The next person to speak was Xu Qinsong, president of the Guangdong Academy of Painting. This person was not from the film and television industry, but his speech surprised Gu Zhongyu!

His proposal involves the most popular Korean drama "My Love from the Star" recently. He first highly praised "My Love from the Star" for its storytelling characteristics and believed that such a boom in Korean dramas has hurt our cultural self-esteem. The damage is due to the lack of cultural confidence. In fact, when it comes to alien themes, we already filmed "Thunderbolt Beibei" in 1988, which was "My Love from the Star" that was popular in the world at that time. In fact, we have no shortage of talents. So what is our family still missing?

"Why do Korean dramas have a market in China? Why have they traveled across the ocean and influenced the US empire and even Europe? A few years ago they released "Gangnam Style" which was also popular in the US empire~"

"To be honest, sometimes I watch Korean dramas one after another. After watching it for a long time, I finally understood that Korean dramas are ahead of us. The core and soul are Confucian culture, which is exactly the sublimation of the return of Chinese culture."

"I see the hope of Chinese culture. Back then, "Desire" was also sold out. It talked about the shortcomings of parents. It was the sublimation of traditional Chinese culture. It used TV dramas to promote the content of traditional Chinese culture. So believe in yourself and believe in 5,000 years of continuous development. Chinese civilization.”

"Although the subsequent broadcast of "Descendants of the Sun" saved a bit of the situation for domestic dramas, in the field of Asian culture, the influence of "My Love from the Star" is far greater than that of "Descendants of the Sun". Why can't we make one? What about a TV series that can be famous in Asia and even the world?”

Then he also listed how classical cultural TV series such as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" became popular in Asia...

Thunderous applause!

I didn't expect that a painter could have such a deep understanding of domestic and Korean dramas. He has obviously put in the effort.

After Mr. Xu Qinsong finished speaking, it was Gu Zhongyu's turn. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

Damn it, why do you want me to talk at this time?

Gu Zhongyu originally wanted to discuss what is so great about Korean dramas. He planned to talk about it from four aspects: screenwriter, director, actor, and censorship.

But after Xu Qinsong said this, if he talked about this topic again, he would be suspected of being unfair!

So, he stood up and said slowly: "Well, actually I don't think Korean dramas are that great."

Then he immediately brainstormed and began to think of new ideas: "The advantages of Korean dramas are nothing more than handsome guys and beautiful women, and a few seemingly romantic stories. It is not difficult to copy in this regard. In the TV series "Descendants of the Sun" We have already practiced it once in Zongheng..."

"Mr. Xu just said it right. We are a country with thousands of years of history and a profound cultural heritage. Whether it is a serious historical drama like "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" or a costume romance drama like "Huanzhugege", Our TV series used to be able to be exported to Hanguo, Neon, and even the entire East Asia, but in recent years, this influence has not shown progress..."

"Everything... why can't we dig up history again and recreate the passion that Yang's mother had when she was filming the Four Great Classics?"

Then Gu Zhongyu got excited and started talking without realizing it until the speaking time was over.

"We need costume-themed works that can rekindle the conversation among the people."

After finishing speaking, Gu Zhongyu sat down.

His words still received applause from many comrades present, and everyone started discussing.

Of course, this thing is destined to be just empty talk, and it is difficult to completely solve it in a meeting.

This is actually what he said. According to the current development trend, the costume drama market is almost saturated. Especially in the past few years, all kinds of costume dramas, palace battles, martial arts, etc. will enter a period of explosive development. .

But as a time traveler, Gu Zhongyu knows that this is just the calm before the storm. With the proliferation of costume themes, the higher authorities will eventually intervene. The more costume dramas there are, the sooner the iron fist of the ancient restriction order will come down!

In fact, as early as the TV drama shooting and production record publicity management training class held at the end of 2011, it was announced: "Starting from January 1, 2012, the General Administration will prohibit palace fighting dramas, dramas involving crimes, and time-travel dramas from being broadcast on the Star Channel Prime "The news will only be about palace battles and time travel, and other costume themes will not be affected.

But in China, if a single type of drama is too popular, it will inevitably be curbed.

In June 2013, the General Administration of Optoelectronics directly issued the "22 Regulations", clearly proposing to encourage realistic themes, requiring that the proportion of episodes broadcast during prime time must reach more than 50% of the total number of episodes; stipulating that costume themes be broadcast monthly and annually The total number of episodes must not exceed 15% of the total. In principle, two costume dramas cannot be broadcast consecutively.

