Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 368 Doesn’t the boss love you?

These investors are generally from coal mining, real estate, finance, the Internet and other fields. They don’t understand the rules of film and television creation at all. They don’t grasp the script and don’t understand creation. The simplest and crudest method is to identify popular actors.

For TV dramas, if the actors are popular, the ratings will be guaranteed. Even if the script is bad, fans will pay for their idols.

With fans paying, there will be influence and topicality, so that investors can get returns quickly!

Investors carry abundant capital and think that using money is the simplest and most effective way to solve problems: if the actors don’t have a schedule, give them a few million more and squeeze out the schedule; if the script is bad, give the actors more money, stir up scandals and topics, and the ratings will be high - it is they who push up the actors’ pay step by step.

From a macro perspective, the high pay of actors in the entertainment industry is just a microcosm of China’s economic problems as a whole.

Since the slowdown in domestic economic growth, the development of the real economy has been slow. Although the government has vigorously called for "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", it is an indisputable fact that the entrepreneurship rate is declining!

Entrepreneurship has entered a capital winter, but capital must find a new outlet, so a large amount of hot money has been pouring into the film and television industry, speculating on IP, Internet celebrities, and celebrities. It is natural that actors have high pay.

As far as Gu Zhongyu knows, Alibaba spent 2.4 billion on Guangguang last year!

No wonder Yu Dong said that we, the traditional filmmakers, are working for BAT!

Audiences go to the cinema to watch either the story or the face. There must be one of the two, otherwise who would spend that money in vain?

The film and television industry is a buyer's market. There are so many films released in theaters. Why should the audience buy your movie tickets?

You want to talk about the plot?

Haha, you look!

How many domestic films dare to claim that they sell the plot?

The promised plot is often eaten by dogs!

It is better to buy popular actors. After all, the appearance of popular actors is real, which leads to the popularity of popular actors and popular directors.

The entry of capital helps to make the industry bigger and stronger, which is a good thing in itself.

However, capital has pushed up the actors' pay, but the actual production costs have not increased much, which will obviously squeeze the resources of the film creation team.

As Hou Hongliang said: The cost of the actors in "Crossing Guandong" can account for about 30% of the production costs, while now the costs of most actors may exceed 70%. The overall change in the cost of actors is too unscientific. It violates the rules of the entire industry and even the entire creation from international to domestic.

Some movies cannot introduce high-quality creative teams, so they have to make shoddy and perfunctory works, which ultimately lowers the quality of the film.

Feng Kuazi and Zhang Hanyu are both knowledgeable people in the circle. They certainly understand that this kind of thing is definitely not a good thing for the development of Chinese-language films, but they can't say it.

Because they are vested interests!

Including Gu Zhongyu himself, the movie "Heart Flower" brought him dividends close to 100 million US dollars!

You asked him to say NO to capital, are you kidding?

Let alone, Zhang Hanyu starred in this "Operation Mekong", and Gu Zhongyu offered a salary of 10 million!

Absolutely sky-high pay. Nowadays, only a few kings in Hong Kong can get more than 10 million. Gu Zhongyu gave Zhang Hanyu such a high pay. Why?

Because it was not his own money. Zongheng Films had a bunch of investment companies and industry giants such as Penguin and Wanda rushing to give him money. He could not spend it all. This is why Zongheng can start working on three or four movies and TV series at one time this year!

Besides, Zhang Hanyu's pay is not the highest. Gu Zhongyu's own pay has exceeded 15 million, and there is still no demand...

Feng Kuzi patted Zhang Hanyu on the shoulder: "This thief Sun's movie still has content, we can't deny this!"

"No... Brother, Gu Zhongyu treated you like that, why do you still say that?"

Zhang Hanyu felt a little confused about Feng Kuzi. He had bought off the water army to discredit Gu Zhongyu some time ago. The two of them were arguing like enemies on Weibo. Isn't this attitude change too fast?

"Yes, this Sun thief is really a bastard, but we can't say that his movies are not good, especially this "Operation Mekong", which is a project led by the GA department, you have to act well!"

Feng Kuzi is actually a very contradictory person. On the one hand, he wants art, and on the other hand, he longs for the market!

