"Change it!" Gu Zhongyu continued to lie down and closed his eyes, motioning Zhang Li to continue pressing.

"I don't want the heroine, I just want the second female lead."

"No, no negotiation!"

Biting her lip, Zhang Li didn't seem to want to give up, "Why?"

"Why? Do you think I need to explain to you?" Gu Zhongyu's tone was calm and teasing, making her face pale.

"But, I can."

"You think too much of yourself~" The cold ice rain patted her face randomly.

Gu Zhongyu's smiling words made Zhang Li's heart sink.

Is it not worth the price?

It really is. Looking at Gu Zhongyu's handsome profile, Zhang Li's initial fluke disappeared.

She was originally thinking whether she would have the opportunity to become Gu Zhongyu's girlfriend.

Gu Zhongyu has never had a girlfriend on the surface. Before coming, she had this fantasy. After all, the little ambiguity between the two in the car gave her an unrealistic fantasy.

But now, the fantasy is shattered.

She probably just wants to change her taste. It is very likely that she will get off the car tomorrow and Gu Zhongyu will not look for her again.

Just when Zhang Li was feeling sad, Gu Zhongyu said again: "But! I hope you don't have any contact with other opposite sex during the time you are with me. If you feel that it is enough, you can tell me and I will give you freedom!"

Zhang Li has a good appearance and figure, but it is too wasteful to have a one-time transaction. This sister is low-key in her life and work. If it is listed as a collection... it is also a good choice!

Gu Zhongyu's meaning is very clear, that is, I want to keep you!

It feels a bit like objectifying women?

No... Giving money is objectifying women. He obviously treats girls as priceless treasures!

Hearing this, Zhang Li's eyes lit up, and then she showed a somewhat tangled expression. Although this kind of relationship is stronger than a simple transaction, it seems that there is no dignity. Does it feel?

At this time, Gu Zhongyu stood up, unbuttoned his shirt, took it off and threw it aside.

Zhang Li was slightly surprised by the sharp muscle lines on his body. She didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu, who had reached such a position, was still so self-disciplined and knew how to exercise his muscles.

"Have you taken a shower?" Gu Zhongyu asked.


Zhang Li was a little confused. Was he going to get straight to the point? Was he too impatient?

"That's good. Anyway, my words are valid for a long time. It doesn't matter if you can't decide now. It's getting late. Do you decide whether to stay here? I want to rest!"

Gu Zhongyu just checked the time. It was past twelve o'clock. Usually he would sleep at this time. Even if he was a scumbag, his work and rest were very regular. Even if he was exercising with a young lady, most of the time he would finish the battle before ten o'clock and then go to bed happily.

Staying up late is really the favorite of young men in their twenties. He is already thirty years old. If we talk about the career life of social animals, he will be "optimized" in five years!

Seeing the shirtless Gu Zhongyu walk into the innermost bedroom of the RV, Zhang Li followed him without hesitation.

What was there to hesitate about at this time? He had already boarded the car and had no chance to get off. Even if he really left, he would have offended him to death!

As for what Gu Zhongyu said about letting her think about it slowly... Anyway, this man must have more than one or two mistresses. How many times can he find her in a year? Maybe she doesn't need to ask for it herself. When he gets tired of it, this abnormal relationship will slowly end!

Now... Do what she should do and make Mr. Gu happy is the most important thing. The air conditioner in the RV is a little high. Maybe Zhang Li herself is a little nervous. Some fine sweat seeps out of her forehead.

Zhang Li lay beside Gu Zhongyu, and seemed to have no idea where to start. She was not a special practitioner, and she really didn't know how to please a man...

"Why don't you find something to tie up your hair?"

"Ah? Why do you want to tie up your hair?"

Zhang Li was very confused. Why did she ask someone to tie up her hair for no reason?

So Gu Zhongyu had to give her a simple "popular science" about the inconveniences of long hair...

After listening, Zhang Li blushed and asked, "But I didn't bring anything to tie my hair. Do you have a rope or something?"

He did have a rope, but it was too long and too thick, and it was not suitable for frizzing hair!

Suddenly, he had an idea and whispered something to Zhang Li's ear.

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's words, the girl hesitated for a moment, but still did as he asked.

