Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 375: Showing affection is risky

"Okay, we'll start recording tomorrow!"

Running Man's chief producer Yu Hangying led the brothers to greet the staff one by one.

After the clichéd greetings, the table became lively.

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu originally thought that most of the staff in the system were good-for-nothings who just sat there doing nothing, but he didn't expect Yu Hangying to be witty and Lu Hao to be well-educated!

However, when these people get dirty, even Gu Zhongyu can't stand it.

When talking about Gu Zhongyu's recent preparations for Operation Mekong and his muscles being well-trained, Yu Hangying immediately reached out her evil black hand!

"Hey! Our teacher Gu is still working out. Come on, how about I touch him?"

Gu Zhongyu was so scared that he shrank back, but the other party was just joking and didn't really want to reach out and touch him.

Of course, if Gu Zhongyu was just a nobody in the entertainment industry and there was no one around, Sister Yu would really dare to touch him, and even dare to do something more excessive!

Otherwise, why do those agencies keep so many young and handsome men? It's just to deal with these female producers. If you serve these sisters well, you can talk about any job.

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, the director team took the opportunity to put forward some program requirements, such as taking photos without makeup. After a few arguments, everyone agreed.

In the brotherhood, the combination of Gu Zhongyu and Bai Lu, the boss' assistant, is now very popular on the Internet. Many people speculate whether the young Bai Lu has some hidden relationship with Gu Zhongyu, otherwise why does she have so many preferential treatments?

There are even rumors that Bai Lu is Gu Zhongyu's relative.

So little Bai Lu is now the target of everyone's attention. At the table, she obviously can't drink well, but she still wants to show off. Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu grabbed her in time, otherwise she would have to play some exciting adventures tonight!

After chatting for a while, Yu Hangying and other staff members found excuses to slip away first, and the scene became more and more intense.

They are all people in the circle, and many things can't be hidden from everyone.

Looking at Chen He who was a little drunk, Gu Zhongyu suddenly thought of something.

"He He, if you are responsible, post the news of your divorce from your ex-wife online tomorrow. Remember, don't explain it to netizens!"

Chen He's case is much simpler than Wang Baoxiang's, so Gu Zhongyu has no scruples and speaks directly.

In his previous life, Chen He almost withdrew from the second season of Running Man because of his secret marriage and mistress. Gu Zhongyu thought it would be best to save him. Maybe this buddy is grateful and can sign a few more seasons.

"Also, let's announce your relationship with Zixuan."

" did you know?" Chen He was half sober in an instant and asked stutteringly.

"I have a good relationship with some paparazzi, and I know a lot of things!"

Gu Zhongyu looked at Chen He calmly and said, "Only the parties involved know the most about the affairs between husband and wife, but netizens certainly cannot understand! But you are fine, at least the image of a good man has not been fully established!"

Chen He hesitated, "It's too late, our company's people said that I should create the image of a good man!"

"Now is the era of self-media! The privacy of artists has long ceased to exist. Do you really think you can hide it? Even if you can promise not to say it yourself, can you also guarantee that your friends will keep their mouths shut?"

It is said that the news of Chen He's divorce was revealed to reporters by a friend of Chen He. It's a false friendship in the entertainment industry!


"There is nothing to but. You must solve the hidden dangers in your body before the official recording, and we can truly accept you!"

"That's right, He He, divorce is not a big deal, and you are not an idol actor, there is no need to worry about the loss of fans caused by divorce." Yu Bo also advised.

"Will the program team have any ideas?" Chen He was still very worried.

"Don't worry, the program team will be grateful for everything you do in the future!"

Chen He finally followed Gu Zhongyu's instructions and posted the divorce agreement on Weibo that night.

Many netizens don't understand why Chen He did this. After all, when he was on "Happy Camp", he personally told the story of how he and his girlfriend had been in love for thirteen years since school, and he also participated in a couple's reality show "Love on the Road" with her, and confessed and showed affection in the show.

"Are you willing to be a couple with Xu Jing in the next life?"

Chen He said without hesitation: "Yes!"

The slap in the face came too quickly!

In the entertainment industry, couples and husbands and wives really can't show affection casually. Wen Zhang and Ma Yili are a lesson for us!

