Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 343 Inviting Zhang Li to the car for the second time

Because this movie is the first time that Huang Bo has a passionate scene, the reporters are eager to know the specific details and are eager to ask questions.

Huang Bo admitted: "This is my first time to shoot a passionate scene, and it should be the last time." But he refused to reveal more details and only asked everyone to go to the cinema to watch it.

Gu Zhongyu responded very "gay": "In fact, I am the true love of Mr. Huang Bo. He looked around and found that I was the only one left."

Then, in order to "retaliate" against the "philandering" journey of the two male protagonists, Yaya, Zhou Dongyu, Tang Yixin, Zhang Li, Ma Su, and Jiao Junyan, six goddesses, sent "weird" props one after another, which made people laugh.

Yaya held a specially made Huang Bo retro CD cover. Huang Bo with long hair on the cover actually looked a bit handsome, but Gu Zhongyu mercilessly complained: "This rural entrepreneur looks a bit familiar!"

Zhou Dongyu was a little petty. She had been thinking about Gu Zhongyu asking her to dress ugly. What she sent was actually a yellow wig of the same style as the movie, and she asked Gu Zhongyu to wear it on the spot.

So Gu Zhongyu had to transform into a "cute" Shamatte in a second, and the shocking look caused the whole audience to burst into laughter!

This girl really holds a grudge. No wonder when she was filming "Better Days", she asked the whole crew to shave their heads with her. I won't ask her to film in the future!

Nazha found a bunch of red heart-shaped stones from somewhere, and staged a cute five-shot with Gu Zhongyu, but... I'm not Li Chen, why did you give me these things?

Zhang Li was even more funny, holding a giant tea egg and giving it to the two of them, and also demonstrated on the spot how to "steadily and accurately" slap Huang Bo; Ma Su was quite down-to-earth, bringing a special check to wish the film a big box office success, and Jiao Junyan came out with a bouquet, but Huang Bo teased her, "The flowers are there, but where is the ring?"

After a few rounds of games, the audience was amused and laughed, and felt that watching this premiere was worth the price of the ticket.

Soon, it was time for the show, and everyone entered the viewing hall to enjoy the movie.

The movie starts with a shot of Geng Hao cutting furniture. Judging from the furnishings in the house, it doesn't look like a wealthy family. Then the lawyer in charge of the divorce appears, and everyone knows that Huang Bo is playing another frustrated middle-aged man.

Playing this kind of role is really Huang Bo's comfort zone. He looks aggrieved, stubborn and funny. I don't know why he went to play a middle-aged idol drama later!

("The Right Way to Open Life", that scene is really eye-catching, a whole greasy uncle's fantasy life, living in a big house and having a successful career, a beautiful and capable wife, a beautiful ex-girlfriend throwing herself into his arms, and a subordinate obsessed with him. Huang Bo's performance in it was also criticized to the point of being completely exhausted!)

Many film critics found that this movie had a sense of déjà vu soon after the screening.

In fact, "Heart Flower" itself borrowed some from Han Han's "See You Tomorrow", which is also a story about two men and a dog on the same road, but "See You Tomorrow" relies on constantly shaking Han Han's signature skill - language baggage, "Heart Flower" relies on pure film techniques.

There are two plots in the whole film. One is that Geng Hao, played by Huang Bo, drove from BJ to deliver props with his nephew Hao Yi and puppy Juice, trying to heal Geng Hao's divorce wounds through romantic encounters along the way; the other is that Xiao Yu, played by Ya Ya, encountered a forced marriage dilemma in Yanjing and her life was not going well. She was emotionally broken. One night, she happened to hear a song about Dali, so she decided to go to Dali and stayed in a youth hostel for a long time.

However, this version of "Heart Flower" was shot more obscurely. Most people didn't expect Xiao Yu to be Geng Hao's wife at first, and thought that the two would eventually meet in Dali and be together!

Both plots encountered many things that made people laugh and cry. In fact, the plot blackened the literary youth and youth hostel owner in Dali many times here, and also corrected the hairdressers. There were contrasts between impetuous people and down-to-earth people, and between infatuated people and romantic people.

There were many echoing details, such as the words on the wall. The two people started and ended with the words on the wall.

But in fact, the plot setting and details of the movie are far less careful and clever than those of the "Crazy" series and "No Man's Land". The "Crazy" series makes you laugh non-stop with one joke after another. There are also many funny points in "Heart Flower Road", but some of them are set a bit deliberately.

