"By the way, Producer Yu, my movie is about to start shooting, and four to five hundred people are waiting for me. So, let me find someone to take my place!"

After talking about the running man's plan, Gu Zhongyu discussed with Yu Hangying about withdrawing.

Director Yu Hangying and Director Lu had long been mentally prepared. They also knew that it was a bit too much to have Gu Zhongyu appear in a variety show on a regular basis.

"Reba, come in!"

"Hello teachers and directors!"

Reba, who had been waiting outside for a long time, opened the door of the conference room wearing sportswear, timidly greeted a few people, and bowed his head shyly when he saw Gu Zhongyu.

Yu Hangying looked at Reba up and down. She has an exotic appearance and a good figure. She may be suitable for filming, but for a variety show... can she do it?

"Teacher Gu, this Miss Reba doesn't seem to be a contracted artist of Zongheng or Banana Entertainment, right?"

"She is an artist from Jiaxing. You should all know that I have a good relationship with Teacher Yang Mi. She recommended Reba to me. I also think she is very suitable for Running Man..."

Well, I guess my relationship with Yang Mi is good enough to sleep on the same boat, right?

Regarding Gu Zhongyu's chaotic relationship between men and women, Yu Hangying complained in her heart, and then thought of a question, "Okay, but what should we do about the character problem of Teacher Reba? There is already a female guest in our group who has been exposed."

"Don't have a fixed character. Most of the time, just play freely. Bai Lu is funny and funny, and Reba is cute and adorable. They don't conflict."

Later, there were two resident female guests of Running Man. Yang Tianbao and Bai Lu could match each other, so Reba was naturally not a problem.

After agreeing with the production team that he would leave the running team at the end of this recording session, Gu Zhongyu led Miss Reba out of the conference room and walked towards the hotel where the running team was staying.

"Director Lu, can you re-edit the content recorded in the last episode?"

After Gu Zhongyu left, Yu Hangying discussed the follow-up development with Lu Hao.

Fortunately, Blueberry Channel knew in advance that Gu Zhongyu was unlikely to be a regular star, so they simply did not use Gu Zhongyu's name when promoting it, but gave it a code name of x.

According to Yu Hangying's idea, just let Gu Zhongyu re-record an appearance, and try to blur Gu Zhongyu's role during post-editing, just treat him as an ordinary guest.

"No, I watched the post-editing. Gu Zhongyu's scenes have the largest number of shots, so I can't re-edit them!" Lu Hao also had a headache.

"How about we just hold an interview session at the end of the second recording and let Gu Zhongyu himself explain the whole story to the audience!"

Yu Hangying thought for a long time and finally came up with a fairly feasible proposal.

"Okay, let's say hello to Gu Zhongyu first so that he can be mentally prepared."


In the evening, a group of people had a regular dinner together. Gu Zhongyu stood up and said apologetically: "I guess you have got the news. After this recording is over, I have to leave Running Man. I'm really sorry for you, I can't run with you anymore!"

"We all know that if you are busy, you will not be able to stay here long!"

Although Deng Chao spoke righteously, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

He is still a director himself, so why can he find time? After all, Gu Zhongyu still doesn't like to do variety shows for a long time.

"...Brother Chao, I am currently filming Operation Mekong, a film specially approved by GA. I can't let the crew of hundreds of people just wait for me, right?"

I saw that several of my friends were feeling a little depressed, especially Yu Bo. This guy was completely deceived by Gu Zhongyu.

"Boss! Why did you leave me and run away!"

Bai Lu also hugged Gu Zhongyu's arm and acted coquettishly in public.

"Don't worry, the prospects of this show are very good, and the rewards it will bring to you will exceed your imagination! By the way, I recommended someone to the program team. This is an artist from Jiaxing - Teacher Reba."

Reba quickly stood up and nodded to everyone present.

Another little transparent person in the entertainment industry?

Everyone had different expressions. Two people related to Gu Zhongyu had been added to Running Man. It seemed that he was really optimistic about this show.

But both of them are girls... Isn't Mr. Gu a bit too romantic?

Reba's personality is quite likable, and she was very enthusiastic about chatting with everyone after sitting at the table.

Regardless of whether they look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, everyone still gives Gu Zhongyu and Yang Mi face, and they all guarantee that they will protect her and Bai Lu in the future. However, it seems that it will take some time to truly form a team. time.

In the second recording of Running Man, Gu Zhongyu continued to appear as a guest, while Reba made his debut as a new regular guest.

