Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 358 If you want to get something for free, you can

As for the actors of "Monster Hunt", Gu Zhongyu moved Shishi, who had been lying flat for a long time, to play the female lead Huo Xiaolan. This sister is getting lazier and lazier now. She must be given some work to do. Go and make money for me!

As for Bai Baihe... who cares if she lives or not, Gu Zhongyu has no interest in her one-finger Zen!

As for the male lead, Gu Zhongyu naturally wanted Zhang Ruoyun to play. After "The Man from Macau", Dayunzi is now quite well-known.

Speaking of which, the movie "Monster Hunt" also had a bad fate in its previous life. The male lead was originally scheduled to be Ke Zhengdong. After the drug abuse incident was exposed, all the scenes needed to be reshot, and the movie also had to be re-examined, which led to the backlog of "Monster Hunt" which was actually shot at the end of 2013. It was not released until two and a half years later, and it was almost stillborn.

In general, this reshoot is equivalent to reshooting the movie once, after all, the male lead has a lot of scenes in the movie.

According to insiders, the crew spent more than 70 million yuan just to reshoot Ke Zhengdong's scenes.

And the impact of reshooting is not just that. Because of publicity and animation re-production, the cost of the film has risen from more than 100 million yuan to 350 million yuan, because the time cost has not been calculated.

Gu Zhongyu didn't think about this at first, and still used the 350 million yuan budget to set up the project "Monster Hunt" until the production manager Zhang Miao and the director Xu Chengyi reminded him at the same time that according to the current shooting plan, it would not cost 350 million yuan anyway. Although the company is making money now, isn't it a bit too extravagant?

So, the memory of the time traveler is not so reliable, there will always be deviations. Gu Zhongyu is also glad that these two people discovered the loophole in time, otherwise the extra money would be wasted!

"Mr. Gu, as for the male lead... should we consider it again?" Just when Gu Zhongyu proposed Zhang Ruoyun, Jiang Zhiqiang, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Production manager Zhang Miao handed a contract to Gu Zhongyu: "There are several bosses from Taiwan who want to participate in our film. They are not only willing to cover the overseas distribution costs of the film, but also make great concessions to us on the share..."

"So generous?"

Gu Zhongyu simply scanned it. Apart from the requirements for the actors, they did not participate in other work, and they also gave him a lot of gold coins, which was simply giving him money for free!

"Who do they want to come?"

Without comment, Gu Zhongyu asked curiously. The person that Taiwanese investors want to push... won't it be him?

"It's the most popular idol actor Ke Zhengdong now!"


It's really him!

Gu Zhongyu was still thinking about him in his heart just now. I didn't expect that the Taiwanese film and television industry would still push him up in this life.

It's not surprising. With the blessing of popular movies such as "Those Years" and "Tiny Times", it is not an exaggeration to say that Ke Zhengdong is the most popular idol at present. Gu Zhongyu can even see his advertising posters several times when he goes to eat.

Wanwan has been trying to send her own people into the domestic entertainment industry for many years, but most of them have not been very successful. Zhao Youting and Ruan Jingtian have failed one after another. Finally, there is a rising Ke Zhengdong, so she will definitely give him resources!

Moreover, Ke Zhengdong himself is also a second-generation investor. His father Ke Yaozong is the CEO of a famous clothing brand. Even after his son got into trouble, he spent hundreds of millions to set up an entertainment company for Ke Zhengdong, only for him to make movies.

Zongheng is now in the limelight, and every new work has countless people paying attention. Ke Zhengdong learned about the movie "Monster Hunt" from an acquaintance and thought it might be popular, so he went to his father and begged to be the male lead.

"Mr. Jiang! This Ke Zhengdong should have nothing to do with you, right?"

"My friend asked me to help, so I can't refuse. I also invited Ke Zhengdong. How about you audition and make a decision?"

It's not like I haven't seen him before. I saw him once when I visited the set of "Tiny Times". Although Ke Zhengdong was very polite to Gu Zhongyu, he was born with no good feelings towards poisonous dogs. How could he use this thing as the protagonist of his new film?

When he was about to refuse, Gu Zhongyu suddenly noticed the last few clauses in the contract that Jiang Zhiqiang handed to him...

"If the co-actor of Party B is unable to shoot the movie normally due to personal reasons, all losses will be borne by Party B, the contract will still be executed, and Party A can find other actors as substitutes..."

This clause... is interesting!

Gu Zhongyu suddenly had a bold idea!

