Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 346 Smell the scent of conspiracy

What a Spring Festival Gala. People only remember the circling of the colorful flags and Lee Min Ho's poor Chinese. Gu Zhongyu originally wanted to watch Shen Teng's sketch, but suddenly remembered that this guy is still filming "Mermaid". In order to gain fame He turned down all the invitations to the Spring Festival Gala!

Then the data also proved that Feng Pants’ Spring Festival Gala was indeed unpopular: the ratings of the 2014 CCTV Spring Festival Gala live broadcast were 9.032, lower than the 11.362 in 2013. It was the lowest ratings in the 20 years since the Spring Festival Gala was born, and it will be even higher in the following years. Low.

Of course, from another perspective, this is also the year with the highest ratings for the Spring Festival Gala in the next ten years!

"Xiao Gu, you are engaged in literary and artistic work, why do you think this Spring Festival Gala is getting worse and worse?" Zhang's father tried to cheer up, but the more he watched, the more his eyelids drooped, so he just chatted with his son-in-law to pass the time.

Gu Bohua said angrily: "It's none of my business, I'm not responsible for the Spring Festival Gala!"

Suddenly he thought of something, and said to Gu Zhongyu with a mysterious face: "Seeing that you are always so cynical, I will find you some meaningful work when the time comes. Don't be reluctant!"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know when the time comes!" Gu Bohua gave up and didn't continue. But his father obviously knew something and also pursed his lips and smiled.

For some reason, he smelled something like silver hair!

Gu Zhongyu insisted on watching Teacher Li Guyi lead a group of people to finish singing "Unforgettable Tonight" while the two elderly people had already chosen to go to bed.

Then he turned and looked at the four people in the living room who were still immersed in mahjong. Is the charm of playing mahjong really so great?

At this time, countless fireworks were rising outside the window. Gu Zhongyu held his little niece outside and looked at the sky full of lights, sighing:

"Look, little Douding, another year has passed! You have grown up!"

"Well!" Xiao Douding's eyes widened, and he suddenly remembered something very important. He turned around and stretched out his hand to Gu Zhongyu, "Second uncle, it's time to give you the lucky money!"

Why do you always think about exploding your second uncle’s gold coins?

The next morning, Gu Zhongyu returned to the company, opened Baidu and searched for the keyword "blissful", and countless messages immediately popped up.

"Gu Zhongyu's new film "Blooming Heart" is officially released. According to the film schedule statistics in the top 20 cities across the country, the film's daily schedule rate reaches 33.31, setting a domestic film market record. In this regard, many cinema managers and industry insiders said that the advantage of the schedule, Gu Zhongyu The film’s personal appeal, pre-release publicity and clear audience positioning made it a hit even before it was released.”

"As of 8 o'clock this morning, the box office of "Blissful Heart" has approached the 350 million mark, and "Blissful Heart" can form such a rapid momentum, many people in the industry have also predicted that the box office of "Blissful Heart" is likely to surpass "囧" record of."

When faced with the latest box office data, Wanda's cinema line manager exclaimed: "What's going on? What's going on in this world? This is no longer a dark horse or a miracle, it's completely become a legend and bizarre! Since the release of "Blissful Heart", the box office has not been high. Instead of increasing, there are 100 million every day!”

Sina Entertainment reports: Such high attendance and box office results have shocked many professionals in the industry. Zongheng Film and Television, the producer of "Blissful Heart", said that the film was screened for more than 30,000 times in 3,000 theaters, with a cumulative audience of 14.4 million. The box office output is 430 million yuan. With various theaters actively adding theaters, the number of "Blooming Hearts" has exceeded 50,000 yuan, and the total box office has exceeded 500 million yuan. However, as of press time, the film studio had not announced the exact box office figures for the final day.

Famous film critic Zhang Xiaobei posted on Weibo saying: "Interesting stories, sincere production, and professional marketing are different from "The Road to Misfortune". There are no secret martial arts secrets that are not passed down to others. Just do it down-to-earth." Great job every step of the way.”