It's the same as he praised Lao Mouzi in public or even in private, but every time Lao Mouzi's movie is released, the water army of Wang's Brothers Company will lead a wave of rhythm!

So many people compare him with Lao Mouzi, Feng Kuzi is very happy to hear it, but if you compare him with Guo Xiaosi, you can see how he will scold you!

The more you understand, the more you have to live in confusion.

The power of capital is indeed strong, but it also depends on people. For example, Lao Mouzi, Feng Kuzi, Zhou Xingxing, Xu Laoguai, and Kaizi brother, these few are all selected by them. Partners, they choose actors.

Of course, they can jump out and accuse capital of disrupting the market, and then what?

Can't you see it from above?

Why didn't they take action?

Instead, there are various reports about "sky-high pay" and the like. Isn't it because they are afraid that once the move is made, the prosperity of the film market will be in jeopardy!

"Then... even if I am willing to take this script, what about the two Mr. Wangs?"

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows about Gu Zhongyu and the Wang brothers' holiday. He doesn't care about Feng Pants' attitude, but with the two big bosses, Zhang Hanyu has no room for bargaining!

"Don't worry!" Feng Pengtong patted Zhang Hanyu's shoulder, "This time, the Gu family boy gave up the family dispute and took the initiative to hire you to make a movie at a high price. If Xiao Wang always refuses to let people go, it will make them look like they are Xiaodujichang are all bosses with a good face, so they have to pretend to be generous!”

Zhang Hanyu nodded and then went to find Wang Zhonglei.

As Feng Peng expected, although Wang Zhonglei was unhappy at first, when he heard that Gu Zhongyu was willing to spend 10 million to hire Zhang Hanyu to make a movie, he still smiled and said, "Why don't you make money if you have money?"

As long as Zhang Hanyu goes ahead with it, once the filming is done, it will only help Huayi gain face!

After the news that Zhang Hanyu was about to star in Gu Zhongyu's new film was made public, netizens were puzzled. The relationship between the two companies was so bad, and Feng Pants was still arguing with Gu Zhongyu not long ago. Could it be that the feud was settled so quickly?

Or is it simply a hype?

It can only be said that the people who eat melons are still too naive. As long as there are common interests, let alone rivals in the business field, even if they are the ones who kill their fathers or take away their wives, they are not unable to cooperate!

By the way...does the matter with Wang Xiaorong count as hatred for taking away his wife?

That definitely doesn’t count! When did Gu Zhongyu ask Wang Xiaorong to divorce his husband?

Don't interfere at all in other people's marriages, okay?

On May 30th, Gu Zhongyu took his assistants Dudu and Fat Mao Dundun, as well as his former assistant Bai Lu, on the road to Hunan.

In addition to the warm invitation from He Juan himself, he also later specifically asked Huang Lei and Yang Mi to send invitations to Gu Zhongyu respectively, which meant that it was hard to refuse the invitation.

Sometimes he is too lazy, and he is not very interested in this kind of humorous program, so he feels that he will be embarrassed when he goes on it. Unexpectedly, his casual joke last time was taken seriously, and he will never dare to say anything randomly again. Got it!

Now that you are here, you must take advantage of it. The reason why I brought Bai Lu is because Tang Yan's "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" has been completed and will be broadcast soon. As Bai Lu, who plays the young Zhao Mosheng, is also It's time for her to look familiar in front of the public.

After all, she will be on Running Man in a few months. Just being a Nortel student is definitely not enough to impress everyone.

I have to say that there is a reason why an evergreen program like "Happy Camp" has become so popular.

It’s not just Teacher He who knows how to be a good person and has a good reputation in the circle.

The audience of this program is very suitable for the past promotion of some TV series, movies, newly debuted stars, etc. Brother Cheng Long has been there several times to promote movies.

To be honest, he actually liked watching "Happy Camp" when he was a child.

Maybe he was in the second grade of middle school at that time. Looking at the host's slightly exaggerated words, he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Later, when I got a little more mature, I couldn't watch it any more. I found it disturbing. This show is not suitable for adults with good minds to watch!

However, this program is still regarded as the first domestic entertainment variety show. It has huge influence and is enduring. The program was launched in July 1997 and was shut down in December 2021. After 24 years, many people started from the time they were born. , I grew up watching this show!

