Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 357 Two people in cahoots with each other

"What I said at the beginning was my position on the show, and I will tell you my point of view later. Wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking yet."

He continued: "This defense question is about success. The unspoken rules are placed in front of me. Whether I accept it or not, I will definitely not accept it, because I firmly believe that I can succeed without the unspoken rules!"

"But let's start from reality. There is no absolute fairness in this world. Many things that lead to success through hidden rules happen around us! And the essence of hidden rules is human nature, and there is no way to prevent it."

"Although our "Qi Pa Shuo" is a variety show, it is essentially a debate show. When you debate in the future, please don't talk about morality casually! I'm done!"

At this time, Fan Binbin, who had not spoken for a long time, also spoke: "Let me also say one thing... Before I came to Zongheng, I also faced an unspoken choice. That time should be said to be the most important choice in my life. , if I had chosen to give in at that time, my subsequent career would have gone in a completely different direction..."

Fan Binbin then briefly talked about some of the unfair treatment she encountered when she first debuted and when she was at her old club, which she had never mentioned before. These revelations quickly aroused everyone's interest.

Although he didn't name him by name, who else could Fan Binbin's old club be?

Isn’t it the Wang Brothers Company?

"Fortunately, I met a noble man at this time, and he helped me..." Fan Binbin paused, and then looked at Gu Zhongyu with a gentle face, "He is...the person sitting next to me today!"

"Oh~" the audience below exclaimed in surprise.

The gossip media has never stopped paying attention to the relationship between Gu Zhongyu and Fan Binbin. However, the two rarely share the same stage and are said to be normal partners. However, Fan Xiaopang's words today can be regarded as confirming their relationship. not simple.


Gu Zhongyu knew he couldn't bring Fairy Fan on the show with him. Sure enough, she was going to cause trouble!

Fortunately, Fan Binbin knew the rules and didn't point it out directly, but just made it a little ambiguous, otherwise the peaceful harem would definitely burst into flames!

Ma Dong looked excited. He didn't expect that today's program would be able to find such a big deal. It was indeed right to invite Fan Binbin. After this episode is broadcast, the number of views will definitely explode!

Finally, Ma Dong and Sa Beining made a summary of their speeches and let the audience begin today's voting.

There is no doubt that the audience chose Ma Weiwei's side, while Fan Tiantian missed the final.

The final was nothing to watch because the two sides started fighting immediately.

After fifteen minutes of preparation time, Ma Weiwei and Yan Rujing started the debate directly.

The question is whether hypocrisy is good or bad.

There was originally a competition for the top three, but it was canceled by Gu Zhongyu on the spot because everyone could see that the remaining three people were obviously not strong enough.

Then Yan and other contestants were beaten by Ma Weiwei and were stunned into silence.

At this point, the king of weirdos in the first season of "The Story of Strange Flowers" was born, Ma Weiwei!

Gu Zhongyu personally presented her with the award.

It's not just an ordinary certificate, it also includes a bonus of one million.

On the way back, Zhang Junning drove the car with concentration in the front and acted as the driver, followed by Fan Binbin who looked like a bird and Gu Zhongyu who looked helpless.

"Why are you bringing up the past so carefully today?"

"Seeing that you were so excited when you said it, I was infected, and I just wanted to say a few words... What, are you afraid of offending some people?"

Gu Zhongyu shook his head: "I don't care what happens to the Wang brothers! Now I can still use them as a dish, but in a few years I won't even bother to look at them... I'm thinking about you, don't you think there are too few gossips about me? ?”

"Hmph! I have too many debts to bear. Speaking of which... when the Wang brothers did that to you, you didn't even think about taking revenge. Now you're not happy even if I say a few bad words about them. What's wrong? You've become a believer in Buddhism or you've become softer. ?”

When the word "soften" came up, Fan Binbin secretly reached out and pinched Gu Zhongyu's eldest brother.

"How do you know I didn't come back with revenge?" Gu Zhongyu hugged Fan Binbin tightly in his arms and looked at her solemnly and said.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Is Qiya a Luyu?

Seeing that Fan Binbin didn't believe it, Gu Zhongyu thought for a moment that it didn't matter if he told her this, so he leaned into her ear and told her what happened between him and Wang Xiaorong...