So this requires another selling point of "Heart Flower" - beauty!

In addition to Zhou Dongyu, the beauties that appear one after another in the movie are dazzling. Even the little sister who does big health care is at the same level as Nazha, and each has its own characteristics, especially Zhang Li's long legs in the movie.

The appearance of the beautiful Siqing is undoubtedly a bright spot in the chaotic and slightly absurd journey of Geng Hao and Hao Yi.

In the wilderness, car accidents, luggage props messed up on the ground...

The long-legged beauty walked out of the BMW in such a scene - fashionable and modern, sexy and beautiful, stunning, this is undoubtedly the posture of a goddess.

Many people think that her beauty in the movie even overshadows the heroine Yaya!

This is the addition of the lens and makeup to the actors. It can turn a beauty with a 70-point appearance into a beauty with a score of nearly 90 points. Of course, Zhang Li herself is indeed beautiful enough, not worse than Yaya.

However, the following scenes are not suitable for children. Hao Yi, played by Gu Zhongyu, has a romantic encounter and car sex in the movie. Although the actors did not reveal anything, this feeling of covering up is more likely to arouse people's desire. Many parents who brought their children to watch the movie have already regretted it!

Gu Zhongyu really doesn't understand how these parents are. There are so many borderline scenes in the trailer, but they still bring their children to watch it?

It's not that Gu Zhongyu wants to poison the future flowers of the motherland. There is really no film rating system now. No matter what the film is, it is watched by all ages. You can't stop it at all!

Gu Zhongyu's performance of Hao Yi borrowed from Lu Xiaobu. He is the type of handsome, mean and lustful. It can be regarded as a breakthrough in his screen image. He was worried that the audience would not buy it, but judging from the laughter that kept coming, they were still very happy to see the other side of their idol!

After the movie was over, the audience applauded. Although "Heart Flower" did not catch up with the quality of the Crazy Series, it was also a good comedy movie. The requirements of domestic audiences are really not high. During the New Year, as long as they can make them laugh twice, they will feel that the ticket money is not wasted.

Then a group of creators came on stage to thank

This time the host was Li Mi from the movie channel. The girl in her twenties was very touched by this kind of movie. After she came on stage, she exclaimed: "The movie is really good! I didn't expect that the cooperation between Huang Bo and Gu Zhongyu would have such a wonderful comedy chemistry. I just want to say that I will watch it again tomorrow." As she said that, she loudly asked the audience: "What do you think of "Heart Flower"? Is it good?"

"It's good!"

Hundreds of audiences shouted in unison, and the momentum was deafening.

It was still very face-giving. After all, they were the audience invited to the premiere, and their quality must be in place.

"Let's interview several main creators. Teacher Gu, how did you think of writing such a movie?"

"How should I put it? Everyone knows that I have a wide range of hobbies. Once I was driving a self-driving tour and saw the beautiful scenery around me. In addition, "Lost on Journey" gave me inspiration, so I thought, why not make a road comedy? The facts have proved that my choice is right. Do you think the box office of this movie can exceed 1 billion?"

Things are different now. Now Gu Zhongyu's requirements for the box office have changed, but he feels uncomfortable if it's 1 billion.

"It must be possible!"

The audience shouted excitedly.

"You promised it! Sign a contract. If the box office is not enough, I will ask you to make up for it!" Huang Bo followed suit.

After the premiere, the actors exchanged a few words with the guests who came to support them, and then left the theater. They will go to other places for roadshows next, but Gu Zhongyu and some non-important roles will not participate.

"Teacher Zhang Li! Get in my car!"

Zhang Li, who was originally planning to go to the airport, saw Gu Zhongyu calling her to get in the car again. Almost without hesitation, she told the assistant to let her go back by herself, and she got into Gu Zhongyu's RV.

This car has been left in Dali since the last filming, and it was unexpected that it was used again today.

"Hiss! I didn't expect Yunnan to be so cold today!"

The temperature in Dali today was less than ten degrees. Zhang Li wrapped herself in a coat, with her long black wavy hair draped outside. Just like last time, there was nothing on her calves, not even a pair of stockings.

This was the second time she got into Gu Zhongyu's car alone. In fact, at this stage, both parties knew that something was going to happen. Last time, there were too many people in the crew and they didn't catch up. This time, it was just the two of them, and the driver in front.