However, Chen He is not yet popular on the Internet. After all, he has been famous for too short a time, and his affection has not yet been shown to the hearts of the people across the country, so the attention is not too high.

The Running Man program team was scolded by many of Chen He's fans, saying that they exploited Chen He!


If they really wanted to exploit Chen He, they wouldn't just talk about the divorce.

Later, Gu Zhongyu was caught by a group of people and drank several glasses of wine. Since they knew about Chen He's divorce, they encouraged him to talk about other secrets in the circle, such as the mother of Chen Kun's son and who is the backer of Da Tiantian.

In this regard, Gu Zhongyu said he knew nothing.

In fact, there are some things that Zhuo Wei really doesn't know. Don't think that paparazzi are omnipotent.

Otherwise, wouldn't Gu Zhongyu have been a little white dragon in the world for so many years and he would have fallen?


The next day, around 8 a.m., everyone got up reluctantly.

We were going to take promotional photos later. This was the Korean side's opinion. Gu Zhongyu and Director Lu were not very supportive at first, but they insisted and made a very clear point, so they followed suit.

The so-called promotional photos are directly about characterization!

Captain Deng Chao~

Yu Bo is a capable person~

Chen He is naturally the synonym of a weak person~

Zheng Kai is responsible for the face-saving handsome character, and at the same time creates a sense of CP with Bai Lu~

Bai Lu is naturally a female man + a happy fruit. The director team also specifically told her to smile more when nothing happens~

Wang Baoxiang is still pretending to be stupid, but he will be more cunning~

As for Gu Zhongyu, the Korean side originally wanted to design him the image of a playboy, but he directly refused. This character is too old-fashioned. Now even his fans are too lazy to watch him play a playboy.

Finally, it was even suggested that he use the character of HAHA in the Korean version of Running Man!

This is even more ridiculous. How can Gu Zhongyu's image be associated with a funny guy?

Forced character setting, or reject!

To be honest, except for Gu Zhongyu's character setting, which is considered to be the Chinese side's effort, the others are too routine!

Routine is very popular at the beginning, but after a long time, it is no longer funny. What's the point of guessing the ending after seeing the beginning?

If we really follow the Korean shooting method, everyone's room for performance is really small, but there is no way. At present, even Gu Zhongyu has no ability to complete the shooting of these episodes without the help of the Korean side.

After taking the final makeup photos, the program officially started recording!

The seven members gathered under the Leifeng Pagoda.

Deng Chao stood in the middle as the captain, Yu Bo and Chen He stood on each side, then Zheng Kai and Bai Lu, and Gu Zhongyu and Wang Baoxiang were on the outermost edge.

This position is considered to imitate the original version of Han Country.

The reason why Gu Zhongyu stood on the far left is to pick up the topic!

Deng Chao shouted excitedly: "Wow! I look so handsome in the photo just now! Did you see my look?"

Everyone's expressions were cold, or not cold, just an expression of "I'll just watch you pretending to be cool", and no one took the initiative to speak up!

This is not okay, there should be interaction!

"Brother Chao, are you sure your expression is handsome? Not vulgar?"

Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to play the role of a joke.

Originally, I expected Chen He to say a few words, but this guy was obviously not in good shape today. He was probably a little depressed by the comments of netizens.

"I found that the positioning of the program team is quite accurate. As the saying goes, there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames! I hope everyone can live with these nicknames for the rest of their lives. By the way, Teacher Gu, from now on, you and your assistant have to listen hotness!"

Deng Chao's mean look really makes people want to hit him!

Everyone laughed, especially Bai Lu, who laughed the most happily. When others laughed, their mouths were horizontal, but only her mouth was upright when she laughed!

It immediately aroused the interest of the director, and he quickly asked the photographer to take a close-up.

This year, netizens' emojis have been settled!

Deng Chao consciously directed the topic to several people who didn't speak, such as Yu Bo and Zheng Kai. Unfortunately, these two people just smiled and didn't respond at all.

The first recording is very important, so Deng Chao has been thinking about performing well and must not leave anyone behind.

But there is no way, doing variety shows is like this, there are always people who are not in the state, which is also the reason why someone will be deliberately removed during post-editing. It's not bullying, but it's cold when it comes to his shot, and it really can't be broadcast.

