Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 352 Dudu recognizes his godmother!

It can be said that as a person who has not entered the D and does not understand politics, the greatest honor is to be a representative member of the Political Harmony and the National People's Congress.

He really has no interest in politics, and he doesn't think he has the ability to petition for the people. This time, the eldest brother is just trying to catch up.

But the deal is already done, this thing is not something you can just push if you want.

For a moment, I suddenly felt that the burden on my shoulders was much heavier...

Don’t you know that I hate responsibility the most?

After being shocked by the big news for a long time, Gu Zhongyu briefly communicated with his elder brother to make sure that he would not talk nonsense, and he was almost awakened from the wine.

Gu Zhongyu was only a thirty-year-old child. He had to bear such a big responsibility all of a sudden. He was so fragile that he wanted to escape immediately, so he rushed to Xixi's parents, hoping that Aunt Liu could give him a warm hug. ~

Before going, he didn't forget to bring Dundun with him. Don't forget each other whether you are rich or noble, both the owner and the cat will be happy!

"Where are you from?"

As soon as she entered the door, Liu Xiaoli helped Gu Zhongyu take off his coat. After smelling the strong smell of alcohol, she asked her aunt to bring him a bowl of tea soup. Looking at her considerate and gentle look, she thought she was some old wife. Where is the young husband!

"I just had a drinking party. I have been socializing endlessly these days. I haven't stopped since I came back from the United States. It's so uncomfortable!"

"I see you're enjoying it, don't you?" At this time, Liu Yufei walked downstairs in her pajamas and saw Chen Duling behind Gu Zhongyu holding Dundun, so she went forward and pulled Fatty over, holding the cat dissatisfied. He said: "You are really a busy man. I didn't even answer my phone calls. A new movie is about to be released. Don't you even care about your investment?"

Do you think I don't care about you?

"I've been thinking about you, so I came here before the celebration banquet was over!" Gu Zhongyu didn't defend himself, he smiled and hugged Liu Yufei and started to kiss her, his lips constantly stamping her swan neck...

She originally wanted to criticize Gu Zhongyu a few more words, but seeing his shameless look, Liu Yufei's anger was almost gone, but she still said unforgivingly: "How can I bother you to worry about it! Now I have an Oscar too." Now that you have become famous, you no longer look down on a little fool like me, right?"

"You are not a little fool, you are my most beautiful fat fairy!"

Gu Zhongyu deliberately accentuated the word "fat" because he could really feel the obvious extra flesh on his waist while holding Sissy's hand. It seems that the girl has been doing a lot of harm to food during this period!

"I'm not some flying fairy!"

Liu Yufei heard that she was a flying fairy. Although she never liked people calling her fairy sister or anything like that, she still enjoyed the flattery coming from Gu Zhongyu's mouth.

This bastard, he drank too much and started biting while kissing me. My mother is still here!

Seeing the two young people's closeness as if no one else was around, Liu Xiaoli sighed, and then noticed Chen Duling, who had been silent. This little girl was really good-looking, pure and lovely, and her temperament was not inferior to that of her fat daughter. .

"Zhongyu, is this your new assistant?"

"Well, her name is Chen Duling, and she is a top student at Jinling Aerospace University! Dudu, just call her Aunt Liu."

"Hello Aunt Liu!"

Chen Duling gave a weak cry, then looked at Liu Xiaoli and muttered in her heart: This Liu Yufei's mother must be in her fifties, right? She doesn't look old at all. Her daughter is so affectionate with Gu Zhongyu, why don't she avoid it?

"Hey! Little girl...she has a nice voice!" Liu Xiaoli took Chen Duling's hand and started to leave, "It's so late, Zhong Yu won't go back, why don't you stay here and rest, how about talking to auntie ?”

"Ah?" Chen Duling was not used to being approached by strangers, so she looked back at the boss. Gu Zhongyu was so drunk that he didn't care about her at all. He threw Dundun on the ground and let the little guy find it by himself. As for the female cat, he picked up Liu Yufei from the waist and started rushing upstairs.


Dundun, who had been abandoned by the shit-sweeper, came to Liu Yufei's home again, but instead of looking for her "beloved concubines" as usual, she came to Chen Duling's feet and gently rubbed her shoe with her chin.

"What's wrong with this little guy?"

"You must be hungry!"