"Call him in so I can take another look!"

When Ke Zhengdong came in, he immediately bowed 90 degrees when he saw Gu Zhongyu: "Thank you, Mr. Gu, I see you again. I didn't have time to talk in detail last time. In fact, I am also your fan. As long as Zongheng can give me this opportunity, I will not let you down..."

Then there was a lot of flattery. It must be said that Taiwanese artists are very good at dealing with things and are veterans in terms of human relations. If Gu Zhongyu didn't know his background, he might also think that this guy is okay.

But now... Sorry, brother, let me get you for free!

After chatting for a few words, and letting Ke Zhengdong perform a non-physical performance on the spot, Gu Zhongyu nodded, turned around and said to Jiang Zhiqiang: "The performance is good, I think Xiao Ke can still be used, but in terms of investment..."

"If you are not satisfied, Mr. Gu, you can talk to the other party again. It is estimated that adding another 10 or 20 million yuan in investment will not be a big problem."

"Yes, yes!" Ke Zhengdong also nodded, "My father also likes your movie very much and is willing to sponsor our "Monster Hunt" without asking for anything in return."

"That's so embarrassing!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled so hard that he seemed very satisfied with Ke Zhengdong's sincerity. He immediately decided that Ke Zhengdong would be the male lead in "Monster Hunting". It will be officially announced soon!

"It's okay, Lao Gu, I can understand. After all, the other party has offered such generous terms. For the benefit of the company, I am nothing..."

"I've wronged you Da Yunzi, but don't worry, I said I would let you continue to be the male protagonist in the next movie. I will definitely not break my promise!"

After the meeting, Gu Zhongyu called Zhang Ruoyun to apologize. Zhang Ruoyun said it didn't matter very generously, which made Gu Zhongyu feel a little guilty. After all, he slept with Tang Yixin and didn't give her boyfriend resources. Isn't this too unkind? Already?

It's okay... Ke Zhengdong can be kicked out after a while. He just contacted Zhuo Wei with someone, and I believe there will be a result soon.

Thinking about his's quite despicable!

"Why are you laughing so obscenely?"

Since the beginning of the meal, Master Liu has been looking at Gu Zhongyu and laughing out loud from time to time. Could this man be suffering from some serious illness?

"Nonsense! I am such an upright person... I also gave you this book. How do you like it?"

"It's quite interesting. By the way, why did my co-star become Ke Zhengdong? Isn't it the company's artist Zhang Ruoyun?"

"The reason is a bit complicated. In fact, I prefer to use Dayunzi in my heart, but unfortunately...the other party gave me too much!"

Gu Zhongyu sighed and didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. He looked down at the bowls and chopsticks in front of Shishi and asked curiously: "What? Are you also on a diet to lose weight recently?"

"Why did you say... too?"

Gu Zhongyu almost told Qianqian that she was also losing weight, but when he was about to speak, he remembered that the person in front of him was once called "Little Liu Yufei". The two women had never seen each other, and they had always been at odds with each other. They were among the fish in the harem. , the relationship between them is the worst.

"Isn't it because life has become more and more comfortable recently and I have gained weight in my belly, so I started to lose weight!"

Gu Zhongyu laughed and walked over. Suddenly he found that there was an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks on the table. He couldn't help but wonder, "Shishi, there's an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks. Who wants to come?"

Master Liu smiled softly and said mysteriously: "You will know later."

"Sorry, I'm late!"

At this moment, the door of the box was gently pushed open, and then a well-dressed woman walked in. She had long hair and clear eyes. She was wearing a tailored dress, which made her look both elegant and energetic.

It was actually Ye Qing!

This young lady was introduced by Liu Shishi and had joined Zongheng for some time, but Gu Zhongyu had never had a chance to meet her because he had promised Shishi a long time ago to allow Ye Qing to film outside without returning to the company.

And Ye Qing is also busy. As little transparent actors in the entertainment industry, they actually sometimes have more things to do than big stars, because young actors are not qualified to be picky and picky. They basically take whatever roles come their way, resulting in most third- and fourth-tier actors being compared to top actors. He is still diligent when he joins the team.

Despite Gu Zhongyu's butterfly effect, Liu Shishi and Ye Qing in this life still became best friends very early, as good as conjoined twins. Everyone even jokingly called Ye Qing "Master Shi's woman!"

In the previous life, Liu Shishi and Ye Qing collaborated five times starting from "Step by Step". Basically, whatever Liu Shishi went to film, Ye Qing followed suit.