Although Gu Zhongyu didn't like this show very much, he was a little confused when he saw the news of the sudden shutdown. There was not even a formal farewell...

Such a sudden suspension must have been caused by an unexpected situation. The reason why Kuaiben was suspended has always been confusing, and the official has not made an accurate public statement... But it is a reasonable guess that there should be a problem with the top management of Mango Channel...

"Boss, it seems that you are not the only one on Mango Channel this time, there are other guests participating." On the high-speed train, assistant Dudu reported to Gu Zhongyu very competently.

"I know how embarrassing it is to have just me and Bai Lu in one episode. If I bring a few more people, I can still make it through. I can't even play a small game by myself."

Gu Zhongyu didn't even open his eyes. He rubbed Dundun in his arms with one hand. The little guy purred comfortably. During this period, Gu Zhongyu had been fostering the cat at Liu Yufei's house, but Sissi seemed unwilling to help it lose weight. She felt Adun is as fat as he was a few months ago...

This situation is normal. "Happy Camp" is originally a group portrait show.

There are even five hosts. Should they be allowed to brag around Gu Zhongyu alone?

"No way! Dudu, who is so talented that he can be on the same stage as our boss?" Bai Lu asked curiously.

Chen Duling held her chin with one hand and flipped through the information, "It seems to be a crew called "The Legend of Ancient Swords". By the way, it's Yang Mi!"

Gu Zhongyu has some ideas now. It is estimated that Da Mi Mi went to promote the TV series from the beginning. Why did she invite him to dinner? She knew he was coming in advance. She might even have persuaded He Ji to invite him over. The two of them People are on the same stage to create a wave of popularity!

This girl is so thoughtful!

Opening his eyes a little, he saw Dudu and Bai Lu standing next to them, seemingly staring at something and mumbling something.

"Sister Mi Mi has such a good figure. Do you really have the money or are you using props?"

The two of them actually opened their phones and looked at Yang Mi's recent promotional photos.

When she was still a girl, Chen Duling felt that it didn't matter what her body shape was. Now her concept has long been different. She always thought that if she could have such good curves, would her boss love her more?

"Well... I have the right to speak. When I was filming "Ball Lightning", Sister Mi and I slept on the same boat. I can responsibly say that it is the real thing!" When it comes to this, Bai Lu is very happy. He stood up proudly.

Dudu glanced at his senior Bai Lu, then looked down at himself...

God is unfair!

Why does even Sister Lu have a better figure than me?

"Don't be envious of me, Dudu, I see... doesn't the boss dote on you now?" Bai Lu winked at her in an odd way.

Bai Lu had long since noticed that Chen Duling had changed her outfit from top to bottom. So many brand-name goods were certainly beyond her assistant's salary.

Moreover... Dudu's temperament is also completely different from the last time we met. As a person who has been there, Bai Lu certainly knows what this means!

"What are you talking about, Sister Lu?"

Chen Duling was too shy to admit it. In fact, because Gu Zhongyu stayed in Yanjing during this period and didn't go out much, the two didn't spend much time together. The last time he spent time with his boss was at Liu Yufei's house, and it was with his " "Fuck my sister" together...

In the afternoon, Gu Zhongyu and his two assistants got on Mango Terrace on time to pick them up at the high-speed rail station.

I guess the staff were a little unaccustomed to it. They usually pick people up from the airport, but I didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to come here by high-speed rail.

And with only two assistants and no one to clear the way, the driver and the staff who came to pick him up suddenly felt that Gu Zhongyu was so down-to-earth, not at all different from those coquettish bitches.

The Mango Terrace building is similar to the Yangma Building. It has a sci-fi feel from the previous world, mixed with some rustic elements. I haven’t been here for several years, but now it tastes like this!

Anyway, Gu Zhongyu has never been able to appreciate buildings with this type of shape. They are too unique...especially now that he has taken a closer look, this building looks more like a toilet!

As the most powerful local TV station in the country, Mango Channel is very powerful in the industry. In terms of ratings, it was almost unique in the past. The "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" that has been broadcast repeatedly has a ratings of over 50%. Ah, up to sixty-five percent!

Unfortunately, over the years, the Blueberry Channel has been gradually gaining ground, and its position as the leader of the local channel has become precarious.

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