Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 356: Can you accept the unspoken rules?

Sabining switched to the host mode of Yangma in a second: "The Oscars are the oldest, most authoritative and professional film awards in the United States, and are also the most influential film awards in the world. There are 22 permanent awards and 3 non-permanent awards. Among the many awards, the most influential is the Best Film Award. Currently, only 86 films have won this award. Before Mr. Gu, no Chinese had ever won this award. !”

Cai Kangyong added: "Even Lao Mouzi and Brother Kaizi failed to win the honor. Li Bian also missed the opportunity..."

"Don't, don't, don't! Your words have offended a lot of people, and the movie was not made by me alone. It was the joint effort of everyone, with a little bit of luck added to it!"

"If you're lucky, how can you explain why you won four awards all at once?"

"No, there are unwritten rules and so on. I secretly treated the Oscar judges to a few meals and stuffed them with big red envelopes and so on..."

Gu Zhongyu made a joke, which was also a mockery of some people who questioned whether "The Invisible Guest" did not deserve to win an Oscar some time ago!

Ma Dong exclaimed: "Teacher Gu, did you steal the question? How do you know that our debate question today is: in order to succeed, the unspoken rules are placed in front of you, do you accept it or not?"

"Oh my God, do you think the scale of your usual topics is so big?"

When Fan Binbin saw this debate topic, he subconsciously yelled. Zhang Junning also pretended to be surprised, and everything written on his face was "Is this a touchable topic?"

"As an old friend of ours, let me ask Teacher Gu first, do you accept the unspoken rules?"

"Do you think with my current status, who can still unspoken rules for me?"

Gu Zhongyu's mind turned quickly and he asked directly, "Just kidding, who can unspoken rules for me, Gu Daguan?"

"Teacher Gu means that there is no one in the entertainment industry who can unspoken rules for him, so let's ask another question, can you unspoken rules for others?" Cai Kangyong asked from a different angle.

"No! The style is too low!"

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, was he and Du Yuchen, Zhang Li, Tang Yixin and the others considered unspoken rules?

Of course not!

He has never promised them any resources or benefits in exchange, nor does it involve monetary transactions. He has not even paid for a house. It is purely a collision of emotion and body. It is aboveboard!

Thinking about it this way, I am simply a noble person!

"Teacher Gu is very confident. What about Bingbing? Can you accept it?"

Fan Binbin thought for a while: "How should I put it? Let's see how big the sacrifice is. If it is not a big sacrifice and the target is not very annoying..."

When she said this, she glanced at Gu Zhongyu imperceptibly next to her. Although the time was short, this half second was captured by the camera. After seeing this, the director shook his head and ordered that this glance be given to Fan Xiaopang in the later stage. Cut it off!

"Ah! Bingbing, you are the queen of the generation! The show is still on. Doing this will destroy your character!" Ma Dong was a little helpless and looked at Fan Binbin in surprise.

"I mean, look at the extent of the sacrifice. If it's just the loss of some external things, you can use it. Of course, if it involves physical sacrifice, then forget it!"

Fan Binbin quickly made amends. She was glad that she had joined Zongheng early enough. Otherwise, if she had continued to stay in the Wang Brothers Company, sooner or later she would have been eaten even with bones!

"Bingbing's attitude is a bit swinging. Just say whether to use it or not!"

"Qi Pa Shuo" does not require such a point of view.

"Then I don't need it. Anyway, I can succeed with my strength. Only sister can unspoken rules for others!" Fan Binbin concluded very domineeringly. He now has the support of a man behind him and has the confidence to say this.

"It's settled, we can't change it. Come on, let's ask Junning Zhang, can you accept it?"

"It's definitely not possible. If you want to sleep with me, there's no way!"

Zhang Junning also refused directly, with such righteous words that he almost made Gu Zhongyu forget who was at the bottom during the Arhat stacking last night and screamed miserably!

"Okay, Teacher Gu and the other three are sure of their opinions. Then Brother Kang Yong can accept it, right?"

"We haven't said it's acceptable yet. What we're saying here is that we can consider it!"

Cai Kangyong explained with a wry smile.

"Okay! Let's start the debate. The first argument is Ma Weiwei!"

The debate topic is of great practical significance and is a topic of unspoken rules. In fact, in recent years, what has been most criticized or spread in the entertainment industry is a bunch of unspoken rules.