In addition, Zhang Xiaobei also reminded the industry not to blindly follow the trend: "Now there must be a lot of people gearing up to follow the trend. I just want to kindly remind you to work hard to create a down-to-earth localized story that can touch the hearts of domestic audiences. The hidden story is the right way.”

Of course, there are also media outlets that question theaters’ film schedules. For example, Southern Weekend publicly defended Hong Kong director Cheng Baorui, saying that his film schedule for “Havoc in Heaven” was only half of that of “A Man on the Road.” They felt that theaters were unfair and even excluded their films. Suspect!

In this regard, Penguin News reported: The film scheduling standards of major theaters across the country are usually determined based on the film’s pre-screening publicity effect, attention, reputation of the test screening venue, and feedback from theater managers after watching the film. As for the high daily film schedule of "Journey on the Road", the person in charge of China Film Group said: "Firstly, it is because there are few films that are well-received during the Spring Festival. The performance of "The Fairy Tale" and "The Story of My Ex" is mediocre, and the performance of "Dad Is Going to Go" is very average. "Where" is another variety show with a bias towards subtitles. The audience reputation of "Havoc in Heaven" was not very good, so "Blissful" was given a relatively free schedule; secondly, Gu Zhongyu himself has a strong appeal. His fans are almost all those born in the 80s and 90s, who happen to be the potential audience of this movie, and the market potential is huge; thirdly, the film's publicity effect is very good, from the click-through rate and click-through rate of previously released trailers, trailers and other materials. Judging from the topicality, the film has attracted a lot of attention.”

In short, the entire film industry seems to be swept away by this whirlwind of elation!

As an audience, if you have never seen "Blissful", you will be embarrassed to say hello to others. The nearly 100 million promotional expenses are really not in vain!

Now the box office performance of "Heart Flower" is unmatched. The number of theaters showing the film on the second day of its release reached 40. The box office on February 1 was 250 million, 360 million on the 2nd, and 480 million on the 3rd. In three days, it has rolled up nearly 500 million box office results.

However, on the 6th, the box office showed a slight decline. "Heart Flower" did not even make 100 million.

I asked someone to analyze the reason. It turned out that the pirated version had been released.

Searching Movie Paradise, it turned out that the high-definition version of "Heart Flower" had appeared!

There is no doubt that piracy harms movies. If a viewer has seen a pirated version, the possibility of going to the cinema to watch a movie is not very high.

Piracy can be roughly divided into two types. One is secretly filmed in the cinema. The picture is blurry and the effect is very poor. This kind of piracy does not have much impact on the movie; the other is copied and transcribed. The picture is clearer and has a greater impact on the box office.

People who do movie piracy in China are very powerful. As long as the movie is released for three days, the pirated version will basically come out. Of course, it was secretly filmed at first, and the high-definition version usually takes about a week or even longer to come out.

The reason why Xu Zheng's "Lost in Hong Kong" piracy incident made such a big fuss was that the high-definition version of the pirated version came out the day after it was released.

Gu Zhongyu was very angry. Although he was not sure whether the high-definition version of "My Lucky Star" was copied by pirates from the cinema and copied by themselves, or someone deliberately released it, the pirated version had already come out and he had no way to deal with it.

In fact, no one has a better way to deal with the piracy problem. Zhang Yimou's first big production "Hero" even offered a reward of 4 million yuan to crack down on movie piracy on the eve of its release.

At that time, even the General Office of the Ministry of Culture even issued a special notice requiring all places to strictly prevent and crack down on the piracy of "Hero".

It has already risen to the national level, but unfortunately the pirated version of "Hero" still came out very quickly. What's more surprising is that the DVD reflection screen clearly stated "The Chinese Film Piracy Production Company Assisted in Filming". After the subtitles of the actors, there are also self-deceiving and ridiculous words such as "New digital DVD technology, please feel free to watch".

The rampant piracy is simply shocking!

Another example is Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu".

The movie that Columbia spent 20 million US dollars to make was pirated in the market two days after its release, and the picture quality and clarity are almost comparable to the original film!