The "22 Regulations" are currently the only explicit regulations on the restrictions on costume TV dramas that can be found. This regulation even gives in detail the total amount, timing and time period of different types of TV dramas. For example, it stipulates that a drama cannot be broadcast consecutively on the same day. With more than 6 episodes aired, we will no longer be able to see the popular summer drama airing all day long.

But after the regulations, the popularity of costume dramas has not diminished. In addition to palace battles, fantasy and martial arts dramas are also booming.

After 2013, costume dramas such as "The Ancient Sword" and "The Legend of Wu Mei Niang" are also popular on the screen, because although the "22 Rules" were originally intended to balance dramas of various themes, promote the richness and diversity of themes in the film and television industry, and inhibit the number of dramas Homogenization.

After it can be implemented, the limited quota for scheduling costume dramas will also prompt satellite TV to be more cautious in purchasing costume film and television dramas, and to a certain extent eliminate the broadcast of some crude costume dramas, so the costume drama market has not been significantly affected.

Therefore, since 2015, Optoelectronics has introduced the "one drama, two stars" policy, which means that the same TV series must not be broadcast on more than two comprehensive channels (satellite TV) during prime time every night. No more than two episodes may be broadcast during late prime time.

On the one hand, this regulation is intended to further balance the program composition of satellite TV, enrich the audience's screen, and encourage satellite TV to purchase different series. On the other hand, it is also intended to reduce joint procurement and control the increase in the price of TV series.

In fact, the main focus was on costume dramas, because there were very few realistic themes at that time, and most of them were costume dramas!

The original intention was good, but it ignored the declining dominance of the TV platform as the online platform continued to grow. After one operation, it actually hit the local TV stations!

In 2008, the online video copyright of the 81-episode TV series "Wulin Gaiden" was sold for only 100,000 yuan.

In 2009, the online copyright of 40 episodes of "Beauty's Scheming" was 400,000 yuan.

In 2010, "Gong Lock Heart Jade" directly earned 350,000 per episode.

Because the audience for TV dramas is gradually aging, young viewers have long been accustomed to watching dramas on online platforms, with advertisements, and the payment model has gradually matured. The increasingly fledgling online platforms have already joined the rush to buy high-quality dramas while testing the waters of homemade dramas at a low cost. As a result, the price of dramas has skyrocketed.

For example, in 2012, the price of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" broadcast on Star TV was about 140 million yuan, while Dragon TV's budget for buying dramas was 800 million yuan. It could only buy less than 6 "The Legend of Zhen Huan" at most. Obviously, in order to ensure that all TV dramas are sold, With the amount of dramas scheduled every year, this budget is completely unable to grab the premiere of a high-quality drama!

After the "one drama, two stars" was officially implemented, second- and third-tier satellite TV stations officially withdrew from the first round of broadcasting of popular dramas and began to survive between the first-tier satellite TV stations and online platforms, which indirectly promoted the prosperity of online dramas.

From 2014 to 2018, in terms of Internet traffic, costume dramas have been the traffic champion for five consecutive years. "The Legend of Chu Qiao" ranks first in the online playback ranking with 45.775 billion, followed by "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" with 43.092 billion views. Even on TV platforms that strictly limit the number of broadcasts, costume dramas can still be played.

Among the top ten TV drama ratings in 2017, costume dramas accounted for 50%!

Finally, in 2019, the Yanjing Daily officially published an article listing the "five deadly sins" of costume dramas: "zealously pursuing the royal lifestyle and making it a popular fashion; carefully interpreting the plot of "palace fighting" and worsening the current social ecology; Beautifying emperors and ministers, diluting the glory of today’s heroes and models; promoting the trend of luxury and enjoyment, attacking the virtues of diligence and thrift; pursuing commercial interests one-sidedly and weakening positive spiritual guidance.”

This announcement is regarded as the prelude to the most stringent ancient order!

Not long after, several major video websites suddenly removed the homepage recommendations for popular costume dramas. Later, it was reported on the Internet that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued new regulations: "From that day to the end of June, including martial arts, fantasy, history, mythology, time travel, All online dramas, TV series, and online movies with historical themes, including biographies and palace battles, are not allowed to be broadcast. All those that have been aired will be removed, and all those that have not been aired will be rescheduled for another day!

This time, dubbed by netizens as "the most stringent ancient order in history," it brought several film and television companies to the brink of bankruptcy. The costume drama market has been slow for two years and has yet to fully recover.