Gu Zhongyu has been in the entertainment industry for so long and has seen and heard a lot about unspoken rules. In fact, he really has the urge to discuss everything he sees and hears...

Of course, the premise is that he is prepared to commit suicide by being shot eight times...

Brother Cheng Long actually has a notebook filled with all kinds of secret things he has encountered since he entered the profession. He plans to let the lawyer make it public ten years after his death. Gu Zhongyu thinks this method is very good. He can write it down if he has nothing to do. After he dies, Let future generations make it public and give netizens some fresh seafood...

Many people know that there are indeed many dirty people in the entertainment industry, and they also know that many people at the bottom regard unspoken rules as the only way to rise.

In the entertainment industry, opportunities are always more important than hard work!

Some people are lucky and have no unspoken rules and become famous immediately, but more people lower their high foreheads just for a role.

The unspoken rules in the entertainment industry are basically that women provide emotional value (obedience) and body, and men provide benefits and resources (there are not many stupid women these days)

It’s hard to say who is exploiting whom (in traditional Chinese culture, “equality” between men and women is not popular, so “squeeze” is used. Either the male is taller or the female is taller. If it is not popular, the height will be the same)

It's hard to say who gets the advantage and who wins. Everyone gets what they want. If you don't like it, just reject it. The most serious thing is an invisible ban. It's not like you can't live without the entertainment industry!

Wu Jin once said: "Girls should not enter the entertainment industry. Being so beautiful will be polluted."

Having said that, in fact, it is not just female celebrities, many male celebrities are also "unsafe" in the entertainment industry, especially those with talent and good looks, who often cannot escape the clutches of the devil!

Joker Xue once revealed that he was almost raped by a female boss who forced him to make a bed and take a shower~

Qi Wei also boldly revealed in the show that when she was filming, the assistant director asked her to spend 5 million to play with him for a few days~

There are also people who ask for money. For example, Jiang Xin revealed that she was asked for money by the assistant director. The assistant director said that he was the one who introduced Jiang Xin to the movie she filmed. After Jiang Xin finished filming, she would definitely be paid a lot.

So the assistant director asked Jiang Xin to give him part of the remuneration. Unexpectedly, Concubine Hua did not listen to him at all and refused to buy it. No matter how much the other party threatened, Jiang Xin refused to give him money, so his film was Delete it completely!

These few people were already considered famous at that time, and they still had to face the unspoken rules. This is the bloody reality!

Back to the scene of "Qi Pa Shuo".

This time the finals pitted Ma Weiwei and Yan Rujing against Fan Tiantian and Xiao Xiao. Whether it was the audience's votes or the strength of the players on site, Ma Weiwei's side clearly had the advantage.

As for Fan Binbin and Zhang Junning, neither of them are good at talking, at least not in this form... So most of the time, they act as the atmosphere team and cheerleaders. They will follow what Gu Zhongyu says.

Because Ma Weiwei is very good at catching loopholes, there were a lot of loopholes in what the two said, forcing Fan Tiantian to almost fall out on the spot.

Gu Zhongyu could see that Ma Weiwei was already very restrained, otherwise Fan Tiantian would probably not be able to bear it once her verbal attacks were added to her eyes.

After all, the relationship between the two people is good in private.

Sabining was forced to come to the rescue many times, but Ma Weiwei choked him back with a few words.

"Teacher Sa means that history is like a little girl who can be dressed up by others. Many successful cases of hidden rules cannot be regarded as examples."

"This is your side's point of view. Take one or two successful cases to summarize all the facts."

"We found that a character like Mr. Sabining should not aspire to success. When you are afraid of danger, you should not pursue success! If you aim in the mountains and fields, don't pursue the heights of the temple! When you pursue the heights of the temple, Don’t blame the evil tactics! Okay, let’s get over it!”

"Ah! Is this over?"

The good-tempered Sabining was a little anxious and was speechless when Ma Weiwei confronted her head-on.

"Well said! I agree with your point of view!"

Ma Dong hurriedly came to the rescue.

Then, Ma Weiwei once again attacked Fan Tiantian's point of view: "You can spend a lot of time studying and working a lot in order to succeed, but now there is someone who is willing to sacrifice his own body! How is he lower than you? Let's do it It’s all physical work!”

