Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 345: Get married first or get a marriage certificate first?

Just from the title "A Chinese Odyssey", I thought it had something to do with "A Chinese Odyssey", but in fact this movie tells a sci-fi story about aliens!

"A Chinese Odyssey" spoofs the classic story of "Wu Song killing his sister-in-law" in "Water Margin". Sun Li plays the beautiful and charming "Pan Jinlian" and has a heart-wrenching "illicit love" with Zheng Zhongji. At the same time, Wu Song in the original novel is renamed "Mao Song" in this play and is played by Ekin Cheng.

Hu Ge even has a role in it, guest-starring as an alien.

The illogical plot direction, exaggerated and artificial performances, and so-called jokes based on mocking the audience's IQ are all bad movies that break through - breaking through the past and the present, breaking through the genre, breaking through the beauty and ugliness - breaking through the boundaries between inferiority and stupidity, rotten in style, rotten in level!

Let alone going to the cinema, even if this bad movie is played at three times the speed in the computer, I don't feel like watching it anymore.

So three days after the release, the stinking word of mouth fermented and it was directly lifted up!

Just when some viewers thought that this year's Spring Festival movies were just like this, "Heart Flower" is here. Ning Hao, the director of the Crazy series, teamed up with Gu Zhongyu, who was nominated for an Oscar and was very popular, and Huang Bo, the top comedy star, came!

Before the release, the trailer had already occupied the hot spots on Weibo and major websites for publicity. With the road comedy + literary encounter as the selling point, countless young men and women had already booked movie tickets and were ready to rush into the cinema!

Anyway, before Gu Zhongyu rushed home on New Year's Eve, the Internet was already flooded with news about "Heart Flower".

"The first half was so-so, I thought it was a cliché movie, but the second half got better. There were a few scenes that really made me laugh until my stomach hurt. After I got home, I found that my smile muscles were also a little sore. Maybe it was because I hadn't laughed so hard for a long time? The most rare thing is that as a commercial film, this film also explores some issues that hit the heart of modern people, such as how men can be brave. It is a hundred times better than the similar theme of "See You Tomorrow"..."

"The satire of art dogs, Shamatte, one-night stands, and hookup parties makes this film worth watching. Ning Hao can express more complex emotions with popular plots, which is not easy. The whole team is full of vitality, and Gu Delai's performance in comedy is still good. Give it 7 points."

"I hope there will be a film rating system in China as soon as possible to keep the laughing children in the theater out; a movie full of "Oh my god, go, Nima.", hookups, car sex, entertainment clubs, and the more terrifying one-man run to Erhai Lake alone, How many post-2010s will be corrupted by a movie about a female literary star who shouts "Ignore me, let me die alone" at the beach? Who wrote the ending line "Jiapeng, I like you very much"? I like you too!"

"This year's domestic comedy movie in theaters that cannot be missed, Gu Zhongyu and Huang Bo are a high-low combination, and the nephew taking his uncle to hunt for beauties is really n*d! Similar to the family-themed narrative of "Lost in Thailand" with laughter and tears, Gu Zhongyu should have learned from the successful experience of "Lost in Thailand". But it's not just that. The exquisitely polished script, beautiful shots, and the wonderful disruption of time and space to weave two non-parallel main narrative lines make this film bring people a strong viewing pleasure at the end. Give it an overall score of 8 points!"

In addition to film critics and ordinary revolutions, many media gave praises such as "the best road comedy movie ever", "a good movie that is good to watch, listen to, cry, and laugh", and "We finally have a domestic modern version of a healing movie".

Many people in the industry also actively recommended the film. Those celebrity colleagues who did not come to the premiere basically chose to book a theater to express their support, but Liu Yufei booked 20 theaters by herself. However, according to gossip, she was not very happy after watching the movie.

The theater chain gave it enough appearance. Almost all the posters at the entrance of the cinema were "Heart Flower Blooming", with a screening volume of up to 35%, which came from behind and overshadowed the currently showing "Havoc in Heaven".

Of course, there will be some discordant releases. A few media said that the film was very ordinary, especially the Southern Metropolis Daily, which directly said that the film was a soft pornographic film in the guise of a comedy!