Keeping a secret is a very painful thing, especially this matter is an enjoyable experience that makes relatives happy and enemies painful. Gu Zhongyu really wants to find someone to share it with, and Fan Xiaopang is also a good person to talk to, at least Like herself, she hates the Wang brothers deeply!

Fan Binbin's eyes widened the more he listened!

She never expected that Gu Zhongyu would let Wang Zhonglei be a bastard without saying a word. This stinky man really had a knack for married women.

"You are such a bastard! Then did you ask her out again?"

"There's no need! She's not very good-looking, she's not young anymore, and her looks and figure are far inferior to yours. If she wasn't Wang Zhonglei's wife, I wouldn't be interested even if she came to her door."

"Then... what if you add me?" Fan Binbin was excited. She had also wanted to take revenge on the Wang brothers for a long time. Although the chance to slap him face to face was still far away, it was a good choice to take it out on his wife now. .

"Plus you?"

Fan Binbin gently bit Gu Zhongyu's ear: "Don't you have a lot of ways to play that you want to try on me? I promise you all... As long as you can ask her out, I'll go with you!"

Oh oh oh!

You should have said it earlier! Wouldn't it be more tempting this way!

Gu Zhongyu excitedly picked up his phone and sent a message to someone in his address book who he hadn't contacted for a long time...

Although Zhang Junning, who was driving in front, didn't hear what the two people behind him said specifically, looking at their excited expressions, it must not be a good thing. I just don't know who the person who was hurt this time was.

She just wanted to climb up to Fan Binbin as a backer at the beginning, but why did she feel that she was about to become the shape of these two people without realizing it...

At this time, Wang Xiaorong was playing with her youngest son at home, and her husband Wang Zhonglei was not at home as usual. He might have gone to find a female star or even a male star to have fun!

At this time, the phone rang, and Wang Xiaorong picked it up and saw that it was from Gu Zhongyu!

After such a long time without contact, Wang Xiaorong almost forgot what happened between her and this man.

After reading the message, Wang Xiaorong pondered for a while and chose to refuse. After all, it was just a wrong impulse. Her husband was generous enough not to pursue her previous ambiguity with Gu Zhongyu afterwards, so she just wanted to be a good wife and mother and forget all this.

But less than a minute after the message was sent, Gu Zhongyu sent her another video on WeChat

Wang Xiaorong clicked it and her pupils dilated immediately, with a look of disbelief and shock!

When did this bastard record the video?

Followed by another message: Sister Rong, come out for a cup of tea, this is just a screenshot from the video, there are more good things waiting for you!

After seeing this message, Wang Xiaorong collapsed on the sofa, knowing that she had fallen into Gu Zhongyu's hands. This bastard was obviously deliberate and had already prepared to put a hidden camera in the room.

Because only Wang Xiaorong's face appeared in the camera, and there was no Gu Zhongyu at all, no wonder this man had not changed his knowledge from beginning to end that night!

At this point, Wang Xiaorong knew that it was useless to fight back. Although it was unlikely that Gu Zhongyu would make this video public or send it to her husband, she did not have the courage to gamble.

After deleting all the WeChat chats and videos, Wang Xiaorong could only force herself to wash and dress up.

After asking her aunt to take care of the children, she set off for the address Gu Zhongyu gave her.

Arriving at a hidden property of Gu Zhongyu, where he and Ma Yili and Dong Xuan often played, Wang Xiaorong pushed the door open and saw Gu Zhongyu sitting on the sofa.

"Gu Zhongyu! Are you still a human? I trust you so much, and you treat me like this?"

Then there was a barrage of scolding, but Gu Zhongyu was not angry. He smiled and waited until she had scolded almost everything, then stood up and walked behind Wang Xiaorong, ignoring her struggles and hugged her into his arms.

"Come on! Sister Rong, don't be angry, let's meet an old friend first!"

"I'll see..." Before she finished speaking, Wang Xiaorong saw Fan Xiaopang, wearing a tight leather jacket, walking down the stairs with a smile on his face, holding a small leather...

"Bingbing, why are you here?"

"To wait for you, Sister Rong!"

Looking at Fan Binbin, who was smiling proudly, Wang Xiaorong knew that she might not be able to get out of this door in one piece today!

When Wang Xiaorong returned home, it was already late at night. Fortunately, Wang Zhonglei was drunk and did not notice her abnormality. She was alone in the bathroom applying medicated oil, hoping that these traces would disappear as soon as possible.