Gu Zhongyu's inspiration came from a movie, "Hopeful Man"

A work by a Czech director. Gu Zhongyu didn't remember the specific content of the movie, but one of the clips in it was estimated that he would never forget it in his life. It was also made into a dynamic picture and circulated quite widely.

When the big bear short skirt heroine was playing billiards, because her long hair blocked her vision, she took the bitter tea seeds and tied her hair in front of several men...

Sexy and can make moviegoers smell the smell of seafood from a distance.

At this moment, Zhang Li also copied this operation. It was also a coincidence that she was also wearing a red skirt and long hair, but her bear was not as bear as others.

After tying her hair, Zhang Li followed Gu Zhongyu's instructions and began to fight for high-protein food. Gu Zhongyu exhaled a breath of turbid air and felt that he was really a genius!

Gently pull open the curtain a little and look out.

The visibility outside was very low. Gu Zhongyu was afraid that others would notice someone in the car, so he dimmed the lights.

Ten minutes later, Gu Zhongyu pressed the button to raise the partitions of all the windows and turned on the lights again, so that no light inside the car could be seen from outside.

These things were all added at Gu Zhongyu's original request, providing an absolutely private space without leaking any gaps.

He asked Zhang Li to take a sip of water and prepare to get down to business.

By the time Zhang Li's assistant received her call, it was already past nine in the morning.

At the place where she got in the car last night, Zhang Li limped out of the RV, while Gu Zhongyu didn't show up at all. He was driving carefully. Who knew if there were reporters ambushing outside?

"Sister Li, are you injured?" The assistant was shocked. This Gu Zhongyu looked gentle and gentle, could he be playing in such a serious way?

"Get in the car first, don't get photographed." Zhang Li didn't answer in a hurry and got in the car quickly.

When she got to the car, she shook her head and said, "Let's go to the pharmacy!"

"Okay, let's go now, no, what happened? Did Gu Zhongyu...did something too extreme?

Although he didn't say anything like a tiger or a wolf, Zhang Li still understood what his assistant meant.

She quickly explained: "It's not what you think! I just went to buy some regret medicine to avoid accidentally killing someone..."

"Then why are you walking..."

Zhang Li blushed with embarrassment and was too embarrassed to answer the question, so she just urged her to go to the pharmacy quickly.

On the other side, Gu Zhongyu, who was still thinking about it, felt very satisfied.

Whether it's an RV or a car... I'm very satisfied.

The comfort level is no worse than that of a hotel, and most importantly, confidentiality is high!

The RV had to be used like this, and he would find someone to clean it later. Gu Zhongyu felt that he might use this thing more and more frequently in the future.

As for Zhang Li walking with a limp...

Gu Zhongyu swore that he really didn't play any excessive games, at least not last night. After all, it was the first tryst between the two of them, so they had to leave a good impression on the other party no matter what!

Zhang Li just fell down accidentally while taking a shower, and then she walked with a limp. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

However, Gu Zhongyu thought about his attitude and thoughts yesterday, and felt more and more that he was a bit like the male villain boss in the novel.

No other protagonist is like Gu Zhongyu, with a hint of temptation and threat mixed together.

Aren’t protagonists supposed to rely on their charisma?

Thinking about Tang Yixin again, he seems to be getting more and more out of control when it comes to women, and I don't know what he will become in a few years!

After summoning their classmates Dudu back and arranging for someone else to drive away in the RV, they headed straight back home.

On the first day of this year's Spring Festival, the first good start is "Havoc in Heaven", the first 3D movie about Journey to the West!

This Spring Festival, Zhou Runfa's works are being released one after another. "Macau" has earned 600 million and has just been released. The God of Gamblers went to "Havoc in Heaven" and became the Jade Emperor. It seems that Zhou Runfa likes to play some awesome-looking people in recent years. Hong's characters are either Cao Cao, Confucius, or the Jade Emperor. Maybe he is a fan of Tang Guoxiang?

"Havoc in Heaven" features stars + special effects. In addition to Zhou Runfa, there are also many stars such as Yan Yan, Aaron Kwok, Cheng Qiaoen, and Peter Ho. The special effects level has almost reached the highest level of domestic films, especially the Journey to the West theme, although it is still far away from Hollywood. There is a huge difference, but judging from the current domestic demand for movie viewing, it should be said that it can basically be met.

