Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 355: Fan Ye's Domineering Return

The reason why Zongheng's "Legend of Wu Zetian" and the previous "Legend of Wu Mei Niang" have different names is because they have made great changes in the plot.

If the filming is too rigorous and the threshold for viewing is high, it will definitely dissuade many people, which is not conducive to widespread dissemination and even going abroad; if it is too entertaining, it will lower the style of the TV series and be mixed with other palace fighting dramas. It is destined to become a top-notch drama. Not a classic.

When Gu Zhongyu wrote the script, he referred to the history of the Tang Dynasty and the old version of Liu Xiaoqing's "Wu Zetian". After careful consideration, he chose a middle value. The general historical context and characters were strictly based on history, and many omissions were removed that did not promote the plot. The role's love and bloody plot focuses on Wu Zetian's personal growth, or the step-by-step darkening process.

In addition, the low bear costumes of the Tang Dynasty ladies in the play were also slightly covered up. Otherwise, if it were still a spectacular scene of "a city full of busty girls", it would definitely be complained by a bunch of so-called parents and then ordered to be cut. , Wu Zetian was stunned and edited into Wu Datou!

But when it comes to covering up, it actually means that I slightly moved my top by less than one centimeter, trying to cover my face half-covered by Pipa. It looks like I want to show it but not show it, which makes me look even more seductive...

Not long after, the official account of "Legend of Wu Zetian" took the lead in releasing the trailer of the TV series. The rigorous service, the towering palace buildings, and the women of the Tang Dynasty reappearing like ancient paintings... all demonstrate the meticulous craftsmanship of the crew. , in just ten seconds, everyone felt the majestic atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty!

In order to film this drama, Gu Zhongyu also worked very hard. He first jointly built the Tang Dynasty Film and Television City, and then filmed "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" to accumulate experience for the crew. After several years of preparation, he filmed Wu Zetian.

"I'll go! Gu Zhongyu held it in without saying a word. Looking at the texture and shots of this drama, it's completely movie-level!"

"When I saw Fan Xiaopang's Wu Zetian on the stage, I wanted to kneel down and lick her~"

"There are so many beauties! I'm dazzled!"

"I've finished watching the trailer, but I didn't see Gu Delai?"

"It should be to maintain a sense of mystery! Zhang Fengyi should play Li Shimin, Peng Guanying should play Li Zhi, Gu Zhongyu...could it be that he plays Wu Zetian's first love White Lotus?"


Gu Zhongyu wanted to laugh when he saw this comment, and even couldn't help but want to tell this netizen that he was just a guest star for two days, playing the role of Fan Xiaopang's son!

Many people regard Gu Zhongyu as the starring role, but they don't know that he is just a soy sauce actor. This should be considered a fraudulent promotion of the TV series, just like the so-called "Han Teng Liang" in the film industry later!

On the evening of March 20, "The Legend of Wu Zetian", which took two and a half years to be produced, was finally released on Mango TV as scheduled.

From the end of last year to this year, the three dramas "Descendants of the Sun", "Meng Hua Lu" and "The Legend of Wu Zetian" were all chosen to be broadcast on Mango TV as the premiere platform. Gu Zhongyu felt that Mango TV should allow him to become a shareholder.

The "Legend of Wu Zetian", which had high hopes, really demonstrated his ability as a drama king. The ratings of the first episode reached a terrifying level!

CSM50 city network ratings are 2.28 and market share is 6.05%! The ratings of the first episode directly exceeded 2, setting a record for the highest ratings in the history of a TV series!

It is necessary to talk about what level the ratings of 2.28 are. For example, the average rating of the powerful "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is 1.573. The ratings of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "Step by Step", which were popular at the time, did not exceed 2. , Liu Yufei's "Menghualu" and Gu Zhongyu's "Descendants of the Sun" also broke 2 after a few episodes were aired!

Fan Xiaopang broke the ratings record of the last three years on Mango Channel in just one episode. Now everyone is waiting to see if this drama can break the record of "The Temptation of Going Home" which broke the record of 5!

The investment amount of "Legend of Wu Zetian" reached as high as 300 million. After the broadcast, Fan Binbin performed Wu Zetian's appearance in anger. On Weibo, there was an endless stream of praises, such as "It's so beautiful that it makes you cry," "It's so beautiful that it's crazy," "It's so beautiful." It's so tragic." Netizens licked the screen and praised her, saying that if Wu Zetian didn't look like this, it would be her own problem!

