Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 378 Small Actions in the Car


After all, we have to say hello when we meet.

We are a great country, so we still have to follow the proper etiquette.

"Hello, hello, I know you, President Gu."

Kim Jong Kook also saw Gu Zhongyu and took the initiative to extend his hand.

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu really wanted to turn around and run away, but he had already extended his hand. If he ran away at this time, it would be too embarrassing.


He hurried to greet him.

After tearing up five people in a row, Kim Jong Kook was a little hot, mainly because the weather was indeed a bit hot today.

"I have seen the movie "The Invisible Guest" starring you, which is a great movie!"

"You should speak English, your Chinese really worries me!"

Before coming, Kim Jong Kook had already inquired about several guests of the Chinese Running Man. When he saw Gu Zhongyu's name, he was quite surprised. After all, in the cold country, it is unlikely that the president of a large company like Gu Zhongyu will personally participate in such a variety show.

"He is the investor of this variety show..." The agent next to him told Kim Jong Kook.

"Excuse me, has Master Liu come?"

"No, Jae-seok is too busy."

"Go back and tell him, I like his show very much!"

"Thank you..."

The two chatted in English for a long time, and Kim Jong-kook was too embarrassed to take action. The Koreans are still quite snobbish, and he was worried that he would accidentally hurt Gu Zhongyu.

"I'll go find the password first. Let me tell you where my teammates are, and you go and tear them apart. Two are on the second floor, and one is on the fourth floor."

Gu Zhongyu naturally told the whereabouts of several teammates, then nodded to Kim Jong-kook and turned away.

Kim Jong-kook was almost confused. Is this a betrayal?

The director team following Gu Zhongyu was very excited. This guy not only played the role of a betrayer, but also acted so naturally. This is the ratings point!

The key is that Gu Zhongyu didn't know the location of his teammates at all, but he could still make it sound like it was true!

"Oh my god, that arm is too thick, almost catching up with my thigh!"

Gu Zhongyu walked around the corner naturally, and then ran hard, explaining to the camera while running: "I am definitely not as good as a master like Kim Jong-kook. It is better to maintain the vitality. The great man said it very well, 'When the enemy advances, I retreat; when the enemy retreats, I chase; when the enemy stays, I harass; when the enemy is tired, I attack'. This is the policy that a wise man should adhere to!"

You win, you even talked about 'guerrilla warfare'!

Gu Zhongyu didn't even think about looking for a treasure chest or teammates. He just wanted to find a place to have a good rest.

As a result, he had just sat down for a while, and "Ma Su, out..." came out again.

This Kim Jong-kook is too hard!

"Boss, boss!"

As he was walking forward, a head appeared at the entrance of the stairs, which scared Gu Zhongyu.

"What's wrong?" It was Xiao Bailu. She kept calling Gu Zhongyu boss in the show. The director team thought it was quite interesting, so they kept this title.

"I found the clue. Just tear off the name tag on the bell man to get all the passwords!"

"Then what? Oh! Oh, I remember. Kim Jong Kook doesn't seem to tear off the female guest's name tag. You go ahead and I'll cover you!"

Gu Zhongyu suddenly had a brainwave and pulled Bai Lu over. "If it doesn't work, just say you are Yi Eun Hye!"

Bai Lu never expected that she would be used as a shield by the boss!

"But Sister Ma Su was eliminated!"

"That's because Ma Su's appearance may not be in line with the aesthetics of the Koreans. You are different. You are a soft girl. It's hard for a straight man like Kim Jong Kook to kill you!"

Almost saying the word "Korean", Gu Zhongyu had to beg the camera in a low voice, "Take off that sentence just now, otherwise it may affect the friendly relations between the two countries!"

"Then I'll try!"

Bai Lu didn't want to be just a vase, and the character set given to her by the program group was ACE plus a female man. If she could win in the first episode, it would not only be a good thing for the program, but her own popularity would also increase a lot.

"Come on! Fighting!"

Bai Lu gathered up her courage and walked towards the place where the bell rang, "Boss, can you help me check... Hey, where are the people?"

Turning her head, she saw that our Gu Daguanren, who was supposed to accompany her, had disappeared.

Didn't you say you would cover for me?

Bai Lu almost cried as she watched Kim Jong Kook approaching her!

The spirit of "a friend dies before a poor Taoist dies" was fully demonstrated by her boss!