Gu Zhongyu didn't care. Anyway, no matter what they said, they couldn't stop the surging momentum of "Heart Flower Blooming"!

"It's so impressive! It seems that our film will create a domestic film box office record again!" After returning to Yanjing, Tang Yixin looked at her mobile phone with some excitement, and next to her was Gu Zhongyu who had entered the sage state.

"It's OK, as expected, it should only take a few billion at the box office, no big deal!"

Gu Zhongyu looked at Tang Yixin happily. He didn't know why, but since the last time he cheated, Gu Zhongyu felt that Tang Yixin had become prettier and her smile was sweeter, so he came to "take care" of her again while Dayunzi was away!

"But I still find it a little unbelievable!" The major websites were full of publicity, and the popularity and topics were even more lively than the previous box office champion "Lost in Thailand"

"It's mainly because the publicity was done well!"

In fact, for movie publicity, the most important thing is to spend money!

Many movie fans talk about the small investment and big return. "Paranormal Activity" created a box office revenue of over 100 million at a cost of more than 10,000 US dollars, which is a miracle!

But the Paramount company behind it spent almost 10 million US dollars on publicity!

For movies, there are examples of small wins, but they are definitely not many.

"My Lucky Star" was only shot for 40 million, but its publicity cost has reached 60 million!

According to the publicity strategy formulated by the Zongheng Publicity and Distribution Department, the price tag will continue to rise, and it is estimated that it will eventually reach about 100 million!

It is not very distressing, because the local cultural and tourism department of Yunnan has paid nearly 40 million. After all, this movie is to promote Dali tourism. After seeing the reputation of the premiere and the rising popularity, they happily added investment and said that money is not a problem, and it is okay to add a little more, as long as our Dali style can be promoted to the whole country!

"The first day box office results are almost out at this time. How much is it?"

Tang Yixin asked excitedly. This is her best work since her debut. Although she is not the heroine, she can barely be regarded as the second female lead.

Sure enough, the legend in the circle is right. No matter whether it is a man or a woman, as long as she is connected with Gu Zhongyu, she can reach a new peak in her career. Zhang Ruoyun is the same as her.

"I'll ask Jiang Shuying."

Gu Zhongyu dialed the phone.

After a while, he closed the phone with a serious face.

"One hundred and fifty million!"

"Mr. Duo?"

Tang Yixin couldn't believe her ears. One hundred and fifty million? Or the first day's box office?

Just a few years ago, if a movie could make one hundred and fifty million from the release to the end of the period, it would have to hold a celebration banquet to promote it. Now it can actually make so much on the first day. The rapid growth of the domestic film market is simply jaw-dropping!

"Then our movie is sure to make more than a billion this time?" Tang Yixin was so excited that she didn't notice that the quilt slipped off and exposed her.

Gu Zhongyu looked down and saw that it was indeed a sure thing. Tang Yixin was good in every way, but her figure was just average, not as round and smooth as Xixi's.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said, "How much the box office can reach depends on two factors. The first is the reputation of the movie, and the second is the competitors. Just look at the reactions of the media and the audience and you will know that the reputation of our movie will definitely not be a problem. Let's talk about competitors. "Where Are We Going, Dad?" has a limited audience and will not have much room for growth. "Ex-Files" is not a concern. "A Chinese Odyssey" is a super bad movie and has almost no impact on us. During the entire Spring Festival, only "Havoc in Heaven" may cause a certain impact on us."

"That's why Dayunzi and his team's "The Man from Macau" was released in December, and "My Lucky Star" was brought up in advance. You are so cunning!" Tang Yixin finally understood.

"Haha, these are all basic strategies. When I saw that the movies that were announced to be released during the Spring Festival were not very good, and there was no threat from Hollywood blockbusters, I decided to bring "Heart Flower" up!"

"If this growth rate continues, 2 billion is very likely, be prepared!"

"Two... 2 billion?"

Tang Yixin was a little incoherent. The good box office of the movie has a great career bonus for each actor involved. In the future, they can ask for more than others when they are on the notice.

A man's charm depends on career bonus. It's no wonder that so many female stars are entangled with Gu Zhongyu. After all, she herself couldn't control herself. I don't know if Yaya in the same group has been touched by Gu Zhongyu. According to his nature, it is very likely!

