In addition to the melon-eaters, many of Gu Zhongyu's friends were also watching the live broadcast ceremony. The lobby of Zongheng Company was also live broadcasting the whole process of his boss' Oscar trip.

Liu Yufei was wearing bear pajamas and staring at the computer screen, turning a deaf ear to her mother calling her to drink soup~

Da Tiantian was holding her mobile phone on the set, and her little hands were balled up. Seeing her nervousness, Zhang Yuqi couldn't help but come over to watch together~

Bai Lu, Chen Yao and others were eating snacks while discussing whether Teacher Gu could win the prize this time~

Da Mi Mi simply opened a market and asked Jiaxing's sisters to place bets on whether he could win the jackpot tonight~

Then Will Smith began to say the lines: "The nine best picture nominees tonight are exhilarating, highly original, inspiring, and impressive. They are the best among us and prove that they are the best among us." We can tell stories with greater flair, style and vision while..."

The speech is so long, you’re just crazy about word count, right?

After a bunch of speeches ended, Will Smith accepted the envelope and said: "This year's Oscar nominees for Best Picture include: "12 Years a Slave," "American Hustle," "Captain Phillips," "The Invisible Guest," "Gravity", "Her", "The Wolf of Wall Street"..."

After reading all the movie names, Will Smith paused, and then his voice rose an octave: "The winner of this year's Oscar for Best Picture is "The Invisible Guest," produced by Gu Zhongyu, Chen Sicheng, and Frank Gusta! "


Labor and capital’s money is not wasted!

Gu Zhongyu himself was a little confused, and he was definitely not pretending. Chen Sicheng was in the same state.

Both of them are ready to fight again!

"Is it me?"

People around him also smiled and reminded him to come on stage: "It's you, hurry up, get up there!"

"Wow! I knew it would be us!"

From the exit on the left side of the stage, Shalizi waved her arms towards them excitedly!

One movie won Best Makeup, Best Actress, Best Original Screenplay, and now it even won Best Picture. "The Invisible Guest" is definitely the biggest winner at this Oscar!

"Yeah!" Liu Yufei in front of the screen jumped up happily, feeling as if she had won an award. She spilled all the soup cooked by her mother all over the floor and almost burned the cat Dongdong who was taking a nap under the sofa.

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was a gambler. Poor little Reba, she actually couldn't win the best movie even though she bet a thousand yuan. Are you dumbfounded now?

Da Tiantian was in a complicated mood and hesitated to send a message to congratulate this scumbag. However, when she saw that Zhang Yuqi had already started typing, she immediately stopped hesitating!

"Yeah yeah yeah~ The boss got the prize~ Uh-huh~"

Bai Lu excitedly grabbed Chen Yao and Meng Ziyi and rubbed one on each of their faces. Chen Yao was used to it. Anyway, they had a lot of kisses at Gu Zhongyu's house. Meng Ziyi wiped his face with disgust. of saliva.

Within Zongheng Company, there was a burst of joyful shouts. For the company's work to win the Oscar for Best Picture, it was equivalent to leaving behind its counterparts in the mainland and even Hong Kong.

Coupled with the unabated box office performance of "Heart Blossoms", it is about to exceed 2 billion, with commercial and artistic achievements close by. In the future, they can even be more arrogant and say that they are the boss of the domestic entertainment film and television industry!


At Wang Brothers Company, Wang Zhonglei was not in a very happy mood. When the news came that "The Invisible Guest" won the best picture, he almost blurted out swear words, forgetting that he was holding a meeting in front of everyone!

"What a ruined Oscar, are all the judges blind? Give awards to this kind of bad movie!"

Wang Zhonglei cursed twice, and when he saw Wu Baige sitting across from him without saying a word, he asked on a whim, "Director Wu, do you think that after our "Tai Ping Wheel" is released, will there be a chance to get one? Oscar for Best Film? Or Cannes’ Palme d’Or?”

Wu Baige's inner os: Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?

"It's not impossible..."

But on the surface, Wu Baige still had to pretend to be confident. After thinking about it, he said: ""The Wheel" is like the original Titanic. This kind of big-budget movie can be enjoyed by both refined and popular people, and our actors have gathered from both sides of the Taiwan Strait." There are powerful actors in the three places, including Neon and Hanguo. Even if they don’t win any major awards, they will still be able to do so at the box office. Mr. Wang, you don’t need to worry too much.”