In order to prevent piracy, Zhou Xingxing even recorded a special trailer about combating piracy.

Unfortunately, it is not very useful!

So many predecessors have no good solution, Gu Zhongyu can only call on fans to go to the cinema to watch the genuine version on Weibo, and at the same time call on his friends to boycott piracy.

In fact, with the new generation of audiences entering the cinema and the improvement of the quality of watching movies, there are fewer people watching pirated copies.

The effect is good. By February 11, the box office of "Heart Flower" which was released for ten days still successfully exceeded 1 billion, and it has been advancing all the way without any decline.

The media never expected that the performance of "Heart Flower" would be so crazy. A group of unscrupulous media people began to praise Gu Zhongyu again. Some people even compared Gu Zhongyu with director Ning Hao. I don't know where they came from. They claimed that Gu Zhongyu, the producer, definitely understood the audience's thoughts better than Ning Hao, and he was the soul of the movie.

This kind of speech is suspected of provoking the relationship between the two.

Facing the media's pursuit, Gu Zhongyu was not dizzy.

He never thought he was so great. People know their own business. After all, he is not a director. He can only give Ning Hao reference opinions based on the plot and pictures in his memory. What the movie can be made in the end depends on the director's level. It is definitely not that if you write a script yourself, anyone can make the same effect.

Although he made a lot of changes to "Heart Flower", the character setting, plot, storyboard, etc. are better than the original, but plagiarism is just plagiarism after all.

Gu Zhongyu, who was clear-headed, called Ning Hao and told him not to care about the bullshit from the outside world. Ning Hao was a real person, and he didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to care about such a small matter. He felt that he was also very valued, so he immediately said that the media were bullshit and these people could not affect his relationship with Zongheng.

The Super Bowl is the most watched program in the United States. The total number of viewers during the entire award season is not as high as the Super Bowl!

120 million viewers, almost half of the US population!

How about the Oscars? The number of viewers is just over 30 million every year!

The Super Bowl is not held on a fixed date every year, but it is always the last Sunday of January or the first Sunday of February.

The 2014 Super Bowl was held on February 12, local time, with the Seattle Seahawks playing against the Denver Broncos.

Gu Zhongyu has no interest in football. He came to the United States only because the three major guild awards were about to be issued. According to the public relations strategy he and Frank had discussed before, the three major guild awards were the key.

As it concerns the final winner of the Oscar, Gu Zhongyu will go all out no matter how lazy he is, so he rushed to the United States on the afternoon of the 10th.

In the East District, Los Angeles, Hilton Hotel.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to New York, that place is already crowded, and the Super Bowl will be held in New York this year!

Gu Zhongyu sat barefoot on the sofa, holding the remote control and changing channels boredly. Chen Sicheng went to deal with those film award judges. Shariz was busy with work, and Alexandra didn't have time to come either, so he could only stay in the hotel alone today.

He yawned while watching TV, after all, he knew nothing about football.

After finally getting to the end of the first half, Gu Zhongyu quickly locked on ABC TV.

The halftime show and the halftime segment are here!

This year's halftime show is by Martian Brother and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Gu Zhongyu doesn't like the American performance style, but he is still quite interested in the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He stared at the TV for a long time, then changed the channel and saw a movie trailer playing.

Just by seeing Matthew McConaughey's face, Gu Zhongyu knew what movie it was, a generation of science fiction masterpiece - "Interstellar"

A series of dialogues and fast editing, but there is no intention to impose information on the audience. The entire 30-second trailer clearly tells the audience that the movie shows a real interstellar journey.

The strong visual shock, and a bunch of beautiful starry skies that have never been seen before.

After all, it is the birthplace of science fiction movies. Americans have an extraordinary love for science fiction movies. No matter how you look at it, Interstellar is a very good science fiction masterpiece!

Especially the interstellar fever that has quietly become popular in the past two years, from Gravity to Interstellar to The Martian, the timing of Interstellar's appearance is such a coincidence!

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