She felt that she had fallen into a bottomless abyss!


After the episode with Fan Xiaopang, Gu Zhongyu quickly returned to work. After all, no matter how good a woman is, she is not the whole of life. His career is his backbone.

In the company, everyone held the last meeting around the casting and shooting plan of "Monster Hunt".

"Mr. Gu, we chose Zhangjiajie as the filming location..." Jiang Zhiqiang picked up the notebook and began to introduce.

This is the president of Enlight Films Co., Ltd., and is also the frequent producer and overseas distributor of Li An and Lao Mouzi. He is one of the founders of the blockbuster era of Chinese-language films. He knows the eight major Hollywood film companies very well and is the number one Chinese in overseas distribution.

He was also the producer of the original "Monster Hunt", so Gu Zhongyu invited him to come, let his Enlight Films also get involved, and also pulled in Enlight Pictures.

You can't always eat alone when it comes to making money. With the growing influence of Zongheng, more and more capital is actively seeking cooperation. Gu Zhongyu can't turn them all away, because that would be tantamount to cutting himself off from his peers.

Film is a comprehensive art, and even more so an art of cooperation.

A blockbuster, which often costs over 100 million yuan, is difficult to achieve with just the cash flow of a company. Even the more corrupt film and television companies in the industry will attract other film and television companies to participate in the shares and jointly promote the implementation of the project.

A movie has a minimum investment of tens of millions, and big-budget movies cost hundreds of millions or even billions. Of course, it is necessary to diversify the risks, and not all the money can be put on one movie. Secondly, when several companies work together to make a movie, sometimes the personal connections can also better guarantee the quality of the movie, especially with the support of well-known film and television companies. The quality may be taken to a higher level, and they will also strongly support your production and distribution work instead of making things difficult for you.

Originally, you can only shoot one film with 50 million, but I brought in 4 people, so I saved 40 million, and I can participate in other people's films, or start new films, and accumulate more films, not only experience, but also industry influence will increase.

The characters of green mountains and green waters in the movie "Monster Hunt" left a deep impression on Gu Zhongyu. At first, he thought it was a green screen, but later he learned that it was shot in Zhangjiajie, where the beautiful scenery was intoxicating. "Avatar" was also filmed here.

Wulingyuan's unique sandstone peak forest landforms and magnificent karst landscapes are overwhelming, as if you are in a fairyland of sacred mountains. This place is indeed very suitable for shooting fairy-tale themes. Gu Zhongyu nodded in agreement.

As for the director, Gu Zhongyu originally intended to let Guo Fan take charge, but this time he took the initiative to say that this was not his area of ​​expertise, and turned around to recommend a friend he knew in the United States, who was also the original director of "Monster Hunt", Xu Chengyi.

Well, after a lot of twists and turns, the team has returned to the previous life.

However, there are not many talents in China who make animated films. Xu Chengyi himself is a technical expert. He was the animation director of "Shrek the Monsters" and "Puss in Boots". It is indeed safer to let him direct, so Gu Zhongyu agreed.

In order to make the best use of people, Gu Zhongyu arranged several students to follow him, and learn as much as possible, so that he would not have to rely on others when shooting sequels or other animated films in the future.

Domestic 3D animated films are still very promising. Not to mention top works such as "The Return of the Great Sage" and "Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World", even the "Boonie Bears" series of big movies, which were not optimistic at the beginning, later became the nail household of the Spring Festival movie. By the 2024 Spring Festival, it almost pressed Lao Mouzi's "Article 20" to the ground.

The "Boonie Bears" series of movies, which have been "ignored", is the hidden boss. The cumulative box office of the first 9 movies has exceeded 5.7 billion, and it has also refreshed the distribution record of Chinese animated films in the UK, Germany, Russia and other countries.

Moreover, the most important thing about this series is that it is stable. There will be Boonie Bears every Spring Festival, and the production cycle is short, unlike other big movies, which may take two or three years to release one.

The production company of Boonie Bears, Huaqiang Fangte, was established in 2008. It is a little-known small company. When Gu Zhongyu saw Boonie Bears on TV, he invested in this company to accumulate for the development of domestic animated films in the future, and prepared to bring other animated IPs to the big screen in the future.

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