There are many beauties in the drama, including Wen Zhengrong, Tang Yixin, Zhang Junning, Mao Xiaotong, etc., and it has the style of a fashionable costume drama. The pictures are exquisite and grand, and the scenes in the play all show the luxury and splendor of the harem in the Tang Dynasty. The costumes, from palace maids to noble concubines, are all gorgeous, highlighting the aura of the "annual drama."

In addition, regardless of whether they are big beauties or little beauties, they all hold their breasts up high, and they are also said to be beautiful and glamorous, which makes them look like the movie "A City of Golden Armor".

Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu has asked the crew to restrain themselves and not reveal too much. Otherwise, he will definitely be scolded as vulgar. I hope Optoelectronics will not notice...

The plot of this version is very different from the original version. Not only does it not have those bloody plots, but it quotes a lot of historical records to improve the authenticity. It does not portray Wu Zetian as a white lotus. After Fan Binbin's Wu Mei Niang appeared, she quickly showed He showed his ruthlessness and determination.

In the original version, Wu Meiniang and Li Shimin first met because they accidentally broke into the palace left by Empress Changsun after her death. Then she wore a mask in a very literary style and came to Prince Duan Lanling to dance to seduce Li Shimin. Because the dance looked like Changsun's, so they immediately It hit Li Shimin's weakness...

This is obviously based on the setting of Wanwan Leiqing in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", who is attracted by a heroine who looks like his first love, White Lotus...

The key is that the arrangement is extremely unreasonable. How could a woman who had just entered the palace easily enter the queen's palace and get close to the emperor? If the security measures of the Tang Dynasty palace were already so bad, then Li Shimin had The ten lives have already been given!

There is no need to reserve such a mindless plot!

And because there is no detailed description of Wu Zetian's life in the palace during Li Shimin's reign, Gu Zhongyu can only make rational adaptations based on the fragments of history books.

In the third episode, someone presented Li Shimin with a horse named Lion Cong, which no one could tame. At this time, Wu Zetian, who was still an ordinary talent, appeared and said that she could tame it, but she needed three things: an iron whip, Hammer, dagger.

First beat it with an iron whip; if it doesn't obey, then hammer it with an iron hammer; if it still refuses, kill it with a dagger!

This story was taken from the official history "Old Book of Tang", but Gu Zhongyu felt that it was more likely to be fabricated by later generations, just to highlight Wu Zetian's cruelty when she was young, but he still put this story into the script, and then Made some slight adaptations.

In the play, Li Shimin, who loves horses, naturally did not let Wu Zetian do this. He even felt that this woman was a bit cruel and had murderous thoughts in his heart...

Wu Zetian, who was keen, noticed the cold look in Khan's eyes in time, and in a hurry, she immediately knelt on the ground and added: These methods are just used by people who train horses. Your Majesty is naturally talented and does not need these, just like in the past. It's like capturing two kings in one battle at Wulaoguan. It only needs a little beating. No matter how unruly the horse is, it can only surrender!

After hearing this, Li Shimin was very happy. He felt that this woman actually knew so much about his achievements when he was young. Not only did he let her go, but he also made her a personal servant...

There are many other adaptations like this. Anyway, the TV series does not portray Li Shimin or Wu Zetian as love-minded. They will have feelings between them, but they will never let their feelings override politics and their own power!

Sudden crises, wonderful twists, tense rhythms, and an overwhelming number of beauties... All of this has made "Legend of Wu Zetian" a ratings hit of 3 when it was only on its fifth episode, and its Douban rating reached 8, 2 points. , and it’s still making great progress!

At the same time, this drama is also popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

In Hong Kong, the ratings of "Legend of Wu Zetian" have reached close to 30 in a short period of time, ranking first for many days in a row, with about 2 million viewers watching. Based on the population of 7 million in Xiangjiang, almost one-third of the people are watching this show. drama.

In the words of Ming Pao, Fan Xiaopang crushed TVB with his gorgeous costumes and grand scenes.

In the Wanwan area, the number of viewers has reached one million, causing Taiwanese media to lament that young people in Wanwan are being "brainwashed" by mainland dramas.

Although this is an exaggeration, it is not unreasonable. At present, Wanwan's local film and television market is retreating step by step.

In the field of movies, Hollywood is almost occupied. In the field of TV series, the idol dramas that we were once proud of are already a thing of the past. Most capable newcomers have gone north to develop in the mainland. The local market has been impacted by mainland and cold TV dramas in turn.