When the share is almost enough, the director signals the next one to come in!

The guests come on stage.

The first guests are Ma Su and Dou Xiao.

Ma Su and Gu Zhongyu knew each other when they were filming "Heart Flower Blooming". Deng Chao wanted to give the female guest a hug, but Ma Su accelerated and hugged Gu Zhongyu behind him first!

This elder sister seems to be too enthusiastic about herself?

Deng Chao couldn't stand it anymore, so he pushed Chen He who had been silent all the time: "No, Mr. Gu, it's so hard to get a female guest, you can't monopolize her like this, right?"

At this time, Chen He, who had regained some of his charm, immediately teamed up with Wang Baoxiang to pull Ma Su over.

Zheng Kai also wanted to go, but unfortunately he had to look at Bai Lu's eyes beside him, because the two of them were set to be a couple.

"Let's applaud Ma Piaoliang and our Dou Xiao! By the way, director, why did you pull us to this place so early in the morning? To save White Snake?"

The director indicated that this section was over, and Deng Chao, as the captain, quickly got into the state.

"This is Leifeng Pagoda, legend has it..."

After a bunch of nonsense reasons, the point finally came: "I called you here to escort a treasure!"

"What treasure?"

The director's voice came again: "In order to better complete the task, I will divide you into three groups. Deng Chao, Yu Bo, and Ma Su will form a group of three, Chen He, Wang Baoxiang, and Bai Lu will form a group, and the remaining three people will form a group."

The team was assigned, and the first ten minutes of editing were ready. Several people gathered together and shouted "Run Brothers" before the director team made a board.

The camera was temporarily turned off, and several people gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

Reality shows like Running Man do not have a complete script, only a rough process, and it all depends on the actors' on-the-spot performance, which is really difficult!

Or any variety show is the same. Even if there is no script, there is an outline. The design stipulates that if I can't win, I can't win. If I want to lose, I have to lose in this way. If I can't lose in this way, I will definitely force it, and I will do things that go against my will and don't match my personality.

However, the variety show screenwriter only designs the rules, situations or games. As for what the artists say and do in the show, they are actually the result of free play.

Just like the half hour just now, Yu Bo almost laughed the whole time, and Bai Lu's presence was not strong. This is not stipulated by the script, but they really don't know how to do it.

"Let's do this. Next time I will tease you directly. You should try to find ways to refute me. When I get venomous, I'm very powerful!"

There is no other way, I can only do this!

Like Yu Bo, the positioning of this variety show is not funny. Funny is not the focus. The sense of interaction must be raised first.

"Director Lu, what do you think?"

"I'm still a little bit nervous!"

"Then let's be more aggressive in tomorrow's game session!"

"We've already arranged it. In the first session, we'll let you experience the three magic weapons of the Korean version of Running Man!"

"What magic weapons?"

"Acupressure mat, falling into the water, and tearing off name tags!"


Several people joked with each other and left the filming site.

Gu Zhongyu, Deng Chao, and Lu Hao discussed the recording situation with the Korean director.

Deng Chao is the captain after all. He has the right to know about many things. In addition, in order to get him on board, Gu Zhongyu once promised him to invest in the variety show Running Man!

The Korean side is very scheming, but not scheming. They have a lot of ideas. They think that the reason why "Runningman" is so popular in Asia is because the game session is so fun!

Of course, this factor is not ruled out, but the interesting interaction between the members is also a big reason. In addition, the great hosting skills of the great god are also one of the most important conditions for the popularity of "Runningman".

The acupressure board, diving platform, and name tag tearing are known as the three magic weapons of Running Man!

The three unique skills were brought out in one breath. It seems that the Korean director has spared no effort.

"Then let's try it."


"Brother Chao, when I speak tomorrow, you'd better respond. I'm afraid they don't know how to respond."

"Don't worry, I'm here!"


With your hosting skills, it's so embarrassing!

I might as well rely on Chen He!

The director team saw the recording just now. In just a few hours, they have a general understanding of everyone's performance.

Overall, Deng Chao, Chen He and Gu Zhongyu performed well, so when they were divided into groups, they were allowed to separate into three groups and lead one team each!

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