Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 374 How to subtly remind someone that they are being cheated on?

"Okay, I promise not to cause harm to the show, and I will definitely be there for the first episode and the finale. After all, I also invested money in Running Man, and of course I don't want it to go wrong!"

Gu Zhongyu said so, and it was hard for the two of them to say anything.

"Then I'll go first. Those six people have probably reached me. I'll meet them."

The third season of The Voice is currently airing. When it is finished, Running Man will almost be picked up. The first episode will be aired around August.

The first five issues were shot by the Hanguo team, who provided game design, including post-production editing.

Although Lu Hao is the chief director, he is a master after all. Besides, you are here to learn, so of course you must follow Han Guo's opinions.

Therefore, Han Guo asked to start filming one month in advance so that they could adjust the situation.

Several regular guests have also arrived and are gathering for dinner. Gu Zhongyu is the latest one.

"Brother Chao, Brother Bo, Baoqiang... Hello everyone, it's been a long wait!"

After greeting a group of people casually, Gu Zhongyu sat down directly.

Bai Lu saw her boss coming and sat next to him with a smile on her face. There were all big stars in the room, and she was the only one who was almost an amateur. If Gu Zhongyu wasn't there, she would really be a little panicked.

"Teacher Gu, what do you think? I will be the captain and you will be the guest. Do you think I can do it?"

Deng Chao knew him best. Not long ago, Gu Zhongyu had a Weibo battle with Feng Pants for "The Breakup Master". He still remembered this favor, so Deng Chao hoped that Gu Zhongyu would be the captain.

"I can't help it. Reality shows always need someone who is free to take charge of the overall situation. If you dare to pole dance in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, I can't compare to you!"

It is true that in terms of shamelessness, there are really not many people in the circle who can reach the level of Deng Chao!

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu didn't care at all, Deng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the seven guests are not unknown to each other, what is the difference between meeting them for the first time?

"Mr. Gu, thank you for inviting me to join this..."

Chen He is Brother Kaizi's nephew and an artist signed by the Wang brothers. Coincidentally, both of them have a bad relationship with Gu Zhongyu.

But Chen He is a lively and independent person. In fact, he is not that close to his uncle or the agency, and is relatively free. Therefore, without the coyness of his old classmate Zheng Kai, he stood up and started to toast generously.

"No, Teacher Zeng... No, He He, don't call me Mr. Gu from now on. You can call me Teacher Gu or Zhongyu. Also, do you really think I have so much energy that I can arrange people at will? This variety show is from Blueberry TV." It was built by Taiwan. If they don’t like you, it’s useless no matter what I say. By the way, let’s all introduce ourselves. Although we all look familiar, we definitely don’t know each other that well.”

"Then I'll go first. My name is Deng Chao..."

In fact, no introduction is needed at all. The program team has already sent everyone the member list.

How should I put it, the atmosphere is a bit awkward and I have to find a topic.

Not to mention, after introducing myself, several people really became a lot more enthusiastic.

The least famous among the seven is Bai Lu, but because of her close relationship with Gu Zhongyu, no one dares to despise her. In addition, the lively and cute little girl is indeed very popular... I have already chatted with Chen He. And started to ask for tips on how to burp continuously...

"Teacher Gu, I have to thank you very much...Chen Sicheng said that you ordered me to play "Detective Chinatown". I don't even know what to say..."

The first part of "Detective Chinatown" will soon enter the preparatory stage. The role of Tang Ren naturally belongs to Wang Baoxiang. After receiving the invitation, he already wanted to express his gratitude to Gu Zhongyu in person.

"You're welcome, Baoqiang. I selected actors based on their roles. You are the most suitable actor in the industry. If not you, who would I look for?"

Seeing Wang Baoxiang's honest way of touching the back of his head, Gu Zhongyu felt a little worried. Should he tell him directly?

say what?

That is naturally the matter between his current manager Song Zhe and his wife...

How to tactfully remind you, brother, that you have been cheated on?

On this issue, Gu Zhongyu actually has no position to accuse others. He is a thief, but he will not destroy other people's happy families, nor will he transfer all the man's property!

And many times, he compensates the sufferer, either by giving away roles or providing career support. Maybe if people find out, they have to thank him!

Gu Zhongyu has a good impression of Wang Baoxiang. He is not a monster, and his character has been tested by hardships. An agent and a bed partner can't come up with evidence of his black spots!

