Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 376 Do you want what is delivered to your door?

Ma Meiliang came to participate in Running Man because she actually wanted to see what the future of the variety show was like and wanted to test the waters.

At the time, Ma Su was considered a pity among Hua Dan. She had good looks and acting skills, but she just couldn't become popular!

Many people say that Ma Shu, Miao Pu and Hai Qing are the same type of actors. They all follow the route of acting + rapport. Their appearance is not considered outstanding in the entertainment industry. They have filmed many movies and gradually become the number one female lead. .

The small screen is considered a first-line actress, and she belongs to the steady and steady model.

After all, she doesn’t have big resources and she’s getting older – after an actress reaches thirty, there are very few suitable works!

"The Legend of Zhen Huan" like Sun Li is really a once-in-a-thousand-year wait!

It's a pity that there is no work that makes her break out!

"Yanjing Youth", "Celestial Cavalry", "The New Legend of the White-haired Witch", and "A Good Man Gets Married" are all good works, and Ma Su has performed in them all.

But they are all drama celebrities but not popular!

But there is no life for the red man!

In addition, her ex-boyfriend is so famous that many people call Ma Su or Kong Linghui’s ex-girlfriend!

"You must work hard this time on Running Man!"

This is what the agent told her.

Why strive to perform?

If it wasn't because of Bai Lu, how could a little-known yellow-haired girl become a regular guest on Running Man?

Is it just because of her relationship with Gu Zhongyu?

Ma Su was angry and hated God for being unfair. How could she not be as good as a little girl who had become a monk despite her good looks and acting skills?

After the dinner, she thought for a long time and finally came to Gu Zhongyu's door.

"Who is it?" Just after Gu Zhongyu put Bai Lu to sleep, he heard a knock on the door.

"Teacher Gu, it's me~"

Gu Zhongyu was confused. Why did this big girl come to see him if she didn't sleep at night?

He opened the door a crack and saw Ma Su standing outside the door with a smile on his face.

"I can't sleep at night, so I just think about you sitting here. Is it convenient?"

Please make it clear first, do you want to sit or do it?

Frankly speaking, Ma Su is pretty good-looking, but her complicated relationship history and the negative labels of scumbag, third party, and madam make Gu Zhong really have no interest in having anything to do with her.

Otherwise, if you wanted to, it would have been a matter of minutes before you wanted to sleep with her on the set of "Blissful Heart"!

Many times, after the first contact, Gu Zhongyu can roughly judge how loose the girl's waistband is.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu didn't open the door, Ma Su clasped his hands and prayed: "Please, Teacher Gu, I haven't participated in any variety shows. I'm afraid I won't perform well tomorrow, so I just want to come here to learn from you!"

Do I often participate in variety shows? I can’t even find a reason!

The other party had begged like this, but Gu Zhongyu didn't pretend to be trying to show off at this moment. He refused to welcome her no matter what, and he just nodded and let her in without any hesitation.

As soon as Ma Su entered the door, he saw the clothes scattered on the sofa. They looked familiar and were clearly worn by that little girl Bai Lu.

Sure enough, these two people have an affair!

After Gu Zhongyu closed the door, he pulled Ma Su over and started chewing her on the door. We just didn't have enough fun at night, so it would be nice to have you here for extra dinner!

Poor Ma Su actually wanted to communicate with him. Who knew that Gu Zhongyu, an old gangster, was so impatient.

Her subconscious reaction was to resist, but after two seconds, she reacted... Is there such a good thing?

But she was a woman anyway, and she still wanted to save face. She tried her best to push Gu Zhongyu away, pretending to ask: "No! Teacher Gu...did you misunderstand something?"


Then pretend it for me!

According to the normal routine, Gu Zhongyu must have pretended to express his love for her. The two parties chatted for a while, and then Ma Su blushed and half-assed her, and everyone just went along for the ride and had sex...

But for Ma Su, Gu Zhongyu was not interested in following the routine.

Gu Zhongyu directly spread his hands and opened the door a crack, saying that since it was a misunderstanding, please go out now. Time is precious and I have no interest in cooperating with you in acting!

Ma Su:? ? ?

No...Brother, why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

Now it's Ma Su's turn to be in trouble. If she gets out of this door now, let alone getting involved with Gu Zhongyu in the future, she might even become an enemy!

However, this thought did not last long, and she soon expressed her attitude with actions.

Gu Zhongyu didn't know where Ma Su got such strength. He gritted his teeth, grabbed his clothes, turned him around forcefully, and slammed him against the door!

That’s what makes it interesting!