"Yeah! Of course I have confidence in Director Wu's ability."

The investment in "Tai Ping Wheel" exceeds 400 million, which is the Wang brothers' largest investment in recent years. It is also the only blockbuster they can arrange to release this year. They just hope to compete with Zongheng in the next Spring Festival, but there is absolutely no chance. Lost!

On the other side, at this time, Gu Zhongyu finally woke up from his dazed state, and his thoughts in the next second were:

Could it be that I mispronounced it?

It’s not that he was just thinking, it was because the 2017 Oscars left such a deep impression on him!

At the 2017 Oscars in the previous life, "La La Land" received 14 nominations. When the best picture was finally announced, award presenter Warren Beatty first read out that the best picture was "La La Land", and then the entire "La La Land" "The main creators all came on stage and gave emotional thank-you speeches for nearly 5 minutes...

As a result, the staff came on stage, interrupted rudely, and announced that "Moonlight Boy" was the winner, "This is not a joke!"

The guests and hosts next to him were all embarrassed and confused!

Later, the award presenter explained that he had misread the award card for the best actress (spreading his hands), but this reversal was so unexpected that it was hard not to suspect that it was intentional.

Gu Zhongyu, who was worried about gains and losses, did not affect the entire "Invisible Guest" crew. Chen Sicheng wanted to rush up with a running start, and Frank was also impatient. Although Lionsgate has participated in the production of many films, it has not won the Oscar for Best Picture. This is also a great honor for him and the company.

Anyway, let's go up first!

Gu Zhongyu stood up, greeted the entire crew, and held Alexandra's hand, "Let's go up!"

This calm performance made a group of domestic friends who were watching the live broadcast give a thumbs up!

"That's how it should be. Even when Mount Tai collapses, he remains calm!"

"Wow! Gu Delai is really not an ordinary person. He has won the Best Picture, but he can still be so ashamed!"

"I don't want to know anything else. I'm just concerned about the netizen who just mentioned eating shit live. Hi! Brother, "The Invisible Guest" won the Best Picture. Can you give us a live broadcast room number so that we can all enjoy your dinner?"

At the same time, major domestic portals changed the headlines to Gu Zhongyu winning the Oscar for Best Picture for "The Invisible Guest". The editors worked overtime to finish the manuscripts, and various film critics also emerged one after another, talking about their accurate vision. In fact, they had already seen the extraordinary potential of this film...

The crew of about ten people stepped onto the stage in a mighty manner.

What is different from all film festivals is that the finale award of the Best Picture of the Oscar is never given to one person or one director, but to the entire film production team!

Of course, at first only two producers could go on stage to receive the award. Later, this rule was questioned. After "The Reader" in 2009, the Academy no longer limited the number of people who could go on stage, which was considered to be the case that the entire crew could go on stage to receive the award.

However, although there were many people on stage, there was always a hierarchy of people who received the award. Frank was a little older, so Gu Zhongyu gave him the first chance to speak.

He did not reach out to take the trophy, but started speaking directly: "Thank you everyone, thank you Oscar judges for giving this film the supreme honor. I speak on behalf of everyone behind me. We are very honored to be able to participate in the film "The Invisible Guest". We can stand here because one person brought us together here, and he is Gu Zhongyu!"

In less than 30 seconds, he left. After hugging Gu Zhongyu, he left the highlight to him.

Gu Zhongyu took the little golden man handed over by Will Smith and opened the envelope to take a closer look.

Well, very good, not a mistake.

"I thought there was a mistake!"

Opening the envelope and facing the camera, it clearly says "The Invisible Guest" for Best Picture!

"Thank you, everyone, thank you to the 6,000 judges of the Oscars. Uh, I really want to say something, but unfortunately, my note has been thrown away!"

"I really didn't expect the Oscars to be so generous to me. Thank you to everyone who participated in this film. Filming "The Invisible Guest" is definitely an extraordinary attempt. Movies are originally a group of people's work, and they are never completed by one person. A movie embodies the joint efforts of many people. Thank you Frank for everything he has provided for the movie, thank you Director Chen for his efforts, and thank you again to all those who have worked hard for the movie. You are incomparable!"