Even after the funds were stolen by Ma Rong, the bank card account only had 2,000 to 3,000 yuan, and there was no money for a lawsuit. I asked Chen Sicheng to borrow 3 million, but he actually took more than 1 million to pay taxes first, and then hired a lawyer. How else can you attack such a person?

After thinking about it, I decided that it would be a bit hurtful to not be close, and to say it directly would be a bit hurtful. If it were hinted... Chen Sicheng had already hinted it so obviously in the first part of Tang Detective, but Wang Baoxiang still didn't notice it.

It's better to find Zhuo Wei, the tool man, and ask him to remind Wang Baoxiang through other channels. This time Gu Zhongyu really did good deeds without leaving his name.

Everyone chatted around the hot pot for several hours, and then went upstairs to rest a little unsatisfied.

Deng Chao returned to the hotel to study the hosting skills of the original Running Man Liu Dashen. Chen He and Zheng Kai went to the Internet cafe to play games. Yu Bo and Wang Baoxiang, two martial arts practitioners, cherished each other and made an appointment to go to the gym together. After all, capable people It's not that easy. It would be so embarrassing to be eliminated easily!

Bai Lu naturally followed Gu Zhongyu inseparably. She would not let go of the rare opportunity to be alone with her boss.

Gu Zhongyu was a little worried. Looking at this posture and recording in a few days, he would probably have to work harder on his own. Deng Chao's ability to control the field was not good at all now.

In fact, there have been rumors that Gu Zhongyu participated in Running Man as a regular guest, and Blueberry TV is also very good at promoting the show.

It’s clear that they are using Gu Zhongyu’s huge popularity to create gimmicks!

It didn't matter to Gu Zhongyu, anyway, it would be him who would benefit then.

However, a large number of Gu Zhongyu's fans expressed dissatisfaction. They left messages at the bottom of Gu Zhongyu's Weibo, saying that they just moved bricks when they had nothing to do. It was too low to be on a variety show or something like that!

This view is a bit biased. There is no distinction between high and low professions. Heroes do not ask where they come from. Moreover, after a lifetime of acting, can't they enjoy it?

At this time, Deng Chao hid in the hotel and watched several issues of the Korean version of "Runningman". He gained some benefits, but more of it was pressure!

He could feel Liu Dashen's powerful ability to control the field and his random jokes.

It is simply impossible for Deng Chao to realize it instantly after watching only a few episodes!

"Brother Chao, are you there?" Deng Chao, who was deep in thought, was awakened by the doorbell. When he opened the door, it was Gu Zhongyu and Bai Lu.

"What are you watching? A short movie? How can Brother Chao eat alone?"

Gu Zhongyu noticed that the laptop on the table was lit, and it was obvious that Deng Chao had been reading something.

"What are you thinking about? I'm watching the Korean version of "Runningman" and studying!"

Deng Chao explained and then asked: "Do you drink beer?"


Taking the beer thrown by Deng Chao, Bai Lu opened it and started drinking it. Although she was not good at drinking, she was still addicted to alcohol. Moreover, the boss would definitely sleep in her room tonight, so she might as well drink some to calm her emotions. .

Gu Zhongyu asked while drinking: "How is it? What has been researched?"

"It's a bit rewarding. In fact, I watched a few episodes at home before. I found that although there are many games in this game, in summary, there are only a few major categories. It all depends on the interaction of a few hosts and guests to play it! What if? If you can’t let go, it will be awkward, the show will definitely not be fun, and both of you will be tired!”

Gu Zhongyu nodded, agreeing with Deng Chao's words.

In fact, reality shows, to put it bluntly, are just shows. They test your acting skills. If you act too fake, you will be criticized. If you put your heart and soul into it, you will be scolded again!

This degree of control is very difficult!

"Brother Chao, Liu Zaishi is a national host in South Korea. He has been hosting for 20 years. He is almost the same as Mr. He and others. It is normal for you to be able to master it for a while and not to be able to keep up with him." Bai Lu comforted her.

She is a loyal fan of the Korean version of Running Man. With his charisma and hosting skills, Yoo Jae Suk is the soul figure. It is difficult for Deng Chao to play the same role as him.

"Hey! I also know that the program team asked me to be the captain and responsible for guiding the guests. I am really worried. After all, I have never been a host."

In the show Running Man, Deng Chao received the highest remuneration, nearly 30 million!

And he’s the captain, Alexander!

"It's okay, just act as you are, I'll be responsible for controlling the overall situation,'s okay, let's do this in the early stages!"

After thinking about it, Gu Zhongyu still didn't tell Deng Chao that he would leave the running boy show.

