Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 367: Did you eat too much meat?

"Aren't we trying to reflect reality? If the military government of country T is also brought out, it will definitely be very shocking, and it will also better reflect the power of our frontline personnel!"

After hanging up the phone, Gu Zhongyu was still a little aggrieved.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you're beaten by frost?"

Just when he had a headache, Jiang Shuying came over and massaged his temples. When Gu Zhongyu looked back, he saw that everyone else had left wisely, leaving only his secret.

"I'm annoyed! I don't know why the script was revised..." Gu Zhongyu rubbed his head, and then told Jiang Shuying the reason for being beaten back.

"I thought it was so difficult! Since the big plot cannot be changed, you can start with the characters!"



The plot of "Operation Mekong" is a single line: the crew was killed - China united with other countries to handle the case - Gao Gang robbed people - Gao Gang pretended to be a wealthy businessman - captured the enemy in the mountains.

Since the plot cannot change too much, let’s start with the characters!

"Okay, Secretary Jiang, you are getting better and better, and you can already guide me in writing scripts!"

"You have been with Gu Dacaizi for a long time, and you will always learn something."

Gu Zhongyu was very satisfied with this flattery, turned on the computer and was about to start revising.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu concentrating on typing, it turns out that men are the most handsome when they work hard... Jiang Shuying, who had nothing to do, simply tied up her hair and slowly lay down under the table...


Gu Zhongyu's head suddenly became more alert!

The inspiration is coming~

There are two main characters in the movie "Operation Mekong", Gao Gang and Fang Xinwu.

Two words to analyze Gao Gang’s character: ‘Stick the head! ’

As a thorn in the system, his characteristics are: he does not take the usual path, does not completely follow the rules, and occasionally takes "risks" to achieve his goals.

Lin Chaoxian's version has some shortcomings, it is still a little flat, and it falls into the image of Gao Daquan in the past main theme.

Perhaps due to censorship reasons, or perhaps Lin Chaoxian concentrated most of his energy on the role of Fang Xinwu and did not take Gao Gang into consideration.

Gu Zhongyu decided that he must give this character more vitality. For example, in the second story, when he pretends to be the owner of an underground casino, he can have more hand movements, swear more swear words, or arrange for him to take drugs!

The character Fang Xinwu was brilliantly portrayed in the original version, but the only flaw was the girlfriend line, which was a bit nondescript and difficult for the audience to empathize with.

Gu Zhongyu decided to add some interspersed scenes in the movie to show Fang Xinwu's longing for his girlfriend.

Another point is the creation of the villain Nuoka.

In a good movie, the image of the villain is very important!

There needs to be a suitable logical relationship to be self-consistent, which is the most basic.

As for Naw Kha, the original version of "Operation Mekong" not only failed to portray him with flesh and blood, but simply turned him into a villain, and it also suffered a fatal flaw - that is the problem of Naw Kha's motivation.

Why did he order the killing of the Chinese crew?

If you understand the reality, you will know clearly that the "Mekong River Massacre" happened on the eve of the new Prime Minister's visit to China!

It is obvious that he wants to destroy the relationship between the two countries, and Nuoka is just an executor!

The reason why Nuoka is making money crazily is because the boss behind the scenes needs him as a referral!

Moreover, in reality, Nuoka, or Nuokang, is a real boss-level figure who is moody and angry. How could he be as arrogant and arrogant as the movie depicts?

Therefore, Gu Zhongyu decided to transform this character into a slightly colder one, and definitely not a pure villain like the original version!

The last point, the loophole in the plot, Nuoka sent children to blow up the four-nation joint headquarters building.

The setting of this scene is quite abrupt, and it has the opposite effect of fragmenting the smooth single narrative of the entire story. There is not enough convincing logic!

After thinking about it, Gu Zhongyu decided to abandon this scene. It is said that this scene was specially added because Lin Chaoxian had not spent all the funds and the two actors were not available for the scene!

In about half an hour, the script was revised.

Gu Zhongyu is also fine!

"Ahem! Have you eaten too much meat recently?"