After the two parties hugged each other and nibbled each other for a few minutes, Ma Su was panting, "Let's... let's go to the bedroom!"

Gu Zhongyu's expression didn't change at all, and he leaned close to her ear, "Bai Lu has fallen asleep inside. I think it's better not to disturb her. Come with me!"

He pulled Ma Su to the floor-to-ceiling window outside and asked her to hold the glass with both hands...

This is single-sided glass, Gu Zhongyu chose it specially, but Ma Su didn't know.

"What if someone sees me?"

"So what if I see it, but I won't come in. I's quite exciting!"

Because the two of them made so much noise that they woke up Xiao Bailu in the middle of the process...

The next morning, six o'clock.

Three cars carrying three groups of people arrived at the square.

A lot of people have gathered around the square, mostly aunts dancing in the square. For young people, they are still in dreamland, and only the aunts and uncles can get up.

They were not fans or anything like that. After all, the recording of Running Man was conducted in secret.

After getting off the car, several people were a little confused.

Especially Deng Chao. Although he had the experience of facing thousands of people, they were all his fans, and the crowd in front of him were all here to watch the fun, and almost all of them were middle-aged and elderly people. It was very embarrassing!

Gu Zhongyu was a little listless. It was really that Ma Su's car was a bit fuel-consuming, even though he didn't let anyone stay overnight last night.

This is like the Seven Injury Fist. If you practice all seven, you will be injured. The harm is that it hurts both others and yourself.

In the crowd, the most people shouted Gu Zhongyu's name, and from time to time there were a few people shouting Deng Chao's name, which was pitifully few.

There were also a few people shouting Wang Baoxiang.

At the age of an aunt, she has long been calm and indifferent, and it is impossible for her to scream like a little girl.

"Brother Chao, go up and introduce us to the aunts. By the way, remember to let them watch our show!"

Seeing that Deng Chao was a little dazed, Gu Zhongyu hurried to his side and reminded him in a low voice.

Of course, before speaking, the microphone had been turned off!

The Korean director was also a little confused. In their original expectation, these people would definitely be very popular when they appeared in the square. After all, this is how they play in Korea!

When Liu Dashen led a group of younger brothers to record the program in Han Country, everyone knew him!

But they forgot that this is in China, a big country with a population of more than one billion, not their peninsula country with a population of 50 million, and the proportion of star chasers is very small.

"Ladies and aunts, you are looking at us like this, we are so embarrassed! Please shout out our names to meet us!"

So funny!

Shenjing and!

Do you think this is a concert?

Gu Zhongyu couldn't bear to look at it, it was so embarrassing!

"Hello, aunts, I am Gu Zhongyu, this is Deng Chao..."

Gu Zhongyu pushed Deng Chao away and introduced several members to the aunts, "We are a new variety show called "Run, Brothers"!"

At the last sentence, several members finally had their IQs online and shouted the slogan together.

"Let me call my brothers out to say hello to everyone, okay?"

Deng Chao finally got the situation under control and did a good job of interaction.

When the music started, the aunties suddenly started square dancing, and several people also twisted their bodies to the music.

Variety shows are like this, you have to let go, otherwise it will look very artificial!

The most obvious one is Dou Xiao, one of the guests, who gives people the feeling that he wants to let go but can't, and his idol burden is too heavy!

When the music stopped, the aunties also stopped dancing, took out acupressure mats from their backpacks behind them, and spread them on the square!


Deng Chao's shouting was a little hoarse.

It was a bit embarrassing, as if no one except Gu Zhongyu knew this thing.

Or even if they knew it, they wanted to try it!

"Is this an acupressure mat?"

Gu Zhongyu answered knowingly, "I saw Cheng Long participate in a program of Running Man, and Cheng Long was arranged to skip rope on the acupressure mat. In the end, Cheng Long almost cried!"


These regular guests are a bit too much. They should at least do their homework!

"Yes..." The Korean director looked at Gu Zhongyu with a smile, and praised Gu Zhongyu with difficulty in his kimchi-flavored English.

It's really hard to understand the English spoken by Koreans, which is even more outrageous than Chinese English.

The director introduced the rules on the side. Anyway, it's a relay form to complete various tricky tasks on the acupressure mat.

The time limit is 90 seconds.

"Director, you have tried the time you set before, right?" Gu Zhongyu looked at the director team with ill intentions.

Before the director team answered, he was shocked. He saw Bai Lu couldn't wait to take off her shoes and get on the acupressure mat, and immediately screamed loudly.

Not only him, Dou Xiao and other members of the group also stepped on the acupressure mat out of curiosity, and screams were heard for a while.

