"No, fellow compatriots, I'm starving to death. If you don't get out of the way, tomorrow's news will be about me starving to death on the streets!"

Although he was joking, Gu Zhongyu still didn't answer any questions.

Somehow, perhaps because of winning the Best Picture, Gu Zhongyu always felt that his behavior should be worthy of his identity!

If it were a different time, I would have just asked the security guards to blast these people away!

Not long after, people from the organizer arrived, and with their support, the group finally entered the Hilton Hotel.

Arriving at the bustling banquet hall No. 1, they arrived relatively late, as many people had already drank.

After all, I was delayed for a while by reporters.

At this time, many people had gathered in the banquet hall, especially the winners, who were drinking and celebrating crazily.

Gu Zhongyu even saw the director of "Gravity" drinking with his heroine. He didn't expect this Mexican talent to be so crazy!

He quickly found the table where his crew was sitting. Frank had already arrived here before them and placed a few cups in front of him: "Friends, we won't come back until we get drunk today!"

Chen Sicheng on the side was very knowledgeable. He stood up, picked up the cup and shouted: "Come on, let's drink for Mr. Gu!"

The rest of the crew also stood up and said, "Cheers!"

In the current situation, you have to drink even if you don’t want to!

Gu Zhongyu took three glasses of wine from the plate brought by the waiter, then raised his own glass, "Cheers!"

After a glass of wine, Gu Zhongyu became a little restless. Why the hell is this wine so strong?

"Gu, are you staying in the United States for a few more days? Many media and programs want to interview you, and about the filming of "Barbie"..."

"Frank, you are too anxious! In fact, I think the filming of "Barbie" should not be rushed. It is best to wait two years before releasing it. The effect will be better..."

The LGBT movement in the United States has not yet reached its peak, and the same goes for feminist political correctness. Released two years later will only resonate with more people and maximize the box office.

Just like "Wolf Warrior 2", if it is released a few years earlier or a few years later, the box office results will be completely different!

While talking to Frank, he also dealt with people who came to congratulate him. Most of the people who came to congratulate him were acquaintances. There were many faces that Gu Zhongyu had never seen before, and more of them were familiar celebrities.

DiCaprio also came to congratulate him. Although he missed the Oscar winner again, he seemed to be used to it. It was just a do-over.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie also came and wanted to chat with them more, but Gu Zhongyu had no intention of paying attention to these two people.

After staying for almost an hour, Gu Zhongyu was already a little drunk. Damn, are these foreigners jealous that I won the award? They all came to me to toast me.

"Hey! Mr. Gu, why are you leaving in such a hurry? This has just begun?"

"I'm too drunk, so I'll leave first. You guys can continue..."

Sally and Alexandra on the side saw Gu Zhongyu getting up to leave, and they left their seats in unison, preparing to leave with him.

Gu Zhongyu will leave the American Emperor soon, and he doesn't know when the next meeting will be. He must squeeze this man until he runs out of oil before he leaves!

Chen Sicheng watched Gu Zhongyu leave and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There had just been a broad-minded man who had been flirting with him for a long time. It was because Gu Zhongyu, the boss, was here that he never had the nerve to go and hook up with her. Now it was just right!

The last time he was photographed having a tryst with a young actor, Zongheng spent a lot of effort to help him with public relations. Gu Zhongyu had reminded him repeatedly, so he had been relatively restrained during this period.

But tonight is different. He has won the Oscar for Best Picture, and he has accomplished the achievements that countless seniors have dreamed of. How can you not be happy at such an exciting moment!

Chen Sicheng arranged his hair, put on the most handsome look in the room, and swaggered towards the Ocean Horse, which was full of high-tech from head to toe...

Frank shook his head when he saw this. He felt that the director Chen Gu Zhongyu had found might have some talent, but his style was too low. He had just won the Oscar, and he couldn't wait to hunt for women at the dinner. He was still such a low-level guy. If this was the case, Being photographed by those reporters, the great director lost more than half of his B frame in an instant!

Dog meat still can’t be served at the main table!

The Oscars are definitely world news!

It doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not, and it doesn’t matter whether this year’s Oscars is a big year or a small year, as long as it is held, the headlines of all entertainment news the next day will definitely be the Oscars!

"On Oscar night, "The Invisible Guest" became the biggest winner, taking home four awards: Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Makeup and Best Original Screenplay!"

"Last night there were surprises at the Oscars, with "12 Years a Slave" and "The American Emperor" being the biggest disappointments. The former was an upset and only won a few insignificant technical awards, while "The American Emperor" was nominated for ten nominations and none. Yes, it was completely suppressed by "The Invisible Guest" and "Gravity"!

Of course, just like after every Oscar in the past, the media is not without doubts, especially the tabloids, who like to create some topics at this time to attract attention.

"Shady! Gu Zhongyu's award is full of shady stories. How can a movie like "The Invisible Guest" be compared with "12 Years a Slave"? The reason why he won the Best Picture Award is entirely the result of the operation of Zongheng Film and Lions Gate Pictures , this is not a victory for the movie, it is just a successful public relations!”

So What?

Even if what you say is true, so what?

No one cares, including the disappointing "12 Years a Slave", which Oscar winner does not have successful public relations and operations behind it?

Sour grapes!

Moreover, if winning awards relies only on public relations and does not depend on quality, then there will be no need for Oscar selection. It will be a direct comparison of throwing money. Isn’t it enough that whoever throws more money wins?

There are many voices similar to this doubt. Frankly speaking, the advantages of the movie "The Invisible Guest" are really not big. Compared with several other movies, it is not outstanding at all!

However, the mainstream media basically took a praising stance.

After all, political correctness has almost become a label for the Oscars these days. The judges finally took off this label. This is an encouragement to the film industry!

Another point is that after winning the Oscar for Best Picture, "The Invisible Guest" once again opened in 3,000 theaters across the United States.

The film scheduling rate has increased to nearly 25%!

You must know that the movie has been canceled before. This was entirely due to the influence of the Little Golden Man to arrange a re-release. A considerable number of North American movie fans went into the theater to watch the movie, making the single-day box office, which was already less than 100,000 US dollars, exceed 3 million US dollars in one fell swoop. , and in the following weekend, it grossed US$4.54 million, US$5.46 million and US$6.1 million for three consecutive days, and the North American box office received another US$18.2 million in a single week.

Coupled with previous accumulation, the North American box office of "The Invisible Guest" has slowly approached the US$140 million mark!

According to analysis by relevant professional institutions, the final North American box office of this film is likely to reach US$180 million.

At the same time, "The Invisible Guest" appeared in film markets around the world.

Due to the inherent limitations of the film's subject matter, it is impossible for it to sweep the overseas market like a summer blockbuster. However, with the aura of Oscar Best Picture, the overseas box office still grossed 40 million US dollars in a single week.

At this time, the global box office of "The Invisible Guest" is quietly approaching US$300 million!

After this battle, Gu Zhongyu has made a name for himself in the United States. Although he did not win the Oscar, he can still be regarded as a face in front of the North American people with the momentum of this movie. In the future, he will be very successful when he goes abroad. It's hard to guarantee that no one will recognize you.

After staying in the United States for two days, Gu Zhongyu returned home with a pair of panda eyes and a weak waist.

Shalizi and Alexandra, who had caused such harm to him, also felt bad. Gu Zhongyu simply played with them a lot before leaving!

The two of them won't be able to go out for at least a week, unless they cover themselves tightly and don't even expose their necks.

Even before Gu Zhongyu got the statuette back, his mobile phone was flooded with phone messages. After he got the statuette, there were more than 200 congratulatory messages on WeChat alone, and he couldn't even read them. After replying to a few important questions, I handed over my phone to Dudu.

This caused him to miss all the messages sent to him by his elder brother Gu Bohua.

"Blissful" was released in March, and the final box office reached 2.1 billion, once again breaking the box office record for Chinese-language movies!

Originally, this achievement could not be achieved until the release of "Monster Hunt" in 2015. Now it has been achieved ahead of schedule and at a smaller cost.