The next day, when it was almost dawn, the brothers got up.

Gu Zhongyu was in good spirits this time. He learned from the lessons learned last time and gave up for a rare occasion.

Of course... the main reason is that Reba is so good and saves fuel when driving, and Gu Zhongyu just slept for a while.

In addition to Gu Zhongyu, there are four female guests this time: Nazha, Tang Yixin, Xie Yilin, and Zhang Lanxin.

What a coincidence, except for Jolin Xie, all three girls had relationships with Gu Zhongyu.

Nazha met Reba for the first time. Although they were both girls from Xijiang, they seemed to be aware of each other's "goodwill". The two of them pretended to say hello and stopped talking. It's true that beauties hate each other, even if they are fellow villagers. No exception.

Naza, who hadn't seen Gu Zhongyu for a long time, was still as clingy as before, making Deng Chao couldn't help but complain, "Why don't you two form a team?"

Zhang Lanxin was like a silly girl, and greeted everyone enthusiastically. She just smiled slightly when she saw Gu Zhongyu, and then stood honestly next to her partner Chen He.

Now with Reba and Bailu, there are exactly six men and six women, forming six teams of CP. Gu Zhongyu and Tang Yixin were assigned to one group, Naza and Deng Chao, Reba and Yu Bo...

After breakfast, everyone started driving to today's shooting location - Wuzhen!

This small town in Tongxiang is built around water, and the scenery is beautiful. It is a great place to travel and relax.

However, at this moment, Gu Zhongyu was not in the mood to appreciate this beautiful scenery. Smelling the faint fragrance coming from the beauty next to him, he couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

It's over. It seems that I didn't sleep enough last night, so I want to eat meat now!

"I've never been here before. I'll have to get Dayunzi to accompany me here when I'm free!"

At this time, Tang Yixin, who was looking at the scenery outside the window, suddenly turned around and said, and then... met Gu Zhongyu's eyes.

The four eyes met, a little ambiguous and awkward, Tang Yixin blushed unconsciously, her boyfriend was still filming, but she was reunited with this enemy!

Gu Zhongyu quickly broke away from eye contact and looked elsewhere. He was recording a program at the moment. If there was any spark between the two of them and was photographed, it would be troublesome!

She is now in a complicated mood. On the one hand, she admires Gu Zhongyu's appearance, talent and status, but she also knows that such a man can't really be with her. Only the relatively honest Zhang Ruoyun is her ultimate happiness. She should abide by her duties and be a good girlfriend.

But in the end, she couldn't resist the temptation and betrayed Dayunzi...

Tang Yixin now only hopes that the two of them can maintain the status quo and not be discovered. Of course...if she can still use Gu Zhongyu's relationship to find a future for her boyfriend, it would be even better!

This way, I can be considered as being worthy of my boyfriend.

The spark of their eyes for a few seconds was hardly noticed by anyone, except... Nazha, who had been paying attention to Gu Zhongyu!


Fortunately, the Running Man program team took their last bit of integrity and did not let the acupressure board become the opening ceremony of each episode of Running Man.

Today's theme is "Finding Love Water," and the first game is to find passers-by to roll dice, a very boring game, and the winner is the combination of Zheng Kai and Bai Lu.

But when it comes to the love-seeking part in the flower field, it is a bit exciting. You need to find your other half in the fifty large vats behind you, and then carry the person back.

Of course, carrying them back is not the end. In order to reflect the theme of lovers, they have to eat a cookie together after carrying them back. The remaining cookies are less than 20 centimeters. You can pass.

"Uh..." When this point is mentioned, everyone present is a little embarrassed. Everyone can already imagine the scene of looking at each other.

Gu Zhongyu subconsciously glanced at Tang Yixin again, and she happened to look at him. The two of them obviously thought of the same thing, and turned their heads like thieves, looking forward, motionless.

When the game started, after being splashed with water by countless aunties, Gu Zhongyu finally found Tang Yixin hiding in the big vat.

"Why are you so slow? You knew my location, but you still let me squat in it for so long?"

Listening to Tang Yixin's complaints, Gu Zhongyu had nothing to say, he was just doing it for the show effect!

And seeing that Gu Zhongyu, who was always eloquent, was speechless in front of him, Tang Yixin raised her head proudly as if she had won a great victory.

Dare to confront me?

I'll show you later!

The rest of the show was very rushed, with many game links, such as the battle for the mud pit and the defense of the swimming pool. Gu Zhongyu forgot how he got here, until the name tag tearing in the evening, he finally came to his senses.