"Actually, I'm not the kind of person without moral integrity. I did this for the sake of the show's viewing experience. Please don't blame me. Well, I'll find a place to hide first, and when Brother Chao and Brother Bo are torn apart, I'll come out to save the situation!"

It was a good idea, but unfortunately, he was not the director of Running Man. When the horn sounded again, Kim Jong Kook was eliminated!

"Oh my god! Who is this? Why is he so unromantic?"

Gu Zhongyu came out of his hiding place and saw the ragged Yu Bo, Kim Jong Kook, and Deng Chao.

It was obvious that the three of them had a tumble before!

"Thank you Kim Jong Kook for attending the Chinese version of Running Man!"

"The winner of this game is the red team!"

"Run, brothers!"

Hit the board and call it a day!


After a day of recording, several people were exhausted.

Even Yu Bo, who successfully took off Kim Jong Kook's name tag, felt a little drowsy.

"Teacher Gu, you are too much. You actually left Bai Lu alone!"

Deng Chao was very energetic. In the car, he actually criticized Gu Zhongyu for his performance during the recording.

"No, if I were with Lulu, it would be a bit too bullying, so I left. After all, we are a great country and we should behave like a great country. Two to one, even if we win, it's not glorious! Right, Bai Mengyan?"

Bai Lu was so tired that she fell asleep at this time and ignored Gu Zhongyu at all.

"So embarrassing, let's sleep for a while!"

The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and Gu Zhongyu, who felt a little cold, took a coat and put it on.

At this time, seeing Gu Zhongyu sitting alone in the corner of the last row, Ma Su thought this was a good opportunity to connect with him, so she sat next to him.

She had been scolded by Gu Zhongyu all last night. After finally finishing, Gu Zhongyu asked her to put on her clothes and go back to her room. The two of them had no time to talk.

"Teacher Gu, are you sleepy?"


Gu Zhongyu didn't have the heart to care about her at the moment. Anyway, he had already tasted it once and had eaten it all up. The novelty was gone. Don't expect him to treat Ma Su like other women.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu's perfunctory attitude, Ma Su was actually a little angry in her heart. If it weren't for the huge gap in status between the two sides, she would have wanted to turn her face away!

She also knew that her reputation in the circle was not very good, but this was not a reason for you to be so cold to me, right?

Weren't you very energetic when you hit me last night?

"There is no suitable position for you in Zongheng, but you performed well this time in Running Man. If you have time, you can go on more variety shows to increase your exposure and try to save some passers-by's reputation. When the time is right, if you are short of acting or want to find an endorsement, I can introduce you..."

Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu's next words still comforted Ma Su and made her feel relieved. Last night's efforts were not in vain.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu's words were very empty, which was equivalent to not promising her anything.

However, for Ma Su at this time, Gu Zhongyu's statement was enough. She didn't think that Gu Zhongyu would sign or support her. He had seen her before, and there were beautiful women around him, so why would he care about her little tricks.

Little tricks...

Maybe I can do something else to please this man?

Ma Su whispered in Gu Zhongyu's ear, "Mr. Gu, if you want to find someone to play with in the future, you can contact me."


" can't be just me?"


Gu Zhongyu was not sleepy when he talked about this!

It seems that this woman really has some talent for being that thing.

Gu Zhongyu's sleepiness subsided, and he looked around the bus. At this time, everyone was sleeping all over the place, and the lights and cameras in the bus were turned off, so no one would see what he did.

So he whispered a few words in Ma Su's ear. After listening, the latter looked at him embarrassedly, then gritted his teeth, took off Gu Zhongyu's coat, covered his head with it, and lay down quietly!

Gu Zhongyu didn't dare to sleep this time. He opened his eyes wide, alerted any movement in the car, and was ready to call a halt!


After all, it was planned to take over "The Voice of China", and Blueberry TV had already started the promotion, so the topic of Running Man was still there.

"We plan to arrange Deng Chao to appear on the Champion Night of the Voice of China, and let him sing the theme song of Running Man, "Superhero" on the spot."

The next day at the Blueberry TV headquarters, Yu Hangying took the initiative to propose a promotion strategy.

After all, "The Voice of China" is now popular, especially the third season, and the ratings have always been very high. Although there is a suspicion of high opening and low closing, the ratings of the finals night have always been the peak ratings of "The Voice of China".