Tang Yixin always comforts herself in her heart: The reason why I maintain this immoral relationship with Gu Zhongyu is for the future of me and Dayunzi. Even if my boyfriend finds out one day, he will definitely forgive me!

"Okay, have you rested enough? Do another split for me..."

Gu Zhongyu can't be without feelings for Tang Yixin, but desire is definitely the first, so...Gu Zhongyu now stands up to pedal the bicycle that Dayunzi is reluctant to ride on weekdays!


Putting work aside, during the Spring Festival of 2014, as usual, Gu Zhongyu brought Zhang Zilin to his father's house to celebrate the New Year, but when he arrived, he found that Zhang Zilin's parents were also there.

Looking at Zhang Zilin who was looking around but didn't look at him, Gu Zhongyu knew that this must have been arranged by Zhang Daniu!

In fact, the parents of the two families have met privately, but this is the first time that the two young people are present. Needless to say, they are definitely here to urge marriage.

Faced with several elderly people who asked Gu Zhongyu indirectly when he planned to get married, Gu Zhongyu was sweating profusely. The heart of a scumbag is very fragile, and the most unbearable thing is this kind of forced marriage scene.

Zhang Zilin took the initiative to help him out: "Oh! Zhongyu is in the rising period of his career now, don't make it difficult for him!"

"No matter how important career is, you still have to have a family!" Zhang Zilin's father is a soldier with a straightforward temper. He can't stand seeing Gu Zhongyu laughing, "Little Gu! Tell me honestly, when do you plan to marry Zilin?"

Father Gu Tiejun also echoed: "That's right, the girl is 30 years old this year, how can she always accompany you? You must give an accurate time!"

"In fact, Zhongyu told me a long time ago that we won't hold a wedding first. We plan to get the certificate next year and save the banquet for later!" At this point, Zhang Zilin secretly touched Gu Zhongyu's arm with her elbow, indicating that he should cooperate with her words.

This...isn't this right?

Gu Zhongyu wanted to say something, but seeing the fiery eyes of his father and the still dissatisfied look of Zhang Zilin's father, he held back his words!

Forget it, just get the certificate first, since he didn't say where to get it anyway... Then he can take Zhang Da Niu to register overseas, and no one will know that he is married!

The happiest person is Xiao Dou Ding, who cheered when he heard that Gu Zhongyu was going to get the certificate and get married: "Yeah yeah yeah! Second uncle is getting married, and he is going to give me a red envelope!"

"Why should I give you a red envelope when I get married?" Gu Zhongyu asked.

Zhang Zilin blinked at him: "Because I joked with Xiaodouding before, I would let her be the flower girl when we get married in the future, saying that there would be red envelopes. I didn't expect that she would still think about it!"

Before... When did you start planning?

The old people were very happy to get this big thing done. Gu Tiejun also took out the good wine that he had collected for many years to celebrate. Everyone had a dinner together around the eight-immortal table, and then it was time for the mahjong session that the Chinese people like most during the Chinese New Year.

Dad and future father-in-law think playing mahjong is meaningless. Gu Zhongyu is not interested, and the eldest brother never touches it. This year, the mother took the eldest sister-in-law and Zhang Zilin and her mother to set up the stage.

So the four men sat on the sofa in the living room and watched the Spring Festival Gala.

Gu Tiejun rarely affirmed his son's performance this year. After all, in the eyes of the older generation, as long as you can win an award abroad, no matter what it is, it is a good thing to win glory for the country.

You should have said it earlier!

If winning an award would earn your approval, I would have bought a bunch of fake awards abroad when I founded Zongheng.

Zhang's father only paid attention to the skits when watching the Spring Festival Gala, and his favorite was Uncle Benshan. However, after learning that Uncle Benshan would not be in this year's Spring Festival Gala, he immediately lost interest. Gu Tiejun is a loyal supporter and die-hard fan of the Spring Festival Gala. His original words were that watching the Spring Festival Gala has become a habit of mine, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't watch it!

In fact, judging from the lineup of this year's Spring Festival Gala, Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Guoli, Feng Jicai, and Zhao Baogang, which one is not a great figure in their respective fields?

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