The audience cheered in all kinds of ways!

Fan Tiantian became anxious and said harshly: "I don't think I'm suitable for the show "Qi Pa Shuo"..."

Then start to refute Ma Weiwei's point of view from a moral perspective.

"We are all adults and have our own values. There is no need to rise to such a high level and use morality to kidnap everyone. That is not a debate! If you vote based on morality, then many issues should not be discussed at all!"

The scene was in an embarrassing situation, and Ma Dong was also a little dissatisfied.

Fan Tiantian's statement obviously brought this debate to a moral level!

She even said that China is a country with unspoken rules for two thousand years! From a moral perspective, we must make things like hidden rules disappear!

"If you only stand from a moral standpoint, then this issue should not be discussed at all!" Gu Zhongyu said before Ma Dong knocked on the wooden fish.

"The one hundred spectators here are all adults. Their votes are based on the contestants' debating ability, skills, and persuasiveness. If everyone votes according to morality, then Ma Weiwei and the others don't need to debate at all, because everyone knows that the unspoken rules are not nice one!"

"Also, I'm a little uncomfortable with Fan Tiantian's point of view just now. Did you just say that our dynasty is a country with unspoken rules for two thousand years? I don't think it's right. For more than two thousand years, China has gone from the filial piety and integrity in the Han Dynasty to the imperial examination in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the early days of the Song Dynasty, the imperial examination system flourished, making it so difficult for a second-generation official to become a high official (generally not a sixth-rank official) just by relying on his family background."

"Compare the hereditary aristocracy in Europe. It is difficult for common people to cross the class. They can only cross the class by relying on wizards and adventures, including a lot of unspoken rules!"

"Let's look at the ancient civil servants of the Celestial Dynasty. Although there are many vegetarians in the corpse position, there has never been a shortage of literati like Zhuge Liang, Xin Qiji, and Hai Rui. Their performance surprised today's Westerners. People with such character can actually be in society. Are you living well? Are you doing well?"

"So, compared with the West at the same time, the ancient Celestial Empire was definitely the most fair society with the fewest hidden rules."

"As for what you just said, you haven't seen many big stars who rely on hidden rules to get to where they are today! I want to say a few words, this paragraph does not need to be cut, I will give the most obvious example, how did Marilyn Monroe become famous? She said in an interview that there were many beautiful actresses, and if she didn't accompany them at that time, others would go... In other words, her fame was earned by hidden rules."

"Tiantian, your views today are a bit too narrow. Is the hidden rule just about sleeping with others? In our Celestial Empire, we have social etiquette, art exams, gift giving, drinking parties... etc. We sing the right songs for the right mountains. Do you really think that Western countries don't value social etiquette? What to say at the right time! Don't talk about the difficulty of distinguishing good from evil, loyalty from treachery, there has been only one road to Huashan since ancient times, and everyone is in a dilemma! History is rolling, and it is not just the human heart that is hard to let go!"

Gu Zhongyu said this at a very timely time. The scene was a bit embarrassed by Fan Tiantian's withdrawal from "The Debaters".

Moreover, this statement was citing classics and was passionate. After he finished speaking, the guests present all looked at him with admiration.

Even Fatty Fan was no exception, but at this moment, what she was thinking was… It sounds good, but you should cut off all contact with those little goblins! Can I lie at home every day and give you hidden rules?

In fact, this paragraph was really spoken by Gu Zhongyu from the heart, because many sheepdogs always say that the human relations in China are disgusting, and even if Hawking comes, he must learn to stand and toast, etc., as if this is our unique culture, the only one in the world!

As the saying goes, all crows are black, and no one should beautify anyone!

When the Epstein case in later generations came out, the whole world saw the ugly state of the American upper class. What are the hidden rules of domestic entertainment? Compared with them, we are just playing house in kindergarten. Look at how fancy and perverted they are!

"Teacher Gu said it very well. Our "Odd Talk" also has explicit rules and implicit rules..."

Ma Dong began to advertise "Odd Talk". After all, the next season is about to start and the show needs new faces.

"It's about implicit rules and social etiquette. What is your opinion, Teacher Gu?" Cai Kangyong was a little confused. Why does he seem to disagree with both sides?

"Of course, my opinion is that the fewer implicit rules there are, the better!"

"Then why did you say so much..."

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