"No need, the attention of "Running Man" is there. As long as Running Man starts, there will definitely be enough attention. As long as we stick to it and shoot and broadcast according to the original plan, I am sure that the influence will definitely exceed "The Voice of China"!

At the beginning, Deng Chao sang "Superhero" on the stage of "The Voice of China Peak Night", which was very embarrassing!

After all, few people have heard the song "Superhero", and Deng Chao is not a professional singer, and several mentors did not cooperate with the performance.

Deng Chao almost couldn't leave the stage.

Fortunately, Hua Shao helped to find a way out.

"But, the station is still a little worried..."

As the chief producer of the Chinese version of Running Man, Yu Hangying has great power, but no matter how powerful she is, she has to listen to the opinions of the TV station.

Blueberry TV attaches great importance to this variety show, otherwise, they would not have reserved almost eight minutes for Deng Chao to introduce Running Man in "The Voice of China Peak Night"!

That was the peak night, and one minute of advertising was worth 30 million!

Eight minutes!

Almost 200 million!

"Don't worry, our naming fee has been sold, and Lingdu generously gave 180 million for the naming fee!"

The reason why Blueberry TV put all its efforts into creating "Running Man" was not only because it was unhappy with Canxing, but Canxing used "The Voice of China" to threaten Zhejiang Satellite TV from time to time, and they needed their own iconic variety show!

Most importantly, variety shows are really profitable!

Exclusive title sponsorship bid 180 million yuan, two joint special broadcast bid 90 million yuan, deep implantation (two companies) 80 million yuan, natural implantation (three companies) 60 million yuan, three hard ads in August, preset bid price 250,000 yuan/15 seconds, interactive cooperation 48 million yuan (sold).

Roughly calculated, according to the publication price, "Running Man" will bring more than 600 million yuan in advertising revenue to Blueberry TV.

Even if the production cost is as high as 6 million per episode, so what?

We have money!

By the way, according to the previously signed agreement, Banana Entertainment owned by Gu Zhongyu and Wang Sicong can get about 20% of the advertising revenue, which is almost 100 million yuan in revenue!

"Otherwise, I will ask the Korean side to do more and let them arrange one person to come in every episode?"

Yu Hangying suddenly thought of an idea.

"Don't do it!"

Gu Zhongyu hurriedly stopped him, "Recently, the artists in Han Country have been a little too arrogant, openly promoting the mainland as their cash machine in the program! I don't think the higher-ups will let them go easily!"

"You mean, restrict them?"

"Well, just like restricting Neon Animation back then!"

"It's not that simple!"

Yu Hangying smiled. After all, those large entertainment companies in Han Country contain a lot of Chinese assets. Without the right opportunity, is it possible to govern them?

Capital has never had a conscience!

You want to touch the interests of capitalists, you think too much!

They don't even need to come out in person, just release one or two gossips, and there will be a bunch of stupid fans helping to shout.

"Haha, anyway, I don't want our Running Man to become the base camp of Korean stars!"

Gu Zhongyu couldn't tell her the real reason. Who could have expected that Hanguo would suddenly have a brain twitch and introduce SD missiles into the country!

"Okay, I know, I will try my best to restrain myself!"

Yu Hangying certainly understood what Gu Zhongyu meant.

She also hated the behavior of a certain domestic TV station licking the Koreans.

This is also the most important reason why Gu Zhongyu can chat with her very speculatively. Both of them are a bit angry!

"We can shoot more folk stories and go to more tourist attractions. On the one hand, the security pressure is much smaller, and on the other hand, we can also promote the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. If the ratings go up, those tourist attractions may not charge us money, and may even give us money!"

Gu Zhongyu brought out some of the better reforms of the Running Man in advance. Many of these are not available in the Korean version of the Running Man, and they are also the work that only the Chinese variety show can do.

After all, the total area of ​​Han Country is only 100,000 square kilometers, and there are only a few natural attractions. Even the Gyeongbokgung Palace, which is known as the "Forbidden City" of Han Country, is just a place slightly more advanced than the landlord's compound in the mainland, which is too stingy.

There are so many scenic spots in China. If we shoot one episode in one place, even if all the members of the Running Man team die, we can't shoot them all!

"Yes! Anyway, we have to go to various places to promote it, and record the program and promote it at the same time!"

Lu Hao's eyes lit up, and he agreed with Gu Zhongyu's proposal.

"We can also set up a charity fund exclusively for the Running Man, and use the influence of the program to do charity..."

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