The net profit of this movie is almost as much as that of previous years. Comedy movies + Spring Festival are really a box office harvester. I wonder if this record can be broken when "Mermaid" and "Detective Chinatown" are released.

For such an achievement, it would be unreasonable not to celebrate in a big way. In addition, their Oscar trip won four statuettes, so they just did it together.

In addition to the high-level executives and artists, there are also many well-connected partners. In the best hotel and the highest hall in Yanjing, hundreds of people gathered together to celebrate...


Gu Zhongyu burped. Since returning to China, he has not been awake for a long time. Before today's celebration banquet, he had attended several dinners in private.

Some are invited by big names, such as Wang Changtian from Guangguang, Yu Dong from Bona, Lao Wang from Wanda, etc. It’s hard to shirk...

There were also some friends in the circle who organized a game, such as Jiang Wen, Huang Lei, Deng Chao, Zhang Ruoyun, Lu Yi, Tong Dawei, etc. Knowing that he was busy, a dozen people set up a table to invite him together. It seemed unreasonable not to come, and Each and every one of them came with their wives, and he was even more welcoming...

In addition, the fish in the pond, not to mention that they are very excited on weekdays, a few others seemed to have enlightened themselves, stopped playing the trick of being aloof, and began to take the initiative.

Li Yao, who had been sulking and not paying much attention to him, asked how he was doing and said that her kitten missed him. We didn’t know which kitten she was talking about~

Da Tiantian said that she was hesitant to buy clothes, and she hoped that Gu Zhongyu could help her refer to it. Can you please explain clearly whether your clothes are worn inside or outside?

Liu Yufei was more direct, and told him to come over, and there were good things waiting for him. Ridiculous, I, Gu Daguanren, was well-informed, what good things could you have... But I am just curious, so it's okay to stop by to see her and Aunt Liu in the evening, after all, I haven't been there for a while~

At the celebration banquet, waves of people came to congratulate, and Gu Zhongyu had already started to add water to the wine, but he still felt overwhelmed!

"I can't do it anymore! Quick! Help me block the wine!"

Gu Zhongyu put his left and right hands on Guo Fan and Gong Geer. Both of them were strong players at the drinking table, equivalent to his Xu Zhu Dianwei, and they were just right to block the wine for him.

In fact, he didn't drink too much, but he had to go to Xixi's house in the evening. If he was drunk now, what would it mean to go there later?

Guo Fan smiled bitterly, why did he still feel like a tool man when he was not acting as a director for Gu Zhongyu?

Just when Gu Zhongyu went to the bathroom to wash his face and was about to go back to finish his work before setting off to find Xixi, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang!

He had turned on the do not disturb function during this period, so no one except a few important people could call him. This must be a call from an acquaintance.

He picked it up and saw that it was indeed familiar. It was his elder brother from the same father and mother!

"Hello, leader. Thank you for your hard work. Do you have any instructions?"

"I can tell from your tone that you are drunk. Have you thought about the proposal for the meeting? Can you tell me first, so as not to be laughed at for being unrealistic or taboo!"

"What proposal?"

"The proposal for the political comedy conference! Don't tell me you are not prepared at all!"


Gu Zhongyu sobered up immediately and asked hurriedly: "What is the Political Harmony? Don't make fun of me, brother!"

"Who is kidding you? No... I sent so many messages, didn't you read them? You don't know until now?"

Gu Bohua's tone on the other end of the phone was full of shock. What on earth has this stupid brother been doing these days?

Mobile phone messages?

Gu Zhongyu quickly found the message records with his eldest brother and read them carefully one by one...

After reading them, Gu Zhongyu was depressed and was completely shocked by the news that he was about to become a member of the Political Harmony.

Damn, I'm not ready to transition to politics!

Gu Zhongyu didn't know that he was elected as a member of the Political Harmony before. To be honest, he didn't even know how the Political Harmony was elected, and he didn't care.

No wonder the eldest brother said mysteriously during the New Year that he would add some burden to him. Is he waiting for him here?

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