Jiang Shuying puffed out his cheeks and stood up, frowning, wanting to spit it out, but facing Gu Zhongyu's earnest eyes, he slowly swallowed it all...

She had long ago suggested that Gu Zhongyu eat more fruits and less red meat so that the taste would not be so strong, but this bitch didn't listen to her at all and forced her to reap the consequences every time!

"Damn it! Come on, give me a kiss~"

Gu Zhongyu hurriedly avoided the kiss request from Secretary Jiang. While the two were playing around, his phone suddenly rang...

It was from classmate Da Mi Mi. I asked him if he was free next Saturday and said that I wanted to treat him to dinner.

"The Breakup Master" is still in theaters, and "Gu Jian Qi Tan" is about to be aired. At this time, as the heroine, Da Mi Mi is not going to follow the promotion and suddenly treat herself to a meal. What is she doing?

"Remember... when you visited the class before, didn't you say you wanted to get to know the artists under me?"

Oh oh oh!

Gu Zhongyu immediately said: You can take some time out of your busy schedule to come!

"Look at your cocky look, another girl is going to be in trouble!" Jiang Shuying looked at him with disdain, and then took an envelope, "Happy Camp has sent you another invitation letter, and it was written by Teacher He Jiong himself, inviting you to come and have fun!"

"No... why do they always want to invite me?"

"Who told you to say you would definitely go next time when you were connected to the camp last time! Teacher He said that they can postpone all the schedules just to wait for you to come!"

It seems that they misunderstood the meaning of the phrase "definitely next time"!

Forget it, if you are not busy, just go and take it as a trip to Hunan to relax.

After looking at the schedule, Teacher He Jiong hopes that he will come on Saturday, May 31st. Today is May 21st, which is next week... Isn't it the day when Yang Mi said she would treat him to dinner?

Why does it feel wrong!

After the script was revised, Gu Zhongyu drove to the Optoelectronics Bureau the next morning and took the revised "Operation Mekong" to the relevant reviewers.

After waiting for two hours, these uncles finally approved it!

Gu Zhongyu did not stop and immediately returned to the company and took the approved "Operation Mekong" to director Dante Lam.

If you want to say who is the most hardcore action director in China, it must be Dante Lam. It is indeed rare for a Hong Kong director who can shoot a mainstream commercial blockbuster in the mainland.

Dante Lam is also called a beast director by many people who have worked with him. 80% of the actors in China dare not shoot his movies, because his movies treat actresses as men and abuse male actors to death. Actors who can't endure hardship are definitely not in his eyes.

Forcing Xie Bi Wang to shave his head for the filming of "The Informer" is a small matter~

Forcing the 47-year-old Zha Zha Hui to undergo a nine-month devilish training without letting him eat enough for the filming of "The Battle"~

Every actor in "Emergency Rescue" entrusted his life to him, and even the trainer said that the director was simply not a human being.

The most interesting thing is that because Lin Chaoxian himself is an avid military fan, when he was on the set, he did not use a loudspeaker to direct the filming like other directors, but used a gun!

According to him, it was because his set was always full of gunfire and too noisy, and only the order to fire was the most effective way of communication...

"Mr. Gu, how much do you plan to invest in this play?"

As an action director who has been shooting for more than ten years, he can tell the approximate quality of a play at a glance. The script of "Operation Mekong" has a tight rhythm, closely follows current affairs, and is full of action scenes. The story background is also set in the wild land of the Southeast Asian jungle.

All these elements satisfy this war fanatic, and he has not encountered such a good script in recent years!

"How about two hundred million?"

"That's enough!"

Lin Chaoxian slapped his thigh. Two years ago, his movie "Reverse War" had an investment of only nearly 200 million Hong Kong dollars, but it was a pity that it flopped. Since then, no one has been willing to spend so much money to ask him to make a movie.

"Let's decide on the actors first, and then train them for a while. At the same time, I hope that Director Lin will go abroad for inspection. This movie must be shot on location."

The script has come out, and now it's time to prepare for the project.

After all, actors are just actors. It is impossible to let them instantly transform into brave and combative drug police. There must be preliminary training, including Gu Zhongyu himself.