After praising the team, Gu Zhongyu He raised his head and continued, "The world we live in is not perfect. The system and society may not satisfy people, but we are not politicians, we are just filmmakers. Movies may not be able to do more, but they can affect many people!"

Finally, he switched to Chinese: "Finally, I would like to thank a beautiful lady of mine. It is her tolerance, encouragement, and gentleness that have given me endless motivation!"

When Gu Zhongyu said this, he did not name anyone or look at anyone, but Shariz on the side thought that he must be talking about himself. She raised her head proudly and then stepped forward to gently hold Gu Zhongyu's hand.

Zhang Zilin, who was watching the live broadcast, knew that this must be about her, and her eyes were filled with tears of excitement!

The other women were guessing who this was about?

Adjectives such as tolerance and gentleness are too broad. It seems that everyone can match a little!


Winning the Best Picture, "The Invisible Guest" is undoubtedly the biggest winner tonight.

Entering the interview area backstage, the entire crew became the focus of ABC TV, especially Gu Zhongyu, Shariz, and Chen Sicheng. The microphones and cameras around them kept shaking back and forth.

"Mr. Gu, Director Chen." The exclusive reporter of ABC TV came up to them, "Can you talk about your current mood?"

Gu Zhongyu's answer was relatively simple: "Mood? Of course I'm very happy!"

At this moment, Chen Sicheng did not hide his emotions at all, and said loudly, "I should say I am very excited! Tonight is really wonderful! I almost learned from Cameron and shouted that I am the king of the world. Fortunately, I woke up in time and I didn't win the director award!"

The reporter asked again, "Then what do you think is the reason why "The Invisible Guest" can win four awards?"

Gu Zhongyu replied seriously: "First of all, our entire crew worked hard and gave everything for it, plus a little bit of good luck, so we have achieved the current results!"

Of course he would not be stupid enough to talk about private operations, private public relations, etc. There are some things that can only be done but not said!

"Then what do you want to do most now?"

"I'm so hungry, I want to eat something first and then celebrate like crazy!"

After leaving the Oscars backstage, a group of people walked towards the Hilton Hotel.

Since 1994, every year after the Oscars, there will be a party held by Vanity Fair to celebrate.

Walking along the red carpet, a bunch of guns and cannons were immediately shoved in front of Gu Zhongyu: "Mr. Gu, can you talk about the feeling of winning the Oscar for Best Picture for the first time?"

These are tabloid reporters who are not eligible to enter the Oscars backstage, as well as domestic media.

"Well, I'm very happy, unexpected!"

While he was answering, he tried to go out. The reporters saw that Gu Zhongyu was not very cooperative and immediately started interviewing Shalizi.

"Girl Shalizi, we noticed that you and Mr. Gu behaved very intimately. They were whispering to each other many times just now at the venue. Are you secretly in love with him?"

Shalizi has always been upright and daring. In fact, she wanted to shout loudly that we have been together for a long time, but she knew that Gu Zhongyu had a girlfriend and could not put him at the forefront, so she had to say: " Gu Zhongyu is indeed a very charming oriental man, and I believe there are many girls who will like him, but... I am older than him, and a brother-sister relationship is unacceptable to me! "

They turned to attack Alexandra again. After all, these sisters didn't look very smart. Maybe they could dig something out?

"Sorry, if you have any questions, we will hold a special press conference. You can ask them then!"

These reporters were so enthusiastic that Gu Zhongyu was afraid that Alexandra would make mistakes by talking too much, so he didn't care about their scribbling, so he took her hand and rushed in.

"Teacher Gu, just say a few words!"

"That's right, you won the Oscar, which is considered the pride of our nation. You can't do this!"

Many domestic reporters are very dissatisfied with Gu Zhongyu's attitude.

It rained all the time in Los Angeles this year, even on Oscar night. These reporters all waited outside for most of the day. After finally catching Gu Zhongyu, he always digs out a few pieces of useful news.

You dismissed us just because you knew you would hold a press conference?

That won't work!

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