dare to use such slogans for propaganda, after all, the Oscars had completely become a stage for expressing politics!

There were also actions directly targeting the members of the Academy who had voting rights, such as filling the judges' mailboxes with relevant pictures and texts introducing the works, and even pasting movie posters all over the judges' daily activity areas!

The above can only be regarded as the most common public relations strategies, and basically every studio does this.

In addition, they also need to discredit their opponents, which is black public relations!

The two films "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Blue Jasmine" can almost say goodbye to Oscars. The former is because of the content, and the latter is because of the director's character.

It must be a smear campaign from other studios!

"12 Years a Slave" has become the public enemy of all other films that have a chance to be nominated, because it is so strong that it almost leads the awards season!

Its production company, Fox Searchlight, has always had a good eye for selecting scripts, and has successfully selected "Slumdog Millionaire," "Little Miss Sunshine," "Black Swan" and "Juno" including this year's "12 Years a Slave."

This is so frustrating!

Why are you so awesome?

As a result, a series of reports appeared in newspapers and on the Internet.

"Incomparably politically correct racial films are full of accusations and simplifications, and I especially don't like to show violent scenes directly. This is disrespectful and even insulting to the audience..."

"The reason why bad movies are full of violence is because the director is incapable of expressing strong emotions in a simple and restrained way. If such a movie can win the best director and best picture, the judges will be blind!"

"A typical main theme movie. It is particularly good in visual impact and emotional experience. It is much better than the second-rate The White House Butler, but it lacks personality overall. It is more like a movie customized for the awards season than the director's personal experience. work."

Similar comments and tones flooded the Internet after the Golden Globes.

In particular, his director Steve McQueen is a black man and publicly declared that if Ao Guanhai had been born in the American Empire a hundred years ago, his situation would have been like that of Solomon Northup!

Originally, such remarks could definitely add points to the film, but it's a pity that O'Hei is too busy during this period, busy with medical reform and legalization of homosexuality, and he has no time to pay attention to 12 Years a Slave

The effect of Steve McQueen's words was very poor, and he was criticized for kidnapping Oscar!

On the other hand, Gu Zhongyu and Frank followed the winning strategy they had formulated before and worked steadily step by step. They never missed the mark.

In the interview, he also said that he would accept the recognition of the judges!

With the three major trade union awards already won, Gu Zhongyu feels that this year's Oscar for Best Picture can still be a bit suspenseful!

The news that "The Invisible Guest" received five Oscar nominations completely detonated the entire Chinese entertainment industry!

After the Oscar nominations were announced, the names of Gu Zhongyu, Chen Sicheng and others appeared frequently in the newspapers. A lot of portals wanted to interview them exclusively, but it was a pity that there was no chance because Yang Ma was also here!

Yang Ma originally considered doing a special report on the TV series at seven o'clock every day, but then she thought about it and gave it up. After all, she didn't win the award.

Chaowen Tianxia reported to Gu Zhongyu again, and this time it was live connection!

Gu Zhongyu's father, Gu Tiejun, was also watching TV at home at this time. Even if he had retired for many years, he felt that he should always keep abreast of news and public opinion trends.

Originally there was no real news hot spot, but the host Li Wenjing followed the formal procedure and reported that the Chinese Academy of Sciences released the 2014 China Economic Forecast Report: GDP growth rate was low at first and then high and prices were rising moderately!

Then, the situation suddenly changed: On the 11th local time, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees and cast and crew of the 86th Academy Awards at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles. List. Although the Hong Kong film "The Grandmaster", which was previously included in the list of nine candidates for the best foreign language film, was eventually eliminated, it was still nominated for best photography and best costume design. "Invisible", produced by Gu Zhongyu and directed by Chen Sicheng "The Guest" received five nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actress, Recent Editing, and Best Screenplay. Judging from the nominations, it was second only to "Gravity" and "American Hustle" which received ten nominations. , let’s connect live with the main creative staff of the crew to talk about his feelings about this nomination. "

Then, the TV screen suddenly switched to two parts, and an image of a telephone appeared on the right, beeping for a few seconds, and then connected.

Gu Tiejun watched his son chatting with reporters on TV, feeling a little complicated.

He has never wanted his son to enter the entertainment industry. Even if he compromised later, he was forced to do so because he did not want to estrange the relationship with his younger son. But now seeing that he has achieved such results, and his film works have repeatedly won awards abroad and brought honor to the people of the country. Finally, it is In my heart, I recognized a certain amount of my son's career.