"Haha! I let you do it, you know it hurts now!" Deng Chao watched his friends die happily and laughed triumphantly.

Gu Zhongyu instantly walked behind Deng Chao and pushed him down, "NO!"

Accompanied by Deng Chao's screams, the captain fell hard on the acupressure mat.

The camera quickly captured the twisted faces, which were really funny.

"Come on, let's start first!"

Deng Chao climbed up from the acupressure mat and finally remembered that there was still a task. He took the lead and started first.

Unfortunately, his strength and ambition were too mismatched. Just a few hurdles wasted almost 90 seconds, and Ma Su was so angry that she kicked him a few more times.

Deng Chao climbed up and complained: "Director, she kicked me!"

Unfortunately, at this time, no one cared about him at all.

Ma Su was seen crawling forward at first, but later found it was too slow, so she leaned back and moved forward.

Wearing the red T-shirt provided by the program team, her back was directly in contact with the acupressure board, it hurts just to think about it!

Gu Zhongyu was also stunned. This elder sister is really gifted and not afraid of pain at all. No wonder she was able to stand it even after Gu Zhongyu slapped her dozens of times and pinched her neck last night!

He looked back at Bai Lu, and sure enough, the little assistant's eyes changed. She knew she had to work hard!

Ma Su's performance shocked many people, including the director, who was quite satisfied.

After all, Running Man is not a reality show with comedy as the ultimate goal. Elements such as passion are also very important!

Although Ma Meiliang worked hard, Deng Chao was the first to hit the target, which means that their team has failed!

Yu Bo, who was originally calm and unfazed, was also inspired by Ma Meimei's actions. He became high-spirited and took over the baton with enthusiasm and momentum. He didn't care whether the ground was an acupressure board or not, as if he was walking on flat ground!

Ma Su shouted excitedly.

Finally, Yu Bo arrived near the finish line, and an aunt who weighed at least two hundred kilograms opened her arms to Yu Bo.

The aunt took off her coat domineeringly, revealing the T-shirt inside, with four big words written on it: "Carry me over!"

Yu Bo, who had looked ferocious just now, suddenly felt his legs go weak and fell directly to the ground.

With a look of despair on his face, he would rather go back to the army and face the devilish instructor!

Seeing this scene, most of the onlookers were laughing like crazy. There were only two guys who couldn't laugh, and that was Chen He and Wang Baoxiang.

These two are the last players in their respective teams!

Yu Bo still carried his aunt on his back and walked smoothly to the finish line, ate the biscuits hanging on the horizontal bar, and hit the gong with his forehead.

"Brother Bo is crazy. He doesn't even hold a mallet!"

It is estimated that in the Deng Dynasty's dictionary, there is really no such word as shame!

The failure of this team was almost entirely due to his initial actions.

"The red team took..."

"Director, there's no need to announce the time, we don't really want to hear it!"

I can tell with my toes that it must have been more than ninety seconds!

"The red team took one hundred and ninety-seven seconds!"

"Hey! What a pity!"

Ma Su sighed.

"Ma Su, you just took almost twenty-eight seconds!"

The director looked at Ma Su meaningfully.

"So you have to work harder. It's all your fault. If you could finish it within ten seconds, your team might win!"

Gu Zhongyu also patted Ma Meiliang's shoulder, and then accused, "That's right, you have to bear the main responsibility for the reason why our team failed to finish, Ma Meiliang!"

If there weren't cameras around now, Ma Su would have wanted to slap Gu Zhongyu in the face!

Was it that bastard who used me as a beast last night?

She still has some bruises on her thighs, all of which were pinched by Gu Zhongyu!

She had no choice but to wear long pants to cover up today, which affected her actions just now.

Seeing Ma Su's sullen look, Gu Zhongyu, the perpetrator, seemed to have reacted and left quickly.


I have to say, the acupressure board tastes really sour and refreshing!

Gu Zhongyu was assigned to the green team. I don't know if it was because he liked to add green to other people's hats. In short, their team did not complete the acupressure board relay this time and automatically fell to third place.

In the entire acupressure board session, the best performers were Yu Bo and Bai Lu. Chen He and Wang Baoxiang also performed well. Only Zheng Kai performed poorly and was a bit unable to let go.

As several games warmed up, several regular guests became more familiar and dared to take the initiative to make jokes.

To be honest, after running for half an hour, Gu Zhongyu was so tired that he almost vomited blood. He didn't have a good rest last night, so he started high-intensity exercise early this morning!

All thanks to Ma Su!

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