This time the name tag tearing was in the ancient buildings of Wuzhen at night.

After the name tag tearing started, he played hide-and-seek with others for more than an hour. When he felt that the camera was almost enough, Gu Zhongyu took Tang Yixin to avoid the camera's pursuit, walked through the house and alley, and finally got rid of the VJ who was following them and came to a room that had not been activated.

There were no cameras here.

"Zhongyu, why are we hiding here?"

Tang Yixin asked in confusion, and then saw Gu Zhongyu hurriedly turned off the microphones on the two of them.

"Time is running out! Hurry~"

As he said that, Gu Zhongyu took her hand and came behind the screen in the room.


She never expected that Gu Zhongyu would want to do it once during the recording of the show!

This is too bold!

"Don't~ I beg you, if we are discovered, we are finished... After the recording of the show, I will let you do whatever you want, okay?"

Tang Yixin begged for mercy, but this still couldn't stop Gu Zhongyu's actions, and he finally succeeded!

"Don't worry, I'll be quick this time!"

In fact, he couldn't help being quick. The VJ would definitely find them in six or seven minutes at most, and the crew would send more people to follow them if they found that they couldn't take pictures of the two.

So at this time, it was all about the speed of loading the gun and firing!

Tang Yixin was terrified. The damn Gu Zhongyu was actually here...If someone really saw him, Gu Zhongyu would at most quit the circle, but he could still continue to be the boss, but she would really be ruined!

She had to cover her mouth and dared not make a sound...

Luckily, for the first time since he was a child, Gu Zhongyu was a super quick shooter. From entering the room to the last two people packing up their clothes and walking out again, it really didn’t take more than six minutes!

“Teacher Gu? Are you there? VJ lost you, and the microphone doesn’t work. What’s going on?”

“I just fell down, and the microphone seems to have some problems. We are at the door of the alley at the end. Please ask someone to come over!”

VJ and a staff member rushed over with a camera, and kept apologizing to the two people, saying that it was their negligence that caused Teacher Gu to fall!

“It’s okay, but my waist hurts a little. I’m afraid I can’t win the name tag tearing tonight... Let’s walk first!”

The staff came up and replaced the microphones for them, but he was very surprised. It’s okay that Gu Zhongyu’s microphone was broken, but why couldn’t Tang Yixin’s microphone be used?

I don’t understand!

With Tang Yixin, whose face was a little rosy, Gu Zhongyu returned to the main battlefield of name tag tearing. He walked slowly for a while, and then came to see that in the yard, Deng Chao and Wang Baoxiang were fighting with Yu Bo together, and they were almost rolling on the ground!

It turned out that Chen He, Zheng Kai and others had been eliminated in the previous melee, and the only girls left were Nazha and Tang Yixin.

So far, the only group that has not torn people and been torn is Gu Zhongyu's group.

I didn't expect that the situation would change so much in less than ten minutes of "outdoor sports".

What does this mean? Only by slacking off can you win the final victory!

After all, name tag tearing is not a martial arts competition, and it's meaningless to let Yu Bo win every time. This time, under the pre-indication of the crew, Yu Bo's name tag was finally torn off by Wang Baoxiang.


Just after Yu Bo was torn off, the two who had no time to be happy were suddenly attacked by Gu Zhongyu from behind and pressed to the ground!

No martial ethics!

"I didn't want to win, but seeing you two expose your backs to me, my DNA moved. Sorry!"

Gu Zhongyu, holding two name tags, was very proud. He was in high spirits. He was happy both physically and mentally.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel happy for long. Suddenly... a yellow figure rushed out from behind the two of them and tore off the defenseless Gu Zhongyu with lightning speed!


It turned out to be classmate Nazha!

The mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole is behind. I don't know when Nazha came behind them and tore off him while he was giving a victory speech in front of the camera.

This shouldn't be the case. How could my little Nazha go against Teacher Gu?

Nazha took Gu Zhongyu's name tag and took a look at it. Her expression was a little serious. Then she attacked Tang Yixin, the last survivor!

Gu Zhongyu, who was eliminated, had to sit aside with Deng Chao and others, watching the war between the last two women.

The relationship between these two women is actually pretty good. After all, they have worked together in two dramas. They are not sisters but friends. Last time, they even went to Dali hand in hand.

But at this moment, everyone looked at Nazha's angry face, as if Tang Yixin owed her five million yuan and stole her boyfriend!

Could it be...

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