Dundun is such a loser. I yelled at him countless times to help him lose weight, but he didn’t expect that he would actually do it this time. Now the cat food is only two-thirds of what it used to be, and the cans of cat bars are even worse. He couldn't even see it. Now he was meowing because he was hungry every day. So when he came to Liu Yufei's house, he didn't want to play with the female cat. Instead, he wanted to beg for some food first.

It's strange to say that even though he has already been on a diet, this fat boy is not obviously thinner. He still looks plump...

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was gone, Chen Duling secretly took out a few cat strips from his bag.

Although the boss had ordered it to lose weight, the soft-hearted Chen Duling couldn't stand the kitten's bouts of coquettishness, so he would take out cat strips and secretly feed Dundun from time to time, resulting in the cat's weight loss effect being unsatisfactory.

"Meow~" Dundun stood up with his upper body, grabbed the cat strip and sucked it hard.

Dundun loves this little girl to death. If she had a choice, she would want to be a cat for her classmate Dudu. That hateful shit shovel always uses her as a breeding tool. After using it, she won't give any rewards and even withholds. Ration, go back and step on him to get revenge!

"It seems that you trained Zhongyu's cat very well!"

Liu Xiaoli knelt down and touched Dundun's head. Looking at Chen Duling who was feeding the cat seriously, she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

She picked up the bowl and said to Chen Duling: "Hey! Young people are frizzy. This soup is almost not hot anymore. How about, girl... just drink the soup!"

"Huh? Oh~"

Chen Duling was too embarrassed to refuse the care from the elders and asked Dundun to eat the cat strips by herself, while she picked up the bowl and started drinking the soup.


Why are there so many wolfberries in this soup?

Looking at the soup bowl that bottomed out immediately after one gulp, Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but touched her head and said with a smile: "You kid is so sincere, I asked you to drink it, and you drank it all in one breath..."

The reason why Liu Xiaoli takes so much care of Dudu is not only because of her eyes, but also because she wants to start from her to see if she can get some useful information, such as which of Gu Zhongyu's blind dates, or which women he has been in contact with...

Such a beautiful assistant is most likely to be responsible for tasks outside of work, and the boss is a lecherous person like Gu Zhongyu, so it's strange that he can bear it!

But she wasn't angry either. Anyway, she had already gotten used to it. Gu Zhongyu had so many concubines. If everyone was angry, she and Qian Qian would have been mad to death!

As long as it can be used for me.

The former assistant Bai Lu seemed to be a naughty person. Liu Xiaoli tried to win over or even bribe her, but she couldn't get anything useful out of her. Instead, she got a lot of gifts for nothing.

"The soup tastes great, thank you auntie!"

"You're welcome, eh... the female assistants around Xiao Gu are looking for each other to compete with each other in beauty. Are you going to debut as an artist in the future?"

Chen Duling nodded.

Liu Xiaoli was overjoyed, clapped her hands and said, "That's great. Sissi now has her own company and is short of people. How about... you come over and join Feiyu in the future!" "

"Ah I?"

"Yes! You are so good-looking. When I see you, I feel like I saw the old Sissi." Liu Xiaoli turned on the TV, pointed at the TV series "Menghua Lu" that was playing and said: "Look, Our company’s first TV series this year has made so many young people famous! Du Yuchen, who plays Miss Gao in it, was just a stuntman before..."

"You are beautiful, have a good temperament, and have such a high degree of education. If you join our company, you will be the first person after Sissi!"

"Auntie, I won't betray my boss!"

"Silly boy, who told you to betray Xiao Gu?" Liu Xiaoli smiled softly, picked up Chen Duling's hand and put it in her palm, "Don't you know who the big boss behind Feiyu is? Sissi is too I'm working for Xiao Gu. There's nothing wrong with you coming to our place. He will agree to it. With Auntie here, no one can bully you!"


Chen Duling didn't know what to say for a moment. The main reason was that she had never met someone who painted a pie for her like this before. Gu Zhongyu couldn't do it, and no one else could, let alone what he said. An aunt who looks gentle and amiable is completely different from those people in the entertainment industry who have shrewd calculations written all over their faces.

This reminded her of her mother who was far away in Xiamen.

Then Liu Xiaoli didn’t know if she heard her inner voice, but she immediately said: I really want to have another daughter like you!

After Dundun finished eating the cat strips, she was still unsatisfied. She smashed her mouth and stared at the big golden retriever that was sleeping in the living room and the dog food in front of it...