"That's good!"

After comforting Deng Chao for a few words, Gu Zhongyu returned to the room with Bai Lu, who was blushing from drinking.

"Boss, why didn't I see you with Dudu this time?" Bai Lu was still very concerned about Dudu, a sister.

"I asked her to study acting. You have already made your debut. She has been with me for a year. It's almost time to make preparations."

In fact, according to Chen Duling's academic qualifications, being an assistant is indeed a sign of humiliation, but academic qualifications do not equal ability. Gu Zhongyu had always brought her with him before, just to let her see more and stop acting like an intellectual all the time. , take whatever bowl you want to eat.

To enter the entertainment industry, you don't need to be in harmony with everyone, but you can't be independent either!

Fortunately, there has been significant progress over the past year. At least Dudu no longer has a cold face when seeing everyone, and he has learned to tolerate things that he can't stand.

In the past, when Gu Zhongyu was with a woman, he would get a little angry, but now...

Is this considered mature or degenerate?

"Oh, there's a movie being filmed so soon? What's the subject?"

"It's a fairy tale drama, and she is the female lead."

The first play that Gu Zhongyu arranged for Chen Duling was a cut version of "Flower Thousand Bones". Originally, this cake should belong to Zhao Xiaodao, but now he has obtained the copyright of the novel, and he doesn't know what Zhao Xiaodao will be in this life. What works do you need to rely on to become popular?


Bai Lu was a little bit sour. She had followed Gu Zhongyu for so long, and so far she had only played the female lead in one TV series. Unexpectedly, her good sisters had come from behind and started to play the female lead!

I'm not only afraid that my brothers will suffer hardship, but I'm also afraid that my brothers will drive Land Rover!

This is Bai Lu's mood at the moment.

"Don't be jealous!" Of course Gu Zhongyu saw what Bai Lu was thinking and touched her little head: "The routes I arranged for you two are just different. Don't worry about Dudu playing the female lead. Wait for the running man. After the broadcast, the popularity may not be as high as yours!”

"real or fake?"

Nowadays, people still generally think that variety show stars are not as good as actors. Even if there are examples like The Voice and Where Are We Going, Dad, people don’t think this is the norm.

"Of course, when have I ever lied to you?"

"A lot of it!"

After drinking some wine, Bai Lu became bolder. With her cheeks bulging, she put her hands on her hips and said, "I don't know who promised me before I joined the job that the assistant was an assistant and that he didn't have to take on responsibilities other than work." , so what’s going on now?”

Seeing how cute Bai Lu looked when she was drunk, Gu Zhongyu was also amused. He sat on the edge of the boat and crossed his arms, "What's the matter, do you regret it now? It's too late! This is the darkness of the entertainment industry, you know?"

"Damn it!"

Bai Lu rushed forward fiercely, pushed Gu Zhongyu onto the boat, pinched his neck with one hand, and started to unbutton his shirt with the other hand...

"No...are you trying to kill me? Or sleep with me?"

"Shut up!" Bai Lu covered Gu Zhongyu's mouth, "Tonight...I am the boss! You are not allowed to move, you must obey my command!"

It's quite interesting. Usually Gu Zhongyu takes the dominant position in this kind of situation, and few girls treat him like this.

But it's good to be submissive once in a while. Gu Zhongyu wanted to see what Bai Lu could do!

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu didn't resist, Bai Lu nodded with satisfaction, then lay on top of him, and then turned in another direction...

After about two days of getting along, before the official recording, the members of the running men's team became much closer to each other.

Needless to say, Chen He and Zheng Kai were classmates. The funny Deng Chao and the two of them got along quickly, to the point of playing games all night long.

Wang Baoxiang has always been curious about Yu Bo's Kung Fu level. The two had a friendly competition. After being knocked down in less than a minute, he now admired Yu Bo because he realized that the opponent actually still had some strength left.

So now Wang Baoxiang has changed from a brother to a fan of gambling!

Bai Lu, on the other hand, relied on her hearty and unscrupulous laughter to successfully get other members to label her as a "female psycho". She felt that she could support the entire show on her own.

Gu Zhongyu is observing everyone, and others are also secretly trying to figure out Gu Zhongyu.

We can probably draw the following conclusion, living a very real life!

In fact, these people, including Gu Zhongyu who agreed to join Running Man, all had their own ideas. Except for Gu Zhongyu who was bored, the others all had the idea of ​​furthering their careers.

How can I put it, a brother in the trenches, even if he cannot live and die together, at least he must live in peace!

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