"The Legend of Wu Zetian" has also performed well on the Internet. Currently, the drama is hotly launched on the five major video websites including Penguin, LeTV, iQiyi, Sohu, and Youku. In terms of various network indicators, the drama has no There is no suspense to reach the top of the major rankings. Judging from the data of the first broadcast on video websites, only Penguin Video’s 24-hour playback of the feature film exceeded 108 million on the first day it was launched, far exceeding the total playback volume of other video websites, accounting for 57.5%. At the same time, the feature film of the drama has also received good views on other video platforms.

On the first day of the broadcast of "The Legend of Wu Zetian", starring actors such as Fan Binbin and Zhang Junning immediately interacted with netizens.

But after the TV series aired for more than ten episodes, no one saw Gu Zhongyu appear. He was clearly on the cast list, so why did an important character appear so late?

Could it be Wu Zetian's mistresses Xue Huaiyi and Zhang Yizhi?

The harem life of the empress and her male favorite? So exciting!

As a result, when the TV series reached almost 20 episodes, everyone saw the appearance of Gu Zhongyu's character. It turned out that he was Wu Zetian's unlucky son-Li Xian!

Moreover, the scenes are quite short, and I received the box lunch within two episodes after it was released...

Gu Zhongyu's fans went to his Weibo one by one to call him a liar. We are all following the drama because of you! Although you are caught chasing after yourself, your behavior is considered fraud. Don't you hurry up to open more businesses and film more dramas to soothe our wounded hearts?

Not to mention, Gu Zhongyu is really going to go out for business, and he will return to one of his favorite variety shows, "Qi Pa Shuo"!

This is Qi Pa Shuo's recording site. The stage layout is much more gorgeous than last time, which shows that the investment effect of the variety show is good and Gu Daguan has indeed made money!

This time Gu Zhongyu came with Fan Binbin and Zhang Junning, and it was considered as a promotion for the TV series.

When we arrived at the scene, we only had time to exchange a few words with Sa Beining, Cai Kangyong and Ma Dong, but the staff had already urged the recording to start.

"Let us welcome the nation's male idol Gu Zhongyu, Queen Fan Binbin, and Miss Zhang Junning!" The audience and contestants stood up and applauded.

Gu Zhongyu came on stage with two beauties on his left and right, and his attitude was quite arrogant. However, when he saw that all the staff stood up and applauded them, he still waved his hands: "No, no, no, let's just sit down and talk!"

"Today is the final of Qi Pa Shuo. We called Gu Zhongyu over again, as well as Bingbing and Junning who we haven't seen for a long time." Ma Dong looked at the camera in front of him, "Teacher Sa Beining, why do you think Gu Zhongyu comes to our Qi Pa Shuo again and again?"

"Because he is an investor!"

Sa Beining's answer was concise and the audience smiled knowingly.

"Let us first congratulate Gu Zhongyu for winning four Oscars and the Best Film!"

It was Cai Kangyong who gave him face and immediately said the greatest honor Gu Zhongyu had received some time ago. It should be said that this is the greatest honor Gu Zhongyu has received in the film industry and worldwide so far.

"Let us congratulate Teacher Gu first!"

"Thank you!"

Gu Zhongyu put his hands together and was very humble.

At this moment, Fan Xiaopang looked at Gu Zhongyu with autumn water in his eyes. This bastard rarely appeared on the show, and he didn't want to take her with him. Fortunately, she and Zhang Junning were smart. They went to his house in advance to block the door. After playing the game of stacking people all night, they finally made him surrender!

Fan Binbin was also very proud during this period. As the number one sister of Zongheng, she hasn't released new works for a long time. She has always relied on topic marketing to maintain her popularity. Many people even laughed at her for having no movies to shoot.

Now a "Legend of Wu Zetian" has made Fan Xiaopang return as a king, and directly let the young actresses in the domestic entertainment know that you Fan Ye is you Fan Ye after all!

"Congratulations to Bingbing again. "Legend of Wu Zetian" has a huge ratings and received continuous praise. My friends and I are watching your TV series!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ma!"

After a few compliments, he quickly got to the point.

"Mr. Gu, can I ask what the concept of the best movie at the Oscars is? Because many people, like me, know about the Oscars, but don't know what the best movie award is." Ma Dong gave Gu Zhongyu a chance to show off.

"This is not appropriate for me to say, let Teacher Sa say it!" It is not appropriate to brag about yourself, this job should be left to others.

Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to throw the topic to Sa Beining.

"Then I will show my ugliness!"

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