In Cixi's room upstairs, Gu Zhongyu, who had finished a round of fighting, slowly exhaled. Feeling that he was almost sober, Hu touched the out of breath Cixi next to him: "I've really gained weight recently, Xixi. Akane, look...the belly is almost there, it’s time to lose weight!”

But... I'm still fat, but my hand feels better than before.

"Shut up!" Liu Yufei couldn't bear to hear this the most. She was so angry that she took the bitter tea seeds beside the pillow and tried to gag Gu Zhongyu's mouth.

This bastard stuffed her mouth with this thing just now, and now she wants to take revenge!

"Don't, don't, don't... I'm not laughing at you. Since you are going to play "Get Out! Tumor King", you must lose weight! The heroine Xiong Dun has terminal cancer. In addition to shaving her head, she also needs to be skinny. !”

"That happened later in the movie. Xiong Dun overeated and gained weight in the early stage! Don't you remember the script you wrote yourself?"

Liu Yufei was indignant. Fortunately, this stupid man was also a screenwriter, and he actually forgot about this.

The scripts were copied based on memories from previous lives. Gu Zhongyu didn't read them very much after writing them down. How could he remember all the points?

"So I've been eating enough to gain weight during this period, but it seems to be a bit too much. Starting tomorrow, I have to lose a little bit, and I can only eat broccoli chicken breast..."

Sissi is quite serious this time. She has to gain weight and lose weight for a movie, which is quite harmful to her body. It is better not to let her play such roles in the future.

"Then I will stay here for the next few days and urge you to lose weight!"

There are still several days before the political harmony is held, and there will be many people looking for him during this period. He simply hides at Qian Qian's house for a few days. No one will guess that he is hiding here.

Liu Yufei glanced at him in surprise and asked with some disbelief: "Really or not? When you live here, are you not afraid of the media writing nonsense, or those women coming to your door?"

"Afraid of a hammer! Why...don't you welcome me?"

"Hmph! Seeing that you are taking advantage of Oscar, you are allowed to have the same food as my golden retriever. At night, you sleep in the same litter with Dundun. They are all female cats. It is an advantage for you!"

Liu Yufei felt happy in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended to be in love with her.

Pack wool!

I don’t know who screamed so happily just now?

"Baby, I'll sleep with you, a female cat, first..."

Gu Zhongyu rushed forward and rolled into a ball with Liu Yufei again. It wasn't until Sissi began to beg for mercy that he let her go.

"I remember Dundun. My assistant is still downstairs. Let's send her back first." With that said, Gu Zhongyu got up and put on his clothes and prepared to go downstairs.

"It's enough to just send a message, why keep going!" Liu Yufei's face was red, her tone was lazier, and she didn't want to let him go for a moment.

"I even brought a gift for you, you have to bring the bag!"

Gu Zhongyu blinked, then walked downstairs and saw classmate Dudu sobbing with tears in his eyes...

What happened, being bullied by Aunt Liu?

"Zhongyu, you came at the right time. I want to adopt Dudu as my goddaughter. This child... was so excited that he cried!"


Do you have a habit of recognizing your daughter?

I already have a goddaughter like Shu Chang, and now I have another one!

"Boss, auntie is so kind to me...I, I...I just agreed. Do you have any objection?"

Rubbing her eyes, Chen Duling truly felt that since she left home, apart from Gu Zhongyu, Aunt Liu was the best person to her. She gave her gifts, greeted her, and even accepted her as her daughter...

The boss prefers Liu Yufei so much. Is it because Aunt Liu is so virtuous?

He never expected that in less than two hours, Liu Xiaoli would subdue Dudu. As an assistant, he was still too simple-minded. How could someone be nice to you for no reason?

"This is a good thing!" Gu Zhongyu naturally wouldn't object, and pinched her nose happily, "This way you and Sissi can be considered sisters. Originally, I planned to stay here for a few days and let you go back first. Since So...just stay with me and treat it as a holiday!"

"Uh-huh, thank you boss!"

Seeing her boss's approval, Chen Duling turned around, feeling a little embarrassed and shouted out her first words in her life, "Godmother!"


Liu Xiaoli hugged her happily. Apart from her little thoughts, she really liked this girl.

Seeing the two beauties hugging each other, Gu Zhongyu became playful, so he stood in the middle, stretched out his left and right hands and hugged them.

"What are you doing?"

When Liu Yufei arrived, she saw her mother and Gu Zhongyu's assistant hugging each other, and Gu Zhongyu hugged them both at the same time...

What's going on?

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