When filming "One Thought of Guanshan", Ye Qing also went for Liu Shishi. He confessed on Weibo: Nowadays when filming, sometimes he goes for the team, and sometimes he goes just for the person. There were indeed better character choices at the time, but I still chose Linglong.

Liu Shishi also replied to Ye Qing's Weibo, saying: I know, you are here just for me, so I am so happy."

"Bu Bu Jing Qing", "Xiu Chun Dao" and "Xuan Yuan Sword", they played sisters in every drama, and they were very sad, just like Liu Shishi traveled through five scripts to save Ye Qing, but failed every time , so some netizens said that the fate between them is the entanglement of five lifetimes.

When Gu Zhongyu saw Ye Qing, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. This young lady's appearance was indeed much better than on the screen, and she was very attractive.

He stood up, smiled and stretched out his hand: "It turns out that your wife is here. If I had known that this sister would be here today, I wouldn't be your light bulb here!"

"Well! It's good that you know. I'll bring you tea and water later, so be quick with your hands and feet!"

Ye Qing shook Gu Zhongyu's hand shyly, "Hello, Mr. Gu, I was introduced to the company by Shishi. I haven't had the chance to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude for such a long time. Today I asked Shishi to invite you. You, don’t be offended!”

Liu Shishi looked at the two of them and was very satisfied with the little sister's performance. Ye Qing was good at everything, but he was too bored. He joined Zongheng for so long that he didn't know how to invite Gu Zhongyu, the big boss, to have a meal. He only remembered it after reminding himself.

She took the opportunity to say: "Zhong Yu, from now on Qingqing is in the company, you have to take more care of her, and don't let others bully her!"

This tone…

Why does it feel like an old father-in-law entrusting his daughter to his care?

Son-in-law, I leave my daughter to you now. You must treat her well in the future and don’t let others bully her...

Gu Zhongyu looked at Liu Shishi, his eyes full of doting, "Of course, how could I not listen to what Shishi said." He turned to Qingqing, smiled and said: "Qingqing, if you have any difficulties in the company in the future, just come to me. "

The dinner went very happily, the three of them talked and laughed happily, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Gu Zhongyu teased Liu Shishi and Qingqing from time to time, making the two of them laugh. Liu Shishi reminded Gu Zhongyu from time to time to pay attention to his image and not to be too presumptuous.

"By the way, it shouldn't be a problem for my Ye Qing to play a role in your movie "Monster Hunting", right?" Seeing that the meal was almost done, Master Liu got down to business.

After hearing this, Gu Zhongyu deliberately pretended to be embarrassed and frowned, "Shishi, this is no small matter. You know that "Monster Hunt" is a key project of our company, and the role allocation is very careful."

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu looked a little embarrassed, Ye Qing took the initiative and said: "How about...forget it, Shishi! It's such a big investment, what can I say to a little guy like me?"

"Is it really difficult? You can't keep Zhang Ruoyun's big role, and it's so difficult to give Ye Qing a small role. Are you still the boss of Zongheng?"

Liu Shishi was a little unhappy. She usually never asked Gu Zhongyu what he wanted. It was rare for her to make a request for a little sister. Gu Delai couldn't even agree to it?

"Ah...No! I was just wondering, apart from you as the heroine, which one has the most roles..."

After Master Liu heard this, he pretended to be angry and wanted to hit Gu Zhongyu, "You are a person who always likes to make excuses and beg for beatings!"

Ye Qing looked at the two of them playing with each other and was filled with envy in his heart. She was still single and had not experienced this kind of fight between lovers for a long time. She did not expect that Gu Zhongyu, with such a high status, would still treat his master the same way. So gentle.

At the same time, she also felt a little jealous. She was jealous that Liu Shishi and Gu Zhongyu could fight so closely, and she was jealous of Liu Shishi's status in the company and in Gu Zhongyu's heart.

Ye Qing was very surprised when she realized her jealousy. She has always believed that she is an independent and confident woman who would not easily be jealous of others, let alone her own good sister!

In order to calm down, Ye Qing quickly recited the Heart-Calming Mantra in his mind to stop himself from thinking so...

"Ye Qing, Ye Qing! How can you be jealous of Master? What a good sister you are!"

After reciting the Heart Clearing Mantra, Qingqing's mood gradually calmed down. She rejoined the conversation and chatted about movies and work with Gu Zhongyu and Liu Shishi.

Although there is still some small jealousy and envy in her heart, she feels that she has controlled the beast within.

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