There are just too many flaws in the plot!

If you want to make a movie about Journey to the West, you must re-arrange the story clues. Even if your arrangement is unreasonable, it will be better than retelling the original story. "Havoc in Heaven" basically rearranges the story, and it also rearranges it to make it even more unreasonable!

The plot is so bad that I don’t know why. The plot of "Havoc in Heaven" basically deviates greatly from the original work. In one sentence, the original work is about Monkey King causing havoc in Heaven, and this one is about the Bull Demon King causing havoc in Heaven, twice. The background of the story has become a battle between gods and demons. The Bull Demon King wants to kill the Jade Emperor for some reason. In short, it has the atmosphere of a domestic third-rate online game.

There is nothing wrong with the adaptation. Many original works are still wonderful after thoughtful adaptation. However, the actual situation proves that the script of this movie is really adapted to a brain-dead level.

In all mythological stories, there is always a basic narrative question that cannot be avoided. What is the reason for the story?

Whether it is ancient Western mythology, Chinese mythology, or modern Cthulhu mythology or Tolkien mythology, a wonderful reason has been conceived. However, this mythological movie has no reason.

The whole movie has been talking about the war between gods and demons, and the incompatibility between gods and demons, but it has never revealed why gods and demons are incompatible with each other. In short, we have enmity, we have enmity in the previous life, and we will have enmity in the next life. If we have enmity, we must kill, and the one who will be killed is you. Such a simple reason is basically telling the audience that our story has no reason, it is just a random fight to defraud hundreds of millions of box office in order to give out New Year red envelopes.

There is also an extremely blunt emotional scene. It is not clear how Sun Wukong and Vixen met until the end of the whole story. They met once when they were children, then met again 200 years later, and then they had sex and "copied" Got it!

The vulgar plot of love at first sight has become a panacea for screenwriters who don't want to make progress. It saves time and effort, and they think it is quite romantic.

The movie wanted to follow the trend and play something profound, talking about the cycle of life and death in Buddhism, but it only touched the surface of Buddhism, which is the surface that countless Hong Kong movies have touched before. The length of the exaggeration is pitiful, there is no logic, no thinking, and Sun Wukong suddenly has a flash of inspiration, and then he suddenly realizes the superior Buddhist teachings. This directly reduces the depth of the plot of the film to the level of a preschool education film.

The poor plot, failed character portrayal and other factors led to the fact that after the opening of "Havoc in Heaven", there was no future!

The box office on the first day was 60 million, and then it went down all the way... In the end, the box office trend was even worse than that of variety shows such as "Where Are We Going, Dad".

Many people bought tickets for "Where Are We Going, Dad" thinking that "it should be pretty cool to edit a movie with a beginning, conflict and ending from a lot of materials", so they went to watch it, but after watching it, they realized that they didn't treat it as a movie at all! It was just a big-screen version of a variety show!

But the kids were clamoring to watch it, so the parents had to bite the bullet and buy tickets. Plus, the atmosphere was really more joyful in the theater watching the "extended variety show". So although there were many people who scolded it, it didn't affect the box office.

If the two movies above, "Havoc in Heaven" can be used to see the special effects, and "Where Are We Going, Dad?" can be used to see a few cute kids, then if you buy a ticket to watch the following movie... No, even if you watch it for free, you can see how deep the world's malice is towards the audience!

It is the super bad movie directed and written by Liu Zhenwei - "A Chinese Odyssey"!

How bad is this movie?

Two months before the release, Liu Zhenwei specially sent a Weibo to remind everyone: I only shot part of the movie "A Chinese Odyssey". The reason for stopping the filming was that the investors were short of funds. Later, I heard that the investors found other directors to finish the film, and there were no actors. I really don't know how they completed the whole movie. Strictly speaking, it is not my work. It was almost three years ago! Don't waste your money!

This is Liu Zhenwei who is obsessed with money!

Even the director doesn't want to have anything to do with this movie. He ignores the attitude of the investors and directly says that it is not his movie. You can imagine how bad it is!

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