So what's next...tasting the main course?

Ahem, Gu Zhongyu is certainly not that impatient. He is not a prisoner who has been holding back for a long time and is eager to be released. He is still very patient.

The reason why Zhang Li got into her car directly was also an obedience test. I didn't expect that she came without hesitation for a second.

At this time, Zhang Li had taken off her coat. It was very warm in the RV, so Gu Zhongyu just wore a shirt.

Well, red skirt, long legs, flaming red has that flavor.

"I accidentally splashed water all over your face while playing with the water gun just now. Did your makeup stay intact?"

"It's okay. It's not makeup remover. Hey, Mr. Gu, are you taking revenge on me for spraying you with anti-wolf spray when I was acting?"

"Are you kidding me? Am I such a petty person?" Gu Zhongyu picked up the bottle and poured her a glass of wine. He asked casually, "Have you taken any roles recently?"

Zhang Li was stunned by Gu Zhongyu's question. She didn't expect that he would suddenly shift the topic to this aspect. A bitter look hung on the corner of her mouth. "My schedule is very empty later. I'm out of the show..."

It's so miserable, isn't it?

"I turned down a costume drama to act in "Heart Flower Blooming". Many resources were snatched away by others before, so now... I'm quite short of roles!"

As if she was complaining, Zhang Li intermittently gave Gu Zhongyu a good show of misery.

This made Gu Zhongyu feel like he was a judge on "The Voice of China" and listening to people tell tragic stories. This girl's ability to sell misery was actually okay. If she could squeeze out a few more tears and look more pitiful, it would be even better.

"What do you want?"

"Ah?" Zhang Li was suddenly stunned. Facing Gu Zhongyu's somewhat confusing question, she seemed to be unable to understand.

"I ask you, what kind of resources do you want~" Gu Zhongyu said it again patiently, more directly.

"I" didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to be so direct suddenly. She thought the two would talk about love and romance first. At this moment, Zhang Li's mind was blank and she didn't know how to start.

Gu Zhongyu took a sip of wine from the glass. He felt that as he became more and more successful in his career, he had changed a lot. In the past, when he faced girls, especially those he had not had much contact with, he was willing to coax them or show his gentle side.

Now... I don't know why, I am getting more and more lazy to do so.

Looking at Zhang Li, who was a little nervous in front of him, he held the glass and moved closer to her, then looked at Zhang Li, and gently lifted her chin with his other hand.

"It's okay, think about it, there's no rush now, do you know how to massage?"

"Not very well."

"Try it~"

After saying that, without waiting for Zhang Li to respond, Gu Zhongyu lay down on her thighs. This time, the distance was closer than the last time when he wiped her legs. He could directly smell the fragrance emanating from Zhang Li, which seemed to be the same perfume as her handkerchief.

Chen Duling drove the car to a large parking lot and found a place in the corner to park.

Then she got out of the car and looked around the car, confirmed that the windows and other things were closed and locked, and rode a folding electric bike to a nearby hotel to rest.

She will come to drive at around 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and she will probably have to clean up the "traces" from the previous night by then!

She used to be very resistant to doing these things, but as she got along with Gu Zhongyu for a long time, she has already become familiar with it, especially after the annual meeting, when she accompanied Gu Zhongyu with Bai Lu and Chen Yao in the crazy days, she now feels that she has been reborn and completely blackened!

"Mr. Gu, I've made up my mind!"

Gu Zhongyu closed his eyes and enjoyed the massage service. Zhang Li's technique was average and quite stiff, but lying in the girl's arms and letting others massage his shoulders, he couldn't be so picky.

"Have you made up your mind?" Gu Zhongyu opened his eyes and asked with interest.

"Hmm~" Zhang Li took a deep breath, and the massage movement of her hands did not stop, "I heard that Mr. Gu has a big action production next year..."

Gu Zhongyu: ? ? ?

What the hell, how did she know? Gu Zhongyu originally thought that Operation Mekong was quite confidential, but even a small artist of this level got the news?

"How did you know? Who told you?" Gu Zhongyu narrowed his eyes and turned his head slightly to stare at Zhang Li.

"It was you, Mr. Gu, who announced it at the annual meeting..." Zhang Li was a little flustered, not knowing what she said wrong, and stopped moving her hands.

Oh, I almost forgot, he wrote the name of the movie on the big screen, it's not surprising for outsiders to know.

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