"Well, the role of Fang Xinwu is about 30 years old. He must be handsome and have good acting skills. It is indeed Mr. Gu. What about Gao Gang?"

"Do you have a suitable candidate to recommend?"

Lin Chaoxian hesitated for a while, but still said: "I think among the mainland male actors... Zhang Hanyu is the most suitable!"

Indeed, around 40 years old, dark skin, strong body, mainland male actor, except Zhang Hanyu, I can't think of anyone else who is suitable for this role.

But... the problem is that Zhang Hanyu is the leading male artist of Huayi Company, which belongs to a rival company. This is also the reason why Lin Chaoxian hesitated. After all, the struggle between Zongheng and Huayi is almost exposed.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu doesn't care. If Huayi is willing to let him go, he really wants Zhang Hanyu, the original actor, to be on the show.

Speaking of the matter, he still thinks it is better to find actors according to the role.

"Let me ask someone to ask Zhang Hanyu what he says... You should take a look at other roles first. By the way, don't touch the heroine yet, I have other arrangements!"

The only outstanding female role in "Operation Mekong" is the valiant policewoman Guo Bing. Among the female artists in Zongheng, Li Yuan is actually the most suitable, followed by Wan Qian. It is better to use your own people as much as possible.


Zhang Hanyu is an actor under Huayi.

He was also made famous by Feng Kuazi. Logically, if Gu Zhongyu asked him to play in "Operation Mekong", he could refuse.

But he likes the role of Gao Gang, so he has no choice but to find Feng Kuzi to ask for his opinion.

After all, the relationship between Huayi and Gu Zhongyu is so tense now!

"Hanyu, this role is great, why don't you take it?"

Feng Kuzi certainly knows that Gu Zhongyu is looking for Zhang Hanyu for his new play. To be honest, he doesn't want Zhang Hanyu to play this play.

But Zhang Hanyu is his younger brother, Feng Kuzi can't cheat him!

"I'm just worried that you will think too much!"

"Don't worry, Gu Zhongyu is not a bad person, he just has a little bit of a bad temper. If you listen to me, just take this play!"

Seeing Zhang Hanyu nod, Feng Pants continued: "Our film market is no longer normal. Look at these actors. What kind of actors are they choosing? They are all young talents. Now when they are deciding the roles , what they consider is not the actor’s acting skills, but the search volume of the artist. In their view, as long as fans buy it, the movie will never lose money!”

At the end, he added: "There are not many investors who can choose actors based on character characteristics like that guy Gu Zhongyu!"

As capital entered the market, the value of artists began to skyrocket.

Tai Shigong said thousands of years ago, "Every bustle in the world is for benefit, and the bustle in the world is for benefit."

The Chinese entertainment industry is so big, how many real performing artists are there?

Most artists are not just trying to make money quickly!

So, when these new check-waving film and television companies were established, they made movies not only for the best, but for the most expensive ones!

I wish the Four Dans and Two Icemen could appear in a movie at the same time!

Of course, it is almost impossible to do this, because Sidan Shuangbing has her own pursuits, and they really don’t lack that much money!

Then settle for the next best thing and find some popular celebrities and popular entertainers.

Sometimes, you know that you are acting in a bad movie, but you still sign the crew agreement without hesitation. Why?

It’s not because of money!

The most obvious example is "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" by Huang Jiaozhu and Da Mi Mi. Everyone knows that it is definitely a bad movie - from the start of filming to the release, it took two months to complete!

Chinese characteristic movie process!

In fact, in 2014, the entertainment industry with Chinese characteristics has already begun to take shape.

The maximum bonus for a scientist is only 5 million yuan, while the salary for an actor can easily reach hundreds of millions.

At present, the remuneration of the main stars of a film in my country can account for more than 50% of the total investment, and even as high as 70%.

However, actors are paid hundreds of millions, but they produce one bad film after another that makes people feel embarrassed and want to sleep while sitting in front of the screen.

After all, why are actors paid so much?

Analyzing it from a micro level, the current entertainment industry is a producer-centered system. After investors spend money, of course "others have to listen to him!"

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