Yang Ma's two consecutive reports completely spread Gu Zhongyu's popularity, and many middle-aged and elderly people who did not know her began to talk about him.

In fact, after 2010, entertainment industry news has completely overshadowed most real-time reports.

Probably because we don’t have much to report. Although there are a lot of miscellaneous things going on all over the country at any time, not many people care at all. Due to some factors, we can’t talk about national affairs, so let’s talk about the entertainment industry!

As a result, the private affairs of many celebrities have become a hot topic of national concern.

Starting from Wang Fei, Xie Tingfeng, Li Yapeng, then Wen Zhang, Ma Yili, Yao Di, and then to the cheating team and the drug-absorbing team, the whole country is talking about it!

Especially since 2014, celebrities have been exposed every now and then for taking drugs or cheating, and almost every one of them has become the focus of public opinion.

Although Gu Zhongyu, who is far away in the United States, knows that his popularity and exposure will definitely increase during this period, especially his high profile, it will also increase accordingly.

But he didn't expect that when he got off the plane, the reporters who greeted him would actually crowd the entire exit of Yanjing International Airport. There must have been hundreds of people from the central media, online media and fans picking him up!

It was the Spring Festival that was about to come, and there were so many people rushing to the motherland from North America. Coupled with a bunch of reporters, the entire exit was crowded into a pot of porridge, making it difficult to move at all.

"Stop squeezing and let other passengers go out first!"

Gu Zhongyu shouted loudly, wondering if he could restore order to the scene first.

Haha, no one cares about him at all.

However, a bunch of foreign tourists were scolding him, saying that he wasted other people's time.

Gu Zhongyu was unjustly accused and wanted to die. You said it was none of his business to say that the blockage was like this. It was not a reporter he recruited on his own initiative.

This time, these reporters were not going to let him go easily. Even though Gu Zhongyu answered several questions in succession, the reporters still surrounded him.

I had no choice but to let Dudu sneak out to find the airport security, who led them away safely from the VIP channel. When they walked outside, they saw Jiang Shuying and Bai Bin, the two secretaries who had been waiting outside for a long time.

Gu Zhongyu climbed into the back seat of the car with lingering fears, "Are these reporters crazy?"

"Who makes you so popular now!" Jiang Shuying said with a smile, seeing that Gu Zhongyu was sweating a lot, and reached out to help him take off his heavy coat.

"I mean, if they block the airport like this, aren't they afraid of being beaten to death by grumpy passengers?"

"Haha, even if I am beaten to death, it will definitely be counted on you when the time comes!"

Chen Sicheng was very excited. He had never been so popular since his debut. Excited, he picked up his cell phone and called his girlfriend Yaya, hoping to share the joy of success with her.

But after getting through, Yaya didn't seem very happy. She just said a few words of congratulations and then hung up, which made him very depressed.

But he has obviously apologized several times and has not gone out to flirt with women during this period of time. Why has Yaya, who has always been good-tempered, maintained a cold war with him for so long this time?

"Mr. Gu, can you help me with the details?"

He remembered that Gu Zhongyu was also a well-known love saint in the circle and had rich experience. He might ask him what he could gain, so he briefly told Yaya and his current situation.

This stumped Gu Zhongyu!

Unfortunately, he couldn't just pat Chen Sicheng on the shoulder and tell him, brother, it was actually me who cheated on you. Yaya is no longer interested in you, so she should give up her calculations as soon as possible!

But to be honest, even if Gu Zhongyu told the truth, Chen Sicheng couldn't do anything to him.

His current fame and achievements were all brought to him by Gu Zhongyu's movie, and he also signed a contract of sale. Chen Sicheng couldn't bear the nine-digit liquidated damages. Even if he wanted to change jobs, no one would be willing to spend so much. Money comes to poach him.

Of course, Gu Zhongyu will definitely not be so heartless. He wants Chen Sicheng to slowly accept the fact that Yaya left him and break up peacefully, so that everyone can be decent.

"Well...have you ever thought that maybe Yaya has a new love?"

"Impossible! Yaya can't live without me at all..." When he said this, Chen Sicheng shook his greasy hair very coolly, showing everyone how handsome he was.


Chen Duling tried his best to cover his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud, while Jiang Shuying and Bai Bin also rolled their eyes and tried to respect Director Chen.

Too popular, brother!

I don’t even dare to say that a woman can’t live without me!

Once a woman changes her mind, unlike her male compatriots who like to be separated, even eight big horses can't pull her back!

It seems that it will take time for Chen Sicheng to recognize the reality!

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