Gu Zhongyu has always believed that costume dramas really need to be controlled. Some dramas are stinky and long-lasting, shoddy, tamper with history and even have incorrect views. Naturally, such black sheep need to be kicked out.

But such a one-size-fits-all approach is indeed a bit too much. Ancient costume dramas have always been China’s dominant subject matter. Other countries want to film them but don’t have the capital. How can any normal person cut off his own arm?

TV dramas with other themes also have many problems, but no one seems to care about them.

For example, "Mother's Way", which was once the ratings champion of Yanjing Satellite TV, is completely the remnants of feudalism with unhealthy views. Just because it is not a costume drama, it can escape the disaster. It has been included in various anti-Japanese dramas, family dramas, and professional dramas. The scenes of brain damage are also outrageous, but no relevant departments have taken action to rectify them.

Gu Zhongyu is now very cautious about all kinds of costume drama projects, because he is afraid that after he creates a bunch of hit costume dramas, his peers will follow suit, causing unprecedented prosperity in the market and leading to the early arrival of the ancient costume restrictions!

No matter what the problem is, it is difficult to completely solve it in one meeting. Anyway, Gu Zhongyu didn't think about what he could do today, just cope with the task.

As he walked out of the conference hall, Gu Zhongyu was stopped by reporters and asked a lot of questions about his proposal.

Gu Zhongyu answered many reporters' questions with a forced smile.

When they learned that Gu Zhongyu supported the production and broadcast of costume dramas at the meeting, netizens started complaining one after another.

"Then you should make one! The recent costume dramas are so ugly, I want to die!"

"Bitch! You haven't filmed a costume drama in almost two years. Have you forgotten what you are famous for?"

"Gu Delai's last costume drama was Zhang Xiaojing's "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an." In the past two years, he has made a TV series called "Descendants of the Sun." After all, he is rich. He no longer has his original intention and won't participate in the drama!"

Gu Zhongyu's fans left messages under his Weibo, asking him to shoot a costume drama quickly to cheer everyone up. After all, he was once the little prince of costume dramas, and Gu Zhongyu's old fans still hope to see him shoot a costume drama.

Just like Hu Ge and Liu Yufei's fans always hope that they will shoot costume dramas, if the main actors don't shoot, they can just edit it by themselves. Hu Ge has performed "Zhu Xian", "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality", "Legend of Sword and Fairy IV" on Station B...

Seeing that fans are calling for him to shoot a costume drama, Gu Zhongyu is very happy. Zongheng has a lot of costume drama shooting plans this year, but it is not yet determined whether he will do it himself, but this does not prevent him from using another drama to whet their appetite.

That night, Gu Zhongyu announced on Weibo that "a large-scale costume palace drama starring me will be broadcast soon, and everyone is welcome to watch it!"

Oh, damn!

I didn't expect that my wish would be responded to by the main actors so quickly, but I didn't hear Baidu find any TV series Gu Zhongyu has filmed?

Before netizens could react, Gu Zhongyu continued to announce the information of the TV series on Weibo!

"The Legend of Wu Zetian"

The play tells the story of how Wu Meiniang changed from an innocent and romantic girl to a woman overnight, and from then on suffered the ruthlessness and cruelty of court life. In a series of court struggles, she gradually showed her outstanding political talents until she ruled the country from behind the curtain and became an unprecedented generation of empresses.

Actors: Fan Binbin, Gu Zhongyu, Zhang Fengyi, Peng Guanying, Zhang Junning, Wen Zhengrong, Mao Xiaotong...

The play will be broadcast on Mango TV at the end of March this year, so stay tuned.

When netizens saw Gu Zhongyu's name appear in the cast list, they were confused because they didn't know who he was playing.

From the start of filming to the establishment of the project, the identities of the characters in "The Legend of Wu Zetian" were not made public, and everyone didn't know the corresponding roles played by others except Fan Xiaopang.

Since Gu Zhongyu participated in the play, according to his status, he should play a very important role, right?

Li Shimin or Li Zhi?

Everyone began to speculate.

After the release date of "Legend of Wu Zetian" was announced, the costume drama market finally ushered in a king bomb!

The combination of Gu Zhongyu + Fan Binbin has all the elements of a hit drama, including the history of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian, the palace, and history.

Like Gu Zhongyu, Fan Xiaopang has not filmed a TV series for five years. He is the queen of topics. Now he plays the role of Wu Zetian, a "real heroine", and has received more attention than Gu Zhongyu!

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